Chapter 11: Husband and Father
(The A-Couple Residence)
Alex has done his morning work out and went to make lunch for him and Alexa; while he did that, he went on a video call with his friend currently in Japan, the United Empire's TJP.
TJP: yo, kumusta ka, bro?
Alex: I'm alright man, did you saw what happened on SmackDown?
TJP: yeah, that was messed up, your own mentor disrespecting your wife and baby like that?
Alex: that's the thing man, one of the reasons why I called you
TJP: I'm listening
Alex: I have a feeling that my match at Backlash won't end clean
TJP: oh of course, I can feel your anger
Alex: I just want to ask you, in case Randy demands a rematch, can I borrow your Aswang mask and theme?
TJP: well I can, but I need to talk to the New Japan management first. so they can give me the green light, but you can't just put on the mask and call yourself the Aswang, you need to build up your story and persona first, and knowing your mentorship, play mind games
Alex: that's what I've been doing man, fighting fire with fire
TJP: and yet he comes out on top because you can't outsmart him
Alex: I get your point to build up my Aswang persona
TJP: I believe you saw my background on how I became the Aswang
Alex: of course, you and Francesco unfortunately lost to the War Dogs in NJPW's first casket match
TJP: exactly, and the Aswang is known to be a shapeshifter, so you need to "shapeshift" yourself into this demonic vampiric creature, like how Finn does with his Demon persona
Alex: I see what you're getting
TJP: or what you did at WrestleMania going out as Z-One
Alex: right yeah!
TJP: so yeah, once I get approval from New Japan, I'll send over the mask and the theme music
Alex: sige, thanks bro. Take care now
TJP: you too bro, speak to you soon
The two ended their facetime call as Alex went back to cooking.
(Time skip)
Alex was done cooking lunch and in time as he saw his wife and baby girl walking in.
Alexa: there's daddy, sweetie!
Baby Alexandria smiled and reached her adorable arms out for her father.
Alex: come here, cute angel
Alexandria smiled and giggled as she playfully hit Alex with her light punches.
Alex: oh! We got a fighter!
Alexa giggled.
Alexa: she took it from me
The Pharaoh set his baby daughter on her high chair.
Alexa: my hubby knows me so well that he cooked burgers and fries for lunch
Alex: hey, you've been craving it for days, and so was I
Alexa: but are the fries from McDonald's?
Alex: of course they are, I ordered two large sizes
Alexa: always know how to make me happy and know my way to my heart
The Goddess smiled as he kissed Alex on his lips.
Alex: being a father is the best thing that ever happened to me in my entire life
Alexa: you're already the best dad in the world for our little one
The family proceeded to eat lunch together while also feeding baby Alexandria her food.
(Time skip)
With lunch done, Alex washed all the plates and silverware then proceeded to play with his baby girl. Alexa couldn't help but record the dad and daughter bonding together for her story on Instagram. Then Alex noticed his baby daughter yawning.
Alex: aww, time for a nap for baby
Alexa: I got her
Alexa smiled as she picked up Alexandria and carried her to her room where she gently rocks her to sleep before setting her down on her crib. She smiled and kissed her baby on her head before she quietly left.
Meanwhile, Alex received a message from TJP that NJPW management granted his request to allow Alex to use TJP's aswang mask and theme for a possible round 2 match against Randy Orton. TJP also said that he'll pack the mask and red eye contacts and it's to be shipped straight to his front door.
Alexa came back down and hugged Alex from behind.
Alexa: it's just us now, hubby
Alex: some alone time with the wife is always my favorite activity to do in the house
Alexa smirked.
Alexa: keep it PG since we have a baby. Next time, I'll call my parents to babysit, so we can really have alone time
Alex: alright, I can take cuddling and kissing
Alexa: that I can do... right now!
The Goddess smiled as she took Alex's hand and gently pulled him to the couch. Alex smiled and sat down on the couch and lets his wife put her legs on his lap for him to touch and keep warm. The WWE Champion smiled and placed his hand on her thigh. Alexa smiled and melted from his touch as she placed her hands on his cheeks and leaned in to kiss him on the lips with love and passion, initiating a loving, passionate make out session between husband and wife.
Alexa: you always make me feel loved
Alex: that's one of my prime directives as a husband. Keep his wife happy at all times
Alexa: you always have, for three years
Alex: and so much more
Alex: I vowed to, for the rest of my life
He said as he kissed her wedding ring and her heart, making Alexa smile and melt as she wrapped her arms around his head to hold him against her heart.
Alexa: hubby, I was watching NXT a few weeks ago... pretty interesting name you came up for a group with Tiffany, Roxanne and Thea
The Goddess said with a slight smirk.
Alex: yeah, the House of Bliss, pretty interesting huh?
Alexa: I can see that happening once I return to action, and I do see myself in those girls, like they're my own "daughters"
Alex: oh yeah, that is so true. Tiffany has your bratty heelish side, Roxanne's finisher is your signature move with your resilient side and Thea has the loud energetic side
Alexa: exactly and Cora has that hunger for championship titles like me. I can see myself as their "mother" leading her girls to multiple titles
Alex: oh please, I want to see it!
Alexa giggled and peppered kisses on Alex's face.
Alexa: I'm still training to get back into shape and in action, but I'll be watching from home to see you best your legendary mentor
Alex: oh I'll be whooping his ass all over the arena if I have to
Alexa giggled and snuggled with her husband.
Alexa: but for now, let's just stay like this
Alex: I'll turn on Disney+ for us to watch
The A-Couple relaxed the whole afternoon watching Disney+ until eventually, baby Alexandria woke up from her nap and was carried down by her father, so she can watch Disney princesses with her loving parents.
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