Chapter 24- Ceremony Time
Chapter 24- Ceremony
2 Week Later
"WAAA" Burst through the room at 2:15am. Amy and Ty both wake up. Amy got up and suddenly as she was getting out of her bed Ty grabbed her waist
"Babe I got it" Ty says.
" Ty I'm already up I will be back" Amy said and walks over to the crib. "Hey Jake it's ok it's ok shhhh" Amy says while bouncing him up and down.
"I think your hungry" Amy said. Amy sat down and started to nurse. Just as she sat down Scarlett started to cry and Jake just started to nurse. Amy slowly got up and tried to drag the chair over and sat down by Scarlett. "Hey Scar it's ok honey" Amy said as she rubbed her hand down her cheek and she calmed down from her mothers voice. Jake fell asleep on Amy so she slowly and softly set him in the crib. Scarlett was whining so Amy picked her up and sung to her. She finally fell asleep so Amy put her back in the crib and walked back over to her bed. Amy went back into bed and wrapped her hands around Ty. Amy soon passed out.
Amy woke up to Scarlett and Jake crying. Amy turned over to see empty, cold sheets beside her. Ty was gone he left for work then he had school. Amy was a bit upset that all week she has had to look after the twins all by herself, plus she hardly got a wink of sleep from the pass few days. Amy got up picked Scarlett and fed her then Jake. Then took them to the bathroom to give them a bath. Amy set them each in there own baby bathtub above the bathtub. Scarlett loved the bubbles she kept screaming and giggling when she seen them. Jake on the other hand hated it; he was trying to get out, crying, screaming and splashing everything even Scarlett. Amy turned around to grab the baby shampoo and suddenly heard a bang. Amy turned around to see Jake had tipped over the bath tub and fell into the bathtub. Amy screamed and quickly when to see if he was ok. Thank god the baths were in the tub; he just tipped it over. Jake was screaming and crying.
"oh My God Jake!" Amy said and picked him up. Amy looked at him and he was ok other then a scratch on his side of his head. Amy, Scarlett and Jake were all crying. Amy couldn't help to think
"this wouldn't of happen if Ty was here to help her". Amy put him back in the tub just for a little bot longer and then took him out and put him in the high chair and finished bathing Scarlett. Once they were done there bath Amy took them back into there room and put diapers on them and dressed them. Amy put Scarlett in a pink jumper that said
"Mommy's Angel" and put Jake in a yellow jumper that had a bunny on it. Amy took the babies downstairs and put Scarlett in her high chair and Jake in the car seat while Amy made some toast for breakfast. Then Amy realized that she had put Scarlett's jumper on backwards. Amy couldn't believe that she did that and fixed it. Amy was ❤️. "Ring, Ring, Ring" Amy ran to the phone. "Hello" Amy said into the phone
"Hi Amy it's Lou I thought you were coming for breakfast to help sort out the details?" Lou asked
"Details? Details for what?" Amy asked.
"Amy don't tell me you forgot, your doing the naming ceremony today unless you want to pop out another baby" Lou said. Amy had totally forgotten. Amy laughed and said
"Oh ya right ok I just have to do chores and I will be right over". Amy hung up the phone. Amy was feeling flustered. Amy forgot about her toast and grabbed the twins and took them outside into the barn. Amy put them up on the feed table while she did chores. Suddenly she heard
"Honey I'm home". It was Ty.
"In here" Amy said. Ty walked in and grabbed her from behind
"I've been waiting to say that for real for so long" Ty said before he kissed her. Amy smiled.
"I thought you were at work" Amy said.
"I was at school and then Scott called me and said cass thought it was her day to work and came in so we switched days I have to work tomorrow now. But I have the day off for you and me today" Ty said as he kissed her neck.
"Ty I have to do chores still and go to Heartland and the naming ceremony and pack the babies up some stuff and plan for tonight and.." Amy was saying.
"Amy slow down what wrong" Ty said.
"I can't do this" Amy said.
"Do what" Ty said.
"I can't parent everyday all by my self when your gone from 7 to 7. I was bathing Jake and Scar and Jake tipped over the bathtub and I put Scarlett's jumper on backwards and just..." Amy said now crying. Ty went up and hugged her.
"Amy I'm still here. In 2 months I graduate and I'm going to be working with Scott for a few more weeks after that then I'm going to be here with you. Were going to work together I got it all planned. I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I was going to surprise you" Ty said.
"Really" Amy wimped.
"Yes just like we said we were going to do a long time ago" Ty said. Amy then kissed Ty.
"Ok I'm going to do chores for you and you go to Heartland ok and help Lou" Ty said.
"Ok" Amy said.
"But Amy you need to eat breakfast" Ty said.
"How did you know I didn't eat breakfast?" Amy asked.
"Had a feeling" Ty said smiring.
Amy grabbed her toast she left in the house and loaded the twins in the car and drove to Heartland.
Once Amy had gotten there she unload the kids and took them into the house. Lou, Lisa and Jack greeted them at the door.
"Hey Amy" said Lou
"hi Amy and their my favourite twins" Jack said with Lisa not to far behind. Amy brought the twins in and Jack and Lisa said they would look after them for her while Amy and Lou set up.
Amy and Lou were all set up and ready to go. Lou had made an amazing dinner as always. She made turkey, her famous mashed potatoes and some mixed vegetables. For dessert was a double chocolate cake with the twins names on them that Ty got and no one was aloud to see it. Ty had just arrived and Amy and him went to get the twins into there fancy clothes. Jack lit the fire place and waited for everyone one to gather around. The guests included Georgie, Jack, Lou, Peter, Lily, Caleb, Katie, Tim, Lisa, Steven and Casey. Amy and Ty walked out with the twins. Scarlett was wearing a white dress with lots of sparkles and her brown cowboy boots and Jake was wearing a black little tuxedo with his black cowboy boots. Amy an Ty walked out of Amy's old bedroom (which still was hers) to the ceremony. Everyone stared in Awe.
"Hello everyone today we welcome you to the naming ceremony of Amy and Ty's twins. Well let's have Amy and Ty take it away" Jack announced.
Everyone chucked. Amy handed Scarlett to Lou and Lou blessed her and handed her back to Amy.
Amy announced Scarletts name
"This is our beautiful daughter named Scarlett Marion Lindy Fleming Borden".
Amy put her hands bed Scarlett's hand on a rock above Ty and Her rock and said "This is Scarlett's rock". Everyone clapped. Ty handed Jake to Lou. Lou then blessed him. Ty did Jake. "This is our handsome son, who takes after his dad of course"
Everyone laughed. "This is our son named Jake Brad Jack Fleming Borden" Ty announced and put his arm around Amy. "And this is Jakes stone" Ty said as he put jakes hand on the stone beside Scarlett's. Everyone clapped again. Amy was holding Scarlett and Ty was holding Jake.
"the godparents of your kids will be.." Jack said.
"The godmother will be Georgie" Amy said. Georgie was amazed that's she picked her. Georgie walked up to Amy and hugged her. Amy handed her Scarlett. "Amy are you sure" Georgie asked. "Yes of course I am" Amy said. Georgie was so happy.
"and the godfather would be Caleb" Ty said. Caleb jaw dropped as he walked over to Ty.
"thanks buddy" Caleb said and shook his hand. Everyone laughed. Ty handed Jake to Caleb. Everyone clapped.
Everyone then went and ate dinner. Jake started to cry in the middle of dinner while he was on Amy's lap while she was eating dinner.
"I will go feed him" said Amy. Amy picked up Jake and took him to her room at Heartland. Amy was nursing Jake when she heard Scarlett crying. Ty came with Scarlett
"I think she's missing her mommy" Ty said and sit down beside her and Scarlett stopped crying.
"Aww" Amy said. Ty wrapped his arm around Amy. Ty started to play Scarlett. When Amy was done she burped him and them kissed Jake on the cheek.
"who's the cuties boy I know" and handed him to Ty.
"I thought I was the cutest boy?" Ty said.
"Well you are and your the sexiest boy I know" Amy said and sat on his lap. "Oh am I" Ty said.
"Yes" Amy said before he kissed him. " your the sexiest woman I know to" Ty said and kissed her. Then Scarlett started to cry. Amy and Ty both laughed
"well she doesn't like that every much" Ty said.
"Apparently" Amy said. Amy and Ty said good bye and thank you to everyone. When they got in the truck Amy asked
"so since we had the twins now when do you want to get married".
"Well we wanted a July wedding so why don't we get married in 2 months?" Ty said.
"Sure" Amy said.
"I'm so excited" Amy said.
"Me too I get to marry the horse girl who use to bossy me around" Ty said. " I get to married the hot boy who use to live in the loft" Amy said. Ty kissed took Amy's hand and kissed it. Amy and Ty took the twins and walked out to the kitchen where they were just about to eat desert. Amy and Ty both were going to cut the cake and Amy nudged his leg and Ty took the hint. Amy and Ty stood up and said
"Well everyone before we cut the cake we have an announcement". They continued
"Before Amy had the twins we planned to get married. So we have now planned again to get married in 2 months" They said. Everyone was so happy and got up and hugged them. "unless Amy plans on having another baby" Ty said. Amy looked at him and laughed. Everyone congratulated them and sat back down. Amy and Ty cut the cake and everyone ate the cake. Everyone talked till 8:00 and Amy and Ty left with the twins. Amy and Ty took the twins upstairs to feed, change and put to bed. Amy and Ty finally got the twins to sleep and got ready for bed. Ty took his shirt off and put on some pyjama pants. Then Amy put her pyjama pants and one of Ty's shirts. Amy walked to Amy and Ty's bed while Ty was already in bed and looked over at Amy.
"Wow I don't even look that good in my shirt" Ty said. Amy laughed as she got into bed. Amy and Ty turned off the lights and cuddled. Amy and Ty soon fell asleep.
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