The Boys
The limo pulled into a long white driveway that led Margret to her new home. When they pulled up to the manor Bruce got out first after Alfred, whom was holding the door open. Once Bruce was out he held out his hand for Margret to grab. She was hesitant at first but held his hand in the end. She looked up at the building that she would be calling home. Letting her mouth hang open a bit she looked at the dull red bricks that looked clean unlike her old home. The trees framing the mansion was alive and well trimmed to perfection. The bushes were just the same but with a rounded look. She noticed the bright green grasses that surrounded her and she felt happy that she could play on grass now instead of dirt. She then turned to Bruce and smiled a small smile in amusement.
He then gestured to the grey marble stone stairs that led to the front door of the Manor. She nodded before walking up the stairs letting the coolness seep into her bare skin making her shiver as she walked up them. Bruce noticed noting that she was going to have to have a whole new wardrobe and not the rags that she had to wear now.
When they reached the top of the stairs Alfred, whom she learned was the butler, held open the wide wooden door that was reaching far up above her. She nodded in a thank you gesture and walked in talking in the smell of cookies and cake baking in the oven of the kitchen that was a few rooms away from her. She felt happy when she looked around the room she was in.
Red wallpaper was plastered to the wall with wood holding the bottom part of the walls. Cold wood was on the floor of the room making her feet cold but she didn’t mind. Every once in awhile was a wide table with pictures of Bruce and some kids that she didn’t know were framed and neatly placed. Along with a golden lamp to light up the area around the Table. Above her was golden glassed chandeliers that swayed every witch way. Moving along to the air conditioners movement.
“I take it you would like to meet your new siblings Margret?” Bruce asked making her jump from her observations. He placed his hand onto her small slim shoulder making her jump again. He frowned not liking how she was always jumpy. He wanted her to be happy and wanted her to feel wanted. He wanted those thoughts of the orphanage that they placed into her head to disappear. She nodded making Bruce come out of his thoughts. He smiled before guiding her to a that was the same as the old one but had black cloth couches placed in a horseshoe style with small tables placed on each in along with a wooden stained table in the middle.
She noticed the four boys that were sitting on the couches talking amongst themselves. She felt a bit out of place. She felt underdressed with how they were dressed. Bruce coughed into his hand making the boys stop talking. They turned to look at Bruce and Margret. Making her hide behind Bruce’s leg not liking the attention they were giving her. Usually when someone pays attention to her it was never good.
“Boys I would like for you to meet your new sister, Margret” He said wrapping his muscular arm around her tiny frame pulling her to the front. Making her visible to the boys. They stood up from their respective spots and walked over to the two. They were all taller than her and she felt a bit out of place. She than started to mess around with the falling apart him of her hood. Her head hanging low. Bruce noticed that she seemed afraid. He placed a hand on her shoulder.
“They won't hurt you Margret. Boys why don’t you introduce yourself?” Bruce said smiling up at his boys making her feel a bit more welcomed.
“Hello, Richard Grayson but you may call me Dick. I am the oldest out of your new brothers so if you need anything don’t be afraid to ask.” The young man looked happy to see her with the smile he was pulling. His baby blue eyes matching the excitement that etched across his face. His jet black hair fell into his eyes making him look even younger. He wore a pastel blue button up long sleeve shirt with the sleeves rolled up neatly past his elbows. Along with that he wore black wranglers that throwed out a handsome gentleman look. Wrapped around his left wrist was a black watched that had the hands showing a time Margret couldn’t read. He smiled as the next boy started to talk.
“Hey, the name is Jason Todd. I am the second oldest of the four of us .” He said with a smirk etched across his face. His teal green eyes piercing through the warmth like air making her have goose bumps under her sleeves. He had long shagged onyx hair that had a strip of white that consisted of his bangs. Making his look like a gangster a little. He wore a black shirt that was tightly wrapping around his torso making his well built body show some. Along with that he wore black bagged pants that had a silver chain coming from his back pocket to his front one. His hands were in his pockets making his look seem bad boy like.
“Hello, I am Tim Drake the middle child now I guess.” The next boy said. He was smiling almost as much as Dick. His light blue eyes were filled with wonder and curiosity. That Margret can tell. His onyx black hair was gelled back with the exception of some hairs sticking forward making him looked stressed out. He wore a red button up shirt short sleeved that had pens and pencils hanging out of the front pocket. Along with this he wore black slacks that showed he was like a nerd. If Margret would guess he loved Math and Computers just by the way he was on one when she walked in.
“Damian Wayne. The youngest out of the boys.” came a voice next to Tim. Margret looked at the young boy who had annoyance sketched across his face. This reminded her of the man she was just with. His jet black hair was gelled down with the tips pointing out away from his forehead. His blue eyes were analyzing her of any threats. He wore a dark green hoodie that went past his nuckles covering majority of his hands and chins while going down to the middle of his thighs. He also wore a maroon color of skinny jeans making him look like a normal kid that was running around Gotham.
Before she could smile or do anything the door to the room opened and Alfred was standing there telling them that Lunch was served in the dining room
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