An epic training montage and a worried housewife
The day following the Pack's mutual decision to become involved in the fight against the vampire army, Veronica did not believe it to be true. It sounded like something right out of a fairytale or some sort of sappy teen romance book. Like seriously who would create a massive army to go against another Vampire coven. Especially one like the Cullens, who despite Veronica's ill feelings towards, seemed like pretty calm blood sucking maniacs. Like for some reason they hadn't drained her sister, so what's the point trying to fight a group of people who only seem to want to pretend to be human.
Nethertheless it did start to sink in, it really dawned on her the risk her family was under all because her sister wanted to date the most allusive yet popular boy at school. It became a reality when she was stood at the front of the Swan household opposite Jacob. Now this wouldn't have normally been much of a problem she had sent him away a couple of times beforehand well ever since they had taken the step to further their relationship, when she knew he was going out to patrol the local area. Yet this time he wasn't, he was going to join in a training session against the Cullen's to prepare himself for the fight that was supposed to take place the next day.
Sure he could protect himself, and it was very unlikely he would come to any major harm. It was supposed to be training only, that was what he had promised her. They were only going to have a little 'roughhousing' but Veronica wasn't convinced. She thought doing it the day before was stupid anyways if one of them was injured or they couldn't get their energy back fast enough. But she was still worried, for if today was the training day it meant tomorrow was the fight and she wasn't ready to have to think about the what if's. What she wanted was to go back to bed, back to where they were safe and in each others arms.
"Hey Buttercup, don't look at me like that, it's just training we'll be back in a couple of hours." Jacob had tried to ease her worry as he cupped her cheek with his hand, his thumb rubbing it gently. Veronica had turned so she could kiss his hand before she looked him straight in the eye.
"It's just becoming really real, really fast." Were her clever words in response, but it was really becoming clear just how much danger they were all in and how fast something might go wrong.
"I know babe, but I promise you I will see you this afternoon we'll have dinner with the rest of the pack and then we'll head back here." Veronica could only nod her head, she wasn't really sure what she would do during this time. But just the thought of how their evening would be spent was enough to tide her over to let him leave. But it didn't mean she was happy about it.
"I'll see you shortly." Jake spoke once more before he turned and headed in the direction of the forrest.
Normally, a day such as this where Veronica was at home not really having any school work to do, she would be occupied looking after the toddler who was playing around the living room. And yes, this would keep her busy enough that she never noticed the time slipping past, she would be surprised to see her father walk through the door after a day at work. Yet this was not the case, despite how hard she tried to pay attention to the toddler only she found herself watching him but she wasn't fully there. She was present enough to ensure he was safe at all times and he didn't need anything, but every time she found herself slipping she was at that field. Hoping and praying no-one got injured, no one did anything stupid. She just wanted them all home and for this to be some bad dream.
A fever dream would be the best outcome of the whole scenario, maybe she had slipped into a coma a few months back and her brain was coming up with scenarios and stories. But no this was life, and it sucked. If she was this bad knowing they were only going to a training session and shouldn't be harmed she could not possibly imagine what would happen tomorrow. She didn't even want to think about tomorrow and what it may bring. Matthew didn't seem to notice she was slightly off that morning, something she was happy for. She would be happy as long as he was never clued in onto the moments when she wasn't happy, for he was such a light soul, she could never do that to him. He was happy watching the Numberjacks on TV and trying to follow along with the storyline and she didn't mind. As long as he was kept preoccupied that was all that mattered.
Soon enough, though still not fast enough, the front door to the house was opened. Looking up from her spot on the floor where she currently sat with Matthew, Veronica meet the boyish smile of the person she had bid goodbye three hours earlier.
"Oh my god Jake." She bolted from her spot and towards him, straight into his arms where she belonged.
"Hey, don't cry, I told you there was no need to worry." Jake held her as she buried her head in his chest and soothed herself knowing he was there.
"I'm sorry I just got so worried, not knowing how you are is worse than knowing you're injured." Veronica rubbed at the crocodile tears that streamed down her face. Normally she prided herself on not being a crier, she held herself well. Yet this time she didn't regret the tears she knew why she was. She couldn't be blamed the man she loved was out there and she didn't know what state he was in.
The man she loved, Veronica stilled a moment at the self actualisation. She knew she had loved Jake for years, as a friend as her closest confident. But she was sure in this feeling as well. She loved him, as all of those things and more.
Veronica Swan was hopelessly in love with Jacob Black.
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