Leader Thistlestar - rusty-brown tom with shinning amber eyes
Deputy Willowclaw - sleek gray she-cat with white paws, and green eyes
Medicine Cat Petalleaf - pretty light brown speckled she-cat, crystal blue eyes Apprentice, Leopardpaw -small, brown tom with darker brown spots
Warriors Cloudreed - fluffy white tom with green eyes
Reddust -wiry russet colored tom Apprentice, Flowerpaw - gray she-cat with dark amber eyes
Fangtail - ginger tom with fiery amber eyes
Waterpetal - Apprentice, Rushpaw - large black tom with icy blue eyes and small amber stripe down forehead
Swanpelt - small ginger she-cat with white underbelly
Nightwing -black tom
Yellowreed - gray she-cat with yellow eyes Apprentice, Heronpaw
Clawpelt -
Queens Ottertail - dark brown torby with blue eyes ( Spottedkit, and Stonekit)
Dovefoot - ( Talonkit, Barkkit, Ravenkit, and Cedarkit)
Ivyleaf -gray with ginger spots ( Herbkit)
Elders Ravensplash -black tom with deep blue eyes
Violetheart - blue-gray she-cat with purplish-blue eyes
Leader Yellowstar - smoky gray tom
Deputy Blackpelt - onry, completely black tom
Medicine Cat Morningdust - orange tabby with green eyes
Warriors Bluesky - gray she-cat with blue eyes Apprentice, Darkpaw
Mudpelt - brown tom with one white front paw Appentice, Featherpaw
Redscar - orangish red, battle- scarred tom
Whitetooth - large white muscular tom, with blue eyes Apprentice, Sunpaw
Cloudstripe - smaller white tom with gray stripes
Queens Darkflower - (Skykit, Littlekit, Stormkit)
Dawnstipe ( Moonkit)
Elders Kretselheart
Leader Mousestar
Deputy Frozenwing
Medicine Cat Buzzardfoot
Warriors Moonfur
Tornfoot Apprentice, Jaypaw
Mudear Appentice, Wheatpaw
Heavyfur Apprentice, Oakpaw
Queens Goldencloud ( Frogkit, and Grasskit)
Elders Dappleberry
Leader Graystar
Deputy Silverheart
Medicine Cat Owlfur Apprentice, Cloudpaw
Warriors Cherryblossom Apprentice, Berrypaw
Dusttail Apprentice, Blackpaw
Queens Hollymoon ( Bouncekit, Rockkit)
Elders Stormfoot
Cats Outside The Clans
Dust (Stormkit and Spottedkit's father)
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