Love is love no matter what form it's in
So, y'all know me. Pretty gay. For the longest time I considered myself lesbian, and only having interest in women. Soon after that I just left my sexuality kind of ambiguous but seemingly bisexual on the outside. Saying this, sexuality's change. Mine is constantly changing, and I still feel as if no matter what sexuality I am or who I'm with it should not determine my place in the community.
That is recently not the case. So again, y'all know me. Pretty gay. Well I just got a boyfriend. So by all technical means I'm in a "straight relationship." A woman with a man. But here's the funny thing, we both talked about it too- we're both really fucking gay. We both identify as bisexual, but did consider going gay before we met each other.
But naturally as all things do in the world, the rumor spread that i was dating a guy. And I've gotten a few comments stating the following
-your not really bi if your dating a man (but I like both)
-well he straightened you out didn't he (I still like women though)
-your just looking for attention (yes because my ex gf of ten months is me seeking attention)
And i know I'm not the only who's gotten these comments. But they still piss me off. My question is-if these are people from the very community I'm in saying this to me, then why use the phrase "love is love?"
After all, we both started dating because we love each other. And we both do belong to the community. I've had experience with one of my same gender, and he's shown interest in other men. But we both know that just because we're both interested in the same gender, doesn't mean we'll cheat on each other. And that's something I wish other people would realize.
But I have gotten support, but apparently this is only limited to me. Someone please tell me why it's not okay for bisexual men to date women? Like, what?? My boyfriend, has gotten threats from his friends and even his own family, for identifying as bi but dating a women. That really makes no sense. Since love is love, why isn't love- love?
If love is love, then how come this love isn't acceptable? I'm not defending straight pride at all, in fact I'm stating a fact that all love is love and therefore never be questioned. Believing in love for everyone doesn't mean believing in same sex couples. It means accepting those who are bisexual and are in a straight relationship. It means accepting a woman who is only romantically attracted to men. And vice versa for all cases. It means accepting all forms of love. And if people are so shallow in the community to refuse a straight couple who both identify as bi, then, do we really stand for equal love.
Being apart of the community is about supporting any type of love. Whether it be same or opposite sex. I mean, we never stand for someone being bashed on for loving who they want. But yet we still do it.
I'm apart of the LGBTQ community and I stand for equal love for everyone. No matter what form it's in. And you should to.
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