{Nightmares - DL 🥀}
Muhahaha Bdubs angst because why not-
I have a headcannon that Bdubs is a Listener/Glare hybrid, and Impulse is a phantom hybrid.
- Blood
- Gore
- Panic Attack
- Torture
It was nighttime on Double Life, and everyone was asleep either with their soulmate, or alone, like Martyn and Pearl.
In Impulse and Bdubs's shared house, the two soulmates slept, Impulse holding Bdubs in his sleep. Impulse knew almost anything about Bdubs, and so did Bdubs.
What Impulse didn't know was what would be going on in Bdubs's head that night
Bdubs woke up, only to find himself in a dark room, a mirror in front of him. Looking in the mirror, everything felt fine. He looked the same as usual, and some of his Listener features were currently out. He didn't know why he was here, until he saw the Watcher behind him.
Suddenly, the mirror disappeared, leaving only Bdubs and the Watcher alone. Standing up, Bdubs slowly began to back away from the Watcher, but the Watcher was too quick, and he was too slow.
Out of nowhere, purple strings grabbed Bdubs by both his arms, and the Watcher came closer to him, as Bdubs frantically tried to escape the strings. The Watcher held him down, pulling a knife from its back. Bdubs froze, his eyes glued on the knife.
"What are you going to do with that..?" Bdubs slowly asked. Kneeling down, the Watcher brought the knife to Bdubs's neck, and Bdubs completely froze.
"Well, little Listener, we're going to have some fun.." The Watcher spoke, their voice sending shivers down Bdubs's spine.
"Wh-What do you mean by tha-" Bdubs was suddenly cut off when the Watcher slashed Bdubs in the face. Bdubs screamed, blood falling into his mouth. He was about to yell something before the Watcher cut him off again.
The Watcher traced their knife against Bdubs's listener wings, before ripping them open. Doing the same to Bdubs's other wing, the Watcher stood and smiled as Bdubs screamed in pain, his wings torn and bloody.
"Oh my, how much fun is this~!" The Watcher smiled with glee just seeing Bdubs in pain. They kneeled down again, this time, releasing the strings on Bdubs's arms and picking him up. Bdubs squirmed in the Watcher's grasp, but then he found himself being thrown to the ground and getting stomped on repeatedly.
Bdubs cried out multiple times, but the Watcher wouldn't stop torturing Bdubs. They found it extremely fun, seeing a Listener in pain. Taking the knife back out, the Watcher stopped stomping on Bdubs and stabbed him in the stomach, smiling as Bdubs screamed once again. Blood poured out from his wounds, and Bdubs was laying in a pool of blood. His own blood. They continued the process, stabbing and stomping on Bdubs, until Bdubs almost passed out. Bdubs was barely conscious but he could hear the Watcher's footsteps getting closer and closer.
Suddenly, Bdubs heard a different voice. Someone was.... calling out his name?
"Wait - was that Impulse?" Bdubs thought, tears streaming down his face, his body covered in blood and wounds, and his wings completely destroyed. The Watcher was getting closer and closer now..
"Im...Impulse.." The Watcher was right behind him, laughing at his weakness.
Bdubs couldn't take it anymore. He let his body fall, and he disappeared from the room. The Watcher froze. "Where did he go!?" They yelled, before they felt their own body disappear from the dream realm now.
Bdubs sat up crying, breathing heavily. Quickly turning around, Bdubs came face-to-face with his soulmate, Impulse, who looked extremely concerned.
"I-Impulse-" Bdubs launched himself into Impulse's arms, sobbing. Concerned for his soulmate, Impulse quickly hugged him back, rubbing circles into the tanned male's back. He didn't know what was going on, but since it seemed pretty bad, Impulse tried to calm Bdubs down, while Bdubs sobbed in his shoulder.
"Bdubs..? What happened, honey?" Impulse quietly asked, Bdubs looked up, before looking away, staring at his perfectly fine wings.
"I-It was a n-nightmare, a-and I was getting t-t-tortured by this Watcher.. A-And they destroyed by wings and stabbed me and stomped on me.." Bdubs cried, launching himself back into Impulse's arms. Impulse was shocked. Bdubs had a nightmare about getting tortured by a Watcher, and he was extremely injured in the nightmare. His wings were also destroyed, but looking at Bdubs's wings they were fine. Focusing his attention back on his soulmate, Impulse noticed that Bdubs's breathing was getting faster and more ragged by the second. He was shaking so hard, and tears continued to quickly stream down his face. "He's having a panic attack." Impulse realized. Slowly, Impulse was able to make Bdubs to face him.
"Bdubs, I need you to repeat after me. I'm going to try something new to help calm you down, got it?" Impulse quietly asked. Bdubs quickly nodded, waiting for Impulse to start.
"Okay. You're awake. You're not in a dream." Impulse started.
"I-I'm awake. I-I'm not in a-a dream." Bdubs quietly replied. Impulse smiled gently, before continuing.
"You're safe, and I'm here."
"I'm safe, a-and you're here." Good, Bdubs was starting to calm down a little bit.
"The Watchers won't hurt you. That's only in your head."
"The Watchers won't hurt me. That's only in my head." Good, Bdubs's breathing was going back to normal.
"I'll be with you forever, I love you."
"You'll be with me forever, I love you."
Impulse smiled, seeing that Bdubs had now mostly calmed down, pulling Bdubs back into another hug, he gave Bdubs a kiss on the cheek, and watched as Bdubs went red, trying to hide his face again. Impulse laughed, starting to kiss Bdubs all over the face, watching as Bdubs laughed and did the same back to Impulse.
Eventually, they started to feel tired again, so the two laid back down, facing each other, smiles on both of their faces. Bdubs cuddled closer to Impulse, his face in the crook of Impulse's neck. Impulse smiled tiredly, extending his phantom wings to cover both him and Bdubs. Still smiling, Impulse felt himself drift off to sleep, kissing Bdubs's forehead before falling back asleep.
"I love you, Bdubs."
"I love you too, Impulse."
While the nightmare would still happen at times, now Bdubs knew that Impulse would always be with him whenever they happened, and that was on of the many things Bdubs loved about Impulse.
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