(Referring to herself in third person)
(She stumbled upon your profile because of a user she followed who is following you. She does not know you for long, but it is longer than five years for sure. She does not know because she does not look at the time and count it, she often has no clue what day it is because she does not count the days and time, even though she values it. She says it was better for her to cherish everything without a clue it will end and she will lose all of it in a wink. But even so, she says you never really lose anything or anyone. If it is truly important to you and you truly cherished it, it does not matter that much if prescence is physically nonexistent in your life. Because if you truly cherished that something, it will stay with you forever. It never dies, it never leaves, things does not last forever, but lets say forever is when you will love somebody even after you slowly disappear into complete utter nothingness. Her time does not have a price but it is valued more than gold. She loves you because she finds your entire being not leaving a single fibre out, as.. something indescribable. Something unexplainable. Something so beautiful and interesting, something that doesnt need to have a face and a personality to be beautiful. But she doesnt even call it beauty anymore because you are beyond it. You are...art. who is neither beautiful and ugly. You are wonderful with your dark little mind, with stars in it shining brighter than the sun even if you never dared to look at them. you are so interesting, youre so.. unexplainable. She sees you as something just way too precious to exist in a place like this. You are so strong yet so fragile. She cannot explain why she loves you, but the reason why she does barely matters to her at all. She does not care about anything else, she just wants to give you the love people stole from you, but that love can never be stolen, can never die, can never end, Can never betray you and can never lie to you. There are things that will come, you will start to think that love is never real to begin with, to think that she will stop caring, to think that a day will come when you have to watch her walk away. But dear, even if she walks away, she will come back. And even when you walk away, she will wait for you to come back. Even if it takes forever. She is so happy. You wait for her to write you. Because believe me when i say this, she is waiting to be able to write you again and again. She apologized, if she made you somehow sad. But all you need to know is that she reads your messages. You can tell her whatever you want to say, and one day, you will realize oh how strong youve grown. One day. Step by step, a day will come, you will be able to talk to her properly with her replying to each of your messages, can you imagine? Yes, she promises you, one day, that will happen. All you need is faith. Your demons are wrong, and she can prove it. Thank you, so much, she says. She appreciates you opening your eyes each day fighting the devil that chained himself in the pit of your brain. But remember, even that devil is loved by her. Forgiven and cared about. So dont you worry, your sins are nothing compared to his yet he is still loved. You, you are important, you may not be important to yourself but you are important to her. Keep breathing, so each and every day you can feel the love she has for you. But do not rush or pressure yourself, time is gentle if you are gentle to it. Let it flow, step by step. She is there, always. She tells you, she is never, ever going to give you up, not to your devil, not to anyone, not to your desires of self destruction in order to disappear for eternity. She loves you and that is all you have to remember.)
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