The nursery and a mis-lodged memory
VERONICA SWAN YEARNED for the full night of sleep she had prior to Bella and Matthew moving in. As no matter how many talks their father had with Bella over the past few nights the older girl made no effort to tend to her son's needs when he awoke. Matthew had turned out to not be an overly fussy baby, at 7 months old he often did not cry out in the night but when he did. His cries would often go answered for a few minutes longer than they should have done as both Charlie and Veronica waited to see if Bella would get up to see what he required. Yet no matter what happened or what was said no changes seemed to occur. And it had caused the beginning of much turmoil to build between the residents of the house.
And the horrible thought that perhaps the reason Matthew did not cry out as much as he was expected to at this age was due to his cries not being answered. But that was a horrible thought that Veronica chose to forget about and move away from instantly the second it had even crossed her mind. As she could not imagine her mother allowing that to happen.
Charlie could see why his ex-wife had started to reach her end of the rope with their eldest daughter. He could see why she hoped sending her daughter to somewhere different would change things. But he also realised that change did not occur overnight, and a lot more would be needed to be done to change the outlook his eldest had and to get her to become more involved with her son. But he was slowly starting to see just how difficult it was going to be and he was starting to wonder just what would be needed to get some change occurring. He was aware that by stepping in as frequently as he was, was not promoting the idea that she should be doing more but he could also not allow his grandson to go without his needs being met because he was trying to get his daughter to step up and do more. He was also aware that as Veronica got more involved Bella would also not want to do as much. But he couldn't stop Veronica getting involved as he was aware she too felt the same. That if they were not the ones to respond and do something, nothing would be done.
Veronica also had hoped that over the few days they had before School started up again, that the two sisters would start to bond. Yet they seemed to do the opposite. Veronica found herself completely unable to bond with her sister, the two either speaking little to no words to each other despite being in the same room, or arguing. She didn't think it possible to argue so much with someone after spending so little time around them. But the events of the last few days indicated otherwise. The two would argue over every little thing it would seem, whether it was about how much time either of them spent in the bathroom, to what they were going to watch on TV. To much larger things, the care of Matthew whilst their father was at work to the trivial regards of their bedrooms.
Bella had hinted only two days after arriving that she didn't like the bedroom she was in, she felt it was too cramped and she did not have enough space. She wanted the attic feeling as though Veronica had been favoured and given the biggest room in the house. And Veronica, she loved her attic bedroom, she had spent so much time getting it the way she wanted but she also loved her peace. And she knew that if she did not cave into her sister's demand it was unlikely that peace would wash over the house any time soon. She knew it would not help their situation in the long-term giving into her sister, as Bella would be more likely to expect more things like it in the future, but it would help in the short-term. And that was all Veronica wanted.
"Ronnie, you really don't have to concede into Bella's demand. You spent so much time on both of those rooms Bug, don't let her waste it." Charlie attempted to sway Veronica to stand her ground, he wanted her to not allow her sister to walk all over her. Not in an effort to make things a little more pleasant around the house, that was for him to sort out, not her.
"I just want some peace, we both know she's not going to change overnight dad. If we give her this, maybe she'll listen more and see reason to what we're asking her to do." Veronica sighed, she knew she was going against her own wishes but she didn't know what else to do in that moment.
"We're not asking her for something unreasonable Ronnie. We're just asking her to look after her son." Charlie tried to explain but the grimace he got back made him confirm that his daughter was more than aware of that fact, she was just choosing to go against it.
"Her asking for the attic room isn't unreasonable either really dad."
"Only agree if you're one hundred percent sure. Think on it and if you still want to agree by the weekend we'll sort something out." Charlie gave in knowing that Veronica and him were very alike and would continue to clash until one of them gave in.
"Okay dad, I'll think on it. We should probably focus on the first day back at school right now." Veronica changed the topic of conversation knowing they would only end up going round and round in circles.
The pair had been up since the relatively early hours of that morning trying to forge a new morning routine. As they adapted to not only having to get themselves ready but also a small child as well. Veronica had dressed in a simple pair of jean, plan t-shirt and cardigan that morning preparing for the chilly day ahead and having no interest in trying to show off at school. She had all the friends she needed at that time and did not want to impress anyone else. Boys were not on her radar whilst she was adjusting to all the change going on at home. Her father had taken responsibility over Matthew that morning getting him up and dressed as the baby sat comfortably in his high chair playing away with the soft breakfast biscuits they were trialling him on. Neither of them having seen Bella that morning, but the sounds of the shower running had at least informed them that the final member of the household was awake and getting ready for her day ahead. They intended to wait on Bella coming downstairs before discussing further at length what the plan was for the day. Considering there was a lot to get done before they even started lessons that morning.
Bella would eventually appear another 45 minutes later. Book bag hanging off one shoulder, long striped top tucked into her blue jeans and a little half cardigan on top. Veronica took one look at her sister and gathered that she might feel a little chilly whilst walking around the hals of the school but she would be warm enough.
"Good Morning Bella, I'll take Matthew to nursery this morning so you have enough time to get to the school and sort out your paperwork. You'll need to pick him up at 3:15pm." Charlie gave the basics, he kept it short and sweet so there wasn't an overload of information.
"3:15, right." Bella agreed she seemed in a pretty good mood that morning.
"There are two options on how you'll get there this morning, you can either ride with Veronica and then you can both go to collect Matthew this afternoon she'll be able to show you the quickest way to get there incase you forgot from our drive last night. Or you can follow her in your own truck and then make your way there after school." Charlie offered and both he and Veronica knew what the answer of the oldest daughter was going to be but it was nice to give her an option irregardless.
"I think I'll follow Veronica, I really need to start to get used to driving around here any practice is good practice." Veronica could see her reasoning and was also a little bit happy at this decision not really sure she could stomach the drive with her sister to and from the school the awkward silence already being felt way before they had even sat in the vehicle together.
"Okay you'll just have to give one of us a call if you get lost this afternoon." Charlie gave a nod and the trio continued to get the final things they needed together before they left that morning.
Both sisters managed to easily make their way to the school that morning with little fault. Bella parked just a few spaces away from Veronica, just enough so that it was not clear that the two had arrived from the same place. Just enough to give her a little bit of mystery upon arrival at the school. Veronica had offered her elder sister assistance to at least find the school office but her offer had been rejected. And she chose to accept the rejection and just head off to her own class, sure that her elder sister would make her way to her first class eventually.
Throughout the day Veronica saw blips of her elder sister, in the hallway and at lunch, Bella seemed to have started to settle quickly, having made fast friends with a few people in her own year. Some that Veronica knew of quite well, but obviously did not know very well. Bella had managed to get a seat at the table which included the most popular kids in her year, a group that consisted of both Lauren Mallory and Jessica Stanley. And Veronica knew it would not be long before Bella was pulled into their many different social activities. Though she would say nothing against it because yes the sisters were having their difficulties but Veronica wanted Bella to settle well in Forks and make friends and if those friends just so happened to be the blonde, overbearing popular girls than so be it.
When the school day came to an end, Veronica left with no sight of her older sister. Bella's rusty truck was no longer in the car park and she assumed that by having to stay late to speak to one of her teachers that she had missed her older sister leaving to go and collect Matthew. And therefore, when she arrived home to not see her sister, and nor did Bella come back rather soon Veronica just assumed the older girl was caught up at the nursery. Or perhaps was spending a little one-on-one time with her son. So she continued on, focusing on the horrible first day homework she had been set, aware she needed to get it done as soon as possible so she had more than enough time for her softball practice. After all, if she performed well on the team this year she would maybe be selected for vice captain next year and then it would be a sure step into the captain position. And captain of the softball team had developed into being a proper dream of her high school years.
She hadn't realised it was almost 5pm until her mobile rung. Veronica looked down to see her father was calling her and she became confused. Her father was not due to finish work until 5:30 and often did not call her whilst he was working unless something serious was going on. And therefore, she knew that she needed to answer this call.
"Hey dad, what's up?" She answered upon picking up the call.
"Heya, Ronnie. I'm so sorry to ask this of you but do you mind heading down to the nursery? I have no clue what's going on but your sister has not turned up to collect Matthew. I'm not able to leave right now to collect him myself and the nursery closes at 5." Charlie's voice came through the phone it was gruff and it was obvious her father was mad, he was incredibly annoyed but he was trying his hardest to not direct his anger at her.
"Of course I can, do they know it's me coming to pick him up?" Veronica responded already moving to collect her discarded coat and shoes and heading towards the front door.
"Yes a lady named Nancy should be waiting on you. There's the car seat we used yesterday in the back of the Mitsubishi. Take that and pop it into your car please." Charlie explained and Veronica gave him a hum of agreement.
"Yes dad, no problem. I'll put it in the back and then head on my way." Veronica agreed as she picked up both sets of car keys the audible sound of one unlocking bouncing down the phone.
"I'm so sorry you're having to do this. I'll make it up to you this evening."
"It's really okay dad. I'll hang up now so I can focus on getting this car seat in correctly. I love you."
"I love you more." With his word the phone line went dead and Veronica sighed as she had to fight with the car seat again.
Veronica drove down the dark roads as she made her way towards the nursery. She mumbled along to the radio as she focused not wanting to overly distract herself but knowing she could not sit there in silence as the radio played some of her favourite songs. By the time she had arrived it was 5:10pm and there was only a couple lights on in the nursery indicating that it was supposed to have shut 10 minutes ago and that the people in charge were desperate to be out of there. Veronica checked her phone once upon getting out of the car and on her way to the front door of the nursery, only to see no further messages or calls from her father nor anything from her sister. She arrived to the front of the nursery to be met with an intercom system.
"Hi its Veronica Swan I'm here to collect Matthew." She announced once pressing the buzzer and heard the door click. After fumbling around with it and discovering it was in fact a push not a pull door she entered the building. She could hear where her nephew was located purely based on the sound of whom she was guessing was Nancy talking to him. She entered the room to see him laughing at the woman stood in front of him.
"Hi, I'm assuming your Nancy. I'm Veronica Swan my father sent me to collect Matthew?" Veronica stuck her hand out to introduce herself to the woman.
"That would be me, thank you for coming to collect him."
"No thank you for reaching out to us. We are ever so sorry for the inconvenience. I assure you we will do everything we can to prevent it from happening again." All she could do was apologise this was not the first impression that should have been made upon the care provider. It was the least positive impression and it sucked. But Veronica's priority was on little Matthew and how this all was going to go down when they got home.
"It is no problem. We are usually open to 5 most days but on occasion we are open until 6. We were just under the suspicion he would be collected earlier." Nancy seemed like a kind young woman, she couldn't have been much older than her late twenties with straw yellow hair pulled into a high ponytail, and her dress, cardigan and leggings combination was covered in glitter a sure sign that she had been around young children.
"Still I'm really sorry about all of this." Veronica apologised again not really sure what else to say in this situation.
"It's okay, Matthew is a very charming baby." Nancy smiled and Veronica could not help but agree, considering it had only been a few days and she was aware that the 7-month old had already got her wrapped around his finger.
"He really knows how to charm the ladies." Veronica smiled before looking at the baby. Matthew was sat on the carpet playing around with some large toy bricks picking them up and dropping them on the carpet over and over again.
"Hi Matty, ready to go home?" She questioned the baby though knew it was very unlikely she would get a response from him. Matthew would only look up at her, the familiar face he had started to grow to learn over the last couple of days before making a small sound. One of which Veronica assumed meant yes. Veronica lifted him up into her arms aware that the poor boy had been dressed in his outdoor clothes for a little while now whilst he waited for someone to come and collect him. Veronica ended up walking out with Nancy towards her car which ended up being parked not far from the nursery owners own. Once opening her front door, Veronica found herself struggling to readjust the baby, his belongings and everything else.
"Would you like some help?" Nancy questioned the young teenager.
"If you wouldn't mind I'm not really a pro at this whole thing." Veronica laughed it off hoping this would be enough to not make the conversation awkward. The nursery owner quickly took Matthew's bag away from Veronica and then offered a few tips to get the baby into the car seat.
"It's always hard the first couple times around but you'll get the hang of it in no time." Nancy supported the young teenager before bidding her goodbye for definite this time. During the ride home, Matthew babbled away and Veronica found herself plotting out just what she wanted to put in to the conversation she knew her father was going to have with the forgetful mother.
"Oh Matty, our mother is not in for a fun evening." Veronica spoke as she carried the boy back inside. Not really sure where they were going to go next.
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