Chapter 10: Challenges Ahead
Dear Diary,
Today I learned something. Or rather... I made a discovery. These past few days I have been feeling strange. My lady's maid had suggested that I go see the Castle Town doctor. After hesitating for a little bit, I reluctantly agreed. I hate having to go to places like that unless it is something that is absolutely necessary.
My faithful Knight, who is also the love of my life, escorted me there. However, I had asked him to wait outside since I did not want to alarm him. I told him that it was just a regular check in that had been ordered by my father... oh how I hate withholding the truth.
The hour that I have spent in there really has set the sword in stone for what will become of me. My father cannot know about this until he learns about my relationship with Link. Unfortunately, that will not be an easy thing to inform him of, so I will hold off for as long as possible. Until my secret can no longer be hidden. Though for as long as I hide it from my father, I cannot hide it from my love. He deserves to know the truth. However I do not even know where to begin. How am I supposed to tell him that I am with child? Furthermore that it is his child.
Oh, Goddess Hylia, if you can hear me right now, please give me the strength I need to tell Link the truth that he deserves. All the possible outcomes are killing me. What if he decides that this is not the life for him? Or I am not the one he wants? These thoughts are overwhelming me and he always senses when something is up with me. I do hope that I am able to.... Hold that thought, my Knight has just knocked on my chamber doors. Maybe this is the Goddess answering my prayers...wish me luck with telling him.
"Link?" Midna questioned again.
But he just couldn't form the words he needed to speak. This new information only increased the feeling of urgency he already had. Upon reading the page he had quickly decided that from now on he was not going to take anymore breaks, and would not rest until the Princess was safely in his arms again. Aside the urgency, shock was rattling his body. His mind was buzzing with thoughts about what he'd just read.
He was going to be a father? It was something that he had never considered... or even thought about since he was always off on dangerous missions to save the kingdom. There was never time to think about his legacy and what he would leave behind after he was gone. He had never pictured himself in a home with a white picket fence surrounded by children, but now that he was, it was an image that made him feel all warm and fuzzy. Yesterday was the day when he and Zelda were supposed to be married, and it pained him to let another day slip by. With persistency and determination, he would rescue his love before the week's end and by the end of the following week, they would be husband and wife.
"No time for small talk! We need to get going." He stated sternly, placing the journal back on the nightstand and turning towards the door.
The master sword would not be easy to find. Link knew this for a fact from his many past experiences. There would most likely be a trial; pulling it out of a stone or using many different techniques to prove that he was worthy. It was unclear what had happened to the sword this time though. If Zant and his shadow creatures had not stolen it then someone magical would have picked it up and stored it away, awaiting for his arrival to retrieve it. Without a word to Midna, he headed out of the room and down the stairs, back towards the throne room. Then back into Castle Town centre to where he had left Epona in the care of one of the young lady's.
Speaking a quick thank you and mounting Epona, he dashed off in the the direction of the Castle Town gates. Midna followed quickly behind, trying her best to keep up. Although Link felt guilty about racing off ahead of her, he knew that she would understand his urgency after knowing what she knew. He raced off down the pathway, trampling over any goblins or hogs that came at them in the process. The first destination he was headed, meant that he would have leave Epona somewhere safe before entering, just as he had once before. Continuing on the path towards Ordon Village, he raced through the cave but rather than turning left into the village, he turned right and stopped outside the entrance to Faron Woods.
Dismounting Epona, he was careful not to trample over the budding flowers that Mother Nature had brought along with Spring. Once both feet were firmly on the ground, he waited for Midna to catch up before entering the woods that, by now, he knew all too well.
"Look, my Knight! Do you see it?" The Princess questioned, tapping his shoulder and pointing up into the sky.
Fidgeting and adjusting his position, laid in the grass next to his Princess, he followed her pointed finger and gazed upwards. In between the stars and a few barely visible clouds was a comet, hanging in the sky as though it was held by a piece of string. A smile appeared on his face and he turned his attention back to Zelda, who was laid besides him in the long green grass that covered the field on the outskirts of the woods.
"Yes your highness, I saw it." He informed her, watching the wonder in her eyes burn brighter than a thousand torches.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" She sighed contentedly.
"It sure is... but you are more so." He told her, reaching over and stroking her cheek with his hand.
Her soft skin almost melted into the roughness of his own. To him it felt like curling up with a favourite blanket or cuddly toy, but much more satisfying. The rose colour of her cheeks stood out against her pale face that shone like a pearl in the moonlight. Link dared not to blink. He didn't want to miss one second of being able to admire her beauty and her grace. The silky golden hair that was sprawled out in all directions in the grass above her head, leaving the bare skin of her neck exposed. There was not one thing about her that he did not love, and he was certain that there never would be.
"So... Link... about this new information..." Midna began, unsure of how to approach the subject without causing him to go silent.
"What about it?" Link quizzed as they walked further.
"Oh... I was just wondering if you are okay, you know? Like that's huge news to process, and I'm curious to hear your thoughts." The giddy little imp approached the subject carefully.
Although surprised that she had bothered to bring it up, he still did not stop. In his mind there was no time to. If they were going to have this conversation then it would be one that they had while on the move. He still refused to rest until the Princess was safe again... Zelda, and their unborn baby.
"Honestly... I uh... I really don't know how I feel just yet. All I know is that since reading what I did, the urgency... the desperation... and the pain all increased. If I don't have her back in my arms soon I am going to lose my mind." Link admitted, unable to control the wobble of his voice when he said the last sentence.
Though he'd been thinking a lot since they'd left the castle, he had not yet come to terms with any of it. If anything the only thing he allowed himself to feel at that current moment in time was anger.
Towards the monsters that had killed Ilia.
Towards Zant for unleashing the evil within him upon their peaceful kingdom.
But most of all, anger towards himself... for letting his guard down long enough that Zelda had fallen victim to yet another evil force. If he had just been fast enough in his moves, the Princess would still be by his side and nothing but happiness would be filling the Kingdom.
"Relax buddy... Look, I promise that we will find her in time, okay. We will not fail to save your Kingdom, or mine." Midna reassured him.
With no words left to say, he gave his companion an understanding nod to let her know that he appreciated her enthusiastic words. By now they were so deep in the woods that a thick fog had begun to surround them. Link was done talking now. If they were to make through the thick substance, it would require maximum concentration, just as it had the first time around.
A/N: Heyy! I hope you're all enjoying the story so far. If you made it this far in, thank you for the support. It truly means a lot.
In full honesty, this chapter was harder to write than any of the others. The other night I ended a friendship with my friend who also provided the lines for Midna. I apologise if her character sounds different in this chapter compared to others. It was definitely a challenge not to give up on this story and keep going through the hurt that I have been feeling, but I am promising you all... my readers, my followers and my friends that I will continue this story and see it through to the finish, no matter what obstacles I face along the way.
Thank you all so much 😊
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