Chapter 21- New Life Begin AGAIN
Chapter 21: New Life Begin AGAIN!
Ty ran to grab blankets and towels; lots of them.
"TY" Amy screamed varieties of times. Ty started to remember when Amy and Ty had to deliver Katie at Heartland because she couldn't make it to the hospital. Ty heard Amy yell in pain again and came running.
"Ty" Amy said.
"Yes honey yes" he said.
"I don't think I can so this again" Amy said breathing heavily throught a contraction.
"Amy you're do fine you did before" Ty said as he tried to calm her. Amy had changed into a robe. Ty put the towels down and set up for a delivery as Amy was screaming. Amy was crying. Ty looked to see see how far she was dilated.
"Amy for what I can see you are 6 cm dilated, you have about half an hour and the ambulance will be like 45 to an half an hour because there was a huge car crash and they can't get here right away" Ty said to Amy.
"Amy I just studied this in vet school" Ty explained.
"TY IM A HUMAN NOT A HORSE" Amy yelled in pain. Amy got out of bed and walked around to see if that would help. Amy yelled in pain.
"Amy breath" Ty said calmly. She was losing colour in her face.
"I am breathing" Amy exclaimed and was in total panic.
Amy went over to Ty crying her eyes out.
"Ty, I can't do this! Last time it almost killed me" Amy said. Ty was hugging her tightly. Ty looked into her eyes and all he seen was pure pain, effort to make let a tear slip down his face.
"Amy, you did fine last time, you can do it" Ty said. Amy quickly clung on to Ty as an contraction hit her and started her Lamaze breathing, Ty helped her. Ty went to get Amy some water when he heard something fall.. On to the floor. Ty turned around to see Amy had fated. Ty ran to Amy.
"AMY WAKE UP" Ty yelled as he was shaking her. Amy started to open her eyes and then screamed in the pain. Ty helped Amy up to get to the bed. Amy kept breathing contractions but they were get more painful and closer together so Ty checked how far she was dilated.
"Ok Amy your 8 cm dilated we need to get ready to deliver, how do you want to do this". Amy replied
"right here on this BED" Amy said as a contraction hit her. Ty got the bed all set up for the delivery.
"Ty I can't do this" Amy said to him. "Amy you can do you just did it last week" he said.
"EXACTLY I just gave birth last week is not normal I need a doctor" Amy said sobbing and worriedly. "
Amy your giving birth is pretty obvious" Ty said and hugged her. Amy screamed in pain. Then Ty checked how far she was dilated.
"Amy it's time to push" Ty stated. Ty held her hand and knelt down beside her.
"Amy push Now" Ty yell. Amy pushed and screamed.
"Again Amy" Ty yelled. Amy was as white as snow so Ty ran to her side. "Amy are you ok" Ty said.
"No I can't DO THIS" Amy said as she was trying to push.
"Amy you can do this " Ty said and rubbed her back as Amy had his hand and it was turning purple.
"Amy push!!" Ty yelled. Ty ran back and forth from Amy's side to the baby. "Amy I can see the head Amy PUSH". Ty exclaimed. Amy was exhausted she needed help.
"Amy push" Ty said. "I can't" Amy exclaimed.
"Ok Amy we will take it one push at a time, Amy push once more" Ty said. Amy pushed and screamed; she screamed each time she pushed.
"One more big Push" Ty said. As Ty tried his best to help her. Amy pushed with the rest of her energy. She screamed so loud the all of Hudson could probably hear. Amy fell back in her bed. Ty cut the umbilical cord. Amy heard no cry. The baby wasn't breathing. Ty pinched its cheeks to make it breath.
He did it again.
And he did if again by this time Amy was crying even more than she was before. Then finally Amy heard the high pitch cry of their new baby. Amy was so relived.
"It's a boy" Ty said. Amy looked up at crying Ty as he handed they beautiful baby boy to her. Amy and Ty were both crying.
"He's beautiful" Amy said.
"Now we know why in the ultra sound it came up that Scarlett had 4 arms" Ty said. Amy laughed. Ty ran upside to grab Scarlett and grab something for the baby to wear. The baby had latched on to Amy finger. The baby finally opened his shiny green eyes up to Amy. Ty came back down stairs with Scarlett and a little blue jumper that said "Too Cute To Handle". Ty put a diaper and a jumper on him and handed him back to Amy. Amy was still crying of course so Ty was calming her down.
"Amy it's ok calm down it's over, it's over honey" Ty said soothingly as Amy sobbed into his shoulder. Just then the paramedics came running in with Dr Norman.
"Hi" Dr. Norman said.
"How did everything go" she asked. "Seemed ok but we didn't know there was another baby" Ty said.
"I have never seen this happen before he should have came out with his sister at least, we should have cot it! I'm so sorry" She said as Ty handed her the baby to look over.
"He seems heathy but were going to take Amy and the baby to the hospital to be checked over " she said. Then Lou came running in.
"Oh my god what's going on" Lou exclaimed as she look at the baby. "Amy just gave birth again.." Ty answered.
" WHAT!! How Is that possible" Lou exclaimed and walked over to Amy. "Amy how you are you doing" Lou asked her.
"Flustered and exhausted and felting like I'm dieing " Amy said. Lou and Ty just laughed. The paramedics put Amy and the baby in the ambulance and Ty came with her. Ty told Lou to meet them at the hospital, take Scarlett and to tell the rest if the family what's going on.
Once they got to the hospital they unloaded Amy and the baby and took them to a room. A doctor came in and looked over Amy while Dr. Norman looked over their baby.
"Hello I'm Dr. Clayton you must be Miss. Fleming and Mr. Borden Correct?" He asked.
"Yes" they both said.
"Well miss. Fleming I'm going to check you over and then do blood work then an ultra sound to see if there's anything wrong or an more babies then an MRI ok" She explained.
"Ok" they said. Dr. Clayton checked her out
Then they did blood work. Amy wince when the needle when in. Then she did an ultrasound.
"This will be cold" the doctor said as she put the gel on. Amy winced. Then a picture came up on the screen. Ty grabbed her hand. Amy smiled.
"Ok everything seems fine and no more babies" She said.
"Thank god" exclaimed Ty. They all laughed.
"Ok time for an MRI Amy" Dr. Clayton said. They pushed her down to a room and Ty helped her up into the machine. Ty kissed Amy's head and said "I love you".
"I love you too" Amy replied and laid down. Ty let go of her hand and walked out and over to where the doctor was. Ty went and got Amy and out her back in the wheel chair and the doctor said to take her back to her room. Ty helped Amy back into bed and said
"I can't believe we just had another baby".
"I know" Amy replied.
"Wait what about Scarlett" Amy asked.
"Lou has her" Ty said.
"Ok good" Amy said as a wave of relief hit her.
"Amy are you ok" Ty said stoking her cheek.
"I guess, I don't wanna go throught that again anytime soon tho" Amy said.
"I thought I was going to die" Amy said jokingly.
"Amy don't even joke about that" Ty said. Just as she finished her sentence the doctor came in with their baby boy.
"Here he is and he's perfectly healthily which I'm surprised, your kids really are miracles " Dr. Clayton said and handed him to Amy.
"Good job delivering him Mr. Borden, you seem to have done everything we would have" Dr. Clayton said. "Thanks but I believe Amy did all the work" Ty said.
"You bet I did" Amy said in a proud tone. They laughed.
"Dr. Clayton to trama ward, Dr. Clayton to tram ward; Thank you " a lady said over the loud speaker.
"Ok well that's me I got to go" Dr. Clayton said and left. Amy stoked their new baby boy's cheek. Amy had a tear run down her face
"oh Ty he looks just like you, he has the greenest eyes just like you". Ty put his arms around her and said
"but he has your smile for sure". Amy smile at him as she kissed him.
"I love you so much" Amy said.
"I love you too" Ty said back. The baby started to cry.
"It's ok shhhh" Amy said rocking him back and forth as he finally stopped crying after 10 minutes and started to drift off to sleep.
"He's asleep" Amy whispered.
"That's good" Ty said.
"Oh boy will I be sore as I'm Already as sore as possible" Amy said. Ty chuckled and rubbed her neck. A nurse came in with Amy's lunch
"here you are Amy if your hungry". "Thank you but do you think you can get anything for Ty" Amy asked. "Amy she doesn't hav.." Ty started to say
"Sure we don't usual do that but we guys have been thought a lot today " The nurse said and left to get Ty some lunch. Amy looked at the food and said
"I'm not even hungry, Ty you could of just had I guess" Amy said.
"Amy you got to eat something, you must be hungry after having a baby" Ty said. "
You know what it's the opposite, my stomach hurts and it's not from not eating" Amy said.
"Do you need me to get the nurse" Ty asked worriedly.
"Oh no no no Ty I'm fine it's probably just pain from birth" Amy said.
"If your not going to eat will you at least sleep" Ty asked.
"Fine, I'm really tired anyways" Amy said. Amy pasted the baby to Ty. Ty looked at their handsome baby boy.
"I can't believe we did This" Ty said and grabbed Amy hand.
"I know" she said.
"wait before I fall sleep please call Lou and make sure Scars ok and that there's milk for her in our refrigerate and that her favourite stuffy is the Grey horse and play pen and.." Amy kept saying.
"Amy you sound like Lou with Katie; Scarlett will be fine with Lou" Ty said soothingly.
"I know I know I'm just worried" Amy said.
"Well I know because I have been dieing to call and see how's she's doing" Ty said. Amy just laughed. Ty called Lou and asked how Scar was and he told Lou what was going on. Amy dossed off to sleep quickly. Ty just sat their looking at their baby. Once Ty started to drift off to sleep he put the baby in the crib beside him. Ty looked at Amy peaceful sleeping and took her hand. Ty took her hand and rubbed his thumb up and down her hand soothingly. Ty ended up falling asleep with his head on Amy bedside.
😱😱😱 Longest Chapter By Far!!! Well Surprise😃 Anyone Expect This? I Only Gave 3 Hints In The Book👌 Like, Vote, Follow and Comment😘
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