Prep Day 1: Planning
(Virgil's POV)
I quickly get up, have some breakfast and get dressed. Normally, I don't sleep in but today apparently my body betrayed me.
I was running down the street to the park and finally got there just a minute early. The last person to arrive was Geno, purely because his little brother Fresh put whipped cream in his eye socket.
"Okay, I feel we should plan well or else it'll all go to shit" Emile started, making the aura serious with the cuss word since he almost never cussed.
"I think we should pack plenty of food, water, medical supplies, and camping equipment" Roman added as Emile agreed.
"Specific groups will be in charge of one thing," I concluded.
"Right, Roman, Blue, Mabel? You guys will take care of food" Emile started. Blue, Mabel and Roman then stood next to each other.
"Killer, Cross, Dipper? You'll be in charge of Water!" Emile listed. Dipper, Cross and Killer then stood next to one another.
"Geno, Virgil, and I will be in charge of medical supplies" Emile said as I walked towards Geno.
"Horror, Classic, Remus and Fell will take care of camping equipment," Emile finished as said people walked to each other.
"Next Monday, which is next week, we will start on our journey. Everybody got that?" Emile yelled as we all repeated his last 2 words.
Then, we all split to our groups to plan. "So, I think we should go to the store on Wednesday. Today, we should think of things to buy and Tuesday we should check what we have" Geno offered as we both agreed. We then walked out separate ways.
(Geno's POV)
As I walk into the door of my house, I feel a presence start lurking around me. Fresh looks at me weirdly, "You okay, brah?".
(Someone help me with Fresh's 90's nightmare lingo ;^;)
I nod in response, quickly going into my room and searching for backpacks and any medical supplies. I found a durable backpack but nothing medical.
I also found an old drawing. It was of me and my brother. It was exceptionally good, but I vaguely remember it being drawn by a 10 year old kid.
That was around the time my actual brother ran away, but that's a story for another time. Well, we got time.
I lived back before The Legends existed. I had a brother named Error, I vaguely remember another brother. Anyways, one day he had ran away because of a fight between him and our other sibling.
I ran after him but got lost and blacked out. I woke up in a stranger's bed, and they cared for me. Until a child came through the village years later and killed everyone.
Almost killed me too, but I had enough determination to preserve my 9th of a SOUL and kill that demon from it. Fresh found me a century or two later. He saw me moving and decided to help me.
Now, here we are in the present. Doing something dangerous that could kill us. And we are doing it anyways!
I walked back downstairs, "Hey Fresh, Do we have any medical supplies?" I asked. Fresh shook his head.
"No brah, you used the last package for your chest wound." He said as he served himself some eggs and steak.
"Great, anyways next week I'll be gone with some friends for a couple of hours at least, maybe a week or two. You fine with that?" I informed him.
"It's alright broski. Just stay out of unrad harm," Fresh smiled. I served myself a portion of steak and eggs and sat down to eat.
(I feel so stupid when typing in Fresh's lingo. His way of speaking does not go well with anxiety ;-;)
(???'s POV)
The mortals are into us, we should activate the library again. Someone, or some people, could use it. Well, this should be interesting.
We'll have to gather a meeting for this. Oh what fun, hopefully nobody will try to kill each other. Probably they will though.
(This is the A/N at the end of chapters I'll have for fun)
Who do you think that mystery person is? Did you read that in the right tone, try a different one.
I like doing this! It's fun!
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