{Grian And Scar's 3rd Life without any context whatsoever}
(This is my decent into madness y'all.)
(Also I'm back now and I finished everything! (My test is tomorrow but I know everything))
(The order may not be correct but I tried)
- Mention of suicide
Beginning of new season.
3rd Life.
A pesky bird and a human.
They find each other.
Pesky bird bring creeper over.
Kills human.
Pesky bird feels bad.
He joins the human.
They create gay bromance.
They have alliance.
They live in desert, try making money.
They make the money. They are successful.
They claim the whole ass desert without any contract.
They have colonized the desert.
The human gets a llama named Pizza.
Llama-pizza hybrid?
Oh no Pizza went missing
Wait never mind Pizza's alive phew
Oh no human's dead again.
He's grey now.
He red.
They (mainly the human) make enemies with a King and his kingdom.
That's a horrible decision.
Human causes war after stealing a kingdom banner.
What a stupid way to cause war.
Human wants to kill the King.
Pesky bird and human go to King's territory.
Pesky bird sets up trap.
Trap works, and they kill the King and two other people.
They are murderers now.
Gay bros then proceed to try and form an alliance with two other gay bros.
One of them being one of the people they killed.
Gay bros 2 agree, and they form alliance.
Oh no the King declared war on the desert gay bros.
Oh fuck they targeting human's pets now.
Oh dear god the human's pets are killed.
Pizza and a random bee he found.
Pesky bird makes bunker for the two in case they need it.
Pesky bird then proceeds to surround desert with explosives.
Lever for explosives inside bunker he made earlier.
And the war had begun.
War of the Red Desert.
Explosives are triggered, but kills nobody.
That's sad.
Pesky bird loses first life, but stays with his gay bro.
Human kills the King and his Hand.
They're dead now.
War of the Red Desert is over.
Lives were lost, but they don't care.
They go hunt for remaining players.
It's now the final 3.
Human betrays pesky bird, and other player kills him.
They kill the other person.
Pesky bird cannot kill human.
They go back to their colonized desert.
They have fist fight to the death.
Pesky bird wins, killing human.
He is a winner, but he ends up killing himself.
Season is over.
Pesky bird is winner, and now he has his gay bro again.
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