{Out of Time. - !LL! ⚠️}
"Oh Mean Gill! Where are you??" Scott called out as he circled the area where him and Martyn set up their base. The Mean Gill had been searching for the blonde for a few minutes, until he heard someone call out his name.
"Over here Scott!" A laugh soon followed the response as Scott turned around and saw his Mean Gill behind him. It was Limited Life, and this time, you only had 24 hours to live. Scott was at 19 hours while Martyn was at 18. Scott walked up to the blonde and gave him a quick hug before putting his gathers from mining into a chest.
"So, how was the mining trip?" Martyn asked, leaning against the chest.
"It was alright. I found quite a few diamonds but mainly just iron, coal, lapis, and gold. Those diamonds were very rare for where our mining area is, maybe we should find a new place to mine?" Scott looked at the blonde for an answer.
"Yeah, that does seem like a good plan. Diamonds don't really spawn around here. Where should we restart our mine then?" Scott stood up, and Martyn started to follow him as they both went outside.
"Hmm, maybe further away on the land? I think I have a good spot, let me show you!"
"Martyn! Martyn!" Scott ran into their base. Confused, the blonde looked out to see what was wrong before he saw him Mean Gill running to him, completely out of breath.
"Oh gosh Scott, what happened!?" Martyn worriedly asked. Scott gulped, before replying.
"It's Jimmy! He just hunted me all over the server and I think he's heading over here now!" Scott hurriedly told him.
"Okay, go hide in the secret hideout for now. I'll take care of Jimmy" Martyn replied, already pushing Scott to the entrance. Scott nodded a quick thank you before he ran off. Within seconds after, Jimmy walked into the base.
"Oh, hey Jimmy." Martyn started.
"Hi Martyn. Have you by any chance seen Scott around? I've been hunting him down, trying to kill him." Jimmy bluntly told him. Martyn thought for a quick second, before replying.
"I think I saw him running the opposite direction you just came from. I saw a flash of his hair and immediately knew it was him." Martyn falsely told the canary hybrid.
"Oh jeez, he's there? Okay, thanks Martyn." With a quick smile of thanks, Jimmy turned and ran out. For a few minutes, Martyn waited in case someone - specifically Jimmy - turned up out of nowhere. Once he decided that the coast was clear, Martyn went over to the secret hideout to get Scott.
"Hey Scott? You still in here?" Martyn called out. Slowly, Scott emerged from underneath a blanket, waiting for Martyn to tell him what happened.
"I managed to get Jimmy to believe that you are already at the other side of the server, he's heading there now." Martyn walked over to where Scott was sitting and sat down next to him.
"Thank you Martyn.." Scott murmured as he rested his head on Martyn's shoulder.
"You're welcome Scott."
Scott had only one thing on his mind as he walked towards his and Martyn's shared base; Martyn had died, and was now a red name. As he came to a stop in front of the base, Scott worried for a moment that Martyn would attack him or something. Taking a deep breath, Scott opened the door. He was greeted with the sight of Martyn - now a red name - patching up opened wounds that he had recently gained around the time he became red. Martyn didn't seem to see Scott yet, so Scott took that as a chance to try and talk to Martyn.
"Uhm, Martyn... I see that you're a red name now.." Scott started. Martyn jumped as he had no idea that Scott was behind him. Sighing, Martyn turned around, scratching the back of his neck.
"Yeah, I guess I am..." Martyn trailed off. Scott sighed and walked up to Martyn, hugging him. Martyn was taken aback, but he slowly hugged back. When they pulled apart, Martyn promised Scott something.
"Scott, I promise that even as a red name, I will not hurt you at all." Martyn said. Scott smiled, pulling Martyn into another hug.
It was almost the end of Limited Life. The series still needed a winner, and while everyone else was dead, Impulse, Scott, and Martyn were the last ones alive. Scott and Impulse had proposed a fist fight to the death, but Martyn wasn't listening.
Suddenly, Martyn pulled out his sword and slashed Scott, setting him on fire as Scott finally ran out of time. Impulse was yelling and had started to run away, before Martyn had got up to him and slashed him as well. He too, like Scott, fell to the ground. Dead. The last thing that the two boys saw was that Martyn's eyes weren't there usual colour.
They were both a bright purple. The Watchers were controlling Martyn, forcing him to kill Scott and Impulse.
When the Watchers had finally let Martyn have control over his own body again, Martyn took one look at the bloody scene and fell to his knees. Tears started to run down his face as he sobbed in his hands. Scott and Impulse were dead, their bodies already gone. Martyn was the winner of Limited Life. As Martyn sobbed, he said his final words before dying himself, being the last person to run out of time.
"I'm so sorry.."
"I'm so sorry everyone.."
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