Lunch Is Surved
The boys ran down the hallway to the dinning room. To the awaiting food that was at the end of it. Bruce stragled behind thinking of how he was going to get his new daughter to open up to them. Yeah he may have only known her for a couple hours but she has already won a place in his heart like the rest of his children. His children are the most important thing to him. He cares for the Batman mantle but if he were to choose on keeping his children or Batman. He would easily choose his children. He glanced over his shoulder to see Margret walking behind him with her head down low. He hands neatly folded in front of her making her look like a maid for a royal family. He sighed before thinking of something that would make her smile for sure. He stopped and knelt down before her as she stopped in front of him.
"Have you ever have a Piggy back ride before?" He asked in a calm and understand voice. He rested his arm on his knee as he studied her facial expressions. She twisted her head back and fourth meaning no. She had a confused look sketch across her face making her look even younger than she already was. He chuckled a little before turning around and getting on the heels of his feet.
"Well you will now. So what you do is you wrap your arms around my neck and you legs around my stomach." He said looking over his shoulder to see Margret looking a bit confused before inching towards him. She carefully wrapped her arms around his neck before taking a deep breathe and wrapping her legs around his stomach. He gently stood up before wrapping his arms underneath her to support her and to hold her up. She slightly smiled as she looked around at the height she was now at. Everything to her looked small now. She loved it.
Bruce slowly walked towards the kitchen to give Margret some time on his back. Also he didn't want to lose the small smile she had on. He loved it. He was just glad that she was smiling and having fun on his back and making the most of it. He could hear her trying not to giggle which in return made him grin.
When they arrived at the dinning room door. He knelt down and let his new daughter off his back. She took a few steps back before looking down again and folding her hands. Bruce sighned as he opened the door letting Margret go through before entering himself. Making his adoptive sons quiet down some. She sat down next to Damian. Folding her hands in her lap as she waited for her food to be served to her. Bruce smiled as his food was sat down in front of him.
Sandwiches cut into small triangels settled on the bone white plate along with dark purple grapes that were freashly picked and were still on the dark brown vines. Orange soda was surved to the children in a small glass so they wouldn't get a sugar high. As dark red wine was survied to Bruce in a crystal clear glass. The boys began to eat, smiling as they did so. Making Margret uneasy as she kept her hands folded in her lap.
Damian noticed this and placed his fork down on his napkin before turning towards her. He didn't like how she wasn't eating. He researched the orphanage she came from and some cases of child abuse came up and were reported but the care giver was let go each time saying that he didn't do it and that they were just trying to get attion. So when he saw her not wanting to eat that had to be a sign of abuse.
"Why aren't you eating?" He asked her after finishing what was in his mouth. The rest of the family stopped eating and looked up from their plates. They then noticed that Margret's plate hasn't been touched. Bruce was now trying to hide his anger because he knew that this was a side effect of the abusive orphanage she came fromb but he could out right show his anger because he didn't tell his children that she was most likely abused from the care giver that was taking care of her. He didn't want them to worry about that and treat her like a broken toy that need to be tosed out because it was broken and was beyond repare. They were pulled outof their thoughts when they heard a small female voice speaking in a language that only Damian knew. Which shocked everyone when they started to have a small conversation. The others in the room could tell the conversation that was happening was making Damian angry. He then thanked her before standing up and ran out the room. Before Bruce could grab him Margret started to repeat what she said in Russian which shocked Jason the most due to him being the only one knowing the forgien language. Jason then knew what made Damian run out of the room and was soon following him but was stopped by Bruce who was gripping his arm tightly.
"What did she say?" He asked before losing his grip on Jason's arm. Jason sighed before answering.
"The orphanaged beat her till she was basically colorfull. They would starve her by letting her sit at the table with her food in front of her and wouldn't let her eat untill everyone was satisfied with there dinner and they left then she had 2 minutes to shove what ever was still on her plate into her mouth before her plate was cleared off. Bruce they even took her food while she sat there. She would be lucky if she got a peice of bread or whatever was given to her. They would also make her sleep in a small dog cage that she barely fit into when she curled up in. Sometimes they would through a blanket over the cage and leave her there for days. I am shocked that she is still alive. It's a mirical that she even is breathing. So where going to have to give her Therapy sessions. Mentaly and Physically. Now I am going to go after your son before he decides to kill someone" Jason whispered to Bruce not wanting Tim to over here and be scared for life on the situation. He shrugged off Bruce's arm leaving him dumstruck as he ran off to find his youngest brother.
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