Chapter 14- Better Start
Chapter 14- Better Start
The next morning
Amy woke up to Ty still holding her hand sleeping so peacefully. Amy felt fine she had a bit of a headache and her leg hurt but that's normal after what happened. Amy got up and limped over to Ty and sat on his lap. She ran her hand down his soft cheek and Ty woke up.
"morning" Amy said. "Hi what are you doing out of bed" Ty asked her. "I feel fine" she said and got back into bed and frowned. The doctor then came in.
"Good morning Amy how are you feeling" she asked.
"Pretty good other then a headache and my leg is still kind of sore" Amy answered. "Well the normal under the circumstances" she said as she looked over Amy.
"Well Amy you look good, you can leave" she said.
"Just much sure you fill out your discharge papers on the way out" the doctor said and left. Amy jumped out of bed and got dressed and her and Ty walked out of the room. On they way out they ran into Dr. Norman.
"Oh hello Amy, Ty what brings you back again" Dr. Norman asked. "Well I fell off a horse... Again" Amy replied.
"Well Amy you and those horses! Hopefully you will be more careful exspecially under your circumstance and we wont see you again until you have your baby " she said. Amy and Ty laughed.
"Take care" Dr. Norman said.
"Good bye and thanks again" Amy said. Amy filled out the papers and they left. Amy got into the car and said
"well I have had effort of doctors". "Well you need to be much more careful and start thinking about not riding until the baby is born because I don't want you or the baby to be sick or hurt" Ty said and took Amy's hand.
"Well I will be more careful but I will most certainly will not stop riding" Amy exclaimed.
"Amy you can't ride much pass 30 weeks " Ty explained. Amy was silent for the rest of the way home.
They got back to Heartland and Ty said
"I'm sorry Amy but I thought you were going to stop riding because you need to for the baby and you. I think stop riding at 30 weeks no more" Ty explained.
"Ok maybe" Amy said. They got out of the truck and when inside everyone was so happy to see them. "Amy hi are you ok" said Lou and ran over to give her a hug.
"Is the baby ok" Said Lou.
"We are both fine" Amy said and put a hand on her bump. Georgie came over and said
"I'm SOOO glad that your ok" Georgie said and hugged her. Katie came running out
"AUNTY AMY" squeaked Katie and jumped into her aunts arms, "Katie be careful remember aunt Amy having a baby " Lou said.
"Ok" said Katie and got down.
"Hi Katie"Amy and Ty walked in and Jack and Lisa greeted them. "Hi Amy how are you feeling"
Lisa asked as she hugged her. "Bit sore" Amy said and sat down for lunch. They all ate and talked until Tim came in.
"Amy how are you " this the first thing Tim comes in and says.
"Ya dad I'm fine" Amy responds. Amy and Ty finished dinner and Amy went outside to see Spartan. "Amy you need to rest" Ty said.
"Ty I'm so tired of resting, I need to be out.. With horses" Amy replied. Ty signed And let her. Amy ran out to see Spartan.
" Hey Boy, miss me" Amy said softly. Amy looked out the barn door to see that Ty was no where in sight. Amy quickly tacked up Spartan. Amy grabbed her English saddle and bridle and put it in Spartan. Amy led him out and jumped on. Just as Amy was doing that Ty looked out the window and seen Amy starting to walk into the jumping ring. Amy was going to go jumping in the jumping ring but the she knew Ty would see her so she Galloped off in the woods. Ty ran outside pretty mad but mostly scared that Amy was going to hurt herself again when no one was there to help her or get help.
"AMY" he yelled but she was gone.
Amy was on the trail by Big River. She was so happy to finally be by herself because everyone was always with her to make sure she didn't get hurt or something. She liked that people cared but I was getting to be to much. Amy trotted around on Spartan then canter. She wasn't really watching where she was going as along as she was ALONE. Amy decided that she was going to go to her old jumping course Ty build her. Boy did that bring memories. That's when she first started to 'like' Ty. Amy galloped off the jumping course. She feel so free out in the fields galloping around the open wide fields.
Back at the barn
Ty just finished tacking up Harley. He quickly mounted Harley and galloped off to find Amy.
Back with Amy
Amy made it to the jumping course. Amy was thinking about jumping but what would everyone think of that. Then she remembered that no one was there so she decided to do some liberty work then some jumping. Amy untacked Spartan and remembered that she left her liberty whip under her favourite tree so she went and got it. Amy did some rearing, making Spartan go over logs, rode him bareback and the bareback jumping. Amy finally free jumped him a bit. Amy was getting tired so she thought she should probably jump Spartan before she got anymore tired. Amy said
"Good boy Spartan " and petted him then tacked Spartan back up and Went over the course about 3 time until just as Amy was about to jump someone yelled
"AMY" and scared Spartan and her Spartan jumped over the jump but very awkwardly and Amy landed weirdly and didn't get her seat back in time for the next jump and fell off.
Ty jumped off of Harley and ran to Amy.
"AMY ARE YOU OK" he asked. Amy was sitting up. Ty grabbed Amy and picked her up.
"Ty I was fine until you spooked Spartan and scared me" Amy said furiously and got down.
"I'm soo sorry Amy, you left and I was scared that you were going to hurt your self and no one would be there to help" Ty said. Amy got up. "Ty, I'm pregnant not broken. You know as well as anyone that I can ride pretty well so I do not need a search party coming to find me when I go riding " Amy said with an annoyed tone and mounted Spartan again and Cantered off. Ty quickly did the same in Harley and they made there way back to Heartland for dinner.
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