Deidara new life
Konan=hey pain.
Pain=yes konan.
Konan=since we are keeping the baby we should name him.
Pain=lets do an vote and we say each name to the baby and see which one he reacts to.
Konan=great idea.
(in the living room)
Kisame=I wonder why pain called us here.
Sasori=what is so important.
Kakazu=and to think I was in to a great book.
Hidan=ugh I am so f****** tired this s*** better be worth it.
Pain=people settle down the reason I(cough cough)konan)called you here is to name the kid.
Kakazu=thats it this is an waste. Itachi=this has been an waste of my time.
Kisame=I dont mind.
Konan=shut up!!!!!!
Konan=this is how its going to work each of you will say an name and if the baby reacts that will be his name I am first umm liu.
Baby=.....(sucks on thumb)
Pain=hmm yahiko.
Baby=(throws bottle at hidan)
Hidan=ow the f***.
Baby=(plays with konan hair)he itachi=akuma.
Baby=baaaah baaaah.
Konan=here(hands bottle to baby)
Baby=(drinks milk)
Pain=he dosent like either name only one left sasori.
Konan=like his is any better.
Baby=(claps hands)gaaaaah.
Konan=he likes that name it means bomb in japanease.
Pain=well he likes his name deidara it is.
Konan=alright. (few months later)
Konan=come deidara you can do it walk to mommy.
Pain=okay I am going to let him go(lets go of deidara)go little guy go to konan.
Deidara=mama mama dada.
Pain=come follow daddy pain.
Deidara=dada dada mama dada mama(toddles to konan and pain) pain=almost there.
Konan=come on an few more steps.
Kisame=whats going on in here.
Konan=look deidara is walking.
Kisame=really neat deidara come here to uncle fishy.
Deidara=fishy fishy.
Kakazu=why are you three so loud.
Konan=deidara is walking.
Kakazu=hmm really I knew he would he reached that certain age in an infant life.
Deidara=mama dada(walks to pain and konan)mama dada.
Konan=ohh deidara I am so proud of you(picks up deidara)oh your mommy little boy(kisses deidara cheek).
Deidara=heh heh mama dada.
(few months later)
Pain=has anybody seen deidara he ran past here right.
Kisame=caught him.
Konan=deidara you know we have to go to the dentist.
Deidara=no!(starts pouting)
Konan=heh he is so cute when he pouts.
Pain=we pretty much spoiled him didnt we.
Konan=no...maybe an little.
Konan=deidara come on I have to get you dressed and brush your hair. Pain=why dont you cut his hair. Konan=no he has beautiful blond hair I am not cutting it.
Pain=okay calm down.
Konan=now lets go deidara. Deidara=noooo mama no wan go ...daddy daddy.
Pain=sorry cannot help you out with this case.
Deidara=(humph)(throws bottle).
Pain=(catches bottle)ha not this time.
Deidara=(blows raspberry).
(at the dentist)
Konan=alright now deidara when we go in you have to be good okay.
Konan=good(opens door)
(inside the dentist)
Receptionist=hello there you here to make an appointment.
Konan=well yes and to register an child.
Receptionist=okay so I need his date of birth his name age and medical problems(hands clipboard and pen) konan=thank you(sits down)okay now allergies peanuts medicine epipen age 11 months old nearly an year old and name deidara fusaku.
Deidara=mama ba ba.
Konan=oh here you go
(Konan hands deidara his bottle of juice)
Konan=now that your happy I have to turn in this form okay.
Receptionist=you filled out the form.
Konan=yes I did here you go(hands form).
Receptionist=thank you Dr.shima is your child dentist he is in room 121.
Konan=okay come on deidara.
(in Dr.Shima room)
Shima=hello there I am josuke shima.
Konan=nice to meet you I am konan and this is my son deidara.
Shima=hey there little guy today you are having your first dentist check up now you see all these tools.
Shima=these bad boysclean your teeth
(Shima places deidara on the examining chair)
Shima=now let me see your teeth.
Shima=hmm want to do this the hard way okay
Konan=I got this
(Konan began to tickle deidara)
Deidara=ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!
Hershima=(puts on mouth guards)
Shima=now these mouth guards can keep your teeth from getting dirty with that paste.
(After the dental procedure)
Shima=(takes out guards)now your done see that was not bad right.
Shima=now here is an sucker for being good and a prize token you can use it to get an toy from that chest over there.
(Deidara dug around the toy chest for awhile till he found a toy soilder)
Deidara=Mama wook!
Konan=I see it's a new toy now what are you suppose to say.
Deidara=tank ou
Hershima=your welcome anyways I will see you later.
(in the car)
Konan=see deidara that was not hard now was it.
(at the hideout)
Deidara=heh heh heh.
Konan=that was long.
Pain=how was it.
Konan=not bad and(sniff sniff)you smell that.
Pain=yes ugh deidara come here.
Deidara=daddy daipy.
Pain=ugh its my turn(picks up deidara)come on
(in deidara room)
Pain=okay(opens tabs)
Deidara=heh heh.
Pain=(argh)(nearly pukes)ugh
Deidara=grr(daddy wazy heh heh) daddy id huwt.
(Deidara begans tearing up)
Pain=okay okay don't crying I will change you.
(Pain removed the soiled diaper from under deidara, he had threw said diaper in the floor he then made the hand signs for a fire release jutsu the diaper burned in a orange flame until it was reduced to ashes)..
Pain=Finally done.
Deidara=(heh heh)
Pain=your an evil kid.
Deidara=daddy teeth.
(Deidara opens his mouth to show his clean teeth).
Pain=But I cant stay mad at that smile.
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