Ive been tagged
So the nerd that tagged me was SPIRIT_WOLFgaming and they do some good shit so you could check them out if you'd like.
So ten thing about myself?
1. Green is my favorite color. It's just nice and is not too girly but it isn't too much of a boyish color. It's the perfect mix and I love it.
2. I am a suuuuuuuper fuckin nerd when it comes to superheroes. My room is decked out in Marvel and DC and literally the only book I have put at the moment is a superhero book.
3. I'm hella gay, dudes. I mean, I have a boyfriend and all, but who can say no to a nice pair of boobs and a pretty face? (I would also like to point out that boob sizes don't matter I just thought that was funny lol)
4. I have a 2 doggos and a kitty. Nova, Ruger, and Peaches. Nova is a little Dorkie (Dachshund and Yorkie mix) and is named after the YouTuber Uberhaxornova (check him out he's precious and hilarious). Ruger is a Shitzu mix and he's named after a gun (he's the little special ed of the family cuz he can't walk properly). Peaches is my lil Calico Cat and she's named after Princess Peach from Mario Bros.
5. Video games consist of a majority of my life, minus Wattpad of course. InFamous Second Son, Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt, Town of Salem, Minecraft, etc.
6. DrPepper is literally the only thing I drink minus water because ya know, you can't live without it/sodas don't reaaaally keep you hydrated.
7. I live in southern USA with the cousin fuckers. I actually live in the same state as Wildcat. I'd only have to drive a few hours to get to his town.
8. My two favorite bands are grandson and Oh Wonder. They sing two completely different types of music, but they're both amazing.
9. I'm a weeb. I like me some anime. Fairy Tail, Blue Exorcist, and DNAngel are my favorites and I love each of them as if they were my children.
10. I'm one of the most awkward human beings in existence. Like holy shit I'm so bad. Socializing is for crazy people, I'll stay here in my Hobbit hole eating Pringles and watching The Flash season 4 on Netflix.
Okay so spoiler on one of my story's. This is the only story I have out yet, so I guess I'll be throwing out a small spoiler for this one. It's not too big of a spoiler since it'll be revealed very soon in the story anyways, but it's still pretty important. So, the letter Smitty got in the mail, you guys remember that? Byze, wrote that letter. You guys should know Byze from YouTube since Smit plays games with him and the others (Friday the 13th and CS:Go is where I've seen them so check those out if you're curious).
Taging peoplez even though a majority of them won't do it lmao
Tadaa, a majority of these people will have no clue who tf I am because I'm not using my normal account XD
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