Chapter 22- A Miracle Baby
Chapter 22- A Miracle Baby
Amy woke to Ty's head on her hand sleeping. Amy smiled at him and stoked his cheek. Ty winced and grabbed her hand and looked up.
"You have to bluest eyes" Ty said. "Line stealer" Amy said. Ty kissed her.
"Haha" he said. Amy looked over and seen their baby was gone.
"TY WHERE OUR BABY" alarmed Amy said. Ty turned around and said "I don't know but probably with the nurses Amy calm down".
"Ok ok" Amy said. Dr. Norman walked in
"Hi Miss. Fleming, Mr. Borden" she said.
"Hi" they said.
"We have some bad news" Dr. Norman said. Amy and Ty both went pale.
"Your baby in the middle of the night quit breathing and he's now in the ICU on oxygen. We did surgery and it turns out that when he was in the womb his umbilical cord was wrapped around his stomach and has made his lungs small and hard to breath out of. I'm not a doctor to sugar coats things so they're a good chance he will die but were doing everything we can. I'm sorry" said Dr. Norman sympathy. Amy was crying and Ty was holding her. Dr. Norman walked out.
"Ames everything will be ok, I promise" Ty said soothingly. "Ty you heard her it was a miracle he survived being in me and birth. Now this! She pretty much said that's it" Amy said well she was sobbing. "Amy don't think like that" Ty said. Amy just sobbed.
"Ty we just can't lose him after everything that has happened, we can't" Amy said balling into Ty shoulder. Ty feel a hot tear fall down his face.
"Amy calm down he will be fine, he's a fighter. Amy you really need to stop worrying, you blood sugar has already gone thorough the roof and your going to get sick so Amy please calm down" Ty said now crying himself. Ty kissed her forehead and thought "what are we going to do".
Hours pass as Amy and Ty wait for the news on their baby. Amy and Ty sat there so quietly other Amy still crying on and off.
Finally Dr. Norman walked in. "We have news" she said. Ty and Amy looked at her waiting for an answer...
"Your baby seems to be good after surgery and is breathing much better. We will have to kept him here for the next two days at least depending on what happens but he's not totally clear yet" Dr. Norman said. Amy and Ty were do relived. Ty got up and shook her hand "Thank you so much". "Yes thank you" Amy said. "Your welcome but don't thank me yet" Dr. Norman said and walked out. Ty ran over to Amy and started to kiss her.
Later that night Dr. Norman said "Amy. Ty you can come see your baby now, if you would like?".
"Of course" Amy said. Ty got up and helped Amy into her wheelchair and pushed her down to see there baby as they followed Dr. Norman.
They reached the nursery and Amy and Ty must have seen at least 50 babies. Dr. Norman took them in and pointed to this really little baby boy in the right corner of the room. Amy and Ty stared in awe. Amy put her hand though the little hole and touched her baby face and he grabbed her hand. He had so many tubes and wires coming out of him. Amy started to cry a bit. Ty he stuck his hand in the other hole in the other side of him and ticked his little feet. Amy giggled. Dr. Norman left them for about 45 minutes. Amy and Ty just stared at their wonderful baby.
"I can't believe we created that" Ty said.
"Well he looks just like you and definitely has your handsomeness" Amy said.
"Scarlett has your beauty" Ty said. Amy kissed Ty. Then Dr. Norman walked in and said
"I'm sorry to tell you guys but you should probably go because it's 9:30 pm". Amy and Ty totally loss track of time.
"Oh ok sorry we loss track of time" Amy said. Ty pushed Amy back to their room.
"Oh Amy Lou said she would come with the family tomorrow to visit and don't worry Scarlett's fine she's bring her tomorrow as well" Ty said.
"Ok" Amy said as she yawned. "Amy get some sleep" Ty said. "Ok fine" Amy said and kissed Ty goodnight and fell asleep.
The next morning Amy was nudged awake by Ty because the doctors wanted to do some more tests on Amy and make should she was totally heathy. The doctors looked her over and did blood work, an ultrasound, a sonogram, cat scan and some other tests considering they have NEVER seen this happen to anyone before. Ty just sat beside Amy comforting her and holding her hand, stoking his hand back and forth soothingly.
"Ty you can go see our baby you now I'm fine" Amy said.
"I going to stay with you" Ty said.
"Ty I know your dieing to go see him, so I'm telling you go now" Amy said and pointed. Ty smiled and kissed her cheek
"are you sure" Ty said.
"Ty wrong thing happens there's doctors everywhere, I will be fine" Amy said. Ty laugh and let go of her hand and went to see their baby boy. Lou is going to come with the family today and bring Scarlett. Thank god Amy and Ty have been missing her like crazy and Lou has said the same thing about Scarlett. No one gets a wink of sleep at Heartland lately.
Back With Amy
The doctors were almost done with the tests. Thank god for Amy she was sick and tired of tests and doctors and hospitals. Dr. Norman and the other doctors finally left and Amy had to wait there for the results. Amy thought about Scarlett she really missed her. Just then she had a cry that sounded just like hers. Amy thought no way that's get. Then she seen in the hall a mother and baby pass probably leaving, luckily them Amy thought. Then she heard a knock at the door, it was Lou. "Oh hi Lou come in" Amy said. Lou walked in with crying Scarlett, Georgie, Jack, Lisa and Katie. Tim was in moose jaw with Shane and Miranda and brought Casey too. Lisa was in France and Peter was in Vancouver at work.
"Amy what the heck happen" Lou said.
"First can I see her" Amy said almost saying her name.
"Of course, oh My Gosh this baby is a night owl or really misses her mom and dad". Lou said. Jack laughed. "Where's Ty" Lou asked.
"With the other baby".
"Oh my god what happen with that" Lou asked.
"Well I was having stomach pain for most of the night and day and didn't think much about it. Then I was walking down the stairs and this really bad pain hit me and then their was liquid running down my leg. I couldn't believe it. So we thought we couldn't make it to the hospital so Ty delivered him at home" Any explained.
"A him ah" Jack said.
"Ok ok yes a boy, I spilled" Amy said. "he is down in the nursery right now because they think when he was in the womb the umbilical cord was warped around his stomach and his lungs are smaller than they should be and his having a hard time breathing So they did surgery and they watching him and hoping for the best" Amy said. "The doctors have never seen this before" Amy said.
"Wow" both Lou and Jack said in amazement. Scarlett was content in Amy's arms.
"Did you miss mommy" Amy said and stood Scarlett up and bounced her up and down. Scarlett giggled.
"So are you ok" Georgie asked.
"Ya I'm fine I guess, but very stressed". Amy said. Lou went over and hugged her sister. Katie ran over to Lou and Amy.
"Auntie Amy that baby ketpp me up alllllllll witght" Katie said in her baby voice. Everyone laughed.
"Katie that's what you were like when you were her age" Lou said.
"Was not" Katie whimpered. Lou and Amy laughed as Lou picked Katie up. Georgie sat at the end of her bed and told Amy all about her trick riding and show jumping lately. For the next few hours they chated.
Back With Ty
Ty had been sitting there with their baby boy holding his hand for the pass few hours. Then a nurse came over and said
"I need to check over him so do you want to hold him" she asked.
"Of course" Ty said with a smile on his face. The nurse opened the little box thing and picked up the little baby and handed him to Ty.
"Here you are" she said sweetly. Ty looked down at this precious little baby. So soft, so innocent, so precious. He couldn't believe that he was his and her amazing finaçe. He sat their stoking his sons chubby cheeks. His green gleaming eyes fighting sleep. The nurse came back and with formula from Amy for their baby. The nurse took the baby and showed Ty how to fed him by bottle. Then Ty took over and fed him. The baby smiled at Ty and made Ty smile. He was finished the bottle and the nurse showed him how to burp him and he slowly walked him back and forth until he fell asleep. The nurse said she had to give him his medicine and put him to bed so Ty gave him to the nurse.
So Ty walked back to Amy's room and seen her eyes were close and wires were in her and ran over to her and then figured out she was just sleeping and calmed down. Ty saw Scarlett was in the crib right beside Amy and went and seen her. Scarlett was sleeping so he didn't bother her. Amy started to wake up and her eyes lids slowly opening.
"Hey babe how our baby boy" Amy said. "Good honey, what's with all the wires" Ty said and kissed her cheek and grabbed her hand.
"Tests! More Frickin test" Amy said sounding very agitated. Ty laughed. Amy sat up and said "Are we still naming Jake Brad Jack Fleming Borden".
"Yes I like that name" Ty said.
"Me too" Amy said. Amy kissed Ty. Suddenly Dr. Norman walked in. "Hello Dr. Norman" Amy said.
"Hello Miss. Fleming your test results are in and umm....
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