Potty training disaster
(everybody is in the living room force to watch elmo cause of deidara and tobi the kids are now two and one years old deidara and tobi are in matching black onsie pjs with akastsuki clouds all over them while konan and pain wore bathrobes and pj pants konan was pink and pains was blue hidan was wearing gym shorts and a plain white tees t-shirt kisame in a button up pj shirt and pj pants kakazu in a black bathrobe and black pants zetsu in a bath robe and pants sasori in his pants and ninja net under shirt)
Deidara=heh heh look elmo is on white thingie.
Tobi=yeah mommy wat dat mama konan.
Konan=well it is called an potty.
Pain=you know its the the toilet in the bathroom that we all use.
Deidara=hmm reawy papa. Pain=yeah
Konan=hmm hey guys I need to talk to you tobi deidara go play.
Tobi=otay mama.
Konan=so deidara is two years old now and I think its time to do what all parents do potty training.
Pain=well we should tommorow though okay get ready he might throw an ultra tantrum .
Kakazu=god help us all.
Sasori=oh great better set up some parts for myself. Kakazu=getting some more thread for me and hidan.
(the next day)
(in deidara and tobi room)
Konan=shhh hey deidara wake up.
Deidara=huh mama(yawn)
Konan=hey we got an surprise for you.
Deidara=reawy tobi get surprise to!
Konan=no this is for you
Pain=yeah so come on we pitched in.
Deidara=wat surprise.
Kakazu=you will see.
(konan takes deidara out of his toddler bed and takes off his diaper)
Deidara=mommy me don need new daipy.
Konan=I know but for this surprise you don't need an diaper anymore.
(pain puts a blindfold on deidara)
Konan=shhh deidara your going to wake up tobi.
Tobi=mama daddy?
Pain=hey tobi
(pain takes tobi out of the crib)
Tobi=mmm(lifts arms)upsie daddy.
Pain=tobi you can walk.
Tobi=no wanna daddy.
Pain=fine(picks up tobi).
Konan=okay deidara lets go.
(in the bathroom) pain=okay deidara ready.
Deidara=yeah papa.
(pain takes off deidara's blind fold)
Konan=look see its an present.
Deidara=my present.
Tobi=tobi wan present to.
Konan=well tobi this is for deidara.
Tobi=no fa tobi wan present to!!!!
Pain=I will get you a present.
Tobi=prouwmise daddy.
Deidara=heh heh(rips wrapping paper)wat dat?
(it was an plastic potty toilet it was green and red)
Konan=its an potty like on elmo.
Kisame=hmm dont you want to use the toilet like all of us big boys do.
Deidara=hmm nope(tries to run out bathroom only to be caught by sasori)
Sasori=well your going to anyway(puts deidara on plastic potty).
Deidara=....Don wan use potty.
Pain=well your going to stay in here till you do.
Deidara=no daddy don wan use potty!!!.
Hidan=to bad!
(all the akastsuki members walked out the bathroom)
(in the hallway) deidara=aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!! Don wan use potty!!!
Pain=ugh this kid is just like his dad never giving up.
Kisame=so who should go in first.
Kakazu=I will.
Kakazu=yes so we can all get this over with.
(in the bathroom) deidara=grandpa daddy an mommy wan me use potty an me don wan use potty. Kakazu=well why not. Deidara=cause me haf daipy.
Kakazu=but if you have an diaper to long other people will make fun of you for being to old for an diaper and not to mention the money I have to spend.
Deidara=oh I plant money wike tree(pickpockets kakazu and flush wallet down toilet)see.
Kakazu=nooo my wallet you little brat you(storms out bathroom)
(in the hallway)
Kakazu=that brat flushed my wallet down the toilet to some sea where an fake a** pirate boy cant take it!!!!!!!!
(in never land an certain boy pirate sneezed)
Pain=okay I will dealt with the little bomber.
(in the bathroom)
Pain=deidara how old are you.
Deidara=I two papa. Pain=good now who are you.
Deidara=I deidara papa you son.
Pain=right and who am I deidara .
Deidara=you papa papa. Pain=and your are suppose to listen to your papa right.
Deidara=yeah papa.
Pain=then use the potty like an big boy.
Deidara=(sniff sniff)but I don wan use potty!!!!.
Pain=deidara you will use it. Deidara=waaaaaaaaaah(hits pain)I don wan potty!!!!!! Pain=(that dosent hurt)then you will stay in here till you do. Deidara=waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!
(throws bar of soap at pain head causing pain to get an knot on his head)
Pain=ahhh that hurt!!!!
(in the hallway)
Konan=oh what happen in there.
Pain=he peg me with an bar of soap he should do sports.
Hidan=ha ha ha thats funny.
Kisame=(elbows hidan)shut up pain want an ice pack.
Kisame=(does hand signs)frozen water jutsu(makes ice pack)here. Pain=(put ice pack on his head)thanks.
Konan=I will go next.
(in the bathroom)
Konan=hey dei.
Deidara=mama papa and grandpa wan me use potty an me don wan use potty. Konan=dont you want to use the potty like big boy. Deidara=no don wan use potty.
Konan=deidara. Deidara=no(splashes water)
Konan=hey you got me wet!
Deidara=sowy mama.
Konan=its okay.
(in the hallway)
Pain=what happen to you you got drenched.
Konan=well deidara is an tough case.
Zetsu=I will go.
Konan=good luck.
(in the bathroom)
Zetsu=hey deidara.
Deidara=uncle plant.
Zetsu=hey deidara so what are you doing.
Deidara=they wan me use potty an me no wan use potty wan daipy.
Zetsu=well we all use the potty it what make me and everybody else big boys and girl.
Deidara=no! No wan potty(throws clay bird at zetsu).
(in the hallway)
Zetsu=he blew me up so I have to make more skin.
Itachi=leave it to the only one who dealt with kids before and actually potty trained one to.
(in the bathroom)
Deidara=tachi mama papa grandpa untle plant wan me use potty but I don wan use potty.
Itachi=why not.
Deidara=me haf daipy.
Itachi=well your going to use the toilet no matter what so you might as well.
Deidara=no no no no!!!!
(deidara started throwing his clay bombs at itachi due to itachi skills he dodged them all and he made the little bomber didnt mess up the bathroom but what itachi didnt count on was deidara threw some bubble bath at itachi which splashed in his eyes)
Itachi=ahhhh my eyes oh god my eyes the f*** ah s*** ah ***** ***** ****** ****** ***** ***** **** ******* ****** **** **** nine circles of he***.
(in the hallway)
(everybody looked at itachi in shock he never cursed before and actually out curse hidan)
Itachi=the f*** yall looking at!!
Hidan=you out cursed me.
Pain=and why are you eyes so red.
Itachi=that f****** brat god d*******.
Kisame=wan an ice.
Itachi=yes I want an f***** ice pack.
Kisame=okay calm down.
Itachi=you calm down my eyes are scorching!!!
Itachi=thanks...Sorry I wasnt myself there.
Pain=so who is next.
Kisame=I am.
(in the bathroom)
Kisame=hey there little guy.
Deidara=untle fishy they wan me use potty an don wan to.
Kisame=your going to you know.
Deidara=no don wanna use potty don wanna!!!
Kisame=calm down or your going to.
(boom boom)
(in the hallway)
Sasori=there all done(sasori had wraped bandages around itachi's head to cover his eyes)
Itachi=I smell fishsticks.
Kisame=shut up.
Konan=umm okay kisame it didnt go well.
Sasori=my turn then.
(in the bathroom)
Sasori=deidara why wont you use the potty like you been told.
Deidara=no wanna!!!! Waaaaaaaah!!!!!
Sasori=dei just do it.
Deidara=don wanna!!!
(in the hallway)
Sasori=where is the wood glue.
Kakazu=oh the kid did an number on you.
Sasori=I am all cracked its painful to move to many splinters.
Konan=join the club.
Hidan=leave it to me b******.
Kakazu=go ahead get hurt.
(in the bathroom)
Hidan=hey brat use the f****** toilet now.
Deidara=shud ub dummy.
Hidan=you shut up f***** brat!!!
Deidara=shut up b*****.
Hidan=oh you don't want to go there with me bring the f**** on.
Deidara=grr shud the f***** up(throws clay hawk yes an hawk)
(boom boom)
(in the hallway)
Hidan=kakazu sew me up.
Kakazu=you know you need to stop fighting with him you always get blowed up.
Tobi=hmm(walks to the bathroom)
Pain=where are you going?
Tobi=wif dei dei.
(tobi walked in the bathroom)
Akatsuki=no tobi!!!!!!!!
(in the bathroom)
Tobi=hi dei dei.
Deidara=tobi mama an daddy an everybody wan me use potty but I don wan use potty I wanna haf daipy like you.
Tobi=bud dat cool big brwudda.
Tobi=id is you be wike elmo an pway wif use umm potty.
Tobi=me wan pway elmo to bud me haf be big big boy wike you dei dei.
Deidara=......Okay oh tobi I can say elmo to play wif you.
Tobi=reawy elmo pway wif me to.
(in the hallway)
(toilet flushes)
Pain=did deidara just flush tobi!!!
Konan=noo my baby!!!
Itachi=no(does hands signs) fire style great burn!!!!!
(door opens)
Deidara= hey me use potty wike big boy.
Tobi=he did big brwudda potty!!!!
(the grown akatsuki fell overed and passed out)
Tobi=big brwudda look nap why nap.
Deidara=cause growed up are weird.
Tobi=heh heh(yawn)me wan nap to big brwudda.
Deidara=me to(yawn)
(the two toddlers then fell asleep with the grown akatsuki members and thats how deidara potty training went)
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