Chapter 34- Life Or Death Situation
Previously In The Book The Life Of Amy & Ty
"Oh yes, I'm surprised you even remember killing my wife" the grey haired man said angrily.
"Great I'm on here with two arguing people" Amy though looking at some of the signs in the elevator.
"Sir you do now I didn...." The black hair doctor was cut off by a very loud bang.
Amy whipped her head around to see the very handsome doctor on the ground, blood gushing everywhere and the grey-haired man holding a handgun at him. Amy stood there in shock.
"DEREK! Oh My God" Meredith yelled running into the elevator to her husband.
"Ma ma I I I" Amy stuttered but she couldn't talk.
Amy got off of Derek and let Meredith get to him. The elevator doors started to close and were shut.
"DEREK WAKE UP! DEREK PLEASE" Meredith yelled. Amy just stood in complete utter shock. Amy had just witnessed a shooting with her own two eyes, not something on everyone's bucket list. Then the shooter points the gun at her! And she's still alive.
*Cough* "Meredith" *cough* "Meredith" Derek said with blood coming out of his mouth.
"YES BABY I'M HERE!" Meredith said with tears streaming down her face.
"Derek you stay awake! You stay awake, you hear me! DO NOT DIE! I can't live without you" Meredith said now starting to cry.
"We... We should wheel him down to the OR closest to us, plus that's where doctor yang would be if she's up here" Meredith said and started to push Derek down the hall to the OR very, very quietly. They reached the OR and they walk into the scrub room and Derek just fit through the doors.
"I'm going to go tell them what's going on" Meredith said.
"Let me go and get them, stay with your husband" Amy said to Meredith sympathetically putting her hand onto her shoulder.
"Ok" Meredith said turning to her soon to be dead husband. Amy walked over to the door to get the surgeons. Amy opened the door and walk in and they all looked at her and Amy went into to shock. I seen Ty, cut open on the table being worked on and blood everywhere, machines beeping and his insides showing. Not only was this Ty's OR, The shooter was yet again standing in front of her with the gun pointed at her husband and the doctors. All eyes were on her as she stood in shock.
Chapter 34 - Life Or Death Situation
"Amy don't move ok" Meredith stuttered.
"Ty...." Amy muttered staring at the table where Ty lay cut open and being operated on.
"STAY RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE, BLONDIE" The grey haired guy with a gun said that also was the one who shot Derek.
The room was silent other than 2 doctors who worked very slowly on Ty.
"Tell me where he is or so help me god I'll shoot this man on the table!!" The gunman exclaimed and pointed at Ty with his gun.
"NO PLEASE NOT MY HUSBAND PLEASE WE HAVE KIDS AND IM HIS WIFE" Amy yelled tears running down her face now.
"Ok well blondie where the hell is shepherd?!" he questoned Amy.
Meredith looked at her with sympathetic eyes and saying please don't tell him where my husband is.
"Uh Uh I don't know where he is or who who he is just please don't hurt my husband" Amy pleaded.
"I know one of you know so I'm going to give you to the count of 5 to tell me where he is or I am going to shoot this man on the table right now" The gunman said.
The doctors were still working on Ty and Amy reconized the one doctor, Dr. Avery and he whispered to the other doctor until the man yelled again.
"Take your hands off of him or I will shoot him!!" the Gunman yelled.
"No you can't stop! please no don't" Amy exclaimed as her heart was beating rapidly.
"2" the gunman counted.
"No please he did nothing to you" Meredith yelled in panic.
"3" he counted with a smirk on his face.
They continued working.
"4" he said with a angry face.
"NOOO TY PLEASE DON'T SHOOT HIM" Amy yelled crying.
"Don't shoot him, shoot me" Meredith exclaimed.
Everyone turned to her.
"You want revenge on Dr. Shepherd right?" Meredith said.
"Yes" The gunman said pointing he gun away from Ty which put a huge relief from Amy.
"Shoot me. The girl who pulled the plug on your wife? that was my sister. Your wife's doctor? she is my best friend and Dr. Shepherd he... he is my husband. so if you want to hurt them shoot me, I am your revenge just please stop hurting everyone" Meredith cried.
They all seen the gunman thinking and then he soon rasied the gun to Meredith and was about to pull the trigger.
"WAIT! Amy yelled. "She's pregnant, don't shoot her" Amy yelled.
The gunman looked so confused and frantically kept pointing his gun at everyone around the room.
Amy turned around staring at Ty.
"Is he going to be alright" Amy said starting to go into shock seeing Ty like that and walking over to him,
"Avery get her out, I have to finish or he'll die" Dr. Bailey exclaimed. Avery stood there not moving a muscle.
"Dr. Avery you need to help her out of the room" Dr. Bailey yelled.
"We need this room cleared of everyone who is not surgically necessary" A SWAT member said and walked over to Amy.
"Ma'am you need to come with me" he said trying to help her away.
"No I need to be with my husband, he needs me, I need him" Amy cried.
"Miss please come with me, you will be able to see him after their done working on him" The nice SWAT team guy said and helped Amy out of the OR, putting his hands over her shoulders. Once they got out the door Amy seen Meredith with Derek being wheeled down the hall probably so someone would help him. Amy thought about how much Meredith helped her with Ty and what they have now been through together and she is going to need someone when her husband goes into surgery.
"Wait. I'd like to go with Meredith and help her" Amy said to the SWAT team member.
"Ok but I will take you..." the guy said.
"Amy, My name is Amy Fleming Borden" Amy said.
"Amy, ok mine is Matt, now lets go with them to the..."
"MATT GO AND GET ONE OF THE SURGEONS FROM OUTSIDE NOW, A CARDIO ONE" the one SWAT guy exclaimed to Matt from over by Meredith.
"Ok, Amy go over there with Gordon and I will go outside and get a surgeon" Matt said and run down the hall.
Amy ran over to Meredith who was crying over Derek.
"We have to get him to the OR, HE'S BLEEDING OUT" Meredith yelled.
"Meredith what do you want me to do, I'm here to help" Amy exclaimed standing beside her as Derek was bleeding out.
"Go get an OR from your husbands OR and tell him to get over to this OR, we have to open him now and I'm sure your husband is done or almost done" Meredith said and rushed Derek into the other OR. Amy ran into the other OR and crashed open the doors
Everyone stared at her.
"I need an OR team in the next OR" Amy yelled looking down at Ty on the operating table trying not to think about that that's him on the table.
"Avery and Dr. Marshall go over there and help her and i will finish him up here, I have to stitch the liver and then I can close" Dr. Bailey ordered.
The doctors rushed out with Amy to the next OR.
"Dr. Avery, is my husband ok?" Amy asked nervously.
"From what I saw yes he is, he should be just fine" Dr. Avery said.
"Thank god" Amy cried and tears of joy and relief and Dr. Avery hugged her.
They walked into the scrub room and Avery and Dr. Marshall scrubbed in and walked in with Meredith.
"I I I have him prepared him for a...." Meredith was freaking out.
"Meredith go sit in the scrub room, this is your husband on the table and you can't be in here when I'm operating on him" Avery said starting to open him up with the scapel.
"Ok ok I know I know" Meredith said and grabbed his ice cold hand.
"Derek I love you, I love you so much Derek you can't not die on me ok, you can't you have to stay alive for me, for us ok. I love you baby" Meredith said and kissed his hand and walked out to Amy.
"He'll be fine Meredith my husband was" Amy tried to sooth Meredith from freaking out even more. Then suddenly the door opened another doctor walked in.
"Dr. Altman, Cristina" Meredith said with a sad look.
"It's Derek" Meredith studdered. Cristina looked shocked and gave Meredith a sympathetic look.
"Yang scrub in quick, we gotta get in there fast" Altman said scrubbing in.
"Meredith, were going to take care of him, I promise" Cristina said as they went into the OR.
Meredith and Amy sat on the one side of the scrub room against the stainless steel sink/tub. Meredith put her knees to her chest and cupped her face in her hands and was trying her best not to cry.
"He'll be fine, we will be fine, everything will be fine. It has to be after all we have been through in this day. It will be. I have faith" Amy said grabbing Meredith's hand. Meredith looked up at her with a dim smile and shook her head.
"Ok your right, it will be'' Meredith said wiping a tear off her face as Amy rubbed her back.
Ok so everyone I updated Yay :) So Ty's fine (maybe😏) haha idk guys. Anyways how's everyone liking the book? Please comment and tell me.
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