Chapter 8 Chima
when they got back over to Chima Amber was looking around and running around the place the others had trouble trying to keep track of her "man why does she have to be Soo fast" Cragger said "don't know" Razar said "there she is" Eris said Amber was looking at things from booths "there you are we were looking everywhere for you" Laval said panting "oops my bad I couldn't help myself but to look around" Amber said "well come on you got to meet my dad" Laval said "o okay" Amber said as she follows them to the lion Temple where Laval lives as they get there Amber was looking around but Worriz sees she's about to wonder off again but before she could Worriz grabs her hand and pulls her with the others "nope I'm not going on a another hunt for you" Worriz said Amber blushs as she sees him hold her hand but hinds it as they make it to the throne room Worriz let's go of her hand through he didn't want to as than King Lagravis came down with Lavertus by his side "hello there" Lagravis said "hey ya it's so nice to meet you or is it" Lavertus said "hello I'm Amber the Cheetah" Amber said "hello I'm King Lagravis ruler of Chima" Lagravis said "and I'm his little brother Lavertus also known as Shadow wind" Lavertus said "so Amber is there anymore cheetahs or is it just you" Lagravis asked "just me King Lagravis" Amber said "of course" Lagravis said "how old are you Amber" Lavertus asked "I'm 17" Amber said "same here" Laval said "cool we're the same age" Amber said "she looks like Rosita" Lagravis thinks "Amber it must have been lonely living over there by yourself" Lavertus said "o no I wasn't alone I had Dew drop and Scar they took care of me since I was a baby but they wanted to stay on the other side of the mountain and let me come over here and stay for 9 weeks" Amber said "hmm okay Laval stay here I want to talk to you while you're friends show Amber around the Lion Temple" Lagravis said "okay dad" Laval said as the others walk away Laval stays to have a talk with his father "what do you think" Laval said
Lagravis's P.O.V
"I told you not to go over there Laval" i said "I know but I had to I been wanting to go over there for years and yet you didn't want me to go over there even though there was someone over there that needed help" Laval said "Laval you're going to be King one day I'm not always going to be here forever" I said "I know but I had to help her" Laval said "we'll talk about this later go to your friends and show Amber around" I said "okay dad" Laval said and leaves "that could have gone better" Lavertus said I sing "he has his mother's heart" I said "she sure does look like Rosita doesn't she" Lavertus said I look down "she even has the same name as you're daughter hey do you think it might be her" Lavertus said "Lavertus she may be a cheetah and has the same name as my daughter but Amber died Lavertus many many many years ago Laval doesn't even remember his twin sister or Rosita he doesn't even know about his powers" I said Lavertus sings "I know brother but you never know it could be her" Lavertus said "thank you my brother but it's not her" I said "okay brother" Lavertus said "but if it was her I would be so happy to know she was ailve after all these years but I know it's not her" I think
Laval's P.O.V
I'm walking to meet my friends "why doesn't he want me over there" I think as I walk "and why is Amber so familiar to me why did I feel like I've known her it feels like when you meet a old friend you haven't seen in years but I don't know Amber this is my first time meeting her but still why does it feel like that when I met her it felt like a part of me that was missing that I didn't know is back but why I feel this energy when I'm with her like I'm stronger than before but why" I think to myself as I walk I found my friends "hey guys" I said walking over to them "hey Laval" Amber said after that all day we've been showing Amber all around Chima and she has a in the lion Temple I go to my room and get in bed and go to sleep
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