{Angsty/Hurt & Comfort Poems - 💔/🥀}
Stepping Off - 3L Grian & Scar (Angst)
Standing close to the ledge, I glance back behind me,
His eyes are glassy, his body unmoving. He's dead, I guarantee.
Killed by my own hands, Scar lays dead on the hill,
As I turn away yet again, the tears building up threaten to spill.
How could I be so cruel, to kill my ally, me lover, twice?
It was his idea to fight to the death, and now I feel as if I need to pay a price.
I glance down, waiting for the moment for my body to plunge,
And I wipe some wet blood off my face, creating a smudge.
I fall, my wings extend, yet I don't fly,
As I know, now is my time to die.
Chorus - !LL! Watchers and Martyn (Angst)
A gathering of purple, that's all you could see,
I sit, tied up, in the middle, wanting to flee.
I had just become a winner, and now I'm too tired to fight,
But on instinct, my wings flare up, and I try to take flight.
It's quick, and the Watchers have to hold me down,
As they begin their chorus, holding a crown.
I can't move, they're too strong,
As I start to slip away, I beg my body to hold on.
I pass out, and the last thing I hear are whispers of "adore us",
As the Watchers continue to sing their chorus.
Freedom - SL Jimmy (Hurt/Comfort)
I'm a canary in their grasp, and I can't get out,
I'm carry their death curse, and I never want to die first, I doubt.
Time after time, I've always fallen first,
But this time, it feels as the curse had reversed.
I'm red already, and I fear that I would die at any moment,
Yet between me and the hands of death, stands an opponent.
For the very first time, I'm not out first,
And I start to celebrate, the curse bubble now burst.
I'm so happy, I must admit,
But it wouldn't last forever, does it?
Lonely Wizard - LL Scar (Angst)
I'm a lonely wizard, sitting in my tower all alone,
Everyone has their own friends, and their own home.
I don't have friends, no one wants to be mine,
It's like I've been created, yet I don't meet the standard design.
People think that I'm weird, for believing magic,
Yet I know that it's all real, and they don't. How tragic.
I sit in a small tower, up on a hill,
Everyone's below me, and I have an urge to kill.
I know that I'll never make friends, I gave up long ago,
The tears threaten to spill, and I let them overflow.
I'm the lonely wizard, it's only me here,
Everyone that I care for, they don't care, even all those I hold dear.
(I'm honestly surprised that I was able to post 3 chapters on a school day, and I had a math contest and ran around the whole school today-. Where did I get all this energy from???)
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