Introductory Prologue II: The Sins of a Mother...
a/n: I know a lot of these events seem to go by quickly and also seem to be a bit out of place. But please bear with me, it's hard enough trying to maintain and avoid continuity errors. I like to just imagine that because the Twilight Cage works slower and much weirder than the average time in the Prime Zone, a lot of things and events tend to get out of proportion. Like a wise man once said, "'s more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff."
a/n: Also in regard to the look and and concept of the Stormtrooper armor, I like to imagine it something like the Dark presence attire from the 30 Years Later Arc, but built to work like Mandalorian armor. Sort of like Death Watch and Boba Fett. But it's also entirely up to the readers.
If you were to design a Stormtrooper armor for an Echidna, what would you go with?
"So... what is this I hear about a new legionnaire attack squad, and why am I hearing about them just having eviscerated the neighboring Nocturnus camp not far from where we are standing now? Would someone here care to explain all of that to me?" Grandmaster Moritori Rex demanded.
Not looking back and facing those that he had summoned after hearing of his father and predecessors passing as well as shocking news of my mothers shock war that brought a much needed victory. That being my grandmother Gina-Li, my mother Kay-Li, and my father Zerrik. All three on their knees despite him giving them little to no acknowledgement while staring out his window.
"Grandmaster, I apologize for this," Grandmother began. "I was just as shocked as you were when I first received word of a firefight among the enemy camp. I was unaware of the rogue unit carrying out this attack without either my knowledge or permission. I knew none of this, nothing about these... Stormtroopers as they are calling themselves."
"Somehow I am finding that very difficult to believe Commander Gina-Li," Moritori began to reply. "Especially considering that the ones who were leading such an attack and unit happen to be your own daughter and son-in-law. Who need I remind you are in this very room alongside you. How is it that such a well organized unit, armed with weapons that are not in the Dark Legion weapons catalogs were able to be manufactured and used in combat without any testing whatsoever? How did all of this get past under you Commander?"
"Please Grandmaster I-"
"None of this was her fault. It was all my idea from the very beginning, Grandmaster." my mother cut in. Now standing and approaching closer to Moritori.
"Kay-Li you've done enough already. Stop this right now." My grandmother Gina-Li tried to plea.
"I also had a major part to play in all of this as well Grandmaster." My father Zerrik now entered the confession.
"Will the both of you stop this right-"
"Explain yourselves Lieutenants." Moritori demanded. Now slightly turning his head to face my parents. Clearly they were starting to get his curiosity.
"Grandmaster Moritori," my mother began. Once more kneeling with her head low, and my father following suit. "As you may know my father Kova was vital in ensuring our peoples survival here in the Twilight Cage. Which earned him a place among your father's inner circle of commanders and sub-leaders."
"I am aware of your father and his many miracles, Lieutenant. I grew up with the man and he was nothing short of genius. Even my father wouldn't stop speaking highly of him. But that doesn't explain why you went and formed a rogue shadow organization amongst the Dark Legion."
"I'm getting to that. As may know, a little over a year ago my father was brutally killed by a Zoah that had accompanied a Nocturnus scouting party that heard of my father discovering a way to escape this hell and back to our main zone through stolen tech that he acquired from them. I begged your father and predecessor for justice. To let me take it upon myself to avenge my father's murder. I know he was a scientist, but he was still my father, my family, I couldn't help but take this attack as personal. Just as your father Menniker did to avenge his own fathers death. I offered to lead a unit myself and guaranteed him the spoils should we, no, when we succeeded."
"And as I recall, my father denied your request."
"Yes, your excellency. I'm afraid he did."
"And this official denial was the catalyst that caused you to rebel and form your own organization within the Dark Legion? To carry out your own personal orders, wishes, and vendetta despite the orders given by your superiors otherwise?"
"Yes Grandmaster."
"You do know Lieutenant Kay-Li that's enough to warrant insubordination, treason even! A punishment that would lead to only one solution... execution."
My grandmother was worried when she heard this. "Please Grandmaster I'm begging you-"
"I assure you Grandmaster, despite the unorthodox practices, it still means none of those." My mother said, Steadfast with confidence in her words.
"Oh? Care to elaborate then?"
"The Stormtroopers may act outside orders from Command Grandmaster. But they nevertheless remain loyal to the cause that your father outlined when he organized the Dark Legion. And they still maintain their loyalty to obey the will of the Grandmaster. We are not a rebel group, but rather simply a brand new separate division in the Dark Legion."
"What do you mean by a new separate division? This unit was formed illegally without permission from neither myself or any other battlefield leader. Not even your mother approved of this." Moritori exclaimed.
"I am aware of the... lack of official authorization Grandmaster. But then again, did your father not act the same outside recognized authority when the Dark Legion was first amassed?" My mother asked.
"Kay-Li?" My grandmother scolded.
"I'd watch what I'd say now if I were you Lieutenant. Such comments wouldn't be taken lightly."
"Forgive me Grandmaster, I meant no offense."
"Then answer me this! Why exactly should I consider recognizing this unorthodox unit and pardoning everyone who partook in its development?" Moritori asked. Now looking down at both my parents.
"Because Grandmaster unlike traditional weapons training, as well as lack of proper cooperation between other Legionnaire units in major situations, these new shock troops are meant to be quick and to always be mobile. While also being quick to adapt and be flexible in the approach of a situation. Timing will always be vital in order for there to be maximum effectiveness. They also will study how our enemies will react to certain assaults, and plan how to prevent resistance from even forming before given the chance. Infiltration tactics would be the primary tactics practiced by this squadron unit. Though they may be limited to only 25, those 25 will be more than enough to overrun and crush all who oppose the will of the Dark Legion."
"You would be confident in a force of only 25 to foil the forces of hundreds?" Moritori asked.
"The Stormtroopers would foil an army and all our enemies' operations with just one." My mother answered.
"I see." He responded.
Everything was eerily silent. No one moved and hardly a breath was heard. Then Moritori stepped forth and loomed over my mother.
"Then rise Lieutenant Kay-Li. Or should I say... Kapitan Kay-Li." He ordered.
"Grandmaster?" My mother asked.
"You already had my curiosity when you successfully took out an entire garrison of Nocturnus and Zoah with only your light weight mobile weapons and tactics. Now you've impressed me. I see that these... Stormtroopers are indeed the future of the Dark Legion's war against the Guardians and others who would dare stand against us. So, unlike my father I will not let myself be blind to this opportunity to improve ourselves. As such I hereby acknowledge the Stormtroopers as an official elite special forces squad who will carry out special missions that a normal Dark Legionnaire force would be reluctant and unable to succeed at."
"So, we would be a sort of Black Ops special forces?" My father asked.
"Correct. And since this is a momentous occasion allow me to explain the new chain of command. While the Grandmaster and Kommissar will continue to act as the absolute primary and secondary leaders of the Dark Legion as a whole, the Kapitan of the Stormtroopers will hereby act as the de facto third in command with the Stormtroopers acting directly under their orders." Moritori exclaimed.
"So should the Grandmaster and Kommissar be unable to command the Dark Legion, the Kapitan and Stormtroopers will be the ones to take over until the issues are resolved. But the Kapitan will still answer to the Grandmaster directly?" My mother asked.
"Correct." He replied. Then he began to walk out. "Have your troopers get some needed rest and any medical aid that they require. And let them know that they will not be given any punishment. Instead they will be given a hero's welcome. While one era may have come to a tragic end, another has miraculously come to take its place. And the Stormtroopers will be the heralds of that new era." Moritori said.
Everyone was left in utter shock and surprise. Rather than be punished or forcefully be disbanded. The new Grandmaster apparently welcomed this surprise in open arms. It was clear that Moritori, despite still being so young, wasn't anything like his father. He wasn't bitter, he wasn't egotistical, he was careful and intelligent. He was a tactician and opportunist. And something about the Stormtroopers clearly piqued his interest that he would legitimize them as an official Dark Legion military branch.
When it was announced that the rogue unit that had been the talk of the Legion were not to be punished, but instead rewarded and initiated as a new military force the opinions were mixed. Some actually cheered and welcomed the Stormtroopers as war heroes that reinvigorated the morale amongst many Legionnaires especially those who were young and second generation, and believed that if those like them could achieve such prestige and glory then so could they. Some of those who were first generation felt that they got off easy, and that they were too much of a ragtag team of youthful delinquents that were too much of a risk to be left unchecked. Those in the middle didn't really say much other than congratulations and good job before moving on with their day to day schedules.
As promised my mother was given a proper coronation and officially declared the first Kapitan of the Dark Legion much to the joy of her, my father, and the Stormtroopers. Though with my grandmother it was difficult to tell how she felt. Nevertheless, they were soon assigned a few more missions that involved infiltration and ambushing neighboring Nocturnus strongholds. In a matter of months, the Dark Legion gained more ground and acquired more advanced Nocturnus tech that amplified Dark Legion capabilities. So much so that the Dark Legion were finally able to restore the Mechanauts back to full capacity. Now the Dark Legion had twice the numbers, and had something that could match their Zoahs. With every victory came more notoriety to the name and reputation that was Stormtrooper.
Such as the infamous Battle at Tenn-Hauser Gate, an ancient Echidna edifice that held more history of our kind long before the Knuckles Clan took Soumerica. There was the first time the Stormtroopers fought together with the Grandmaster against the Nocturnus. My father saved Moritori's life during that battle, further solidifying my family's status. We also were able to acquire more Mocturnus dimensional tech, which would further prove useful down the line.
The Stormtroopers were pretty soon considered outsiders though among the rest of the Dark legion. It couldn't have been any clearer than if you were at the mess halls mostly. It became clear that the Stormtroopers were more like an exclusive club. No one of the regular branches and units socialized with them. In fact it was considered taboo to even approach and try to interact with them.
If a young aspiring Legionnaire wanted to test his luck and approach them, someone from his squad or another would say the same thing.
"Hey easy there for a second, what do you think you're doing?"
"Don't you know who they are? They're Stormtroopers ya moron. Every single one of them are elite shock troopers. They're in a whole other league compared to us grunts. Let it go"
"Yeah! We cloaks don't fraternize with those special cases. Best you keep away."
"Hey, would you watch what comes out of your mouth? The Grandmaster himself gave them recognition. To question them would be no better than to do the same with Moritori Rex."
"Ask me if I should care? Besides, I don't question the Grandmaster. Just the company he surrounds himself with?"
"Better hope he doesn't hear you say that?"
"Aw come on. Would you give me a break? I just want to hear what they're talking about."
"Forget it kid."
Such words were always being said. Praise and insult. Respect and envy. Not that it mattered. There even came to be a saying whenever it came to Stormtrooper recruitment. And that was:
"One does not simply volunteer to be a Stromtrooper. The Stormtroopers volunteer you."
Which was true. My mother and father organized them to be tight knit when it came to replacing one of their own should they ever fall in the line of battle, or be given a temporary leave of absence. Such as when one of the females fell pregnant and couldn't risk being out on the battlefield. Like Jen-Na when she fell pregnant with her daughter Gae-Na almost a year after the Stormtroopers made their surprising debut much to my mothers dismay. Though that didn't keep her from wishing her well, and having thoughts of having a child herself.
If a Stromtrooper was killed, their body was never left behind. Their armor held special tracking chips which could be activated remotely or automatically triggered if their heart pulse failed. Thus they were recovered, with only the Kapitan having access to have it dislodged. The fallen Stormtrooper was given a proper funeral. And their successor was handpicked or recommended amongst the Stormtroopers. If the next of kin was designated per previous request, then they would be taken in and trained extensively to be a Stormtrooper from childhood and forward. Such was the case with Jessie. Who's father Kastor desired to have his son become a Stormtrooper despite not yet being hatched by his mate Ter-Ra. However, when he was killed by a Nocturnus sniper during the Siege of Fort Karr, his nomination was considered and accepted by my mother. Since then Jessie's been the eldest second gen to be a Stormtrooper since my time as Kapitan.
The Stormtroopers in a way became the Dark Legion's equivalent to the Brotherhood of Guardians. Except we never left our future to fend for themselves, we groomed them from childhood/recruitment all the way until death.
While Moritori Rex spent his time observing the Prime Zone through the stolen Nocturnus tech my father acquired called the "Zone Viewer '' my parents in time also oversaw the birth and growth of Moritori's son and heir Luger. Whose mother Regi-Na, was something of a niece to my grandmother. However, according to my mothers personal journals and the logs my grandmother kept, the opinions were all the same. Disappointment. Though not seen as that at birth, it became prevalent when he matured into his late teens. Lacking that drive or motivation that had been demonstrated in his grandfather and currently his father. In fact he spent more time as a Ladies man than a Legionnaire, often flirting and dating numerous women rather than strictly attending his training and lectures. Some of them have been overseen by my mother herself, which he hardly showed to and wasted her time. From what I know, she apparently once had him do 50 push ups while having another trooper sit on his back. The reason: that particular Trooper's daughter or sister had been flirted with by Luger.
Maybe that was why Moritori decided to try his luck in his own invasion, this time bigger, better planned, and having my Grandmother attend the attack while my mother was left to lead the Dark Legion until given the all clear to move in. Or so my mother theorized. Achieve a meaningful victory before the son had a chance to screw everything over when it was their time. This time however, my grandmother would also partake, leaving my mother to oversee the Dark Legion remaining in the Twilight Cage.
As before things didn't go accordingly. Moritori went missing in the middle of the battlefield, and tragically my grandmother became a casualty, left without orders or a leader of what remained of the Legion retreated.
My mother was devastated.
To her the last of the first generation of the Dark Legion fell in battle once more. Luger, still a year too young, was taken under my mothers tutelage and being third in command she became temporary Grandmaster and was able to suppress any would be usurpers which became known as 'the Night of the Great Purge' and would continue to remain in command until Luger was of age. During that time my mother came to be something of a big sister to the young heir. During this tenure he at least started to get a little more serious in his responsibilities, and try to be a leader. It wasn't enough to quell the romantic, but it was enough to get rid of the slacker in him. But From what I can tell it was still a little too difficult for her. So much so that it took my father everything to try to keep her sane. During that tenure, her and my father spent more time together alone, apparently the late night 'passions' between the two of them was enough of a glue to keep her mentality and morale strong. That along with the support of her closest friends among the Stormtroopers.
For a while the Nocturnus tried to overcome us, and viewed the deaths of two of our leaders would be perfect to finish what had been going for two generations now. They couldn't have been more wrong. Instead we ended up gaining more victories, and the Stormtroopers who had once been ridiculed and sneered at, became symbols of loyalty and perseverance. My mother and her guild or at this point clan/klique ended up saving us.
Shockingly however, Moritori managed to establish contact and explained that not only did he survive, somehow Tobor's boneheaded father Hawking had gotten the two mixed up. How this mistaken identity happened none of us could explain, but Moritori decided to just accept it rather than question. And decided to use this to the advantage of the Dark Legion. Taking inspiration from the Stormtroopers infiltration tactics, Moritori would continue to impersonate Tobor, while using this mishap to help plan the next return only this time it would be successful.
Luger finally became Grandmaster and my mother returned to being Kapitan, but to no one's surprise immediately got himself hitched with his supposedly ideal other Merin-Da. Not long after she went on to bare him not one, but two kids... twins.
Their names became Kragok... and Lien-Da.
Not too long before that as a result of my parents' passionate sessions, I ended up coming into this world as well. It was so coincidental that it almost seemed like destiny to those who held some superstitions in their lives. Even Moritori admitted that he felt as if it was fate. He even deemed us as the Future Triumvirate as my mother recorded.
During our childhood, I got along quite well with the twins. The three of us were practically inseparable. We both even began our training simultaneously by not just my mother, but by Jessie as well. Who became something of a big brother, maybe even an uncle to the two of us. Since I often referred to him as 'Uncle Jessie'. My father also began to teach me what he knew about our cybernetics and our technology just as my grandfather did before him. Though he also temporarily taught a minor ward of his called Cobor. Though for some odd reason he no longer had the interest to learn what my father Zerrik knew.
However, when we were roughly eight years old, once again the portal between the Twilight Cage and *Angel Island had once more opened up.
*a/n: I know during this time it was still called the Floating Island, but to avoid any lawsuit from Penders I'm going with the name given it by the games. Plus I like to imagine that Knuckles' time travel already had some ripples/effects in changing things in the timeline. He just hasn't realized it.
"Once more my brothers and sisters, once more my children we are free to reclaim what is ours!" As Luger said when they went through. Taking my parents with them while the twins and I remained under Jessie's watch and Jen-Na acted as temporary Kommissar. This came to be a fatal mistake.
Though this time they were able to actually stay longer than previously, the environment ended up proving most inhospitable to Merin-Da and my mother. They both ended up falling ill along with a few others including five Stormtroopers who acted as Praetorian guards to the Grandmaster and his mate. My father theorized it was because the cybernetics weren't adapted to have a long lasting effect outside of the Twilight Cage having spent so long adjusting only to that particular zone and its environment. That along with the radiation from the Dingo's missiles still lingering all around the island.
For the first time in their long proud history, the Dark Legion returned willingly to their prison, the Twilight Cage. Sadly to no avail. Merin-Da succumbed to whatever it was ailing her. And my mother much to my dismay followed soon after, naming Jen-Na temporary Kapitan despite her still being a new mom. My father, knowing he didn't have much time either, successfully upgraded the cybernetics to adapt to the Prime Zone's environment including radiation filtering. So next time, we would all be ready to actually stay next time we got out. Though it was too late to upgrade him, he too ended up passing away. Not just from the ailment that killed my mother and Merin-Da, but also most likely because of a broken heart. He loved my mother so much that he couldn't live on without her.
Luger ended up taking me in, feeling that he owed my mother that much. Nothing changed though, my mother named me to be future Kapitan and the Stormtroopers were determined to see it through.
So for the next twenty years of my life, I would be groomed to continue the vision my grandparents and my parents before me sought to achieve. The return of the Dark Legion, and the restoration of the age of technocracy for our people. And I wouldn't be alone. With the Stormtroopers and the twins acting as my family I know I'll go beyond what we set out to achieve.
My name is Qorvin. Son of Kay-Li & Zerrik. Kapitan of the Stormtroopers. And this my story as the Legion's Stormtrooper.
Finally!! It took me a while to get this done, but now after finally covering the OC's back story and revealing his name, hopefully things can get a little more interesting. I really wanted to get this chapter done before I have to return to a schedule with College, and I may not have as much time as I did during break to work on this project of mine. So don't expect a schedule of sorts. I still have one more prologue chapter before we get to the events in Archie's Knuckles the Echidna issue 1, The Dark Legion. Where we will finally be introduced to Qorvin's story. Also fair warning: in the next chapter I plan to have a lemon or at best a small lime scene between Lien-Da & Qorvin. So do keep that in mind. I will post a warning before then.
Feel free to leave a comment or question about whatever to feel. How do you feel the story is going? What are you most excited about? What do you look forward to? Until then toon in next time in The Legion's Stormtrooper.
Plus here's the song that inspired me to come up with this idea. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Again I own nothing but the OC's in this story. All characters and plots belong to their respective owners and distributors.
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