Chapter 31- Loss, Love & Pain
Amy dashed out of bed as fast as she could and grabbed her boots and ran outside to the barn. Amy was in total panic mode so she had no idea what had happened to Ty or if he was ok. Amy finally reached the barn and looked in the feed room, No Ty. Amy then went into where all the horses are and there see seen her husband lay there in a puddle of his own blood.
"TY!" Amy exclaimed and ran to him.
Amy bend down to him and seen where all the bleeding and was coming from, his head and side.
Amy grabbed his head to try and wake him up.
"TY WAKE UP PLEASE!" Amy scowled.
Amy seen his phone beside him, he must have dropped it.
"Amy *cough* go" Ty said muffled.
"TY STAY AWAKE YOU HEAR ME STAY AWAKE!" Amy yelled and reached for her phone and called 911.
"Hello emergency services how can..." Before the lady could finish Amy said.
"I need help I need help right now it's my husband! Please come! 1464 bridle Lane Hudson! Hurry!"
"Come down mam their on there way as we speak" the young lady responded and hung up the phone.
"TY STAY AWAKE TALK TO ME" Amy yelled, that echoed through the whole barn.
"Ooo...k Amy I'm here" Ty muffled voice said.
Amy sat beside him holding his head in her hands. Ty was bleeding out quickly, he made the wound on his side even bigger and worst by moving across the barn floor and his head gnash was still bleeding rapidly.
Amy looked around for an cloth or something and then she took off her already blood stained plaid shirt and ripped it into two so she could put one behind Ty's head wound and his abdominal trauma, leaving Amy in her white and now pretty much red blood stained top. Amy put the ripped clothes on Ty's head trying to keep it from bleeding and held the other one on Ty's other wound.
"TY YOU KEEP TALKING NOW! Anything Ty talk about anything just keep talking so I know your all... ive" Amy said now starting to cry.
"TY! Can you hear me TY!" Amy yelled crying even more now.
"Uhmm" Ty made a soft 'uhm' sound so Amy knew he was still alive.
"TY HOLD ON I LOVE YOU!! PLEASE PLEASE STAY STAY YOUR GOING TO BE FINE, DON'T DIE ON ME" Amy exclaimed loud effort the neighbours could probably hear by now.
Amy had tears rushing down her face now, when Ty reached his hand up to on to Amy's hand. Amy grabbed ahold of his weaking grip hand like she was never letting go while still holding pressure on Ty's wound.
"" Ty said.
"Yes yes Ty, what what is it" Amy said softly to him.
"Kiss Me" Ty whispered.
Amy hesitated but then leaned down and have Ty a passionate kiss but Ty bearly being able to kiss back but still managed too.
"Ty" Amy said in a wispy voice.
Ty had no respond.
"TY!" Amy said pleading and shaking him.
"TY WAKE UP NOW!" Amy yelled starting to cry even more.
"Ty..." Amy said as Amy reached up with her bloody hands to wipe away her tears. Ty was out cold.
"NOOO! Nooooo Ty Please!!" Amy hollered.
Amy now seen Ty's head was bleeding even more and she had assumed there was more wrong in his brain.
Amy heard sirens barrelling down the street and getting closer, which was a relieve for Amy. Soon effort they came and pulled up to the house and got out when Amy yelled
2 of the paramedics ran over to Amy while the other one drove the rig over to the barn doors. The one EMT brought the stretcher and the other one ran over to Amy and Ty, who laid out cold and pale.
"Mam hello what happened" the one EMT said.
"He .. He .. He..." Amy couldn't spit out the words.
"Breath sound shallow, head trauma and what looks to be a abdominal lack on his right side" the same paramedic said to the other one as they said to lift Ty onto the stretcher with Amy still trying to hold his hand.
"Mam please you need to let go of his hand" the one lady EMT said and came behind her and put her hands on her shoulders.
Amy watched as they put an oxygen mask on him and wires and started to tubes. They then wheeled him into the ambulance.
"WE NEED TO INTOBAT! NOW" one of the EMT's yelled and grabbed some tube and started to shoved a tube down Ty's throat. Amy the sight of them doing this to Ty, Amy started to cry even more and yelled Ty!
"Mam he's going to be fine. Is he your husband and what happened?" The EMT girl asked her.
"He's Ty Borden, my husband and he was feeding the horses and all I know is one of our horses kicked or reared or knocked him into something and I was in the house and he called me and and I found him like this" Amy stutted balling.
They shut the doors of the ambulance and drove to the hospital with Amy in the rig with the EMT's and Amy holding Ty's hand
"Ty I'm here and I'm not leaving you" Amy said crying with her hand over her mouth trying now to cry but she couldn't help it. This was the love of her life, her husband, her kids father, her best friend, she couldn't bare to watch this happen to him or God forgive him die right in front of her.
Lou was just driving in with the twins into Amy and Ty's house went suddenly she seen a ambulance come out of Amy and Ty's place with the sirens blaring as they went down the road. Lou pulled over so it could get passed.
"Mom what's going on!" Georgie who was in the back seat exclaimed.
"Honey I.. I don't know" Lou responded with a very worried tone in her voice.
"Mama what's happening what car was that went by?" Little Katie questioned.
No one answered. Lou just did a "Uie" in the middle of the road and followed the ambulance to the hospital.
Lou reached for her phone and threw it back to Georgie.
"Georgie I need you to call Grandpa or Lisa and call Dad" Lou exclaimed watching the ambulance in front of her.
"Ok" was all Georgie said.
"What do I say?" Georgie questioned.
"Say we don't know what's going on but you need to meet us at the hospital, Amy or Ty are hurt or something. Ok Georgie can you do that for me please" Lou said in a slow voice so she didn't worry Georgie.
"Yes" Georgie stated when Jake and Scarlett started to cry.
"It's ok guys everything is going to be just fine, it's going to be fine" Lou said.
"Katie can you do mommy a favour and try and calm the twins?" Lou asked.
"Sure mommy" Katie said and tried to calm them. Lou was mentally freaking out not knowing what was going on and she couldn't call because Amy or Ty probably didn't even have their phones or wouldn't answer in a time like this and she didn't want to worry her kids ether. Lou just drove to the hospital in silence panic as Georgie called everyone.
"TY! TY YOUR GOING TO BE FINE" Amy cried and reached for his hand. Ty eyes were fluttering open and shut. Then Amy stared into Ty's emerald green eyes that were telling her that he was scared and in pain.
"He's losing too much blood" The one paramedic hollered to the other one.
"More lap pads" the other EMT said trying cover the head trauma covered so Ty didn't bleed out.
" bad I.. Is he?" Amy stuttered.
"We won't know til we get to the hospital" he replied.
" how mu... Much longer" Amy questioned.
" 2 minutes to destination" The driver EMT called back.
"Ty hold on please" Amy said to her husband whimpering.
The sirens blared down the street as they rushed Ty to the hospital.
2 Minutes Later
They arrived at the hospital and unloaded Ty on his stretcher and into the hospital.
"What we got" said a serious looking blonde haired female asked the EMT and took the chart who's name tag said 'Dr. Grey'
"Struck by a horse leaving him with head trauma, right side abdomen wound and unknown shoulder injury" The paramedic said.
"PAGE SHEPHERD AND TORRES" Dr. Grey yelled to the nurses.
"COMING THREW, EVERYONE TRAUM 3" A young red head lady yelled.
"Hello sir your going to be fine. We're going to check you over" Dr. Grey said with another doctor beside her by the name of 'Dr. Kepler'.
"He's got a dislocated shoulder, rigid stomach so probably massive bleeding in the stomach. ORDER A CT NOW I think there's a brain bleed, BOOK AN OR AS WELL" Dr. Grey ordered everyone around.
"TY TY ITS OK IM HERE" Amy exclaimed trying to get through to see Ty by crowded by all the doctors.
Dr. Grey yelled.
"Mam mam you need to calm down and come with me, you need to let the doctors work" another young cute, black haired, tall doctor said by the name of 'Dr. Avery'.
"NO PLEASE LET ME SEE MY HUSBAND PLEASE" Amy pleaded while tears streamed down her face.
The doctor tried to led Amy out to the waiting room.
"NO I NEED TO SEE MY HUSBAND!! TY TY TY IM HERE BABE" Amy yelled just as the door shut in the trauma room.
"Mam there going to take real good care of him, I promise" Dr. Avery said.
"No please oh please let me go see him just once more" Amy cried.
"I'm sorry mam I can't the doctors need to work. Now you just need to sit here and I'll come update you as soon as I know something" Dr. Avery said and showed her to the OR waiting room.
Amy sat down and Dr. Avery left to go back to the trauma.
Amy just sat there in total panic mode crying and she feel like she was going to be sick, which soon effort she had to run to the closest bathroom. Amy ran into the ladies bathroom and threw up. She knew it was from the hangover and from what had just happened to Ty. Amy sat on the ground for a while and then walked back to the waiting room and sat down in the corner chair crying and thinking about Ty, praying that he'd survive and thinking about how it was her fault for not answering the phone in time and going out to help him.
"It's all my fault! It's all my fault!... My husband is going to die because I was to stupid to answer his phone call because I unrated what was happening! If I just answered the god damn phone he'd be fine" Amy thought as she sobbed into her knees in the waiting room chair
"Georgie were almost there, can you please get the kids ready" Lou said.
"Ya" Georgie responded.
Lou soon effort pulled into the hospital and went and parked by the front of the hospital. Lou got out of the car as fast as she could still in panic and ran to the back and got the stroller and Georgie got the twins out of their car seats and Katie jumped out behind her.
"Mommy is there something wrong with Auntie Amy or Uncle Ty?" Little Katie asked in a baby voice.
"Maybe we don't know yet sweetie" Lou stated as she was putting the twins in their car seat with help from Georgie.
"Ok Katie hold Georgie's hand ok" Lou said starting to push the stroller into the hospital in a speed walk.
"Ok mama" Katie said and reached for Georgie's hand. Georgie picked up Katie in her arms instead.
Georgie was so unbelievably worry and didn't know is what to think.
"Georgie... what's going on" Katie whispered in her ear.
"I don't know, but everything will be just fine" Georgie said unsurely sounding but did the trick for little Katie.
They ran into the hospital and Lou said
"Georgie stay here with the kids" and ran over to the front desk.
"Hello, my sister or brother in law are here, where could I find them, Amy Fleming Borden Or Ty Borden. We seen the ambulance going out of there driveway and followed it here" Lou said flustered.
"Ok mam calm down, I'll see if there in the server" The lady at the front desk said.
The lady just sat at the desk typing and scrolling through the computer.
"Come on" Lou mumbled. The lady gave her a sly look from under her glasses and continued.
"Here it's a Ty Borden?" The lady questioned.
"Yes, Yes that's my brother in law!" Lou exclaimed.
"Can I go see what's going on. Can you please tell me what's going on!" Lou respectively said.
"Um well since you are not immediate family I can't let you go see them but.." The lady was saying when Lou interrupted.
"Are you kidding, he is more than my brother in law, he's more like my brother! I knew him way before he was my sisters husband! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! Let me at least go and see my sister!" Lou yelled loud effort to probably the whole hospital to hear. Everyone stood staring at Lou including Georgie and Katie.
"Mam please calm down. I cannot let you go see them, I'm sorry. You can go wait in the waiting room over there tho" The lady said rudely.
"This is Ridiculous!!" Lou exclaimed and walked over to her kids.
"I'm sorry girls and Jake, we can't go see Amy and Ty but all we know is something happened to Ty" Lou said starting to tear up.
"Umm I don't know what to do now" Lou said walking in a circle muttering on about what to do and scaring the kids.
Suddenly Jack and Tim ran through the doors of the hospital.
"LOU WHAT IS GOING ON!" Jack yelled and ran over to her, followed by Tim.
"It's Ty, something has happened to him" Lou said finally starting to cry.
"Lou.." Tim said and went and hugged her.
Jack went over to Georgie who sat in panic with the kids trying to keep them calm.
"Georgie are you ok" Jack said.
"What's going on! What happened to Ty" Georgie said seriously and tearing up.
"Georgie I know as much as you, probably less" Jack said sitting down beside her in the chair next to her and hugging her and Katie on Georgie's lap.
"Everything is going to be fine girls, everything will be fine" said Jack.
Hey So Nice Ending Ah!😂 Well If You Haven't Notice But I Have Brought The Greys Anatomy Characters Into My Book! So I Hope You Like That, Comment If You Do Please Or If Not Comment Too. The Characters I Brought In Our The Following;
Dr. Meredith Grey:
General Surgeon/Resident
Dr. April Kepner:
Trauma Surgeon/Resident
Dr. Jackson Avery:
Plastics Surgeon/Resident
-Soon To Meet-
Dr. Derek Shepherd:
Head Of Neurology/ Chief Of Surgery
Dr. Calliope (Aka Callie) Torres:
Head Of Orthopaedic Surgery
Dr. Miranda Bailey:
Head Of General Surgery
Dr. Cristina Yang:
Cardiothoracic Surgeon/Resident
Dr. Teddy Altman:
Head Of Cardiothoracic Surgery
Dr. Arizona Robbins:
Head Of Paediatrics Surgery
Dr. Alex Karv:
Paediatrics Surgeon/ Resident
Dr. Owen Hunt:
Head Of Trauma Surgery
Dr. Lexi Grey
Medical Intern
Dr. Jo Wilson:
Medical Intern
Dr. Mark Sloan:
Head Of Plastics Surgery
Dr. Richard Webber
Former, Chief Of Surgery
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