{Victory, But With A Cost - SL, HC 🥀}
Authors Note: I forgot to include this on the information page, but HC stands for Hermitcraft. Sorry if you got confused! Now, onto the story! (Edit: Just wrote this down on the information page)
(Also, maybe a little bit of Scarian :) )
It was the final battle.
As Scar and Pearl fought, all the other members were watching, placing bets to see who would win.
Pear was starting to get really low on hearts, and had started to run from Scar. Scar aimed his arrow, and shot. The arrow hit Pearl, and she fell into a cave through the Earth, and lightning sounded, hitting the spot where she fell.
Scar looked around, still ready to attack at any moment, not knowing that Pearl had died.
"Pearl? Where are you? Come out here?" he called. When there was no answer, Scar jumped into the cave that Pearl had fallen into. He continued to search for her, calling out her name, until his communicator buzzed twice. Pulling it out, Scar took a look at the message.
<Grian> She's dead Scar.
<Grian> You won.
Scar couldn't believe it. He had won? He won Secret Life? He began to laugh in disbelief, a zombie attacking him as he laughed.
"Oh my god... How did that happen?? How did the guy with no friends win?" he was in shock, until he realized that a zombie was attacking him. Quickly killing it, he climbed out of the cave, and started to head to the Secret Keeper.
Approaching the Secret Keeper, Scar exhaled out a breath that he did not know that he was holding in, and went over to press the "Succeed" button. The air was still and quiet for a few seconds, and then the wind came, blowing around the Secret Keeper, and awarding Scar with 5 hearts. However, just as he was about to leave, Scar got another task. Confused, he opened the book, wondering what was inside it.
Win Secret Life.
"W- What? Wasn't that what I just did?" he thought aloud. Turning around, he pressed the "Re-roll" button, and he got the same task again. He continued to do this, until he decided that it would be no use. He decided to log out, knowing that he had won, so he would be able to get out, right?
He couldn't log off.
He tried, again, and again, and again, until tears were starting to prick as his eyes.
"I can't get out... Why can't I leave!?" he cried, curling himself into a small ball, hugging his knees into his chest, and cried.
After a few minutes of crying, he felt a presence behind him. Turning around, he looked to see who it was.
It was a Watcher.
Scar slowly back away, knowing what Watchers could do. "Hey... What are you doing here..?" he asked, fear in his eyes. The Watcher didn't respond, instead they held out their hand, and everything went black.
Scar slowly awoke, trying to sit up, confused about his whereabouts. He seemed to be.... in the void? Wait, he was in the void!? Scar started to panic. Why was he in the void? Was he going to be trapped there forever? The tears came before Scar could notice, and soon, he was curled up into a ball again, tears streaming down his face, unaware of the void burns starting to crawl up his skin. He was alone, no one could save him. He would be trapped in the void for eternity.
"Hey Grian? Have you seen or found Scar yet? He's supposed to be back from Secret Life by now, and I'm starting to get worried.." Xisuma, the admin of Hermitcraft, walked into the avian's room. Grian was looking at a panel, trying to find Scar's location. It had been almost 3 long weeks since the end of Secret Life, and there was still no trace of Scar. Grian was silent for a moment, before something came onto the panel.
"X! I found him! I found Scar!" Grian started to jump up and down in joy, until he saw where exactly Scar was.
"Wait... He's trapped in the void!? Oh no no no.... I can't get him out.." Grian was terrified. Xisuma was shocked, before he thought of someway to get Scar out.
"Wait... Grian, how about we both use our powers, my admin abilities, and your watcher abilities, to try and get him out?" Xisuma offered. Grian stared and thought for a moment, before answering.
"Yes. We need to get him out of there. No matter what."
Xisuma and Grian stood at opposite sides of the summoning circle. The circle glowed, and X was waiting for the signal from Grian. Once Grian gave Xisuma the signal, they both activated their powers, and the circle glowed a bright purple.
\Scar's P.O.V/
Its been what, 3 weeks since I've been trapped in the void. Void burns had made their way all over my body, and I was starting to feel faint. I felt like I could die soon. Just as I started to lose conscious, a bright purple flash clouded my vision.
3rd Person P.O.V
Grian and Xisuma were overjoyed. After combining both of their magic, they now had Scar sitting in the middle of the summoning circle. Only Grian noticed the dark purple/black burns all over Scar's body, and quickly started to panic, rushing to Scar's side, and checking on him. He exhaled a small sigh of relief when he noticed that Scar was still breathing, but panic quickly took over as he saw how bad the burns were. Xisuma seemed to notice them as well, as he rushed out the room to get medical supplies. Grian then turned his attention back onto Scar.
"Scar? Can you hear me?" he asked softly. Scar seemed to gain conscious once he had spoken, and looked up at Grian.
"Gri? Is that you? Am I finally out of the void?" he asked. Grian smiled lightly, holding Scar's hand.
"Yes, it is me Scar. Don't worry, me and X got you out and we're going to treat your burns, okay?" Grian continued to speak softly to Scar, while Scar nodded slowly. Xisuma then came back into the room holding a first-aid kit. After carefully hugging Scar, Grian and Xisuma started to go to work on healing Scar's burns.
After about an hour, Scar was all patched up, his burns healing. Grian had took him to his room, and now, Scar was laying on Grian's chest, fast asleep. Grian smiled lightly, looking at the sleeping boy, and kissed his forehead lightly.
"Goodnight Scar. I love you."
Well, this was my first oneshot! Sorry if it's bad, I'll try to get better overtime!
Hope everyone has an amazing day/night!
- lumi/d0lliezz
WC: 1090
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