Chapter 25- Always & Forever
Chapter 25- Always & Forever
Amy and Ty for the pass few weeks have been working on their plans for their wedding. With Lou stressing more than Amy about driving everyone insane, Amy and Ty finally had everything together and ready.
They were getting married July 14th. They had decided that the wedding would be down by the Lake but not the one by the dude ranch, the one closer to Heartland because Amy was going to ride Spartan down the aisle. Amy had picked out her bridesmaids. Lou was the maid of honer and Georgie and Mallory were going to be the brides maids. Mallory and Jake were coming all the way from France. Soraya was also coming from France. Mrs. Bell was going to make Amy's dress. The colour of the wedding was white and purple. Amy was getting so excited about her wedding. She had Scarlett's dress already bought and same with Jake's tux. Scarlett and Katie were the flower girls and they were going to ride Sugarfoot down the aisle with Georgie's help . Caleb was the best man and Jake was the ring bearer so Lou was going to carry him down the aisle with her and the rings. All Amy could think about was her wedding.
It was the night of Amy and Ty's wedding. Amy was feeling mixed emotions Happy, nervous and scared but mostly excited. Ty was going to stay at Caleb's and Amy was going to stay at Heartland.
It was 6:00pm. Yet Still The Night Before The Wedding!
Amy and Ty were cuddled on the couch.
"Ty can you believe we will be married at this time tomorrow" Amy said.
"I know" Ty replied. Amy had butterfly's in her stomach. "
Amy you seem off" Ty said.
"I'm a bit nervous" Amy said.
"If I helps I am too" Ty said hugging her.
"I wish you could just stay here but Lou would have our heads, It's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding, as Lou would say" Amy said. Ty laughed.
"I can stay" Ty said.
"No it's ok I will be fine" Amy said. "I'm staying for a bit longer" Ty said. Amy was happy he said that. Amy felt so safe in Ty's arms. She just wanted to stay like that forever and tomorrow that would finally come true.
Amy woke up in her bed at 7:00am. She didn't remember going up to her bed. She must have fallen asleep and Ty brought her upstairs. Amy look on her bedside table and there was a note; it was from Ty.
You fell asleep last night so I put you in bed and checked on the twins
I love you so much and I can't wait to married you tomorrow❤️
I love you Mrs. Borden to be
Yours forever Love
Amy was crying by the end of that message. Amy got up and grabbed the kids and drove to Heartland because Lou had all of her stuff.
Back With Ty
Ty woke up to the sound of Caleb eating breakfast. Ty opened his eyes. "Morning buddy today's the day" Caleb said.
"Morning Caleb" Ty said and got up and showered to get ready to marry the love of his life.
Later Ty and Caleb drove to Heartland.
Back With Amy
Amy parked her truck and walked into the house. Everybody was already up and starting to get everything ready. "Good morning bride how are you feeling" Lou asked. "Good... Ok" Amy said. "Well it's normal to be nervous" Lou said.
"I was" Lou then said.
Grandpa Jack looked up from the newspaper and said
"Ha you almost drove back home when we were just about to go in" Jack said with a chuckle
"Don't remember me. Anyways here's your breakfast and I have a hot bath running for you in the bathroom. Oh and I will look and Jack and Lisa have offered to look after Scarlett and Jake while you get ready" Lou said.
"Lou I don't know how I will be able to thank you" Amy said and hugged her sister. Amy ate her breakfast and quickly jumped in the tub. Once she was done Lou greeted her in her room along with Mallory and Georgie all helping her get ready. Lou, Georgie and Mallory were all wearing Purple Long, flowing, spaghetti strapped dresses. Scarlett wore a Purple sparkly dress similar to the bridesmaid dresses with white belts with a bow on the back and wore brown cowboy boots. Amy dress was a long, white, strapless, sparkly dress with a white gem belt and her black cowboy boots. The bridesmaids wore their hair down with curls in it. Amy wore her hair half down half up with some flowers in her hair. Jake was wearing a black little tuxedo that looked just like Ty's with his black dress shoes. Lou helped Amy with her make up and finishing touches and walked her out to the kichen. Everyone was stunned. "Grandpa, Dad I would be honoured if both of you walked me down the aisle. They both said yes. They all walked out to the barn.
The guests were all outside waiting for them. The aisle was big effort for Spartan to fit down. All the guest were set up down by the pond. Amy had a tie post for the horses for when they rode down the aisle. There was a arch with white ribbon all down it and white and purple flowers. The aisle had string all down it with white and purple horseshoes. The alter was a stained pine wood. They all had they beautiful white and purple bouquets of flowers and the boys had purple and white flowers as well.. Amy had all white tack for Spartan for the wedding and so did everyone else. Amy was going to ride Spartan, Jack was going to ride Paint and Tim was going to ride Champ. Lou and Jake were walking. Katie and Scarlett were riding on Sugarfoot while Georgie walked them down. They were all tacked up. Amy mounted Spartan with the help of Tim. Then Jack and Tim got on their horses. Georgie already got Katie and Scarlett on Sugarfoot. Katie was going to hold on to Scarlett best she could while Georgie was going to watch of course still too.
It was 12:57. It was time
"Amy it's 12:57 the weddings at 1pm. It's show time" Lou said. Lou, Georgie, Scarlett, Jake and Katie walked down to the ceremony then Amy, Jack and Tim rode down the to the ceremony. By the time they got down there it was 3 o'clock. They started to play the music. The wedding song was
'Marry Me by Martina McBride'.
Georgie, Katie and Scarlett walk down the aisle with Sugarfoot. Then Lou with Jake. Then everyone one stood up. Tim and Jack helped Amy dismount Spartan. Amy started to walk towards the aisle. Amy eyes met Ty's when she was at the other end of the aisle and didn't leave him till she had finished walking down the aisle. Ty couldn't believe how beautiful Amy looked. Amy couldn't believe how handsome Ty looked. Amy was right up front of Ty. Tim and Jack both hugged Amy and kissed her cheek. Tim put her hands with Ty's. Tim and Jack then went and sat down with there woman. Amy and Ty's eyes meant again both of them stunned. Ty whispered "I Love You". "I Love You Too" Amy whispered back. Amy looked into the crowd of people who were watching them get married. Amy seen sitting at the front row right at the end was her mom. Amy knew she as imagining it. Amy was having a hard time with her mom not being there for her wedding but now seeing her in the crowd she knew she would be here; in spirit. Amy looked back Ty. They smiled at each.
"You two ready" The minister asked. "Let's Getter done" Ty said. Everyone chucked.
"Welcome Family, Friends and loved ones. We gather here to celebrate the marriage of Amy and Ty" The minister announced.
"You have came here to share this commitment that Amy and Ty will make to each other, to offer their love and support to their union, and to allow Amy and Ty to start their married life together surrounded by the most dearest and most important to them" The minister said. Amy and Ty smiling at each other. Amy felt nervous at first but in Ty's arms she felt safe.
" Do you, Ty Borden, take Amy to be your wife, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you love her, comfort her, honour her and protect her as long as you both shall live?"
Ty looked Amy in the eyes and said " I Do" with no hesitation.
" Do you, Amy Fleming, take Ty to be your husband, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you love him, comfort him, honour him and protect him as long as you both shall live?
Amy glazed into Ty's eyes and said
"I Do". Amy and Ty both smiled at each other.
"Will you family, friends and loved ones, support and uphold Amy and Ty's marriage now and the years to come?" Amy and Ty looked to the crowd.
"We will" they all said.
"Amy and Ty have written their own vows. Please go ahead when your ready" the minister said.
"Ty, you are my best friend and I promise to love you and cherish you"
"Amy, I've never had a better friend. I promise to love you, laugh with you and to comfort you."
"I promise to grow along with you and be willing to face change when we both change"
" I promise to share my hopes, my thoughts and dreams as we build our life together"
Amy and Ty:
"when you need someone to encourage you, you will always have me have me.
When you need a helping hand, you will always have mine.
Because from this day forward you do not walk alone"
"My arms will be your shelter, my heart will be your home"
Amy And Ty:
"I promise to love you with all I have to give and all I have to give with Amy and Ty. In the only way I know. For I carry your heart, I carry it in my heart. Always and forever"
"May I have to rings please" the minister said.
Lou took the rings from Jake and gave them to the minister.
"Ty place this ring on Amy's finger and repeat after me" the minister said.
"Amy I give you this ring as a daily reminder of my love for you" the minister said
"Amy I give you this ring as a daily reminder of my love for you" Ty said and put the ring in Amy's shaking finger.
"Amy, place this ring on Ty's finger and repeat after me" the minister said.
"Ty, I give you this ring as a daily reminder of my love for you" the minister said.
"Ty, I give you this ring as a daily reminder of my love for you" Amy said with tears in her eyes as she placed the ring on Ty's finger.
"Well done" the minister said.
"By the power of your love and commitment and the power vested in me, I now pronouns you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride"
Ty instantly grabbed Amy for a passionate kiss. That kiss lasted for a while as the guests clapped loudly.
Amy and Ty hands and got on their horses; Ty rode Spartan. Once they were on they grabbed each other's hand and rode off.
Amy and Ty rode back to the dinner and reception under a huge white tent with horseshoes and little, white tea lights.
Everyone was already sat down and waits for Amy and Ty to walk in. The DJ announced "and here comes the bride and groom Amy and Ty" everyone clapped as Ty carried Amy down to the head table. They sat down and people did speeches. First was Tim then Georgie then Mallory The Jack and then Lou when up with Katie and she said some words then Lisa then Lily and Wade then Lou. Then Amy and Ty went up and said some words and then thanked everyone for coming.
After dinner it was time for the first dance for Amy and Ty as husband and Wife. The DJ announced that it was the first dance so Amy and Ty walked on the floor and the song
"Big Green Tractor" started to play and wrapped his arms around Amy's waist and Amy wrapped her arms around his neck and they slowed danced. Amy rested her head on Ty shoulder and kissed his neck once.
"I love you Ty" Amy said.
"I love you too" Ty said.
The song ended and Ty kissed Amy and they walked back to their seats. "Next is the father daughter dance" Amy and Tim walked out to the dance floor. The song
"My Little Girl" started to play as they started to dance. Once that was over it was the Son and Mother dance. Ty and Lily walked to the dance floor and the song
"Angels" started to play and they danced. Once they were done Ty walked back to his seat and then the DJ went through all of Amy and Ty's best moments.
"Amy and Ty first meet when Ty came to Heartland for probation and Amy rode up to Ty and said " What kind of idiot revs his truck around horses. As you can see love at first sight" the DJ said sarcastically. Everyone laughed.
"Next would be first kiss. Well it was 'night check you could say and it was after Amy won the fall final and Ty said 'I thought you were the one who said Talking was overrated' and kissed her".
"Next is the first I love you's. Amy was the Ty was the first to say I love you and it was at the Jack fishing camp. They went there to help some horses of course. Anyone could have guess I had something to do with horses" everyone chucked.
"next is engagement. Well I heard a lot happened here. But went Ty finally proposal it was up at Stumpy camp and here's how it went. Amy said Ty can you feel that, ty said yes. Oh by the way it was horses running. Then Amy said "look a shooting star, Ty make a wish. So Ty said "I wish to spent the rest if my life with you and got down on one knee and said " Amy Fleming will you marry me and Amy respond was Of Course. Yes now that was romantic compares from when they first met" the DJ said and everyone chucked again.
"Then the birth of there beautiful baby girl Scarlett. Then a week later the birth of their baby boy Jake. Congrats on the twins" the DJ said
"and I have heard that Amy and Ty have had a bumpy road? Am I right" everyone laughed and said yes.
"well look how far they have came so Congratulation Amy and Ty on they wedding day" The DJ said. Everyone clapped. Amy and Ty stood up and kissed because everyone was clapping and clinking their wine glasses.
The rest of the night was awesome. Everyone dances and had an amazing time. Once it was time for everyone to leave Amy and Ty said there goodbyes to everyone and left. Lou said she who look after Scarlett and Jake so they could have an romantic night. Ty had a romantic nigh planned and he wouldn't tell Amy when or what they were doing or going to stay. Amy and Ty got into his truck.
"Ty where are we going please tell your wife" Amy said pleadingly.
"Mrs. Borden be patient" Ty said and kissed her. Ty put a blindfold on Amy.
"Oh Ty" Amy said trying to get him to take it off.
"Amy it's just for a minute" Ty said.
Ty stopped the truck and ran around to pick up Amy. He opened the door and picked her up.
"Ok Ty unfold me please I want to see" Amy said. "Ok ok fine" Ty said and took it off. Once Ty took it off Amy seen the barn.
"What are we doing here?" Amy asked.
"You're see" Ty said and carried her into the barn and then up the stairs.
"Oh were going to the loft" Amy said. Ty opened the doer and Amy seen Rose Pedals lots of the all over the floor that led to the bed.
"Oh My God Ty" Amy was speechless. Amy started to kiss Ty. Ty took Amy over to the bed while Amy was still kissing him. Amy stopped kissing him and said
"ugh this dress is so annoying" Amy said.
"I can take care of it" Ty said and Amy sat up and Ty unzipped her dress and slowly pulled it off. Ty started to kiss her but then Amy had a dress in her bag she was going to put on so she stopped Ty and said
"I have a surprise for you" Amy said walked behind the curtains in the loft and when to change. But then she couldn't find it but then she seen something else. Amy saw a pink zebra print bra and matching tong with I note that said
You will thank me later so have some 'fun'
Amy didn't know what to think. So Amy just put the stuff Lou gave her on. Amy was heist to walk out wearing that. She thought
"Ty wont care what I wear". So Amy walked out and Ty looked at her and says
"Woah Amy". Amy sat on the bed and Ty instantly grabbed Amy and they started to make out. Amy slipped off Ty shirt. Amy ran her hands down Ty musclier stomach as Ty ran his hand down her back and down her leg. Amy reached down to unbuckle Ty's jeans. Ty ran his hand up Amy's back and tried to unbuckle her bra. It took him a minute but he figured it out. Amy slide off Ty's boxers then Ty did that same to Amy. Soon Ty rolled on Amy and it soon became intends.
Time rolled by and finally Ty rolled off of Amy and cuddled up beside her and said
"I love you Mrs. Borden".
"I love you too Mr. Borden" said Amy.
"I guess I did it" Amy said.
"And what was that?" Ty asked.
"I married the boy in the loft" Amy said. Ty just kissed Amy and they fell asleep.
Yay Their Finally Married! I've Been So Excited To Post This Chapter!!! This Is How I Thought There Wedding Should Have Gone; But I Still Loved It. Oh Btw The Vows Are from Heartland Because There Vows were So Cute I Had To Use Them.
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