A involvement and a protection plan
Jacob Black was not impressed when he turned up to the ever illusive vampire house. He had forced his two male best friends to come along with him. Embry and Quil neither too happy about who was holding the party. Normally, the three would have been pretty down to head to a party, relax and have some fun. Heck the little parties the pack threw on the res were some of the best moments they had since this whole genetic shift had occurred. Yet the idea of being around the vampires was enough to put a sour taste in all of their mouths. None of them particularly wanting to be there. Jake had made a promise to show his face and after hearing that the two Swan sisters had argued and the words Bella had come up with during said argument, he wanted to at least have a go at the nearly 19 year old. Nobody spoke to his imprint like that. Especially a deadbeat mother like Isabella Swan.
"What are we even doing here bro?" Embry asked as they entered the house that reeked of the bleach smell they assisted to the Cullens or Vampires in general.
"We're giving Bella a reminder that Vero is off limits and if she even thinks of talking down about my son again that no little vampire is going to get in my way of finishing her off." Jake seethed as his two friends found themselves wanting to submit to the boy. It was no surprise that they would considering he was the rightful alpha of the pack but wanted to focus on ensuring he could be there at any second if Veronica needed help until she had finished School. He had promised to take over once the pair had both finished high school.
"Okay that's cool, let's go in say our piece and leave. I can't stand this smell." Quil commented on afterwards and the other two shifters could only nod in response. Jacob mentally repeated to himself that all he needed to do was put Bella in her place and then leave and head back to his family.
Once inside they were greeted with what seemed like a normal party scene. There was no evidence that the people hosting it were undead and not from this century. Teenagers surrounded the entire house, some drinking, some dancing and some just talking between themselves. It was likely because most of them were surprised to see the home of the illusive Cullen's though the three shifters were not surprised. This was the kind of house they'd associate to a bunch of leeches with more money than they knew what to do with. It wasn't hard to spot Bella, well Jacob didn't even need to search for her as she came over to him. Almost as if she was waiting for him to arrive. Jacob had sent a smile to the girl he thought he recognised when she came to collect her younger sister Mable who was one of Veronica's friends.
When Bella Swan approached him Jake just had to give an awkward grimace, she smiled at him like he was something really special to her. And he guessed he was, he was her son's adopted father and her future brother in law, if everything worked out the way he wanted it to that was. But she looked at him in a way he didn't like. Almost as if she wanted him. Yeah no, he was taken.
"Um... Jake hi, I'm glad you came." Bella spoke and Jacob just couldn't see what about this whole awkward thing was supposed to be attractive. It was irritating and nowhere near attractive not in the slightest.
"I kinda wanted to talk to you Bella." Jake started trying to not get angry as he thought just how he was going to tell Bella to get lost and stay out of his family's life.
"Oh really! Maybe somewhere else I don't want prying ears to hear." Bella replied with a perk and did he just see her try to push her non existent chest up as if to entice him. Ew.
"I'm okay here thanks. I just want to tell you that if you ever tell Veronica to back off again you'll be the one wanting to leave town. I'm fully committed to your sister and have been for years I hope you get that through your thick skull..." Jake didn't get to finish what he wanted to say for Bella held a hand up to him before walking over to the tiny Cullen, Alice was it? But Jake wasn't finished he hadn't told her to go do one and leave his son out of it. Following the human over to the tiny leech he was able to overhear something about them coming to the family.
"What do you mean 'they're' coming here?" He questioned his voice gruff considering that his imprint could be in danger due to her familial relationship to the Human and not to mention Matthew.
"Come with us now." Came the voice of the head leech. Jacob could only roll his eyes before beckoning Embry and Quil to come with him. There was no chance he was going in alone he was going to destroy the whole lot of them if he had to. The group which doubled in size when the rest of the Cullen's joined were situated in some posh looking office. The desk probably close more than some of their houses did and Jake could only roll his eyes.
"We haven't got all day." He muttered though the supernatural hearing of the majority of the members of the room, other than sweet previous back stabbing Bella, meant that this actually caused the conversation to move on.
"Theres this army of newborns who originated in Seattle and intend to come here to forks to fight." The leader, whose name Jacob didn't care for, started to explain.
"Army? Newborns?" Quil piped up and Jake sent a small thumbs up to the boy in support of his questions.
"Our kind." The leader confirmed and the shifters exchanged a look between themselves. If more vampires came to the area there was a possibility that more boys on the reservation would be forced to shift. They had the youngest shift the other day Brady Fuller who was but 13 years old. They couldn't let any more children or young teens shift next.
"What does this mean? And why are they coming after you?" Embry asked next and Jacob couldn't be more proud of his friends for they were taking this situation very seriously.
"We believe their leader is someone we fought last year and killed the mate of she wants to return the favour."
"How does she intend to return the favour?" Jake led the questioning this time.
"She's after Bella, they were passing around a red shirt of hers." Tiny Cullen replied and Jacob paled slightly. If they had hold of a shirt of Bella's that meant they had been in the house. The house where Veronica and Matthew where. He'd left them unprotected by coming here. What if they had done something, his family was in danger. He looked beside him and into the eyes of Embry who's eyes were as wide as his must have been obviously coming to the same agreement he had. Their future Alpha female was in danger. Not to mention little Matthew, who despite not having anything to do with Bella for 2 years now might just smell slightly like her considering she was his birth mother. During the time he started to prepare the different ways he would be able to protect his family he had missed part of a conversation.
"You guys can't protect me, keep yourself fed and train. I'll be fine I've got the wolves." Bella announced and Jacob shook his head, he didn't care at all about Bella he didn't care for her safety she had chosen to side with the leeches.
"Will Sam consider a truce do you reckon?" Beefy Cullen asked
"If we get to kill some Vampires I'm sure he will." Jacob announced before they stated to have a training session in two days time. But he didn't care he zoomed his way out of the house, which really should have been called a mansion, and towards his car, Embry and Quil on his trail, in order to get back and check on his family. Arriving back at the Swan household he noticed that the place smelt more like bleach than the last time he had been there less than an hour ago.
"Embry, Quil, Get that scent and memorise it, they will not cross our borders again. The Swan household is now under our full protection." He ordered not caring for the moment that he was not the alpha of his pack. He left the two shifters outside as he turned the unlocked door and walked in. Charlie was passed out on the couch the latest episode of a WW2 documentary playing but he was still breathing obviously untouched. That was a good sign. He then charged his way up the stairs trying to remain as quiet as possible to not wake up the chief of police. The first door he tried was Matthew's bedroom. Entering he was not hit with any smell of leech rather just an overwhelming combination of his own and Veronicas. This must have been enough to send the leech away from this room. For Matthew was laid comfortably in his bed fast asleep. The last room he checked was Veronica's. His heart was racing at a speed he wasn't sure was possible as he pushed the door that was slightly ajar open. The different possibilities ran through his mind as to what he would be welcomed with.
"Jake, babe, is that you?" Came the sleepy voice of Veronica as she sat herself up and rubbed her eyes. He let out the breath he was holding and raced over to her tackling her to the bed. Pressing his head into her neck he took a moment to just absorb the fact that she was still alive. Their little family was okay. "Jake what happened? You're crying." Her voice shocked him back to reality and to the fact that he was indeed crying.
"I was at the party, they told me that a vampire had been in the house looking for Bella. I thought they had gotten to you or Matthew and I had lost you." His voice was weak as it truly hit that he had nearly lost his little family and he couldn't have done anything about it.
"Oh Jake, it's okay, we're both okay. We're all okay. You've not lost us and you're not going to." She reassured not knowing how to never imagining what it would be like the other way round.
"I'm so sorry I left you unprotected, it's not going to happen again I promise. I'm going to stay every night when I don't have patrol and then if I do I'll come and check on you throughout that." Jacob promised his new protection plan sounding really good in his own head.
"You don't have to do that what about your dad you can't leave him alone for an unknown period of time." Veronica tried to protest.
"If I explain it to him, he'll understand and then tell me off for taking so long instead of being here with you." Jake reasoned knowing this would be the case, his father had been even more excited than he was when Veronica was his imprint, which was a pretty hard thing to overcome.
"And my dad?" Veronica posed knowing her father wouldn't be overly fond of the boy staying overnight, even if he really liked Jacob.
"We'll do what your sister and leech and been doing for over a year now. I'll just sneak my way in. I don't think he'll be overly bothered. He trusts me." Jacob boasted with a massive smile on his face.
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