Chapter 15: Getting It Together
Following the Goddess through the same tunnel that he had previously, he felt less afraid of what awaited him on the other side. Now that he had spoken to the Princess, he was more confident that he could handle whatever he was confronted with.
As they neared the end, he began to recognise exactly what was at the end of it. Stepping out into the light of day, the first thing he laid eyes on was his father. He knew instantly that this memory was not going to be a good one.
"Link... Son... Come." His father, Marcus, called out.
The hero watched intensely as his younger self stopped practising the unique moves that he had been learning, lowered his wooden sword and headed over to where his father was stood.
"Yes father?" He questioned.
"There is someone here to see you."
With that news, his eyes lit up in the hopes that that someone there was the Princess. Eagerly, he followed his father's lead into their small house only to be hit with colossal disappointment when instead of Zelda, it was his grandfather stood waiting for him. He knew, without a doubt, what was coming next.
His father was already considered to be the strongest Knight in the Royal army, following in the footsteps of his grandfather and great grandfather. So naturally, he was expected to follow that same path and when he did not... When he broke the mould and followed no instructions but his own while in combat training and sword fighting, it caused his father and grandfather to become greatly disappointed in him. Since then he had become known as the weak point, a liability.
"Oh..." Was the only word to slip out of his mouth.
"Oh?... Oh! That is no way to great your elders boy!" The older man boomed.
"I'm sorry Grampa."
"Sir! You call me Sir!"
"Yes Sir."
"Son, my father has come to talk some sense into you. Since you refuse to listen to me, I was hoping that he could get through to you."
"What? No! Dad, don't you get it? I am never going to be like you or follow in those same footsteps. I'm different, I didn't ask to be and I don't know why, but I just am and there is nothing that you can say or do that can change that. Why can't you just accept me for who I am?" He protested.
"Because it's not right! You are a freak and it doesn't look good on this family's name. I hate to think what your poor mother would say if she were alive today. Either you start behaving appropriately and following instructions or you forfeit the family name."
"I'm a freak?" Link repeated, hurt but not surprised by his father's words.
"Your fighting method is weird, you're quieter than the others and you don't fall in line... What do you think that makes you?"
"Different. That's what it makes me. I'm not a freak just because I don't want to follow in your footsteps."
"Listen to your father boy, you will only regret it later if you don't."
"No! I won't. I'm going to continue to do things my way and one day I am going to be the one to protect the Princess!" He raised his voice determinedly.
A roar of laughter erupted from both his father and his grandfather as soon as the words left his mouth. It left him wondering what he had said that was so funny but before he got the chance to ask the laughter faded and their faces changed becoming serious.
"Ah the Princess... I should have known that it is your silly infatuation with her that's preventing you from becoming the Knight that you are destined to be."
"For the love of Hylia! This boy has some serious issues if he thinks that the Princess of Hyrule is ever going to appoint him as her Knight." His grandfather chuckled.
Anger boiled up inside Link as he stood before the two men, watching them belittle and mock him for his ambitions and his connection to Zelda.
"Stop it! Stop It! STOP IT!" He cried.
"Oh my poor son, how very gullible you are. You, a mere commoner trying to ignite a flame with a royal... ahahaha dream on kid, that's never going to happen."
"You don't know that! What we share is special."
"No Link, you're special... In the sense that you actually believe that you have a shot with her. Let me tell you this now, a snotty nosed bratty Princess like her is never going to want such a loser like you. She is nothing to you but a distraction and if this carries on I will have no choice but to convince the King to forbid her from seeing you."
"But you can't do that! She is not a snotty little brat... Zelda is kind and caring, she is loyal and honest and she has the purest heart I've ever known... And you are wrong about her. She doesn't distract me at all, instead she motivates me... Which is more than I can say for you."
"Link I-"
"No! I wasn't done. I've tried so hard to get you to accept me the way I am. I will make a good Knight despite my unique fighting style and one day I will be her highnesses sole protector and more. I don't care what you say, I am done trying to please you. If you don't want me to have the family name then fine! From now on I shall be known as Link, and only that. I don't want your last name and I don't need it. I respect you always, but I need to step away and find my own path. Goodbye Marcus!"
"Link, wait!" Marcus called as his son turned to leave.
"I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have been so hard on you but it's only because I want you to be better than I ever was. You seem to have already mastered that though."
"This thing I have with her... It's not just an infatuation. Look at yourself and mother... You love her and you hate yourself for being unable to save her that day. You know what is real and not which means that you should know how serious I am about protecting her."
"You're right. But the truth was... The reason why I let your mother die was because I allowed myself to put my duties as one of the royal Knights before her. You will never make that mistake, with the Princess or anyone else... I know that."
"I'm sorry that I couldn't be the son that you wanted dad... I tried, I really did. Now I just need to lead my own way in life. Please... Let me go."
"Of course. As much as it pains me, after everything I have put you through, you deserve this much. Goodbye Link, and good luck out there."
"Thank you." Link whispered as he took his father's outstretched hand into his own and shook it.
After saying goodbye, he mounted Epona, his only constant companion and rode off into the night, towards Hyrule Castle, determined to speak with the Princess and tell her what his intentions were. He would not make the same mistakes that his father had.
The memory of that day came to an end and their surroundings faded away like a blackout at the end of a movie, and once again he found himself with Goddess, back in the same place that he had been talking with Zelda's spirit only minutes ago.
"That was..." He began to speak but trailed off.
"That was the day that you finally stood up to your father and began your journey to become the protector of the Princess." Hylia finished.
"It was that night that I also confessed to Zelda that I wasn't just humouring her, that I was serious about becoming her protector."
"Yes. This topic brings us to the final memory that you need to remember before you continue with your quest."
"Memory that I need?" He questioned.
"Exactly. The first real time you and Zelda got to spend together away from the castle and its ground."
This time, rather than a tunnel, Hylia led him through a heavenly looking door. On the other side was a memory that Link had never quite forgotten, but had simply been buried by many other amazing memories of times that he'd shared with Zelda.
Link watched as his fifteen year old self ran and hid behind one of the bushes near the castle as one of the guards passed by; He could not be seen on castle grounds at this hour, it would give him a bad name with the King and guards.
Once the coast was clear, he stood up straight and pulled a twig out of his blonde locks before gathering a few small stones in the palm of his hand. Taking one at a time, he began throwing them at Zelda's bedroom window, causing a tapping sound.
It was only seconds before she appeared on the little balcony that encased the wall outside her room.
"Link? What are you doing here? You will be in so much trouble if my father finds out."
"Just come down here... Please, I can explain."
"Alright. Give me five and meet me near the fountain in Castle Town." She instructed him.
"As you wish, Princess."
Satisfied with her response, he happily headed away from the castle and back into the town, stopping once he reached the fountain. Taking a seat on the edge of the stone base, he patiently waited for the Princess to arrive. Though he could not keep the big grin off his face.
The five minutes that had been requested flew by and it wasn't long before Zelda appeared, walking towards him. Rather than her usual white and purple gown, she was instead wearing a royal blue dress, not long enough to be a gown and too long to be a night dress. It was only when she stopped a few feet in front of him, that he realised it was silky tunic type dress.
"Thank you for coming, your highness."
"Link, please... It's Zelda. Now what brings you here at such an hour? It's really early." She questioned.
"Well your hig- Uh... Zelda, remember how you've been wishing that you could do more, but due to the restrictions of the castle and town, there are some things that you can't...?"
"Yeah?" She said questioningly.
"I have decided that I am going to make your wish come true."
"What on earth do you mean?"
"Come with me somewhere."
"Ehh... That would ruin the surprise."
"Please Zelda, just trust me. I promise that you will be safe."
"Alright. I believe you. After all, you have come to my aid so many times that it would be rude of me not to trust you."
Happy with her choice, Link offered up his arm like a true gentleman, and once Zelda had taken it, he began walking, leading her away from the fountain and towards the exit of the town.
It didn't take long, with the help of Epona, to reach the destination; Upper Zora's Upper River.
"Oh Link, it's so beautiful here today. Just listen to how peaceful it is, with only the sound of the birds song and - Look! Did you see that?"
"A Hyrule Bass!"
"Those are incredibly rare yet the first thing I see when we get here is one jumping around in the pond." She beamed excitedly.
Link felt his heart melt as her face lit up with wonder and excitement, highlighted beautifully by a ray of sunlight that was shining down upon them both.
"This place is beautiful..." She gasped.
It wasn't often that she got to go as far as Zora's river, her father had never allowed her to explore through fear of her finding herself in danger. She had only ever been twice, and this was her second.
"Yeah, it is... But it can't hold a candle to your beauty."
Hearing his compliment, her attention turned from the pond to him. She smiled politely as her cheeks turned a rose shade of pink.
"This is a wonderful surprise Link, you really shouldn't have gone to the trouble."
"Oh this? No, no, this isn't the surprise."
"You mean there's more?"
"We're just getting started." He confirmed.
Taking her hand, Link led her across the small and tranquil land, to the house that was located at the far end. He stopped, just inches from the door and gave it a gentle tap with his knuckles.
In a few short seconds, the door opened and Hena, the owner of the fishing hole, stood before them.
"Hello Master Link, I see you have returned... And with your lady friend too? Hehe, I'll admit, she's prettier than the last one you introduced me to."
"The last one?" Zelda questioned.
"Hun, don't take it to heart, I'm just playing with him. There was no last one... Aha! His face was comical."
"Alright, alright. You got me there. Annnywaaays, I came to ask you something."
"Ohhh... I see where this is headed. The canoe boats are ten rupees each."
"I am aware. I was actually wondering if you could bring out the double canoe, and join myself and the Princess for a total of fifty rupees."
"Sure thing Master Link, but may I ask why you would want me there?"
"Trust me, you're not gonna want to miss this..." He stated with a gleam in his eye and a smirk on his face.
"Very well then. Let's get these boats out."
After their conversation Hena ushered the pair inside and helped them to get ready before finally taking the boats out onto the lake. The first half an hour was spent with Link and Hena taking it in turns to cast rods, pulling in some regular carps as they did before releasing them back into the water, keeping a close eye to ensure that Zelda was learning a thing or two from them.
"Hey... I have an idea! We should get closer to the lilypads." Link suggested.
"Okay, if you say so." Hena said and began moving her boat towards the little green surfaces floating in the water.
Link quickly moved his and Zelda's boat towards them too before stopping in the perfect spot.
"Are you going to cast your rod?" Hena asked curiously.
"On the contrary... I think I'm gonna let my Princess take this one."
"What? Why? Why couldn't I cast over where we were? There's no fish here." Zelda pouted.
"Be patient. You're going for the big one. Not those common ones."
Before she had the chance to react, Link had already gotten the frog lure ready and handed her the fishing rod.
"Now as soon as you feel a tug, you start to pull okay."
Zelda nodded before turning her full attention to the lake and waiting for the right moment before casting the rod. Whilst she is focused, he hands Hena a note.
Opening it out, Hena gives him an understanding nod, readying her camera to capture Zelda's first time fishing in a picture.
A few minutes passed by and nothing was happening, then suddenly the line began to tug, and upon reflex Zelda started to reel it in.
"Damn this thing is strong!" She calls as she struggles to keep her grip on the rod.
"Hey hey... I believe in you Zelda, you've got this. Just keep pulling, when it is close enough, pull harder." Link encouraged.
Taking in his words, although she remained unsure, she decided that if anyone knew what they were doing, it was Link, and as she felt the fish come closer, she pulled and pulled with every ounce of strength she had.
"Hena, get ready!" Link half yelled.
After seemingly endless amounts of pulling in an unfair game of tug and war with the fish, it finally breaks through the surface of the water and hangs from the rod. Quickly, she pulls it in and unhooks it, a big smile spreading across her face as she laid hands on it, realising that it was a Hylian Loach. Hena seized the opportunity and snapped the photo before the Princess could move again then put the pictograph down to get a good look at the fish.
"Oh my Hylia! Link look! Are you seeing this?" Zelda exclaimed overjoyed, holding the Loach up for him to see better.
"Awe well done Princess. Your first catch and it's a huge one! I knew you could do it." He cheered.
The catching didn't stop there. A few more hours were spent with Link and Hena watching and cheering as Zelda caught a few more various fish. Though the hours flew by and it was soon time for Link to take Zelda back to the castle so that her father would see that his daughter had come back at a decent hour.
Bidding Hena a heartfelt goodbye, she kindly handed Link a copy of the picture that she had taken earlier and kept one for herself.
Before long, the two arrived back at the castle - Much to Zelda's dismay. Stopping outside the doors, she turned to Link, the smile from earlier still written on her face.
"Thank you for this. It was an incredible experience that I will never forget. It was more fun than I ever thought I could have."
"Anytime Zelda."
Extremely happy with how her day had gone, she gives him a tight hug, which he returns, and then turned around and headed inside - Link watching as she went, his heart full of love and joy.
Meanwhile, back at the fishing hole, Hena was just closing up for the night when she turned to the pictures that were laid on the front desk, admiring the loach and the Princess stood holding it, with her mouth open wide in a smile.
"Oh my Hylia!... I remember this. The first real day that she and I ever spent together."
"Yes, she really loved that day. Just as she has loved every day with you since."
"I must keep fighting for her!" He stated, more confident and determined than he had ever been before.
"Now you have to choose. Come with me, or go back to your body."
"I don't even need to think about this one. Thank you for showing me these Hylia, I wish to go back to my body."
As soon as he said the words, the white light from earlier returned and grew bigger and bigger until it completely surrounded him.
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