Tobi found
(Pain and konan is on vacation while driving there they think about deidara)
Konan=pain can we just bring deidara he is an baby and he can come with us.
Pain=konan dont worry our boy is okay.
Konan=I know its just the way he cried it just made me feel.
Pain=don't worry he is fine with the other members.
Konan=you better know he is okay when we get back if I find even the slightest scratch or cut I am going to kill you and lock away your soul.
Pain=thats dark where do you come up with these threats.
Konan=never mess with an mom who loves her kid.
Pain=hey you see that its an bundle.
Konan=an bundle stop the car.
Pain=(stop car).
Konan=(gets out and pick up bundle)
Pain=(gets out car)whats in the bundle.
Konan=I dont know(undo bundle)oh my god.
Pain=oh its an an baby half his body is crushed or whatever this baby need medical attention.
Konan=I will transport us to the base. (in the base)
Kakazu=oh how was your trip(sees bundle)my god what wrong with this baby he been injured badly.
Konan=we found him like that can you save him.
Kakazu=yes I can but this surgery is highly unstable and it require an jutsu to do it sasori!
Sasori=yeah(sees baby)what did yall do to this baby I know we are evil but this is to much!!
Pain=we found him like this.
Sasori=oh god okay kakazu lets go perform surgery on this kid.
(3 minutes later pain and konan explained what happen and how they found the baby)
Pain=and that what happen.
Konan=the poor thing has been abused to no end and I think his parents went to hard on him and damaged him badly and they just left him there to die.
Kisame=those b******* this world is getting worse and worse things like this is why we made the akastsuki.
Itachi=....This world is falling apart.
Zetsu=I know but hey its getting better.
Kakazu=(walks out room).
Sasori=(walks out room)
Konan=well is he you know.
Kakazu=he is stable but while operating we found something.
Kakazu=he has the sharigan. Itachi=what(I thought madara killed off my whole clan except saskue then my plan is coming is coming to an new light and saskue can find out the truth about the uchiha coup)
how I thought I killed everybody.
Pain=well not everybody.
Kakazu=and its in it eternal stage he must been through an lot to have an advance stage at a young age. Sasori=and we disposed of the crushed half of his body but he is breathing with an iron lung so thats we need zetsu.
Zetsu=yes sasori.
Sasori=I need an half of your body.
Zetsu=umm okay I can mend my flesh to an extra black half so I need to make it the baby size(mends small body)there. Sasori=thanks kakazu ready.
Kakazu=yes lets proceed
(walks into infiemary)
Sasori=(walks into infirmary)
(1 hour later)
Kakazu=(walk out room)finish.
Sasori=he is stable and healthy although his sharigan only one eye can be saved.
Konan=oh no thats terrible.
Pain=we are keeping the kid.
Hidan=what this is not an f****** foster house.
Konan=shut up hidan now we are keeping the kid.
Konan=hey deidara(picks up deidara)
Deidara=mama me haf fun pway wif toys.
Konan=thats good hey deidara you want an brother.
Deidara=hmmm yeah we can pway wif my toys.
Konan=well you want to see him.
Deidara=yeah wan see him.
Konan=wait here.
(in the surgery room)
Konan=oh he is cute .
Konan=hey there little guy hmm(on your blanket it says your name is tobi hi tobi.
Tobi=ma ma.
Konan=so you can talk an little.
Konan=hey(reaches for tobi) tobi=(whimper).
Konan=its okay I am not going to hurt you okay see I am a good person.
Tobi=(crawls to konan)mama. Konan=(picks up tobi)yes I am your new mom.
(in the living room)
Deidara=mama is he my brother.
Konan=yes deidara this is tobi your new brother(puts tobi on floor)
Deidara=hmm(pats tobi head)
Tobi=(sucks on deidara finger)
Konan=heh heh.
Pain=well looks like we have new members in our weird tangle up family.
Deidara=mama why he look weird.
Konan=deidara he is not weird he just was hurt badly.
Deidara=oh...Hmm can we pway.
Tobi=baaaah gaaaaah .
Deidara=he cant talk?
Konan=well he is only an baby deidara he cant really say all that much.
Deidara=he say you mame mama.
Tobi=mama p p p p pway mama.
Konan=sure tobi oh yeah tobi this is your big brother deidara.
Tobi=dei dei?
Konan=just call him dei to its his name short.
Tobi=dei dei dei dei.
Konan=good job tobi now what your name.
Tobi=obi obi t t t t t tobi.
Konan=good job tobi
Deidara=tobi play wif me see look gun(gives nerf gun to tobi who in return chewed on the toy gun)
Deidara=noooooo no do dat.
Tobi=gaaaaah(shoots deidara on head).
Deidara=waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!
Konan=oh no dei it was an accident he didnt mean it .
Tobi=(kiss deidara forehead) s s s s sowey dei dei.
Deidara=its okay.
Tobi=heh heh mama(lifts up arms)
Konan=sure(picks up tobi).
Tobi=gaaah baaaah dada.
Pain=hey there little guy you feel good.
Tobi=da da.
Pain=thats right your new father.
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