{Reunions - DL & HC🥀}
Ft. All parings in Double Life!
For Desert Duo, while I already have two oneshots about their reunion, I just decided to make yet another one, cause my brain told me "Eh, why not?"
Hope you enjoy everyone!
- Mention of suicide
[~Desert Duo~]
Grian woke up, realizing that he was back on Hermitcraft. He sat in his bed, dazed, until the memories came rushing back like a tidal wave. He held his head in his hands, the memories all returning at once. The main person in his memories was Scar. Wait. Grian covered his mouth. The memories had all returned, and he now remembered what he had said to Scar. He cheated on him, screamed at him, got into a fighting match with him, he even made him cry.
Grian curled up into a ball. "What have I done?" He thought to himself.
Grian froze, remembering the man that he was just thinking about. Scar. He had to get to him and apologize for what he did to him. Jumping out of his bed, Grian ran outside and opened up his wings, taking off in an instant. He flew above the server, until he landed in a grassy area surrounded by trees. Grian stopped for a moment, catching his breath, before he heard a voice from behind.
"Grian?" He froze. Slowly turning around, he came face-to-face with Scar. His soulmate. Grian felt that he could break into tears at any moment now, so he ran forward, launching into Scar's arms. He felt Scar stumble for a second before regaining his balance, his arms wrapped around Grian's middle. Grian hid his face in Scar's shirt, tears already flowing freely down his face.
"Oh my g-god Sc-scar, I'm s-so, so, so s-sorry! I'm so s-sorry for everything!" Grian cried into Scar's chest. He felt Scar's hands run through his messy hair.
"You have nothing to worry about Grian. I already forgave you." Scar said softly, smiling lightly. Grian looked up at him, tears still flowing down his face, surprised.
"You already forgave me? What about all the things I did to you!? I cheated on you, I lied, we got into a fight, I even made you cry!" Grian cried out. He could clearly remember the fight, with Scar having tears flowing down his face as Grian left. He looked away, ashamed, before he felt Scar's hand bringing his face to face Scar again.
"I know you feel ashamed with all the things you did, but do you know that I would never hate you for what you did? Well yes, I'm still confused with the whole 'Secret Soulmate' thing, I would always stay with you, and you should know that. I love you, Grian." Scar told Grian. Grian froze. Scar actually loved him. He felt like a complete idiot. A complete fool. Wiping his tears away, Grian hugged Scar, with Scar hugging back. The two stayed like that for a while before pulling apart. When they did, their faces were inches away, and the two blushed lightly.
Grian smiled, an idea on his face. Pulling Scar closer, he kissed him. Scar froze, and for an instant he didn't know what to do. When Scar had finally snapped back, he immediately kissed back, his hands already finding their way to Grian's waist. They could've stayed like that forever, but the need for oxygen found its way to the surface, so the two pulled apart, smiles on both of their faces. Scar then leaned down and started to kiss Grian all over his face. Grian laughed, doing the same to Scar. Eventually, they stopped, and started to walk back to Scar's house, holding hands. Grian looked at Scar, his boyfriend, who was already lost in another world, and wondered how he got so lucky to have someone like him. Scar and Grian looked at each other, smiles on both of their faces.
"I love you Scar.."
"I love you too Grian.."
[~Boat Boys~]
It was the end. Double Life had ended, and everyone had respawned back on Hermitcraft, reuniting.
Joel had been watching everyone reunite with their soulmates and each other. He was glad that Pearl won, however, he wished to win with Etho, his soulmate. The two had never been seen without the other all season. They even died together, when the nether portal was trapped both sides by lava.
Joel sighed, sitting on top of a small hill ledge, watching the reunions down below. He closed his eyes for just a moment before he hears a voice behind him.
"Hello there, soulmate." Joel froze. He could recognize that voice anywhere. Turning around, he came face-to-face with Etho.
"Etho!" Joel shouted, jumping up and pulling his soulmate into a hug. Etho laughed, hugging Joel back.
"Gosh, where were you?? We've all been here for almost an entire hour at this point." Joel pointed out, Etho looked away for a moment, scratching the back of his neck.
"Oh, um, I just somehow landed in MCC. I don't know how or why, but I just did. Scott had to use his admin powers to get me back onto the server without anyone noticing." Etho explained. Joel was confused, how does one somehow end up in MCC out of all servers? Ignoring that, Joel pulled his soulmate into another hug, with the white-haired male kissing the top of his head lightly. Joel smiled, looking up at Etho. Out of nowhere, the two started to laugh, falling to the ground in laughter. They continued to hold each other as they tried to catch their breaths. Rolling over, Etho looked at the man next to him, and planted another kiss, this time on his forehead. His soulmate responded by kissing Etho on the cheek.
"Alright, we should get back to the others now." Etho started. Joel nodded, liking the idea, standing up. The pair smiled, holding hands as the descended the hilltop.
"You're an amazing soulmate, Etho."
"You too, Joel."
[~Box Boys~]
Since Double Life had ended, Ren had been looking for his soulmate, BigB. Even while recovering from the fatal injury that killed the two of them, Ren still wanted to search for him. Martyn had warned him to be careful, and to looks after his head injury, but since it was mainly healed already, Ren just waved him off, saying that BigB's more important at the moment.
Ren was currently searching a nearby area where he lived, trying to find any trach of his dark-haired, dark-skinned soulmate. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a small flash of a light blue jumper walking through the trees. Since Ren was a wolf-hybrid, he also sensed BigB's movements in the forest, having gotten used to they way he walked and paced during Double Life.
"BigB?" Ren called out. He saw the blue flash stop and turn to where he was standing. Now that BigB stopped, Ren crossed into where BigB was. Upon finding him, the two met their eyes and completely froze. Even Ren, an extremely confident person, was frozen after finally finding his soulmate again.
A moment of silence passed, and BigB was the first to break the tension by running and hugging Ren. Ren was taken aback for a second, before he snapped back into action and hugged BigB back. The pair was silent for another minute before BigB looked up at Ren, his eyes shining.
"I just realized how much I actually missed you, Ren." BigB stated. Ren smiled and laughed, nuzzling his face into BigB's chest, BigB scratching Ren's ears and planting a few kisses to Ren's cheek, with Ren doing the same to BigB. The wolf hybrid howled a tiny bit before BigB stopped, and only then did he remember that about his injury and the pain came back. He assumed that BigB could feel it too, as BigB winced slightly when Ren lightly touched his forehead.
"I think we need to take some painkillers for this injury.." Ren mumbled, BigB nodding along. Since Ren's house wasn't too far from where they currently were, they both started to head back in the direction that Ren came from. Along the way, they held each others hand, and despite the pain, they were both smiling, happy that they both found their soulmate again.
"I love you, Ren."
"I love you too, BigB."
"Gosh, how bad was this injury again??"
"I don't know, you were the one who got hit first."
[~Rancher Duo~]
Jimmy got out first. Again. This time, he died alongside his soulmate, Tango. They had been the first pair to fall and get out of Double Life. Jimmy thought that this was his fault, his curse of always getting out first had caused Tango to get out first as well. Jimmy shrugged, walking in the forest behind the clearing of where he respawned. He needed some time to himself before he could get back onto the Empires server. He never knew why everyone would always respawn in Hermitcraft, maybe because many on the members were in Hermitcraft. Jimmy had no idea. He continued to walk deeper into the forest, before he heard a voice.
"Jimmy!?" Whipping his head around, Jimmy saw is soulmate, Tango. Without hesitating, Jimmy ran forward, Tango catching him in his arms.
"Oh god Tango, I'm sorry about us getting out first! Are you mad at me?" Jimmy asked, looking up at Tango.
"Of course I'm not mad. I know that it's not your fault that you have some kind of curse. Even if we got out first, I don't blame you, Rancher." Tango said softly. Jimmy was surprised, Tango didn't blame him.. He thought that Tango would hate him because of their placement.
"You were an amazing soulmate. Love you, Rancher." Tango smiled, playing with Jimmy's hair. Jimmy blushed slightly, before responding.
"You were too. Love you too, Rancher." Planting a kiss to Tango's forehead. Jimmy buried his face into the crook of Tango's neck, Tango laughing as he did so. The soulmates have been reunited, and that was enough. Plus, they loved each other, so that's a bonus.
[~Clock Duo~]
Impulse walked around the clearing. He had just overheard Jimmy and Tango reunite, and he knew that Grian and Etho had also reunited with their soulmates.
Speaking of soulmates, Impulse's soulmate, Bdubs, was the only thing on his mind at the moment. The two had loved each other all season, never getting into another relationship behind each others backs. They always had each other, and in their final moments. their hands had reached out for the other, trying to hold each other while dying. They ended up coming in fifth and fourth place, with Impulse coming in fifth place and Bdubs coming in fourth place in Double Life, the third season of the Life games. The winner ended up being Pearl, when Scott killed himself for her to win. Impulse heard that Pearl was devastated, and wouldn't speak to anyone.
Still, Impulse's mind wandered back to his own soulmate. He hadn't seen Bdubs since they died. He was starting to wonder why until he heard a yell.
"Impulse! Over here!" Turning around, Impulse saw Bdubs, running up to him. Bdubs stopped right in front of Impulse, with Impulse immediately picking him up and spinning him around. He put Bdubs back down after a few seconds, with Bdubs immediately wrapping his arms around Impulse.
"It's so good to see you again!" Bdubs smiled. Impulse smiled too, hugging him back. They smiled, with Bdubs kissing Impulse quickly on the lips and Impulse kissing all over Bdubs's face in turn. They were happy that they had finally reunited after not seeing each other since the finale. They were happy that they got back together again. The memories during Double Life were still there, and they knew it, as they could remember everything. Once Impulse finally stopped kissing Bdubs all over his face, Bdubs looked away, laughing. The pair sat down, and Bdubs rested his head on Impulse's shoulder, earning a quiet chuckle from the brunette.
"I love you, Impulse."
"I love you too, Bdubs."
[~ Divorce Quartet - Martyn and Cleo~]
Cleo stood up. She had ended up being tied in second place with her soulmate, Martyn, with their individual placings being fourth place for her and third place for Martyn. Scott then killed himself for Pearl's victory. Cleo sighed, remembering her soulmate, Martyn. She had left him to be soulmates with Scott, and had hated him ever since until the final battle, where they actually fought and helped each other until their death. Speaking of Martyn, she wanted to find her soulmate and apologize to him for everything that happened.
Walking out of her house on the Hermitcraft server, Cleo ran into Ren and BigB, both heading back to Ren's house.
"Hey you two, have you seen Martyn anywhere lately?" She called. Ren looked at her first, and the two stopped in their tracks.
"Uhm, I think I saw him heading back to his base about half an hour ago. I think he's still there." Cleo smiled, sending Ren a quick thank you before resuming her search.
Upon walking to Martyn's base, Cleo knocked on the door. When there was no response, she tried again, before she turned the knob and it surprisingly opened. It seemed like Martyn forgot to lock his door when he came back. Cleo locked the door for him, and she looked around.
"Martyn? Are you here?" She called out. There seemed to be no response, so Cleo decided to go back outside to continue her search outside. However, before she left, she heard a yell from upstairs. It was one-hundred percent Martyn, she knew it. Concerned by the scream, Cleo ran upstairs and opened the room to Martyn's bedroom. When she entered, she froze.
There was a Watcher and a Listener surrounding Martyn, whos eyes glowed; One purple, one green. He spotted Cleo and tried to motion her to get out. Cleo, however, immediately teleported Grian to where she was. Grian immediately saw what was going on, and rage filled his eyes.
"HEY! What are you doing to him!?" Grian yelled. The Watcher and the Listener both turned to look at him, before suddenly disappearing, Martyn falling to the ground as they left.
"I'll go take care of them. Cleo, you help Martyn." Grian told her, already teleporting to find those beings. Taking Grian's word, Cleo ran forward, rushing to Martyn's side. Martyn was shaking, his eyes back to normal with tears starting to fill them.
"Oh Martyn, it's okay, I'm here.." Cleo spoke softly. Martyn turned to face Cleo, and broke down, hugging Cleo tightly. Cleo ran her fingers through Martyn's hair - a calming down trick for him that Scott told her about - trying to calm her soulmate down.
"Oh my word, I'm so sorry of what you just had to witness Cleo!" Martyn cried, hiding his face in his hands, looking away. Cleo caught Martyn, forcing him to look at her.
"Hey, hey.. Deep breaths, deep breaths Martyn.. I'm right here.." Cleo made Martyn take some deep breaths until he calmed down, his breathing back to normal and tears not running down his face anymore.
"Thank you Cleo.. Even if you left me, you were still a pretty good soulmate.." Martyn whispered softly, laying his head on Cleo's shoulder. Cleo was shocked. He still found her to be a good soulmate!? Smiling, she played with his hair.
"I'm sorry about leaving you, but you were also a pretty good soulmate as well Martyn."
[~Divorce Quartet - Scott and Pearl~]
Scott respawned on Hermitcraft. He had killed himself to let his soulmate - Pearl - win Double Life. He stood there for a few moments before starting to walk away. As he did so, he heard someone behind him. Turning around, he froze, coming face-to-face with Pearl. He expected Pearl to try and attack run, but instead, Pearl ran forward, running into Scott, burying her face into his shirt.
"God Scott, I'm so so sorry! I'm sorry for everything!" Why!? Why did you kill yourself!?" Pearl cried. Scott froze, he didn't know that his death had a huge impact on Pearl. Sighing, Scott slowly hugged her back, letting the Australian girl sob into his chest.
"You have nothing to apologize for. You did nothing wrong. You were just acting out after everyone - including me - left you. I spoke to the others in the death realm before we all came here. They all forgave you too. Plus, I killed myself to let you win. I didn't want to win a second time after I just won my games earlier." Scott spoke softly, rubbing circles on her back. He felt that Pearl was starting to calm down, but still, she was shacking and her breathing was still ragged.
"Pearl, look at me. I want you to do something for me." Pearl looked up, confused, wondering what Scott wanted.
"Alright, repeat after me. Breathe in, breath out. Breathe in, breathe out." Scott made Pearl repeat the exercise a few times, before she eventually calmed down.
"Thanks Scott, I really needed that." Pearl mumbled, feeling a bit better now.
"No worries Pearl. I'm sorry that I left you, I didn't know that it would cause you this much harm.." Scott trailed off. He saw the smile of Pearl's face disappear for a minute before reappearing again.
"It's okay Scott, I forgive you now." Pearl smiled, as did Scott. The two stayed there, hugging, reuniting after Pearl's win.
Behind Pearl, another entity appeared behind her.
Scarlet Pearl. Looking at Scott and seeing that he had somehow fallen asleep, she looked at her opposite, giving Scarlet Pearl a look.
"Fine. We're cool now, I guess."
Pearl smiled, watching as Scarlet Pearl disappeared again. Looking back at Scott, and remembering that he had fallen asleep, she sighed, picking him up and bringing him back to her house, letting him sleep before the non-Hermits left the next morning.
Screw the Watchers and their saying of 'Soulmates only happen in Double Life and will end after Double Life ends'. People could find their soulmate anywhere, it didn't have to be just a death game and it didn't have to end when the game was over. Finding your soulmate could happen anywhere, and the Watchers had no control of who one's soulmate is, and they didn't have control over the player's love life. Love was real, you just have to find the right people to realize that.
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