Chapter 10
They walked through the manor, down identical lavish hallways and past dark wood doors that all looked the same. The portraits were technically different, but all the sneering blond faces looked unsettlingly similar. Harry was pretty sure he had had nightmares like this.
"What are you planning?" Harry asked.
"Hmm?" Draco said.
"You must be planning something."
"I'm not," Draco said, "You can't plan with my father. He understands planning and scheming, he's a Slytherin to the core. Now impulsive stupidity, that almost always works." He glanced over his shoulder at Harry, putting his hand over his heart, "I just pretend I'm you."
Harry rolled his eyes, "I'm pretty sure you don't need me as an excuse, you can do impulsive and stupid all on your own."
Draco shot a glare over his shoulder and almost ran into a door, only saved by Harry grabbing the back of his jacket.
"Hey-!" Draco protested, then looked back, his nose nearly brushing the carved woodwork. He startled back with an 'eep' that Harry's was sure he would have been embarrassed about if he hadn't fallen back right into Harry's arms.
Harry had to fight to keep his balance, holding onto Draco tightly and stumbling back with him. They stood very still for a moment, both breathing a little too fast and not just from the shock.
Harry thought- well, thinking wasn't actually involved, as his hands curled into the fabric of Draco's jacket, squeezing him tighter. Draco's breathing hitched-
"Excuse me, sirs."
They jumped apart, startled all over again.
"The table is prepared," The butler house-elf had opened the doors in front of them and was staring at them, their expression completely unreadable as they gave a short bow and disappeared.
"fuck," Harry said under his breath. "Are all your house-elves bastards?"
"No," Draco said, taking a deep breath and nervously straightening his sleeves, "Not at all. Asbestos is one of a kind. That was Butler. He, as you might imagine, wants to be the perfect butler, in so far as he knows about them from those cheap muggle mystery novels he reads."
"Your butler is named Butler," Harry said.
"He picked it himself," Draco said, "All house-elves pick their own names and change them whenever they like."
"Isn't that confusing?" Harry asked.
"Not to them, and I'm entirely certain they don't care what we think on the matter," Draco said. He hesitated and then said more slowly, carefully, "Before house-eves are freed, there isn't a lot that they can change or choose for themselves, so those things that they can are very important to them. It's a bit... cultural, I suppose."
Draco and Asbestos must be better friends than Harry had thought. He had known Draco liked and respected Asbestos; otherwise, he wouldn't let her insult him. Harry had never been quite sure if she liked him back. But since she must have told Draco all this information about house-elves, she must like him, at least a bit.
"So uh... you aren't worried that 'the butler did it'?" Harry asked.
"What?" Draco asked.
"It's a cliché in those muggle mystery books, that the butler did it," Harry said.
Draco continued to stare at him blankly.
"Like in a story with a butler, usually the butler is one of the suspects for who committed the crime," Harry said, "I don't know how often the butler is actually guilty, but it must have been enough for it to become a cliché."
"A human butler might, but a house-elf-"
"A free house-elf?" Harry asked.
Draco froze, "...You think I ought to be worried?"
"I don't know. Does Butler want to kill you?" Harry asked.
Draco thought, too long for the answer to be an easy 'of course not', before saying, "Probably not as much as he would want to kill my father."
"Then you should be fine. Unless Lucius disappears, in which case you might want to leave the country," Harry said, "I imagine if a free house-elf wants someone gone, they'd never find the body."
Draco glared at him, "What a comforting thought," he said sarcastically.
Harry shrugged and stepped around Draco into the dining room.
It was a massive room, elaborate tapestries and sconces that looked like they were gilded in gold, lined the walls. Across the room, there was a fireplace big enough to cook an ox in, the mantle and moulding made of white marble inlaid with gold filigree. Filling the centre of the room was a long, long table made of wood so dark it was almost black, and at the very end were four tiny little place settings.
Harry looked over at Draco and raised an eyebrow.
"It's utterly ridiculous," Draco said with a grin of amusement.
Harry snorted, "Yeah. I mean, why?"
"You're an important guest. Mother wouldn't want to insult you with anything less than the best," Draco said.
"Does she know like, anything about me?"
"Obviously not," Draco said.
Harry laughed.
"Knowing you, you'd be happiest eating the kitchen with the elves," Draco said, trying to sound disdainful and missing the mark.
"True," Harry said, "But then I wouldn't get to have this lovely meal with your," he paused meaningfully, "delightful family."
Draco laughed and bumped his shoulder, "Come on. I'll show you how you're supposed to use the silverware so that we can both do it wrong."
"Both?" Harry said.
"One of life's little delights," Draco said.
"No wonder your mum is so frazzled," Harry said, following Draco to the end of the table and gratefully taking the seat neatest him and furthest from the table head where Lucius probably sat.
Draco did indeed walk Harry through the silverware, which quite boringly worked out to just using the ones on the outside and working your way in. Then told Harry about the time he spent twenty minutes trying to eat soup with a fish fork until both his parents had lost their tempers and sent him to his rooms like he was five.
"Next time you ought to just pick up the bowl and drink the soup," Harry suggested, shuffling his silverware around randomly until he no longer remembered what anything was for, except the soup spoon which was soup shaped.
"I never thought of that!" Draco said excitedly, "Why, I might eat an entire meal without any silverware what-so-ever, with my fingers," Draco said excited and
"Wouldn't that be too messy for you?" Harry asked.
Draco sniffed, "I'm willing to make sacrifices for a worthy cause."
"Worthy indeed," Harry said with faux-solemnity.
"I apologise for our lateness," Narcissa said as she entered. She had changed into an entirely new robe, this one had lavish golden embroidery along the hem as if to match the room.
"Oh, was Father having a tantrum?" Draco asked, his voice as casual as if he were asking after the weather.
"No. We were simply discussing some things and lost track of time," Narcissa said coolly, shooting Draco a behave look.
Which Draco promptly ignored, leaning over Harry's shoulder to loudly whisper, "He was having a tantrum."
"Draco," Narcissa hissed, just as Lucius came in behind her.
Lucius was dressed in black robes that hung loosely off his shoulders like he was a bony coat hanger. He ignored his wife, walking around her, and Draco; and Harry might as well have not been there. As he took his seat at the end of the table, Harry saw that Lucius' blond hair had gone mostly white and wrinkles now lined his face making him look a good decade older than he was.
Narcissa hurried after him and took her seat next to Lucius, across from Draco.
As soon as they were all seated the first course appeared in front of them. It was a tiny bite of food on a tiny plate.
Harry glanced over at Draco.
"The starter," Draco explained, "A hors d'oerve."
Harry looked at the plate again, still unimpressed.
"It's meant to whet the appetite. I imagine Mother ordered us a full seven courses," Draco said.
Narcissa cleared her throat, trying to suggest that Draco should shut up.
"Because you're so important," Draco went on.
Harry couldn't help grinning. He was rather glad Draco was joking around. There was nothing Harry hated more than aching silent, overly formal meals where everyone was being fancy and pretentious.
Harry used a random spoon to scoop up the small bite and put it in his mouth. It was good, not Molly Weasley good, but it was alright.
Narcissa was frowning. Lucius ate the bite in three smaller bites, with an expression like he was chewing through carpet.
Narcissa rang a tiny silver bell at her elbow when all their plates were clean, and the plate was replaced with a bowl of bright orange... soup? With a blob of white in it.
Harry poked it suspiciously with his spoon.
"It's mostly carrots," Draco said. He nodded to the blob, "That's cream, it makes it actually taste good."
"Our house elf's food is impeccable," Narcissa said.
"Chefs," Draco corrected, "They're our chefs. You can call them house-elf chefs if you prefer, but it's a bit of a mouthful."
Narcissa's mouth tightened into a thin line, "Our chefs. Of course."
Harry used the same spoon as he did last time which seemed to cause Narcissa a special kind of pain. Or it could have been seeing Draco attempt to use the tiny sorbet spoon to ferry very small amounts of soup to his mouth. She rang the bell before he even managed half of it.
The next course was a long narrow strip of fish, which was actually really good but there wasn't nearly enough of it to really satisfy him. A steak was served next, also a bit small, but at least enough to be something like a meal. It had a few potatoes, green beans and carrots along the side.
"The main dish," Draco said.
"I could have guessed that one," Harry said wryly.
"I wouldn't want our important guest to strain himself," Draco said.
"Oh yes," Harry said sarcastically, "Thinking is so hard, after all."
"You do it so rarely," Draco grinned.
Harry rolled his eyes, "You would know, you use you head even less."
The larger size of the entrée had a downside though, in that, with nothing other to do but eat, the room became very, very quiet. The sound of their silverware faintly clinking on the plates seemed to echo about like they were in the bottom of a ravine.
Draco set his fork down and leaned close to Harry. His voice had all the characteristics of a whisper except the quiet part, "You see, what my father is doing is known as the silent treatment."
"Or we're just having a nice meal," Narcissa said without looking up from the carrot she was carefully spearing with her fork.
Draco went on, blithely ignoring her, "This was always his favourite form of punishment when I was young because it sent me into absolute hysterics to be ignored."
"That's not very surprising," Harry said.
"I do have a fondness for being in the centre of things," Draco embracing the jibe as a compliment. "Once I started school, I tried using the silent treatment myself, but the thing is it really only worked the first year or two. Because it's a stupid childish thing to do."
Harry glanced over to see Lucius' face twitch.
"I mean, really," Draco said, a cruel tone latching onto his words, "only children use something like the silent treatment and expect it to be anything other than a joke. Certainly not grown men-"
There was a thump, and the table rattled as Lucius brought his fist down on the heavy wood. He shot an absolutely fuming glare at the space above his plate, refusing to even look at Draco.
Draco waited for a second then continued to fill the silence, "Yes? Do you want to say something? Would you like to even greet our illustrious guest? He is Harry Potter, after all."
"Draco, that's enough," Narcissa said, "Let's just have a nice meal and-"
"Greet the man- the little wretch that ruined everything for our family-" Lucius hissed.
Draco laughed coldly, "Him? You ruined it all by yourself, Father. We would have come out of the war better if we had spent the whole thing sitting in a ditch covered in our own shit."
"You will not talk about me that way," Lucius said, finally looking at Draco, his eyes cold and bloodshot.
"I'll talk about you however I like-"
"I should have never allowed you to be the master of the house-"
"No, you shouldn't have, rather stupid of you," Draco said.
"Draco, please-" Narcissa tried again.
"Now you foolishly bring an auror into our home, that auror of all people," Lucius spit.
"Why?" Draco said with innocent mocking, "We have nothing to worry about, do we? Good upstanding citizens, the Malfoy's, paragons of society-"
"Shut up! Shut up!" Lucius snapped, standing up so suddenly his chair fell over behind him in a clatter, "Are you really so stupid!? Do you really think he is here because, what- because he likes you?" he barked a laugh.
Draco went still.
And Harry felt his jaw tighten, his teeth grinding together.
"Don't be a fool." Lucius hit the table again, "This is obviously a trap. A plan to lure you into incriminating us and..."
Draco's entire body was tensed with fury and- and it wasn't what Draco had wanted, even though Harry suspected that it was what he expected, even pushed to happen. Harry couldn't help thinking that Draco still despised being ignored more than anything, that even hate was better than indifference to him.
Harry blinked. Was that what it had been? The whole time during school-?
Draco had stood up as well, his face going a blotchy red as he yelled back at Lucius. Narcissa had given up trying to stop them, sitting back in her chair and massaging her temples.
Harry had the very Draco feeling that all this was stupid and boring and generally not fun.
He went very still as a stray idea occurred to him. It was completely mad and would require a rather big lie. But it would be fun.
He stood up and caught Draco's hand mid-wave. Draco words died in his throat and he looked over at Harry in surprise. Harry gave him a faint smile that he hoped said I got this.
Harry laced their hands together, "Mr Malfoy?"
Lucius stopped and stared at their hands. The silence made Narcissa look up and she also stared at their hands.
"The truth is, I asked Draco to bring me here because," Harry took a deep breath. He hoped his nerves made this more believable, "I felt it was important to meet the parents of my fiancée. I just... I didn't want to hide us any more."
Draco blinked.
Harry squeezed Draco's hand and twitched an eyebrow up.
"I- I, yes," Draco said hoarsely and cleared his throat, "I was just afraid something like this would happen-"
"I understand, I really do, I just couldn't leave it like this, pretending we aren't together, only meeting secretly-"
Draco's ears were turning red, but Harry could see the faint smirk in the corner of his mouth as he began playing along in earnest, "I know, my darling."
"I wanted your parents at least to know," Harry said.
Lucius's mouth opened but no sound came out.
"Draco, the longest you could have possibly even been talking with Mr Potter has been a week," Narcissa said, not buying it for a second.
"It was Trev," Harry improvised, "He had brought Draco a muggle bar where I was hanging out with my friends, and we started talking-"
"Teasing," Draco corrected.
"Bantering," Harry said.
Draco raised an eyebrow, "Flirting?"
"I think it took a few days to get to flirting," Harry said.
Lucius's mouth moved soundlessly as what little colour he had drained out of his face.
"I'm glad we came. I can't believe your father thinks I would- I would- I could never-," Harry said, probably a bit too breathlessly.
Draco clasped both his hands around Harry's, "I know. I know you. You wouldn't hurt me." He had to bite down on his lip, probably to keep from laughing but it almost looked like he was teary.
"Is there any way we could get your blessing? I know it's old fashioned, but I want to do this right," Harry asked Lucius and Narcissa.
"Yes!" Draco bit down on his lip harder, fighting a stupid smile, "Oh yes, please, Father. Won't you give us your blessing?"
"If you're engaged, where are the rings?" Narcissa asked, crossing her arms over her chest.
Harry laughed nervously and then tried to bluff the laugh into, "I- I know better than to pick them out myself. I have no taste compared to Draco."
"We're going to have them custom made, of course," Draco said. He looked at Lucius again, who seemed to be shaking faintly, "Father? Will you give us your blessing?"
Lucius turned, nearly tripping over his overturned chair, and stiffly, almost frantically walked out of the room without a word.
They all seemed to hold their breath until they couldn't hear his footsteps anymore.
"Holy fucking shit," Draco said under his breath, a huge smile taking over his face.
Harry grinned.
Narcissa sighed and got up, "I'm going to go keep Lucius from doing anything...rash." She stopped next to Harry, going up on her toes to brush a kiss across his cheek, "I do so love a summer wedding."
"I- We- Just joking," Harry sputtered.
He saw a faint, but very familiar, smirky smile briefly grace Narcissa's face. "I know this is a lost cause, but if you two could try to keep out of trouble, I would be eternally grateful."
She patted Harry on the arm and left before either of them could reply.
Draco caught Harry's eye, and they exchanged a look.
"That went well," Draco said.
"I think that went well," Harry said at nearly the same time.
They both laughed.
"Now we have two fantastic lies to celebrate," Draco said, "I didn't think you had it in you."
"I've been known to manage a good lie every now and then," Harry said.
Butler appeared in the middle of the table and bobbed a brief bow, "Pardon the intrusion, I am to tell you: the Elder Malfoy's will be finishing their dinner in their rooms."
"Thank you, Butler," Draco said, "I think... we shall as well?" he looked at Harry.
"Your rooms are slightly less ridiculous than this-" Harry waved at the massive empty room.
"You can send our remaining dinner up to my rooms. And double the dessert," Draco said.
Butler nodded, "Any other wishes? Elves will be closing the kitchen for the night."
"That's all. Thank you, Butler," Draco said.
Butler bowed again and apparated away.
"Double the dessert?" Harry asked.
"Are you really going to complain about dessert?"
Harry grinned, "I am now."
"What a prat," Draco said.
Harry's grin grew, "Only to you."
Draco gave him a sour look, "How sweet."
"It's how I show my affection," Harry said.
Draco sighed at him and stood up, "Come on then, let's go."
"The food isn't going anywhere," Harry said.
"Oh, who cares about the food," Draco said, "There are more important things to worry about."
The more important thing, Harry discovered as Draco dragged him back into his rooms, was clothes.
"We can't go to a club wearing suits," Draco said, disappearing into his walk-in closet.
Their dinner was sitting under stasis charms on the table in the centre of the sitting room. Harry picked up one of the large bowls of ice cream and a spoon, carrying it with him into Draco's rooms. It was pale pink and sprinkled with thin slices of almonds and frozen blackberries.
"I thought suits were good for that sort of thing. Like, you're supposed to look classy," Harry said between bites of ice cream. It was good, but he'd had better from Tesco's.
"Oh my god, Potter," Draco bemoaned, hangers scraping as he pushed them this way and that, "Suits are not good for dancing. We're going to get wasted and dance, not ruin a perfectly good suit."
Harry wondered if Draco had noticed that he called him just 'Potter' or if it was an accident. He also wondered if he should mention he couldn't dance for shit.
"And I'm not about to pass up another opportunity to make you wear something decent," Draco said.
Harry leaned against the doorframe, "I think my clothes are decent enough, y'know, as long as my arse isn't hanging out."
Draco stopped what he was doing to glare at Harry, "You do realise you have the exact opposite problem? Your clothes are so loose you might as well just wear blankets with a hole cut in it."
"They're only a little loose," Harry said.
"A little loose," Draco said derisively. "If your arse was hanging out, at least there would be something to look at."
Harry raised an eyebrow, "I'll have to remember that."
Draco's ears immediately went red, and he practically shoved his head into the hanging clothes to hide his face. "Shut up," he muttered, his words muffled by the clothing.
Harry laughed. He was content to just watch Draco move around his enormous closet looking for the perfect clothes, through Harry had no idea how he knew where anything was. The only section that was even remotely organised was a back corner filled with dark robes and old school uniforms that might as well have been covered in dust for how untouched they looked.
"Here!" Draco said triumphantly, holding up a pair of black trousers and a black button-up.
"How is that any different than what I'm wearing now?" Harry said.
Draco rolled his eyes at him, "Other than the colour, you swine? They are quite different."
"I don't usually wear a lot of black," Harry said.
"We're keeping with the theme," Draco said. "Besides, as you well know, you look good in every colour. It's completely unfair."
"Actually, I didn't know that," Harry said with a smile.
Draco sighed up at the ceiling, mouthing something that looked like fucking really?
Harry laughed.
"Just take these and get changed, would you?" Draco said, holding out the clothes.
Harry licked the spoon clean before putting it in the half-empty bowl and trading Draco the ice cream for the new outfit.
"You're horrible," Draco muttered, looking at the bowl of ice cream.
"Thanks," Harry said.
"I liked it better when you still got angry at me," Draco said.
"I doubt it," Harry said.
"I do, simply because you being smug is completely insufferable," Draco said.
Harry pointed at him with a grin, "Ah! I know that feeling. I get it from you all the time."
Draco turned and pulled open a drawer, grabbing a pair of rolled-up socks and throwing them at Harry's head, "Go-" He threw another, "Change-" And another which caught on Harry's glasses, "You-" His hand hit the bottom of the empty drawer. He jerked open another, throwing with was inside without looking, "Bastard."
Harry caught the last one out of the air. The pair of sleek black briefs unrolled and swayed gently in Harry's hand.
"Give those back!" Draco said, sounding thoroughly embarrassed.
Harry looked at briefs and back at Draco was a bit of a grin, "But I've gotta keep with the theme, right?"
He wanted to wink because it was the sort of thing you did after saying something like that, but Harry had been thoroughly assured that he looked like a complete fucking wanker when he tried to wink. He had to content himself with running out of the closet before he was hit with a half-melted bowl of ice cream. There was a clatter behind him and the ringing roll of the dish as it spun across the floor.
Harry laughed and retreated to the bathroom, closing the door behind him in case Draco threw something else at him.
He changed out of his suit, into a pair of black jeans that he had roll up the cuffs to keep from walking on them, and a black button-up with a rose and vine pattern. It wasn't something he would normally wear, or even think to buy, but it looked nice.
The mirror was excited by all the different potions and products crowding the countertop. Harry knew the Malfoy's were still dripping in money, so he didn't feel bad about using some of Draco's things. The mirror excitedly told him all about how his hair would hold its curl longer and be shinier and how easy it was to fix, only half of which Harry listened to.
"Are you done?" Draco asked impatiently, opening the door and coming in without waiting for an answer.
Harry gave him a look.
"It's my bathroom," Draco said, elbowing him out of the way of the mirror and leaning in close to his own reflection.
Harry stepped back, thinking to finish off the rest of the ice cream just to be obnoxious but stopped at the door.
Draco had changed into a tight, tight pair of white jeans, that perfectly accentuated his long, lean legs.
"What?" Draco glared at him in the reflection.
"Robes are a crime," Harry muttered to himself before looking up to meet Draco's eyes, "I'm enjoying the view."
Draco flushed but managed to lift his chin imperiously, "Of course. That's why I wore it. I want to be looked at."
Harry twitched, fighting down a frown. He was glad he had come tonight, he wasn't keen on the idea of anyone else looking at Draco.
And Draco's shirt wasn't much better. It was a pale blue, long-sleeved pullover, with a scoop neck showing off his sharp collar bones and long neck. Harry narrowed his eyes as he stared; why was everything about the prat long and somehow attractive?
"Still staring," Draco muttered.
"Do you want me to stop?" Harry asked.
"It's rude to stare," Draco muttered, not really answering the question.
Harry looked at his arse instead.
"You are insufferable," Draco said, leaving the bathroom with a sigh.
Harry followed behind him, "I think it's adrenaline from the lie at dinner."
"Sure it is," Draco said.
Draco dropped into a seat at the table to finish their meal, and Harry joined him. They were both quiet, focused on the food. In Harry's case, it was because he wanted to finish quickly so he could get back to teasing and flirting with Draco.
He was starting to feel excited about what this might be. Ginny had been great, but they had been different people after the war and it hadn't worked out. After school, he had tried dating here and there, mostly blind dates set up by his friends, but none of them felt so- so electric like this.
Talking to Draco was always unexpected; Harry never knew what he'd say or do. And he loved pushing Draco, trying to make him flush or bluster or be angry, to see his reactions. With other people he'd have to be careful, but with Draco, he could still be a little mean, a little teasing, a little rude, and that was alright because Draco would throw it right back at him. Because Harry could tell that Draco like pushing him too, trying to make him mad or flustered, and the push and pull was exhilarating.
Draco might be obsessed with novelty, but for Harry, the only novelty he needed was Draco himself.
"Good grief, what are we going to do with ourselves?" Draco said, looking at his watch.
"What?" Harry asked.
"It's only just gone eight," Draco said.
Draco rolled his eyes, "It's too early; no one will be out yet."
"So? We're going together, ergo, not alone," Harry pointed out.
Draco waved a hand dismissively, "Clubs are so depressing when no one's there. They feel incredibly off somehow, and not in a fun way."
"Well... you could show me around the rest of the manor," Harry suggested.
"They're just rooms," Draco said, standing up anyway.
"Then tell me about something interesting that happened in them, like when you were a little snot-nosed brat," Harry said.
Draco shot him a look, "Brat I may have been, but I resent the implication that I was ever snot-nosed."
Harry snorted, "Everyone was snot-nosed at some point; it's one of the chronic conditions of toddlerhood."
"I don't remember it, therefore it didn't happen," Draco said.
He was walking slowly so Harry could keep pace beside him.
"That's a very convenient way of looking at things," Harry said, "Err... I don't need to see your parents rooms, though."
"Oh, but they're so exciting," Draco said flatly.
"I can imagine," Harry returned just as flatly.
For all his apparent disinterest, he still walked Harry to the various rooms, telling him tales of his delightful childhood escapades, most of which involved him getting hurt or breaking something or both.
The best story, though, was when Draco was seven and lured peacocks into the house one by one with crumbs of fresh bread. He closed the doors to keep them inside and had over a dozen wandering around the manor before he was caught. He had been thoroughly lectured about it, had a bit of a tantrum, and was sent to his room. Everything was quiet until around three in the morning when his parents were awoken by a horrible mocking laugh and a massive shadow rising from the end of the bed.
"Luckily the peacock escaped with only singed tail feathers," Draco said.
Harry clutched his stomach, leaning against the wall to stay up as he gasped with laughter.
"If it hadn't been one of Father's prized white peacocks, it probably would have ended up as an apéritif," Draco said, grinning with delight at Harry's laughter.
Harry wiped his eyes, "W-Why? Why did you-?"
Draco shrugged, "I don't know. I just... felt like it, I suppose. It didn't actually occur to me that it was a bad thing to do until after I had done it."
Harry took a deep breath, "Fucking hell, Draco. How did you manage to behave during school?"
Draco raised an eyebrow, "You, of all people, ought to know that I didn't, seeing as you were the focus of all my stupidity back then. And schoolwork kept me quite busy, not that you would know since you so rarely did it."
"I never liked writing papers," Harry said, "I did alright with the casting, though."
"You only rarely exploded things," Draco said as if conceding a point.
"That was Seamus. I was more likely to have nothing happen at all," Harry said.
Draco smiled faintly, "How did you manage the training to be auror? I've heard it's difficult. It takes two years, doesn't it?"
"Three," Harry said, "And it was a bugger. I did great with the duelling and casting but learning all the other stuff, potions, accounting, arithmancy, ugh," he made a face, "that was the worst."
"Well, it's a good thing you're so bull-headed," Draco said sarcastically.
"That helped, and having Ron there," Harry said, "I was... I know it's kind of stupid, but I always thought being an auror would be running and fighting and duels all the time, that it would be exciting. Eventually."
They were just aimlessly walking down hallways now.
"Training was boring, but I figured the real job would be exciting. And then being a Junior was boring, but I thought, once I get promoted, then I'll get to do everything I imagined."
"I take it that hasn't happened," Draco said.
"No. I've been on a few raids now and one big spell fight, but it's rare," Harry sighed, "Most crime is petty stuff, pickpocketing and petty theft, accidental spells, stealing from the till, tax dodging, lost cats..."
Draco snorted.
"That was different. And it wasn't a cat, or lost, strictly speaking," Harry said sourly.
"Helping people is boring, what a surprise," Draco said sarcastically, "I could have told you that."
Harry thought about it for a second, "Yeah... I guess I was thinking more about saving people than helping them." He grimaced, "That sounds awful."
"Sounds normal to me," Draco said, "People are selfish sometimes. It has been known to happen."
Harry shook his head.
"Even to you, Saint Potter."
Harry elbowed him in the side, "Shut up."
"No," Draco said.
Harry rolled his eyes.
"We should stop here," Draco said, stopping and raising a hand, so it brushed Harry's arm.
"Hmm?" Harry stopped and looked down the hallway. It looked like all the others, only a lot emptier. There were no portraits or tapestries on the walls, no vases or weird art on plinths, just the carpet runner and blank walls. "What's down there?"
"Nothing nefarious," Draco said.
"No three-headed dogs, guarding trap doors that have to be lulled to sleep by music?" Harry suggested.
"Followed by various other trials and traps, what is this a bad fairytale? The myth of Eurydice?" Draco said.
Harry laughed.
"No and No," Draco said, "This used to be a wing of guest rooms, though we seldom had guests, much less ones that stayed the night. Now they're our household staff's rooms."
Harry gave him a questioning look.
"Our house-elves. Once they were free, I offered them proper room and board along with pay," Draco said, "A few left, but it's difficult for a free elf to find work in our society, so I wanted to..." he shrugged, " something for them. It's not like we use most of the space in his house anyway."
Harry smiled, leaning close, his fingers brushing over Draco's palm, "Draco-"
They looked down the hallway at Asbestos, hands balled on her hips, glaring at them, "Double stupids. Asbestos was looking for you. Come here."
Draco hesitated and then obeyed, Harry a half-step behind.
"You're off for the day, aren't you, Asbestos?" Draco said.
"Yes. Asbestos is wasting her own time on this, so move faster," Asbestos said.
Draco rolled his eyes as he reached her, "I do so hate to waste your precious time."
"As you should," Asbestos said, turning on her heel and walking a few doors down to the end of the hallway. She snapped her fingers, and a door swung open, "Found the stupids!"
There was an excited scream so high-pitched it made Harry's ears buzz, followed close behind by an absolutely tiny house elf in a little knit jumper and grubby shorts.
They ran into Asbestos full speed and were stopped a few inches from hitting her, floating up off their feet for a couple second before dropping back onto the ground like a soup bubble burst around them, all with the flick of Asbestos' fingers. The little elf laughed in peels of delight.
They barely reached Asbestos' waist, but the small elf's ears were already nearly full-grown when they tilted their head back, the tips brushed against the floor.
Asbestos took off her plastic firefighter helmet and dropped it on the little elf's head, half-covering their eyes and provoking another delighted squeal and a rare genuine smile from Asbestos.
Another elf came to the door in a russet-coloured dress with a peach petticoat peeking out the bottom. The points of her ears were capped in little silver triangles, joined together by delicate silver chains, the top chain tight and looping progressive looser as they went further down. It pulled her ears back together very slightly and reminded Harry of a fancy necklace and earrings all in one.
"Meribelle," Draco said, giving a little bow, "It has been a while since we've seen one another."
Meribelle smiled and spoke, slowly and very carefully as if she was checking every word before staying it, "Then you ought to come down to the kitchens more often, Mr Draco. We would be glad to see you."
"I shall try," Draco said.
Asbestos was smiling at the other two elves, but her expression went back to sour when she looked back at Harry and Draco, "Here is Potter-man. Potter-man, this is Meribelle, Asbestos' chosen, and-"
"It me, Dobby!" The little elf shouted, bouncing around on the balls of their feet.
"Dobby..." Harry said softly in surprise.
"Speak proper," Asbestos corrected them.
"Whyyyy?" Dobby whined, "You don't."
"Asbestos doesn't need to," Asbestos said, "You is a free elf. You need to talk like the stupids, to be your own elf out in the world, not just servant elf."
Dobby pouted and pushed up the firefighter helmet so Harry could see their eyes, "My name is Dobby."
Harry knelt down in front of them and held out his hand, "It's nice to meet you."
Dobby wrapped their small hand over Harry's top two fingers and bobbed their hands up and down in an excited handshake, "Dobby is-"
"I," Meribelle corrected gently.
Dobby frowned and tried again, "I heard all about Harry Potter and Dobby! Dobby the free elf, Dobby the hero elf!" They bounced excitedly, and the firefighter's hat fell off unnoticed, rescued from the ground by Meribelle. "I picked Dobby for my very first name after my baby name. I want to be brave and good-"
"And free," Asbestos said quietly under her breath.
"-like Dobby," Dobby finished, not hearing Asbestos or not caring.
"Dobby was good and brave," Harry said and had to clear his throat as emotions welled up in his chest and threatened to overwhelm him a bit, "He was a good friend of mine. He saved me more than once."
Dobby nodded excitedly, "He whisked you away from the evil Bella-tick lady."
"Thank Merlin for that," Draco said.
"Tell me, tell me, tell me!" Dobby demanding, bouncing on their toes. "I wanna know everything about him!"
Asbestos scowled, "The stupids have better things to do."
Meribelle sighed at her, "Please do not call our employer stupid, my dear one."
Asbestos rolled her eyes with a look that said she might consider it, but only around Meribelle.
"Actually..." Draco said, "We could spare some time, say an hour?"
Asbestos narrowed her eyes at him.
Draco was fighting down a grin, "Even all night. We're not in a rush."
"We're going out in a bit, so we can't stay that long; Draco's just being annoying," Harry assured her.
Draco kicked him lightly. Harry smacked him on the shin.
"Of course," Asbestos said with a sigh. She reluctantly waved for them to come inside the room, much to Dobby's absolute delight.
It was a large bedroom with a sitting area and a separate attached bathroom. The bed itself was unchanged though a small step ladder had been positioned by the side to make it easier to climb up. The rest of the furniture in the room had been shrunk down to a more suitable elf size. It made Harry feel a bit like he'd stepped into a nursery classroom.
"Look! Look!" Dobby ran to a corner of the room littered with books and toys and returned with one, "This is Applebiscuit!" they held up a lumpy handmade doll made with green fabric. They held up a well-loved rabbit plush in the other hand, once pink and now faded almost white, "This a Bedbunny, she's my favourite." Dobby hugged her to show how special the rabbit was.
"And- And-" Dobby ran back the toy corner, dropping Applebiscuit and picking up a wooden train.
"No more toys, Dobby. Come sit down," Meribelle said, "You wanted to hear a story, didn't you?"
Dobby looked from their toys to Meribelle and back again, fighting their frustration before huffily coming over to the sitting area and dropping down onto a pile of blankets and pillows on the floor. They held onto the bunny and train defiantly, as if daring either parent to make them put either one away.
Meribelle clapped her hands, and a pair of plush round cushions appeared on the floor in front of Dobby, "I could get some chairs if you would prefer them?"
Harry had already sat down, "Nah, this is great."
Draco looked more dubious.
"Come on," Harry patted the other pillow.
"I don't think you understand how tight these jeans are. I don't particularly want to rip the ar-"
Before he could finish the word, Draco's feet were pulled out from under him, sending him sprawling onto a pile of pillows now covering the floor.
Asbestos slowly lowered her hand, "Dobby is four-"
"Almost five!" Dobby said.
"-so no swearing," Asbestos said.
"But calling me stupid is just fine," Draco muttered facedown in a pillow.
"Not an insult if true," Asbestos said with a smirk.
Meribelle pointedly cleared her throat.
Asbestos sat down in a half-sized armchair, and Meribelle sat on the small couch. There was a tea service already on the table ready to pour, the two small cups suggesting Harry and Draco had interrupted their evening tea.
"Well, Dobby and I first met when he was trying to keep me from going back to school in my second year..." Harry said. He ended up embellishing the story a little bit just to see little Dobby laugh, and Asbestos really seemed to appreciate Dobby destroying the pudding.
After a minute, Draco got bored of being dramatic and rolled onto his side, propping his head upon his hand and drawing up one leg. He was probably trying to look like a model, but he just looked a silly. He grinned every time Harry glanced over at him. Harry had a feeling that Draco was more interested in provoking a reaction than anything else, in which case, it was working.
Harry told little Dobby a few more things about Dobby when he lived at Hogwarts, but he deliberately ended the story before the Manor and what happened there. It was too dark a story for a little kid, and Harry didn't want to know what Asbestos would do to him if little Dobby had nightmares.
Little Dobby was getting sleepy anyway, fighting to keep their eyes open, their chin resting on top of their little stuffed rabbit.
"We should get going," Harry said.
"Awwww!!" Dobby said, sitting up and rubbing their eyes. "But I didn't hear everything."
"Maybe some other time," Harry said.
"You have to promise!" Dobby said.
"I promise, I'll tell you the rest of the story someday," Harry said.
Dobby sighed, "Dobby wishes we could play more."
"I wish we could play more," Meribelle said.
"I wish we could play more," Dobby repeated with a groan of annoyance.
"Um... my godson, Teddy, is about your age. He's always looking for new friends." Harry looked over at Asbestos before going on.
Asbestos sat forward with a glint in her eye, "An elf friend?"
"He wouldn't care. I'm not sure he'd even notice," Harry said.
Asbestos nodded excitedly, "Yes, yes, Dobby needs human friends."
"There is nothing wrong with having elf friends," Meribelle said.
"Looli is a baby, and Niffler and Jiffler are mean," Dobby whined.
"Well, I'll see if Teddy wants to do a play date?" Harry said, "Is there a good time for you?"
"Anytime, elves can drop off and pick up anytime," Asbestos said.
"Alright," Harry said. He turned to Dobby, speaking softly, "It was good to meet you. I'll see you again soon, okay?"
"Come visit again?" Dobby said sleepily. "I will," Harry said. "Promise?" "I promise," Harry said.
Meribelle slipped out of her chair and bundled a blanket around Dobby, "Thank you for coming. It is nice to meet another human who is kind to us."
"It was great meeting you too," Harry said.
Meribelle picked Dobby up and carried them back to the bed, giving Harry a brief nod, "Goodnight."
"That means you leave," Asbestos said, hopping to her feet and impatiently waving for them to move.
Harry quickly stood up and headed for the door. Draco did not follow.
Draco rolled onto his back, "Leave me here to die."
"You are such a dramatic little shi-"
Asbestos cleared her throat loudly with a glare for emphasis.
"-shi...ny boy?" Harry finished awkwardly.
Draco sniggered.
Harry walked back over and held out his hand, "Come on."
Draco took it and let Harry haul him up out of his pile of pillows, doing very little to help, all while grinning like an idiot.
Asbestos followed them out into the hall, charming the door shut behind them, "Going out?"
"Yes-" Draco said.
"Wand," Asbestos held out her hand.
Draco frowned, sighing and drawing his wand from his sleeve. He rolled it between his fingers, running his thumb over the pale wood before passing it down to Asbestos, who made it vanish with a snap of her fingers.
"I hate when you do that," Draco said.
"Asbestos just put it away," Asbestos said.
"I know. But you could wait until I'm gone, so I don't have to see it," Draco said.
Asbestos rolled her eyes, "Asbestos wants you to go away now. Which place?"
"You're off work-" Draco started.
"Now," Asbestos said impatiently.
Draco told her, and she must have known where the place was because she just grabbed their wrists and apparated away.
a/n: 💜💜thank you so much for all the support!!💜💜
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