The Beginning of School
"Kitty," wait no..... not again NO!
"Kitty, why are running? Come back please! I can't handle him on my own, please don't go!" I see the werewolf women's silhouette again only it's in a...... DOORWAY?
"Sissy please come back don't leave me, I can't be here without you. SISSY PLEASE COME BACK TO US, COME BACK TO ME PLEASSSE!" Wait is that a little boy? He looks older than me. Why is he on his knees crying? I felt like I knew him somehow, dark brownish hair and red eyes. But he's a werewolf, I hardly know any werewolves.
I attempt to look underneath me to see how close to the ground I am but sadly it is to dark to tell. I see a little werewolf girls silhouette and tears flying behind her so I ask, "Are you ok?" but no response.
"LUCY, LUCY IT'S TIME TO GET UP MOM IS TAKING US TO SCHOOL EARLY, SO GET UP!" I hit the ground and shot awake gasping, again. I see that the one talking was Garroth, I jump up and tackle him when I realize that he was looking for my journal. Ok I confess, I have one that is a fake and one that is real but they'll never find my real one.
"What did I tell you about looking for my journal? Next time I catch you looking for it I'll kill you." I say getting up and helping him off my bedroom floor. He looks at me pouting and giving me his puppy eyes, they always worked on our mom so he thinks that they'll work on me some day. Pfft yea right.
"I'm sorry baby sister but I wanted to know if you like someone? I was just curious." he giggles his heart stealing giggle that girls melt over and runs out the... " GARROTH WHAT THE BALONEY MAN!" So it turns out that Garroth broke my door down again.
I go to my bathroom with my uniform and get changed into it. Then I brushed my hair and teeth, I rush downstairs and to tell my mom but when I get there Zane was already complaining in his tone that he only uses around and to our mom.
"HE BROKE MY DOOR DOWN AND STOLE MY MASK!" Zane whisper shouts what Garroth did to him this morning.
Vylad snickers then says, "He broke your door down and stole your mask but he just opened my door and told me good morning." After he says that he turns to me while opening his pop tart and asked "What did he do to you Lucy?"
"He broke my door down and tried to look and read my journal, same old, same old." I say walking to the fridge to get my breakfast smoothie. Vylad took a bite of his pop tart and I gagged. "Eww Vylad how in the name of Irene, can you eat things like that?" I grabbed my breakfast smoothie, phone, and book bag.
"Because they taste amazing, how can you not eat these things?" he asks with a disgusted look on his face.
"Because it's health and delicious," I state walking to the door. "Bye mom see you later."
"SEE YOU LATER LULU, HAVE FUN AT SCHOOL." my mom yelled across the house.
I was walking up to the school entrance, waiting for something big to happen. "Little Lucy?" I heard a familiar voice and turned in shock, but by doing so I was knocked over. "Well look who we have here it's my best friends girlfriend." I look up and I was correct it was none other than......
"Laurence Zvhal it is so umm I guess it's nice to see you again, now can I stand up so everyone will stop staring at us. Plus I told you we are not dating." I frown once I say that because for about 8 or 9 years now. I'm fifteen now and sadly since I'm like 1 year younger than Garroth and Laurence, but older than Zane and Vylad I'm in the same grade as them. I skipped 9th grade, which means I'm a sophomore. I'm like two months older than Zane some how, but Garroth and dad have blonde hair blue eyes. Zane and mom have black hair but Vylad and mom have green eyes, Zane has blue eyes like Garroth and dad.
"Heh yea, sorry about that Lulu. Here you also dropped this when you suddenly decided to become a ballerina." Laurence smirked and handed me my phone.
"OH MY IRENE thank you, how is it not cracked? Oh by the way Laurence this might be my first year and I might be younger than you and Garroth, but I'm also a sophomore so DON'T call me Little Lucy." I assure him the small fact that we are equal in a way but then he chuckles.
"You sure talk big talk for a little one don't you, oh and be careful around Garroth around school. There is this girl named Ivy, and she is OBSESSED with Garroth. She has darker pink hair and darker blue eyes than you. Just thought you should know." he starts to walk away after his warning. But I get mad and grab his hand, spinning him around to face me again.
"Are you warning me because you think I can't handle myself, because if you are than go ahead and try me. You have no idea what I am capable of." I was so frustrated that I didn't realize he was so close to me, smiling and... wait is he... BLUSHING! Suddenly we were pushed apart by none other than my big brother Garroth, oh no.
"Get away from her, Lu did he hurt you? If he did I'll kill him," Garroth glares at him waiting for my response. I grab his hand and pull him away from Laurence, who was shocked that Garroth did that.
" What was that about? Was he trying to kiss you? Were you trying to kiss him? I'm gonna kill him." Garroth was over reacting soooo I decided, well heh to slap him. Not to hard but hard enough to shut him up so I could explain.
I explained to Garroth what happened but I didn't tell him about Ivy because I don't want him to worry to much. "So yea deal with it, plus I can do what I want. Oh, leave Laurence alone about this and apologize you two have been friends forever don't ruin it over me I can take care of myself." I turn and walk away as the bell rings. Well I guess that means first period.
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