Waking Up To Ash And Dust
Tim was the first of the younger kids to wake up. He groaned as he slowly opened his baby blue eyes to see Superman leaning over him with a pair of green handcuffs wrapped around his wrist. Tim gasped in pain as he tried to sit up farther but the pain in his back was unbearable. Dick rushed over to him the best he could when he got to Tim he placed his hands on his shoulders as Tim rolled to his side.
"Whats wrong Timmy?" Dick asked in a worried tone. Tim was gasping in pain now as he slowly answered back through the gasp of pain. Dick then check his back and gasped at the site when he pulled up the dirty ratted shirt. Deep red marks that crossed and zigged zagged across his back making it warm to the touch and throbbing with pain. Jason came over and helped Dick help Tim lay on his stomach to prevent more injury but resulted in making him shiver against the cold stone ground.
"How did this happen no one has been in here since we were brought in here?" Superman asked the younger boys who sat on each side of Tim trying to calm him down some so they can look at his marked back without him squirming around every time they touched him. The boys looked at Superman with a concerned look plastered onto each of their faces but Superman knew better he could see the raging fire of anger burn in their irises of their eyes. Making him almost feel sorry for the guys who did this to their younger brother. Almost making him feel sorry for them but he didn't because he had the same feeling they did.
"I don't know but we have to get them covered before they get infected." whispered Jason as he took off his shirt and press it gentle against Tim's back. Jason shivered at the cold air that rushed to meet his warm skin. Superman felt sorrow in his gut as he looked at the teens trying to calm Tim down and help him to wear it wouldn't get injured farther down the road. Superman sighed as he looked at the two youngest siblings in the room. Damian laid passed out still against the metal frame of the bed. He was cuddled up in a small ball. With the chains wrapped around his wrist. His black hair falling into his face making him look younger than 10. He then glanced up to the sleeping figure under the ratted blanket. Their kidnappers placed the only female in the room on the bed under a thin ratted blanket. Making her chance of not getting sick just slightly better but still high along with the rest of the kids. He need to figure out a way for him and the kids to get out of here and it needed to be fast.
The rock on the other side of the room opened making Superman jump. He stood up to see a woman dressed in black carrying a heavy looking box walk into the room. She dropped the box on the dirty stone floor and pulled out a knife and cut the tape of the top of the brown cardboard box. She then stood up and went to Margret who laid on the bed sound asleep. She rested her two fingers on Margret's neck and felt the pulse slowly beat. She sighed before pulling out a syringe filled with a clear substance that none of the boys knew what it was. Before any of the boys could do anything about it she stabbed the needle into her arm and push the substance into it. She then place the needle back where she got it and produced another one and went to Damian. Feeling his heartbeat was slow she did the same as she did to Margret to him. She stood up and walked out of the room. Making the stone wall slid back into place making it look like there was no escape.
Superman rushed over to Margret and felt for a pulse. He sighed in relief when he felt one against his fingers. He then went to Damian and felt the same. He then notice that Damian was moving slowly like he was in a bad dream. He gasped at the sight of the youngest boy moving around like he was trapped in his own worst nightmare and was trying to break free of its grasp. Superman then looked at Margret who was doing the same. She thrashed about on the bed making the blanket come off her legs. Superman was beyond angry now and looked back at Damian who stopped thrashing about and was slowly opening his bright blue eyes. Dick quickly rushed over the the boy and wrapped his arms around the small boy who usually rejected the love but he instantly attached onto Dick's shirt and buried his small face into his chest and began to cry.
Dick sat against the wall and brought Damian onto his lap and gently rubbed circles around on his back trying to calm the child down so he could talk to them. Slowly the loud sobs became quiet sobs before ending in small hiccups. Damian never cried unless if it was a dream he thought was real and it was about his family that he grew attached to even Tim. Who he would make fun of but that was his way of showing his love and appreciation. No one really knew this but Tim was his favorite deep down inside of him. Yeah he says that Dick is his favorite which isn't a lie but he looked up to Tim instead of Dick most of the time.
Superman walked over to the boys and looked over Damian. He raised the shirt the boy wore and noticed the same marks that were on Tim were on Damian as well but were covering him chest and stomach. Superman looked up at Dick who looked like he was ready to punch someone. He then sighed and walked over to Margret who now stopped thrashing about on the bed and was starting to slowly waking up. Her evergreen forest eyes looking around at her brothers and Superman.
He sat down on the worn out bed and place his cuffed hands on her shoulders. She slowly sat up. Feeling light headed she leaned against the man of steel making him wrap his muscular arms around her the best he could. She gripped onto his shirt that he was wearing crying into his chest. He then took off his cape and wrapped Margret in it before returning to the same position before.
Jason looked at the box that was in the middle of the room. He looked at it with curiosity. He then stood up after looking over Tim. He noticed he was asleep with sweat beating against his forehead. He wiped the sweat away before standing up and slowly walking towards the box in the middle of the room. He knelt down next to the box and opened the box.
Inside the box was a piece of paper on top of a black piece of cloth. He picked up the piece of paper and noticed the nice handwriting on the paper addressing it to Superman. Jason looked up at Superman and lifted the letter up towards him. The boy scout looked at the letter with a confused look. He then looked down at Margret who was fast asleep in his arms. He gently laid her on the bed before wrapping his cape around her. They gave the blanket to Damian who was starting to shiver a while ago. Superman gently stood up and walked over to Jason and grabbed the letter from him. He gasped when he saw the picture that fell out when he opened it. He looked at the picture with sorrow.
A young black haired boy was standing in a small test tube like cage. He was fast asleep with a painful look sketched out on his face. His black hair sticking to his forehead meaning he was exerted before the photo was taken. What strick the man of steel the most was the black semi long sleeve shirt that had his symbol written across from it. It was his son that he cared for the most. It was Conner in a pod just like he was at Cadmus. Superman knew that Conner hated being in a pod. He was clusterphobic after all.
Superman stared at the picture of his boy with deep regret and sorrow. He was just getting to know the boy before all this happened. He managed to get his head screwed on straight and started to be the father figure he was suppose to be. He regretted the way he acted to Superboy when he was just figuring out he was a father. He really was an awful person in the first year of Superboy's life. But that all changed after the excersie the league put them through that ended up falling. Afterwards he started to talk to Conner and ever since then they were starting to bond and he was starting to act like a father figure. Heck he was going to ask Superboy that weekend if he want to come live with him but that changed when he was kidnapped.
He snapped out of his thoughts and looked at the letter that was in his hand.
Dear Superman,
We have your son and we are not afraid to use him as a human guinne pig. So far his screams of pain have been very amusing. In order to get him back you must surrender and say you will work for us. Oh and by the way the bat brats are next. We have them to make it too wear the big bad bat with work with us. Yes we know both of your identities. Carlos was the name we put on the letter for 'Bruce' but really it was us. So either surrender or the kids will get hurt.
Superman crippled the paper in his hand and looked inside the box to find Superboy's shirt inside it ripped. It had holes every were and a red substance littered all over it. He knew they were tourting him just to get back at him. He stood up and looked at the wall that the woman came in before. All he could think about was the kids that laid in the room and his only son that was being hurt because of him. He raised his hands.
"I surrender! Now let the kids go and give us back Superboy!" He yelled and the wall. The older kids who were awake at the time looked at Superman with a concerned look. They didn't understand what was going on and was concerned that Superman has lost his mind from captivity.
Soon the wall that opened earlier opened. Two male figures dressed from head to toe came walking in dragging a body behind them. The body looked a lot like Superboy and this concerned Superman greatly. The male figures dropped the kid roughly on the ground and walked away.
Once the wall was sealed again, Superman rushed to his kid and gathered him in his arms the best he could. The shirt he was wearing earlier was removed along with his shoes leaving him in his dark blue jeans that were tattered and worn. Brushes and cuts littered his bare skin as he laid there unconscious. Burn marks covered his feet and hands. Along with whip like marks that covered his back and his chest. Cadmus had gone to far when they kidnapped his son and his neice along with his nephews. Superman moved the few strands of raven black hair away from his face making him look younger than what he looked like. He gently placed his ear against Conners chest and sighed in relief when he heard the slow but steady heartbeat coming from Superboy. Tears slowly fell down his face when as he sat thee listening to his heartbeat.
All the bat kids could think to do was huddle in a small pile next to the bed leaving the man of steel to reunite with his son.
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