Chapter 5: Ilia's Promise
Walking through the little alley way into the main part of the village, a smile spread upon Link's face as he took in the sight of peace and serenity that had not been broken as it had back in Hyrule.
Looking around he could see Colin, along with the other children, running around freely. Further in the distance, up towards the goat farm, he could see the once pregnant lady now humming a lullaby to her baby as she rocked them back and forth whilst sat by the edge of the river. On the other side, he could see the mayor looking over the village with a watchful eye. He thought that the best place to start would be to ask the little boy where his father was at.
Turning to Midna, with a smile plastered on his face, he wanted to make sure that she was on board with his plan.
"This place sure does look the same." She commented, looking around in awe of the peacefulness of the villagers.
"So Link, you have to retrive the sword from Colin's father... But where is he?" She questioned.
Link looked around but could only see Colin and the other children running around. The only adults in sight were the mayor and once pregnant lady. He was sure that the boy's father had to be around there somewhere.
"Ask Colin or his mother. She should know where he is." Midna said suggestively.
He nodded and headed over to where the children were all happily playing. As soon as his shadow blocked out their sun light, each of them turned to look at him. It brought back many memories of the young souls looking up to him, all hoping to follow in his footsteps and become a brave Knight. All except Ilia of course, who instead, lived inside her own world.
"Master Link!" Colin greeted with a joyful expression.
"Good morning young Colin. May I ask where your father is at?" Link questioned in a soft and friendly tone.
For a second the boy's expression remained the same, but then a frown appeared on his face as though he was trying to think of something.
"I am awfully sorry Master Link, but I cannot help you. Mama will not tell me where Papa went. You see, a few days ago he left on one of his journeys but when I asked him where he was going to, he would not say either." Colin explained as simply as he possibly could.
"Oh. I see... Well, is your Mama at home now?" Link asked, hoping that if Colin had no idea, his mother would give him the information needed.
"Yes. She is home, taking care of my baby sister." Colin informed him.
"Thank you. I'll leave you kids to play now." Link concluded and headed back the way he had came and towards the family's house.
Although Ordon Village looked the same, there were quite a few changes within the people there. Colin, and all the other children had grown taller and were shaping up to be quite the young warriors and soon there would be a new generation of children. With Colin's new sibling and all of the other younger children of the Village, things would change rather quickly.
"Hope she knows exactly where he is... Or if we are lucky maybe she has the sword herself. There she is, just coming out of her house now. Let's go and ask her." Midna instructed, heading towards the humble looking woman.
Link followed along behind and quickly caught up to the giddy little imp, following her stare to Colin's mother.
"Master Link and... your friend... to what do I owe the pleasure?" She asked in a voice sweeter and more mellow than what he remembered.
"Well you see... after peace was restored to the kingdom, I came back here and gave Colin's father the sword that he had given me to use. I was wondering if I am able to speak to him? Or perhaps you could tell us where he is located?" Link rambled, struggling to find the right words to use.
"Oh... Master Link, my husband has gone away in search of Ilia. Last we heard, she was travelling home from Kakariko Village, but she never arrived. So Colin's father has gone to find her." The placid lady explained.
"I see... so he took the sword?" Link questioned.
"No. He left the sword with me. I shall grant you access to it on one condition." She began.
"What's the condition?" He asked.
"Please... fetch me some baby supplies from Kakariko." She requested.
"That I can do." He stated confidently.
"Thank you, Master Link. This helps me a lot." She smiled.
He nodded and turned to his trusty little companion, waiting to hear her response.
"So... You have to get her some baby supplies before she will let you borrow the sword. Well let's hurry to Kakariko. Come on Link, we haven't any time to lose." Midna urged him.
Once again, he nodded in understanding and hurried down the path that they had previously taken to enter the main village, with her following closely behind him. It didn't take long to get back to the field, and once they did, he quickened his pace. He wanted to get this over with as soon as possible since buying baby items in Kakariko after every Hylian had lost their memories, it would raise some suspicions and spark some rumours that he didn't want.
"It shouldn't be us that has to travel miles just to get some diapers and such, that we ourselves have no use for." Midna grumbled causing Link to chuckle.
Of course he knew that she would have something to say about it, but if she had only known exactly how long he had been doing these seemingly pointless tasks for his fellow villagers then she would understand. Aside from the rewards and gratitude that gave him the familiar warm and fuzzy feeling, he also enjoyed just being able to make people's lives easier - granted that it sometimes made his quests more difficult, but it was always a great way to strengthen his skills and most importantly... his tolerance.
"Hey link!" Midna called out, with that giddy imp smile plastered on her face again. "Have you and Zelda thought about... Having children?" She asked curiously.
The moment the words left her lips, Link's eyes widened and his cheeks flushed a light shade of pink. Of course he had thought about it. How could he not when there were children almost everywhere he went? It was impossible not to. Although in between his many quests and battles with evil, he had never gotten the chance to properly think about an heir to inherit the job of serving and protecting the land.
"I... uh..." He began to answer, not quite knowing what he should say.
"Tehehe... You should! I bet a beast like you would make a good father." Midna complimented.
Instead of speaking, since he had no clue what he should say to that, he gave his trusty companion a smile and returned his focus to the path ahead of them as they neared the middle of the field where all the goblins would usually try to attack people passing through.
Rather than any of them waiting to attack, what they encountered was far worse. Laid in the middle of the path was a lifeless body, though he was not close enough to see exactly who it was, he could tell by the smallness of it, that it belonged to one of the young ones.
"Should I... Should I go find out who that is?" Link turned to ask Midna, stunned.
"I see that body too Link! We should hurry and see if she or he is alive." Midna responded.
Link nodded and ran the short distance to where the person was sprawled on the path. It was then that he finally saw who it was - his close friend Ilia. With a gasp and wide eyes, he dropped to the floor and pulled her in closer, placing his head to her chest to see if he could find a heartbeat.
Though he found one, it was faint. Lifting his head and looking into her eyes, he could see that she was struggling to stay conscious.
"Master Link..." Her fading voice whispered.
"Ilia! What happened?" He asked, feeling as though his heart was being strangled.
"G... Goblins." She informed him, fighting for air.
"Well... it's okay, I'm here now and you're gonna be fine! I'm gonna find a way to help you!" He stated, trying to convince both her and himself that everything would be okay.
Deep inside, he knew that it wouldn't.
"No... there's no time left. Link, you must go on with your quest and save Hyrule once again.... forget about me." She pleaded with him, desperation and fear both present in her eyes.
"But I can't just let you die!" He protested.
Just the thought of being unable to save someone, especially one who meant as much to him as Ilia did, caused him great amounts of pain. He didn't want to fail her, or the Princess, or anyone else. If he did then he knew that he would not be able to live with himself.
"Master Link... You have to..." She wheezed, ending the sentence with a coughing fit.
"Ilia, no!" He protested despite losing any and all strength he'd had a moment ago.
"Just... promise me one thing..." She requested.
Knowing that she was fading fast and he hadn't the time to get her anywhere comfortable, or even try to save her, knowing that he had found her too late, he bit down on his trembling lip and simply nodded.
"I promise anything... the lengths that I will go to have no ends when I am fulfilling a promise." He said, his voice caving and becoming more riddled with sadness and fear.
"Promise me... you will take care of Epona... take her on your travels..." The young girl struggled to say.
"I promise you, I will take care of Epona for you." Link told her.
His teeth were gritted as he tried to suppress the surge of pain that was wanting to escape him and the tears that he had fought hard to keep at bay, began to fall.
"Ilia..." He whispered with his trembling, unsteady voice...
But he knew that it was no use. The girl was already gone. Her body was left in his arms with no soul to inhabit it.
Link felt empty. He wanted to scream and yell, to lose his cool and break something... Even bargain with the almighty Gods above, but he knew that none of that would bring her back.
The only thing he could do now was fulfil the promise that he had made to her. Holding the limp body tightly in his arms, he was determined that the next thing he would do, was take the girl back to be buried in her home village and then find Epona. Only once that was done, would he travel to Kakariko to get those baby items and then continue with his quest. Not one second before he was on Epona's back.
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