Chapter 32- Always Something Behind That Next Corner
•Dr. Meredith Grey•
•General Surgeon•
•Dr. Derek Shepherd•
•Chief Of Nero Surgery•
Meredith & Derek (aka MerDer)
•Married Couple•
•Dr. Jackson Avery•
•Plastics Surgeon•
•Dr. April Kepner•
•Trauma Surgeon•
•April & Jackson (Aka Japril)•
•Dating Couple•
•Dr. Arizona Robbins•
•Peds Surgeon•
•Dr. Callie Torres•
•Chief Of Ortho Surgery•
•Callie & Arizona (Calzona)•
•Married Couple•
•Dr. Cristina Yang•
•Cardio Surgeon•
•Dr. Owen Hunt•
•Chief Of Trauma Surgery•
•Owen & Cristina (Crowen)•
•Engaged Couple
•Dr. Miranda Bailey•
•Chief Of General Surgery•
•Dr. Teddy Altman•
•Chief Of Cardio Surgery•
•Dr. Lexi Grey•
•Dr. Jo Wilson•
•Dr. Mark Sloan•
•Chief Of Plastic Surgery•
•Dr. Richard Webber•
•Chief Of Surgery•
•General Surgeon•
•Dr. Alex Karv•
•Peds Surgeon•
Previously In "The Life Of Amy & Ty
Ty ran his hand down her back and Jewel quickly turned around without thinking and reared up. Ty tries to back up as fast as he could but he was to late.
"Ty!" Amy exclaimed now sitting up in the bed.
"Jewel she reared and sh.. Sh ah hit me man my h..u..r..t.s..." Was all Ty said and Amy heard a crash and there was a loud BEEP and the line went dead.
Amy then went into where all the horses are and there she seen her husband lay there in a puddle of his own blood.
"" Ty said.
"Yes yes Ty, what... what is it" Amy said softly to him.
"Kiss Me" Ty whispered.
Amy hesitated but then leaned down and have Ty a passionate kiss but Ty bearly being able to kiss back but still managed too.
"Ty" Amy said in a wispy voice.
Ty had no respond.
"TY!" Amy said pleading and shaking him.
"What we got" said a serious looking blonde haired female asked the EMT and took the chart who's name tag said 'Dr. Grey'
"Struck by a horse leaving him with head trauma, right side abdomen wound and unknown shoulder injury" The paramedic said.
"PAGE SHEPHERD AND TORRES STAT" Dr. Grey yelled to the nurses.
"COMING THREW, EVERYONE TRAUM 3" A young red head lady yelled.
"Hello sir your going to be fine. We're going to check you over" Dr. Grey said with another doctor beside her by the name of 'Dr. Kepner'.
"He's got a dislocated shoulder, rigid stomach so probably massive bleeding in the stomach. ORDER A CT NOW I think there's a brain bleed, BOOK AN OR AS WELL" Dr. Grey ordered everyone around.
"TY TY ITS OK IM HERE" Amy exclaimed trying to get through to see Ty by crowded by all the doctors.
Amy sat on the ground for a while and then walked back to the waiting room and sat down in the corner chair crying and thinking about Ty, praying that he'd survive and thinking about how it was her fault for not answering the phone in time and going out to help him.
"It's all my fault! It's all my fault!... My husband is going to die because I was to stupid to answer his phone call because I underrated what was happening! If I just answered the god damn phone he'd be fine" Amy thought as she sobbed into her knees in the waiting room chair
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Chapter 32- Always Something Behind That Next Corner•
Dr. Avery walked back into the trauma room where the patient "Ty Borden" was.
"AVERY FINALLY!! This guy is close to brain death! Have you book the damn OR yet!?" Dr. Grey yelled as she check his pupils.
"Damn it, his right pupil is blown" Dr. Grey stated.
"I told the nurses to" Dr. Avery told her.
Avery rolled his eyes and ran down to the nurses station.
Dr. Kepner and Dr. Grey pushed the bed down to the elaveter and got on to the OR floor.
"Kepner we're going to have to scrub fast and... Damn it!" Dr. Grey said.
"What is it" Dr. Kepner asked Dr. Grey.
"I wanted to talk to Dr. Shepherd before... We got in there" Dr. Grey said suspiciously.
"Oh well you can talk to him when we get into the OR right?" Dr. Kepner said happily.
Dr. Grey just stood silently.
"Dr. Grey?" Dr. Kepner asked looking at Dr. Grey.
"Yes Yes, right" Dr. Grey said sounding not impress.
"Ok let's move everyone!" Dr. Grey said as she pushed the gurnee down the hall to into OR 2. Dr. Grey and the other doctors went to the scrub room to scrub in. As soon as they finished scrubbing in and they walked into the operating room. The door then swung open.
"What we got?" A tall, hot doctor said with perfect wavy hair as he walked into the room.
"Dr. Shepherd finally!" Dr. Grey said flusteredly.
"Calm down, I'm here now, what's going on?" Dr. Shepherd questioned.
"He has to be what looks like a brain bleed and possible other brain injurys" Dr. Avery said.
"Ok well then..." Dr. Shepherd said as the nurse put gloves on him.
"Alright everybody, it's a beautiful day to save lives, let's have some fun" Dr. Shepherd said smiling as the nurse handed him a scalpel.
Dr. Grey was smiling at her husband saying he's catch phase that everyone enjoyed hearing.
Then they started to get down to work.
"Anyone know where Torres is?" Dr. Shepherd said.
"We haven't seen her" Dr. Grey said.
"I'll call her down" a scrub nurse said.
"Avery you wanna go give the wife an update, please?" Dr. Grey said.
"Umm sure" Dr. Avery said sounding not impressed.
"Wait Dr. Avery can I talk to you?" The scrub nurse asked as he went to walk out the door.
"Ya sure" Dr. Avery said and they went into the hall.
"I called down to the nurses station and they said there's a lockdown?" the nurse said.
"What! Is it a drill or something?" Dr. Avery asked.
"Well I don't know, they never said. All they said was there's is a lockdown right now, the chief of surgery announced that about 15 minutes ago" she stated.
"Ok should we tell them" Dr. Avery asked.
"It's your call, Doctor" she said and walked back into the room.
Dr. Avery didn't know if he should leave or not or go and tell them or what. Dr. Avery finally decided to go inform the wife and then go back and tell them about the situation because he didn't want to worry them when there was a man on the table in rough shape.
Lou, Georgie, Katie, Tim and Jack sat in waiting for news on Ty or that they could go find Amy. Lou still sat there crying, on and off.
"I have an idea" Tim said.
"Tim..." Jack said.
"No it's a pretty good idea" Tim said.
"Ok dad what is it?" Lou asked looking like a racoon from crying.
Georgie and Katie were pretty scared by this point especially Katie because she had no clue was was going on, only that her mom was crying.
"You're see" Tim said and got up.
"TIM!" Jack exclaimed and gestured him to come closer to him.
"Just promise me you won't beat her up or do anything stupid" Jack said.
"I'm not that dumb, Jack" Tim said and walked to the counter where the lady at the front desk was. Tim could feel her icy blue Beaty eyes glare down at him.
"Why the heck won't you at least give information to the father of the patient?" Tim questioned.
"Are you the father? Of Ty Borden" the lady asked.
"I am" Tim said.
"Oh ya what's your name" the lady asked.
"Brad Borden" Tim said lieing.
"The lady looked up Ty's records and Tim was praying it wasn't going to say he was dead and have a picture of him.
"Ok fine, I'm so sorry for the inconvenience" she said sympathetically
"You should me that's my son and those people are just as much his family as me! So from now on YOU WILL TELL THEM SOMETHING WHEN THEY ASK!!! GOT IT!" Tim exclaimed.
"Yes sir" she said embarrassedly as her face turned as red as a tomato.
"Don't you think I won't have a word with your manager either" Tim said.
"Now tell me what is going on with my son!" Tim said.
"Ok ok let me bring up his chart" she said. Tim read her name tag finally because that was the first time she moved this whole time.
Lou seen the nurse jump up the her computer and so walked over to Tim
"Nurse Judy Wilson" Tim read in his head.
"Da..." Lou got interrupted by Tim.
"Hi Lou" Tim said and gave her the face as to not talk. Lou stayed quiet even know that is pretty hard for Lou.
"here they are" Judy said.
"He seems to have been struck by a horse and has a unknown shoulder injures, lack to the head and abdominal injures. To dumb it down, he has something wrong with his head, stomach and shoulder" the nurse said.
" I caught that" Tim said and glared.
"He is OR 2 right now in surgery..." The nurse was saying but then another nurse came up to her and said something Tim couldn't hear.
"What seriously!" Judy said.
"Ok go lock the doors" Judy said to another nurse.
"What's going on" Tim asked.
"We're on lock down, no one is going anywhere. In or out" Judy said.
"Are you kidding me, can I please go see Amy, Ty's wife. She's probably scared out of her mind" Tim said.
"I'm sorry I can't let you sir" Judy said.
"Hell with that" Tim said and took Lou's hand and they run into the hospital pass the nurses station to the elevator.
"HEY GET BACK HERE NOW WERE ON LOCK DOWN!!" Judy yelled but they didn't listen.
"DAD!" Lou exclaimed.
"TIM!!" Lou heard from halfway down the hall as Jack yelled at Tim while it echoed through the hospital walls.
"If we make it on the elevator. We will be fine" Tim said.
Tim reached the elevator and was clicking the UP bottom many times like it would make it go faster. Finally it opened and they ran in and pushed any random button. It be anywhere but there.
Back With Amy
Amy sat in the waiting room still crying and worrying about Ty. Amy then thought she should call Lou or Grandpa and tell them what was going on. Amy reached for her phone and realized that she had left her phone in her bedroom and just sat there trying not to cry but was crying a little bit because it was all her fault. Suddenly the doctor that took her to the waiting room came out in a blue surgery uniform. Amy stood up and ran over to him. The doctor looked like he had bad news.
"Doctor!! Doctor is... Is.. He ok?" Amy questioned worriedly.
"Calm down mam, your husband is in pretty bad shape but their working it out" Dr. Avery said.
"Will.. Will he survive" Amy stuttered.
"Um.. There a good chance he will" Dr. Avery said and put a hand on Amy.
"A chance.." Amy wimped then started sobbing and Dr. Avery pulled Amy into him and let her cry into him.
Dr. Avery's pager went off 5 minutes later. Dr. Avery looked down at his pager
Or 2- Dr. Grey:
Just as Dr. Avery was about to speak Amy beat him to it.
"It's Ty, my husband isn't it" Amy said with red blood shot eyes and make up running down her face.
"Uh it is but I don't think it's much of an emergency" Dr. Avery said trying not to worry Amy.
"Oh ok, Doctor, what's your name" Amy asked politely.
"Dr. Avery" Dr. Avery said.
"Thank you Dr. Avery, for everything. I'll be sure to tell your superior about how of a good doctor you are" Amy said.
"Thank you, but now I have to go. I'll update you soon, Amy" Dr. Avery said walking away casually.
"Bye" Amy said and sat down with her knees tucked up to her chest thinking about Ty.
Dr. Avery waited til he hit the corner to run down to the OR. He ran as fast as he could to the OR. Dr. Avery opened the door to see him coding and blood everywhere.
"DR. AVERY WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN" Dr. Shepherd yelled as he was doing compressions.
"Defib!" Dr. Grey yelled.
"CHARGE TO 360!" Dr. Shepherd exclaimed.
"We got a rhythm" Dr. Grey said.
"Oh good" Dr. Shepherd said.
"AVERY DO YOU NOT KNOW WHAT A 911 MEANS!!" Dr. Shepherd yelled at Dr. Avery.
"There's a lockdown" Dr. Avery just spat up.
"What!" Dr. Shepherd said.
"There's a lockdown right now" Dr. Avery said.
"What are we going to do, we can't move him to the recovery wing when we're done" A nurse said said.
"I don't know" Dr. Shepherd said thinking.
"That explains why Dr. Torres isn't here yet" Dr. Grey said.
"He's pretty much done, I just have to repair the spleen now" Dr. Grey said.
"I just have to close now" Dr. Shepherd said.
"We can't close him up yet until Dr. Torres looks at his shoulder" Dr. Grey said.
"I know" Dr. Shepherd said.
"What the hell are we going to do!" Dr. Grey exclaimed.
"Dr. Grey!" Dr. Shepherd yelled.
Dr. Grey had a shocked look face on her from her husband yelling at her.
"Someone page Torres! A 911! NOW!" Dr. Shepherd exclaimed.
"But Dr. Shepherd..." Dr. Grey got interrupted by Dr. Shepherd.
"DR. GREY" Dr. Exclaimed.
"Derek! What is wrong with you, you can't just call her down, obviously something is going on and we may put her in danger by bring her here" Dr. Grey said.
"This patient may die if she doesn't" Dr. Shepherd said now glaring at Meredith.
"It's on lockdown for a reason, Derek" Dr. Grey shot back.
"Fine then I'll go and find her then myself! She probably down in the ER" Dr. Shepherd said and threw off his gloves and gown into the hamper.
"Fine then, put your self in danger" Dr. Grey sassily said as Derek slammed the door.
Dr. Grey had a shocked face on her as everyone now stood staring at her for a bit.
"Ok everybody lets get back t..."
"What the hell was that" Dr. Avery said.
"Was that a.." One intern named Lexi said.
"A gunshot. Uh I I think so" Dr. Grey said and turned into panic mode.
"Dr. Dr. Avery get over here and and ah finish this splenic repair and I'll I'll go see what's going on.." Dr. Grey stuttered in complete shock seeing as her husband just walked out there. Dr. Grey handed the tools to Dr. Avery and ran to the door and slowly crept it open and she looked into the silenced hall, not one noise in that hall, you could here a pin drop. Dr. Grey slowly walked down the hall to the elevator and click level 3 to get down to the ER for Dr. Torres and to see where Derek went. Suddenly she heard someone walking closer to her. Meredith felt her heart race rapidly and sweat drip down her face. Then she kept clicking the button as fast as she could but then the person was getting closer and closer. Click clack click clack. Meredith hands began to shake as she seen the tip of a black shoe around the corner just standing on the other side of the hall as the shoes nosies stopped. Meredith was wishing Derek was with her by now. Meredith felt the terror and adrenaline rush through her body and tears starting to well up in her eyes and praying Derek or someone would come or they were that person around the corner. she seen the person finally slowly peak there head around and....
Damnnnnn That Ending Tho, Omg😂😂 I Have The Best Cliff Hangers🙌🏻 My Birthday Is In 2 Days (June 14th) !! Yay😝 Anyways Tell Me If You Enjoy My Cliff Hangers Or Not And I'm Will Update When I Get 110 Follower (1 More Follower😱)
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