Chapter 26- After All
Chapter 26- After All
The Next Morning
Ty woke up to sleeping beside his beautiful wife. He just stared at her sleeping; so peaceful and content. Amy finally woke up and seen Ty staring at her.
"Good morning Mrs. Borden" Ty Said.
"Good Morning Mr. Borden" Amy said and kissed him.
Ty got closer to Amy and cuddled with her.
"I can't believe were married" Amy said.
"I know" said Ty and kissed her forehead while stoking her golden blonde hair.
"We should probably get up" Ty said.
"Uhh why I just stay here with you. But I really do miss the twins" Amy said.
"I know I do too" Ty said.
"Oh soo that's why you want to get up" Amy said teasingly. Ty just smiled
"And your family is probably wondering where we are" Ty said.
"Ty there your family now too" Amy said.
"Oh ya. Let's go see our family" Ty said and picked Amy up out of bed.
Amy and Ty both got ready and walked down into the barn. Amy went to see Paint.
"Hey boy how's your leg" Amy said and walked into his stall and feeler his leg.
"TY" Amy yelled. Ty came running.
"What wrong Amy" Ty said.
"Feel his leg" Amy said.
Ty felt his leg.
"Well he will need some antidotes and I'm going call Scott to come later and check him out but for the mean time get I'm some trimel to deul to pain" Ty said.
"Ok Dr. Borden" Amy said smering.
Amy and Ty walked out of the stall. Amy got the Trimel and gave it to Ty to give to Paint. Ty gave it to paint and walked out.
"Well give the timel to him every 4 to 6 hours to the nerves pain until Scott can come" Ty said orderly.
"Ok Dr. Borden" Amy said grabbing him and pulling towards her.
"What" he asked.
"Your just sounding quite knowable Dr. Borden. It's kind of Sexy" Amy said.
Ty laughed "oh really" he said.
They both laughed as they walked to the house.
Lou, Jack, Georgie, Katie, Peter, Lisa, Tim, Casey and Scarlett and Jack were all eating breakfast at the table when Amy and Ty walked in.
"Well if it isn't the newly weds" Jack said.
"Hey" Amy and Ty said as Amy ran over to she Scarlett and Jake.
"Hey Scar" Amy said and picked up Scarlett.
"Hey Jakey" Ty said and picked up Jake. Amy and Ty stood beside each other.
"Hi Jake" Amy said and ticked him.
"So how was your night you too" Lou said and winked at Amy. Amy smiled and said
"Theses kids don't sleep every well do they" Lou said.
"No they can be like Katie when she was a baby" Amy said.
"Hey!" Katie said.
"Sorry Katie" Amy said.
"We have your present" Lou and Lisa said and gave them an envolope. Amy handed Scarlett to Lou an opened the envolope.
"Oh my god" Amy exclaimed and handed it to Ty
"Oh my" Ty said.
"You guys we can't go on a honeymoon to France with the twin being here" Amy said.
"That's the thing Amy; you can go right now or anytime you want. It's like a ticket that never runs out. All you have to do its tell us when you want to go and we will make the plans" Lisa said
"Oh My God! Thank you guys so much" Amy and Ty said and hugged everyone.
"One more thing. Can u babysit the twins when you go" Georgie asked.
"Of course" Amy said. Amy had tears of joy in her eyes. Ty was so excited They ate breakfast and Amy, Ty and the twins when to their house. Amy loaded Jake and Ty loaded Scarlett. Scarlett was being so fussy and Ty didn't know why. Amy and Ty got into the truck and as soon as they started to drive Scarlett started to cry. Ty pulled over. Amy took her seatbelt off and climbed back there. Amy picked out Scarlett and shhhed her. Scarlett soon started to fall asleep.
"Looks like all she need was her mommy" Ty said. Ty said to drive home. Amy and Ty decided that they would have a lazy day with the kids. Amy took Scarlett in and Ty took Jake. They were both sleeping so they took them to they room. They put them in their cribs and turned the baby monitors on. Amy and Ty quietly walked downstairs to the living room to watch some TV. Ty got a call from his mom wondering if she could come down to see them. Amy walked back into to the living room with Ty.
"Who was that? Ty asked.
"My mom. She wants to come and see us" said Ty.
"You said Yes right Ty" Amy asked.
"Yes I did she's coming in a 3 weeks" Ty said and sat on the couch with Amy.
They sat on the couch and cuddled. Sophie and Buddy cuddled up with them too. Sapphire and Bailey were sitting on top of the couch by their heads. They watched Desperate House Wife's and Amy got sick of that show so they watched some movies that included Flicka, Fast and Furious 7 and Fifty Shades Of Grey. Sophie kept barking for no reason. Then they heard Jake crying so they when upstairs to check on them. Amy walked in to see that Scarlett had tipped over her crib. Amy ran over to her. Amy screamed so Ty came running.
"What wrong" Ty asked as he ran into the room. Then he seen the crib was knocked over and Scarlett was on the ground screaming. Ty ran to Scarlett and Amy.
"Oh My God is she ok" Ty asked.
" I think other then the scratch on her head and just seems shaken up" Amy said crying as she was trying to calm down Scarlett. Amy looked over at the window and it was a smig open; so Amy walked over to the window and locked it. Ty got up and went to calm down Jake.
"Good boy for telling us" Ty said to Jake as he calmed down him. Jake didn't crying so Ty just held him until Amy was done feeding Scarlett. Amy handed Scarlett to Ty and Ty handed Jake to her for her to feed.
"You gave us quite a scare Scar" said and ticked her.
"She needs to be changed" said Amy.
"Ok" Ty said and changed her and put her to bed because she was tired after the scare. Jake on the other hand was still awake and wanted to play.
Amy felt so sick. Amy walked back out to kids room.
Ames are you ok" Ty said.
Amy looked pale... Very pale.
"Ya It just scared me" Amy said. Amy walked into the hall and went to the bathroom. Amy had been feeling off lately. Amy feel sick so she ran to the toilet to puke. Amy then got up and splashed her face with cold water and brushed her teeth. Amy nearly fainted. Amy walked out of the bathroom and back to Ty.
"You ok" Ty asked.
"Ya I think so" Amy said now leading on Ty. Ty wrapped his arms around her.
"How's Scarlett and Jake" Amy asked snugging into Ty.
"Good Jake went back to sleep" Ty said.
Amy suddenly just feel so fluster and stress.
"How much time do we have to get ready for you mom to come?" Amy asked.
"Amy we don't have to get ready everything's fine" Ty said.
"I need to clean the house, do some grocies and I need to get some clients to bring in money.." Amy was saying and started to cry.
"Amy what's wrong" Ty got up and hugged her.
" I don't know" Amy said.
"Amy what's wrong" Ty asked again.
"Really I don't know" Amy asked.
"Must be from the baby hormones" Ty said.
"You do know the babies aren't in me anymore" Amy said.
"Yes" Ty said laughing. Ty took Amy to their room to watch some TV.
"Do you want some chips?" Ty asked.
"No thanks" Amy said.
Amy put her head on his chest and Ty rubbed his hand threw her hair and forehead and happened to feel her hot forehead.
"Amy there's something wrong with you; you have a fever" Ty said sitting up.
"I'm fine" Amy said. Ty knew she wasn't. Amy was still feeling off and didn't want to eat anything. Amy went to the bathroom to check her tempature.
97 degrees.
Ty was right. Amy then checked her weight on the scale
120 Pounds!
"That's not right for a woman who just had twins 3 months ago" Amy though. Amy walked out of the bathroom to see Ty holding Jake. Amy and Ty took Jake down stairs and Amy played with Jake well Ty made lunch at 3pm. By the he was done Jake was tired and needed to go to bed. Amy walked upstairs and pick him to bed. Ty made gilled cheese and sliced tomatoes and cucumber as well. They ate lunch and talked.
"I can't wait til we can bottle feed them or them to eat solid food" Amy said.
"Why" Ty said.
Amy looked at him.
"Nevermind" he said.
"We could probably start soon because their weights are both up now" Ty said.
"Maybe another month or so" Amy said.
"Ya they are 3 months now" Ty said.
"Wow time flys" Amy said.
"I know" Ty said.
"you know one thing I don't understand is how did Scarlett knock over the crib" Ty said.
"I was wondering the same thing, I don't knows she must have crawled or something" said Amy. They finish they lunch and check on the twins.
They were good. Amy needed a break from all this stress so Amy decided to go for a ride on Spartan because she hasn't rode Spartan seen she was pregnant and had the twins.
"Ty I'm going to go ride Spartan" Amy said.
"Ok honey do you want me to come?" Ty asked.
"I'm fine, I can ride and besides who will look after the twins" Amy said and walked out of the door. Ty cot her arm as she walked out of the door.
"Please be careful" Ty said.
"Ty, you're doing it again" Amy said.
"Doing what" Ty asked.
"Being so overprotective" Amy said.
"What wrong with wanting to protect my wife" Ty said. Amy smiled at the phase "my wife".
"Ok ok fine but sometimes I just need to ride. By my self!" Amy said.
"Ok I get it. I Love You Have fun" Ty said and kissed her. Amy ran to the barn and tacked out Spartan. Ty thought they was something off about Amy.
"Are you ready to ride boy" Amy said. Spartan nickered as to say
"It's about time".
Amy mounted Spartan and rode off. Amy wanted to explore her property. Amy canter through a long stretch of forest, then galloped some green open fields and then found a long trail. Amy trotted down the trail. To find it led to Heartland. Amy was shocked she haven't seen this trail before. Amy looked at her phone and seen it was 5 o'clock so she decided she should probably head back or Ty may call the police or something but Amy really want to see where this trail led to. Amy followed the trail back to her house.
Amy finally got home at 5:45pm. Amy dismounted Spartan and started to untacked when Ty came from the house.
"I'm glad your ok" Ty said hugged her from behind.
"Ty I'm fine but Oh My Gosh you should see our property it's amazing there's open fields, lots of forest and trails and..." Amy was saying.
"Amy slow down" Ty said laughing.
"Sorry it was just so awesome and I didn't know how much I missed riding til I was riding" Amy said.
"Well I'm glad you had fun" Ty said as he helped her brush Spartan. Amy put Spartan away and Ty went up to the house to make dinner. Amy did chores and then went up to the house. Ty had made steak, peas and rice for supper. Amy didn't eat much. After dinner Amy went up and fed Scarlett and Jake and changed them put them to bed.
"I'm tired" Amy said to Ty.
"Well let's go to bed" said Ty and picked Amy up.
"Wow you seem lighter then usal" Ty said.
"I know it said it from feeding the twins and stress" Amy said.
"Amy don't put your heath at risk because we can start them on formula now" Ty said.
"I'm fine" Amy said.
"Amy your not you weight way least then you did 2 weeks ago, I think theirs something wrong" Ty said.
"No theirs nothing wrong" Amy said.
"Ty can we please just go to bed" Amy said.
"Ok but tomorrow your going to weight your self and if your under 150 pounds your going to the doctors" Ty said.
"Ugh" Amy scowled.
"Hey at least all my baby fats gone" Amy said as Ty put her on the bed.
Ty just gave her a look. Amy and Ty got into bed and Ty was getting worried about Amy. Ty pulled Amy closer to him and held her in his arms. Ty ran his hand up and down her side soothingly til she fell asleep.
Hey Guys So This Is My Christmas Present To You Guys🎁🎅🎄 So Merry Christmas🎄
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