{Nostalgia -💔}
Often something you get when you become a winner.
It's also referred to as deja vu, but most people call it nostalgia.
As Grian was the first winner of the Life Games, he experienced nostalgia the most.
More than the other winners.
It happened so many times.
Even if he was doing a simple task, like collecting dark oak wood, he would experience a wave of nostalgia.
Nostalgia of 3rd Life.
If he were to do something so familiar to 3rd Life, he would have to stop what he was going.
Thoughts and memories would race through his mind all at once, causing him a massive headache.
It didn't help that until Scott won Last Life that no one could help him.
Of course they couldn't.
They weren't the winners.
So for the entirety of Last Life, Grian would have to face the nostalgia all by himself.
It happened even at the simplest of tasks.
When he had stumbled into Scar at the beginning, his mind flashed 3rd Life.
It was like their first meeting in 3rd Life all over again.
Except that Scar didn't know what was going on Grian's head.
Until Scar started experiencing nostalgia after Secret Life.
Grian could've been just talking to Ren or Martyn and he would be hit with waves of nostalgia.
He could've been talking to Scar.
He could've been killing the same people he killed back in 3rd Life.
He could've been just gathering resources.
He could've been setting up traps.
This would continue with every season, Double Life being the worst.
Of course the nostalgia was at its breaking point in Double Life.
Grian and Scar were soulmates.
He had to feel Scar's pain, plus the waves of nostalgia that hit him like a truck.
This would continue on and on until Grian finally had people that could relate to him.
Scott, Pearl, Martyn, Scar, and now Cleo.
The 6 of them would continue to experience the nostalgia until the Life Games ended, but at least they had each other.
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