Chapter 7: Kakariko Village
After a journey that had been cut short thanks to Epona, the three of them finally made it to Kakariko Village. As they entered, Link immediately noticed that everyone there was acting like their normal selves. Unlike when Zant last tried to take over the kingdom of light, all the residents were strangely calm and it was like nothing had even happened. Clearly they'd had their memories wiped too.
Everything was just as he remembered it from when he was last there.
"So where do we buy those supplies from?" Midna asked, eyeing the small village.
Link looked around for a second and spotted Malo's mart. He was relieved to see that the place was still open. Without it, he wouldn't know where to get anything.
"Right there." He answered, pointing out the place he had just spotted.
Without another word they walked over and was about to enter when Midna questioned him."You do have rupees to pay for this Link?"
Link checked his pockets and gave a relieved sigh when he found the small gem stones that they used for currency, tucked away safely.
"Yep. Pocket full." He informed her and dismounted Epona to climb the small steps that led up to the shop.
Despite the outside of the shop being the same, the inside was quite different and had been changed around. Heading up to the counter, he was about to ask Malo for the baby supplies when he saw Colin's father already speaking with him. He had been so caught up in his feelings when he had brought Ilia back to Ordon to be buried that he hadn't noticed the absence of the man. Of course, Colin himself had said that his father wasn't there, but Link had let that slip his mind.
"Oh... Hi Link. I was just about to leave for Ordon. I don't know if you know this, but Ilia..." Rusl began but was quickly interrupted.
"Is gone..." Link finished with a grim look on his face.
"What? But I have just been looking for her... how did it happen?" Rusl questioned, a look of disbelief on his face.
"Well... you see..." Link began to scramble for the right words.
Seeing her best friend struggle Midna decided to step in and take over since she could clearly see that he was having trouble getting it out. Deep down, she could tell that he was still sad and grieving. He clearly did not have the heart to say the words.
"Well... She was attacked by some goblins when she was on her way home. Myself and Link found her lifeless body in the center field of Hyrule. We took her back to Ordon to..." Midna began to explain, slowing down to catch her breath. Sometimes she talked faster than her mind could keep up.
"Bury her." Link finished with his mouth in a straight, firm line.
"Oh... I'm so sorry Link, I didn't know. I was just about to give up the search... I had been searching for her a long time before I came here... But why are you here link?" Rusl questioned innocently.
I uh..." Link blushed, feeling the heat rise to his cheeks.
"To buy some... baby supplies." Midna finished with a giddy look on her face for the first time since all that had happened.
"Don't tell and her..." Rusl began suspiciously looking between the two of them with a confused look.
"Wait, no!" Midna excalime with a smile, "It's just some supplies for your wife." She informed him confidently.
"Oh yeah, I forgot about that." He said sheepishly. "But why gather those things for my wife?" He questioned.
"Because Link..." Midna began but stopped when she looked at her best friend and saw the frightened look in his face. "Has need for the Ordon sword that he delivered back to you after peace was restored." She covered up.
She and Link both knew that Rusl would be shocked if he found out about Zant's attack.
"Ah, I see. May I ask what you need it for?" He asked curiously.
"I kinda promised that I would cut the grass for the people of Castle Town." Link lied guiltily.
"Oh-huh-hoh. In that case, you may use the sword for as long as you need. But whatever happened to the Master Sword that you gained on your last adventure?" Rusl questioned.
"I lost that in the castle somewhere and have yet to find it." He fibbed.
Rusl gave a little chuckle at the explanation and for a moment Link grew nervous that the man might have been able to see through his lies. He had rarely ever told a lie and so he wasn't a very confident liar.
"Losing things, eh Link. We've all been there. Don't worry it will turn up eventually. Either way, here..." Rusl began and handed him a tonne load of baby supplies.
"Take these to my missus and go get that sword. You'll need it with all these goblins roaming around." He finished.
Having gotten what they had came to Kakariko for, Link bid farewell to Rusl and he, alongside Midna, headed back outside to Epona. Placing the supplies in a safe space on the horse's back he then mounted her once more before heading back the way they had came, hurrying to get to Ordon.
A/N:Sorry this chapter is a little short. I have been so tired lately but not sure why. Probably the cold weather. Either way longer chapters are coming, I promise guys.
Hope you are enjoying the story so far, let me know your thoughts in the comments.
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