Chapter 21: Disney Happy Time
The A-Couple had the weekend to enjoy themselves, but an idea came to Alexa's head.
Alexa: hubby! Let's bring Alexandria along for her first trip to Disneyland!
Alex: I was thinking the same thing too, let's have our little angel interact with Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck!
Alexa: let's do it! I'll go put on my ears
Alex: babe, we're basically Disney Adults
Alexa: I know, and we will be until the end
Alex: I'll go ahead and warm up the car
Alexa carried baby Alexandria to her room and changed into her new set of clothes. The Goddess didn't get one of her Mickey ears from her collection because she want to see if their are any new sets in stock at the amusement park.
(Few minutes later)
With baby Alexandria strapped to her car seat, the A-Family set off to the Happiest Place on Earth.
Alexa: aww hubby, I know you want your hand on my legs, but you know my motherly instincts
Alex: it's alright Goddess, I can touch them when we get home
Alexa: and more than that
Alex: Lex, not in front of our baby!
Alexa giggled while Alex blushed as the family drove off to Disneyland.
(Time skip)
The A-Family arrived at Disneyland and the Goddess was excited as usual as she got baby Alexandria out of her car seat.
Alexa: let's go see Mickey, sweetie!
Alex: hey wait for me!
The Benevolent Pharaoh followed his wife and baby girl inside as they take in the magical scenery of Disney. The first stop for the family is the gift shop, so they can see if there are any new Mickey ears in stock.
Alex: here wifey, give me the baby; you go Mickey ear diving
Alexa: you're the best hubby
The Goddess smiled, handed Alexandria to Alex and went to the Mickey ear section of the shop. Then Alexandria pointed at something that caught her attention.
Alex: hmm, what is it baby? You want that?
Alexandria pointed at the plush which happens to be the character Joy from Inside out; Alex picked up the plush and gave it to the baby. Alexandria smiled and clapped in excitement as she grabbed and hugged the plush, which made Alex smile.
Alex: aww, you get that one; daddy will get this one
Alex went to pick up the Anger plush which made Alexandria giggle while her tongue is out.
Alex: he's funny right? Come on, let's buy these
Alex went to the counter and paid for the two character plush toys.
Alex: now let's see what your mother added to her collection
The father and baby daughter went over to see Alexa with a basket full of new Mickey ears.
Alex: found everything, wifey?
Alexa: they have a lot of new ears here!
Alex: get all of them!
Alexa: that's the plan, but it looks like I got one of each
Alex: we're ready when you are, wifey
Alexa went over to the counter and purchased the new Mickey ears for her expanding collection.
Alex: let me carry the merchandise, you get the baby
Alexa: come on sweetie, let's go look for Donald Duck
Alex chuckled as he recorded a video and snapped a picture of his wife and baby daughter.
Alex: wifey, I believe YOU are much more excited to meet Donald than Alexandria
Alexa: hubby, you know me
She giggled as they walked up and interacted with Donald himself. Alex chuckled as he snapped quick pictures and videos of his wife and daughter talking with Donald Duck.
(Time skip)
The A-Family left Disneyland after seeing Alexandria asleep in Alexa's arms.
Alexa: aww, she's tired, that means time for us to go
Alex: let's go home
The A-Family drove back to their house with baby Alexandria hugging her Joy plush in her cute little arms.
(At the house)
Alexandria was fast asleep in her crib with her plush beside her. Alex was out for the mean time as he was buying some McDonald's meals for him and Alexa while the Goddess scrolled through to watch whatever can pass the time.
Alex returned home with a huge bag containing Big Macs, McNuggets and 4 large fries, which the Goddess loved and craved.
Alexa: you know I love McDonald's fries, hubby
Alex: that's why I ordered four large sizes, so what is the Disney movie we'll be watching?
Alexa: oh the latest, Inside Out 2!
Alex: perfect choice, I got my Anger plush with me
Alexa giggled as she held the red plush in her hand.
Alexa: he has a short temper
Alex set the table with the burgers and fries as the A-Couple prepared to enjoy the sequel of the 2015 movie.
Alexa immediately went to eat her fries while she put her legs on her hubby's lap. Seeing his wife in a relaxed state due to the fries, Alex slid up her shorts to reveal her beautiful toned thighs, which brought out a cute and hot smile from the Goddess herself. Alex gently rubbed and caressed her soft skin, which made his Goddess wifey relax more as the two enjoyed the movie.
(An hour and a half later)
After finishing watching Inside Out 2, the A-Couple had a passionate make out session while Alexa on Alex's lap. The Goddess took this time to tease Alex.
Alexa: want to try to give Alexandria a sibling?
Alex: babe...
Alexa giggled as she was kidding while she kissed his cheek.
Alex: you are kicking ass with the House of Bliss
Alexa: I see myself in those girls, they have such bright futures ahead. Cora will be the new WWE Women's Champion
Alex: I can see that happening for sure, and the Aswang will dethrone the Apex Predator
Alexa: the future is bright for our careers
Alex: we got our own future of our own
Alexa smiled as she laid her head on Alex's shoulder.
Alex: whatever baby Alexandria's passion is, we will help, guide and support her
Alexa: she will know and show to her adorable little friends that she has two ass kicking awesome parents
Alex: yeah, we are awesome
Alexa: come on, let's go take a nap. We're both tired from the fun day
Alex: oh yeah, and you don't need to walk
Alex carried Alexa bridal style to their room while the Goddess hung on to him. The A-Couple proceeded to take a cuddle nap in each others' arms.
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