You Should Be Running: Part 1
The scene had started in the room of a sleeping woman.
"Wait, please don't tell me that we have to watch someone sleep like Edweirdo Cullen?" Davina asks.
Bonnie turns to Davina with wide eyes and says, "Oh thank Hectate, I'm not the only one who finds this creepy."
The screen shows the woman's bedroom from the unfinished paintings to the pictures of her family on her desk.
A.N I'll show the pictures in the next chapter because I have so many.
The happy mood at seeing the pictures had dampened once they realised the screen was once again back on the sleeping woman who was now trapped in her mind with her demons.
"No, please" the red-head mumbling become more panicked as twisted in her bedsheets.
The screen was assaulted with scenes which seemed to be part of the red-heads dream.
Hope flinched at the images of seeing her alternate twin in pain.
Lizzie slipped her hand into Hopes, after seeing the red head flinch, hoping to provide comfort.
Hope squeezed Lizzie's hand to tell her she was fine but neither girl let go of each other.
Something that didn't go missed by Klaus's narrowed gaze.
The door banged open (but that didn't wake the anguished redhead) and in came a teenage boy, who's eyes widened at the sight of his alpha in distress.
The boy rushed over to her side and immediately set to waking her up.
Keelin winced causing Gia to look to her in confusion, "What's wrong?"
"Waking someone up from their nightmare is going to result in-,"
The redhead slammed the boy up against the wall, her hand tightening against his throat as her golden eyes glared into him.
Keelin gestured to the screen, "That. It's going to result in that,"
"Wait how did she break her curse?" Hayley demanded.
She did not like having her daughter, alternate or not, suffering.
Speaking of her daughter, Hayley turned her eyes to Hope.
"Hope did you-" Hayley didn't want to continue.
Hope's only answer was flashing her eyes gold.
Hayley tried not to crumble there.
"You weren't meant to break it, not so young."
Hayley pulled Hope into a hug trying not to cry.
She felt like such a failure.
How could she just leave her daughter like that?
Hope pulled out of the hug, "It's ok mom. Honestly, I love being a wolf."
Hayley tried to see if Hope was lying to her but her daughter only looked at her with such joy when she talked about being a wolf.
So she put on a smile for her daughter and let her guide her back to her seat.
Klaus placed his hand in Hayleys to provide comfort.
She squeezed his hand in thanks.
Gold eyes blinked slow before melting back into green, showing a sign of the young woman waking up from her dream state.
"Jed?" she inquired looking at the raven-haired werewolf.
Jed bared his neck in submission to his alpha to show that he meant no harm.
The trio from the future (Lizzie, Josie and Hope) went wide eyed at Jed's submission to the redhead.
Which did not go missed by Valerie.
"Why are you shocked? Is he not from your future?"
"No he is from our future but," Josie trailed off not wanting to insult him.
Lizzie jumped in, "What Josie is not saying is that our Jed is an alpha male douchebag."
"Alpha male douchebag?" Klaus repeated slowly.
Lizzie nodded her head not realising who she was talking to, "It's basically when boys think that they can act all macho and alpha male around everyone to prove that they can't be messed with."
Lizzie turned around to see who she was talking to before freezing.
Klaus merely raised an eyebrow at the blonde siphoner.
She winced, "And I just said that to the biggest alpha male ever - Hope's dad."
Hope only nodded slowly with Lizzie's statement while Hayley was trying to stop herself from laughing out loud.
Bonnie, on the other hand, snorted and was laughing into Nora's shoulder.
Kol chuckled before nudging his brothers shoulder, "The great hybrid reduced to only being known as 'Hope's dad' as the blonde siphoner had said."
Klaus smiled warmly at his daughter, "And it is a title I carry with pride every day,"
Hope beams back at her father before looking back at the screen.
The redhead let go of Jed's throat and stepped back away from him.
But Jed had grabbed her hand and placed it over his heart.
Hope gasped out loud at the action.
Is her alternate twin and Jed-
Klaus' golden eyes were as he watched the interaction.
Alternate reality or not, that girl was still his daughter.
And no boy was allowed to just grab her like that.
Hayley placed a hand on his shoulder before he could get out of his seat.
She shook her head, "These events have already happened. You can't change it."
Klaus sighed before slumping back into his seat.
Meanwhile Rebekah was squealing at the sight of her niece having love.
The redhead closed her eyes and accepted Jed's forehead touch.
A.N This is the position that Jed and Louella are in
"You ok now Ella?"
'Ella' nods her head before looking at the bruises that had formed around Jed's throat and reached to heal it.
Jed stopped her hand and teased her, "Werewolf healing, remember?"
Ella rolled her eyes.
Keelin looked at Freya and raised her eyebrow with a smirk causing Freya to scoff and playfully push her.
"I was worried about you,"
"Werewolf healing, remember?" Keelin repeated.
Before she headed to the bathroom to freshen up, Ella told Jed, "Meet me in the gym if you want to test out that werewolf healing."
Lizzie mimed vomiting while Klaus was glaring at the boy 'Jed'.
The next scene shifted to Jed being slammed onto the floor by Ella.
Klaus laughed out loud, "Oh, she is most definitely testing out that werewolf healing."
Jed groaned as Ella twisted his arm.
"Give up Jed?"
Ella's bloody face came into view making everyone wonder how long they had been in the gym.
Jed only shook his head, "In a life and death situation, I must fight to live."
The phrase sounded recited and wise but Ella snorted and let go of Jed.
Offering her hand, she asked with a raised eyebrow, "Quoting me now?"
Kol smirked as he leaned back in his chair, "Ahh. So my genes are superior."
Elijah interjected, "No Kol, I believe my genes were superior. After all, the wisdom of those words would most definitely have come from me."
Klaus hissed at his brothers, "Need I remind you idiots that this is my daughter and her intelligence had come from me."
Hayley raised her eyebrow and Klaus added, "Our daughter and her intelligence had come from us."
Hayley rolled her eyes.
Jed shrugged his shoulders trying not to wince from the movement, "Yeah I mean, your speeches as pack alpha has gotten better."
"Woah." Josie said as she stared wide eyed now at Hope.
"Double Woah." Lizzie added as she stared at Hope in disbelief.
"What?" Hope asked confused as to why the twins were acting like this.
"You're telling us you could have been the alpha to the werewolves at school this entire time?!" Lizzie screeched.
"I mean yeah but it doesn't matter," Hope tried to say but Josie interrupted.
"But it does matter. If you were alpha, can you imagine how much in control the wolves would be. And don't get me started on the respect they would give you Hope."
Hope still couldn't see the point so she just continued to watch her sister's life.
Before Ella could snark back to Jed, a voice came from the door.
"And that is going to be your totally badass alpha, Louella Mikaelson."
Louella, Klaus mouthed to himself before saying aloud, "German for Famous Warrior."
"I wonder who could've recommended it," Klaus continued sarcastically as he turned to Elijah with a raised eyebrow.
Elijah raised his eyebrow, "I am unware of why you stare at me Niklaus."
Louella turned her head to see Lizzie, Josie and a boy who were staring at her.
She narrowed her eyes at the new-comer before his scent hit her, werewolf.
Without taking her eyes away from the trio, Louella murmured to Jed, "Go to the pack and tell them to meet me in two hours."
Jed nodded before leaving.
Louella tilted her head at the new werewolf, scrutinizing him before she started to walk towards the trio at the door.
Stefan groaned, "Oh no."
"What is it Stefan?" Valerie asked, concerned.
Stefan shook his head, "It's nothing. It's just that that is the same face that Klaus makes when he sees a threat."
"No I do not," Klaus denied.
"Yes, you do" Hayley agreed with Stefan.
"Jen, Liv," Louella greeted the twins.
"Morning Astrid," The girls replied in unison.
"That will never not be creepy," Jade commented.
"Why is our names Jen and Liv?" Lizzie is the one to ask.
"Jenna is your middle name and Olivia is Josie's middle name so the nicknames may come from there," Bonnie provided.
Hope pipes up, "So is Astrid her middle name?"
Bonnie only shrugged her shoulders, "Probably."
"Astrid," Klaus says with shock in his tone before his mouth melted into a smile and his face represented Joy.
"Astrid," Elijah says with equal shock to his brother.
"I'm missing something here. What's so special about that name?" Kol demanded.
Klaus answers, "When we were still human we did what any brother would do - talk about the names they would give to their children."
Elijah continues, "We were but seventeen winters, trapped in a cave to hide from the deadly cold of winter. Myself and Niklaus would speak about what we would do should we live to have seen past twenty winters."
Klaus chuckled, "Elijah swore he would court the fair maiden that was Tatia,"
Elijah only placed his hand on his forehead in embarrassment of his younger self's words.
Klaus continued but a smile crept onto his face, "And I swore that I would have children. If my child was a boy, he would have been named Lukas, the one who brings light. And if I were to ever have a daughter, she would have been named Astrid, the one whose strength is divine."
Klaus looked down, "After our family was transformed to be creatures of the night and centuries had passed, I had given up that dream."
He turned to Hope, "Until you. My light after all those years of darkness. And when I held you in my arms for the first time and you looked at me with eyes full of trust and innocence, I swore that I would protect you with everything that I had. My littlest wolf, I know we have not spoke of it but you must know to have died for you, is the worthiest death I could have ever been granted."
There was not a single dry eye in the room after that statement.
Hope smiled at her dad with unshed tears and squeezed his hand before turning to the screen once she let him out of the hug she launched on him.
While they hugged, Gia used a handkerchief to wipe Elijah's 'dry eyes.'
"Where did you get this?" Elijah asked once she stopped wiping his eyes which was unnecessary as they were dry.
"I stole yours, in case of a moment like this." Gia admitted unashamed.
Elijah only chuckled and kissed her cheek, making Freya wince as she looked at the pair.
"And who is this?" Louella asks, turning to the new werewolf.
"I'm Rafael," The werewolf introduced himself before the twins could.
Louella looked at him with piercing eyes as if she was looking into his soul, "And do you know why you're here, Rafael?"
He nodded, "Apparently, I'm a werewolf."
Louella shook her head, "Not apparently. You are a werewolf." she let Rafael see her golden eyes before her eye colour returned to normal.
Nora's eyebrow raised, "What is the purpose of her doing that?"
Keelin was the one to answer, "It's supposed to make him relax because even though the two siphoners are supernatural, they're not werewolves. You need to be with your own to feel safe. Look."
Nora watched as the tension she hadn't noticed before had escaped the new werewolf shoulders as he stared at the red head.
"Rafael is calmer with her." Nora noted making Keelin nod her head in agreement.
"So I'm like you?" Rafael asked.
The question made Klaus chuckle, "There is none like my girls."
Lizzie snorted making Rafael look at her, "No offence newbie but Louella is literally one of a kind."
Hope turned to Lizzie, "So do you think she's like me? A tribrid?"
Lizzie shook her head, "I would've said two of a kind seeing as she's your alternate twin but I didn't so..." she trailed off letting Hope catch the rest of her thoughts.
"So she's not a tribrid." Hope said dejectedly as she looked down.
Hayley wrapped her arm around her daughter, "Hey. I don't doubt for a second, that even if your sister isn't a tribrid, that your sister cares about you."
Hope looked up to smile at her mom but she wasn't going to believe it until she saw it.
Rafael went to ask what Lizzie meant by that but Louella cleared her throat stopping him and bringing all of the attention to her.
Kol chuckled, "Oh, she definitely knows how to be the centre of attention."
Davina turned to her boyfriend and raised an eyebrow, "You mean like her uncle."
Kol let out a mock gasp and pressed his hand on top of his heart, making Davina roll her eyes at him, giggling.
Marcel looked at the scene before him and mimed vomiting, but stopped when Rebekah pinched him.
"Girls, it's been lovely to see you but can you finish your tour with Rafael and bring him to the werewolf den in two hours."
The girls nodded and grabbed an arm of Rafael to take him away but they stopped once Louella said, "Wait."
Rebekah raised an eyebrow, impressed before turning to Hope, "Tell me darling, do you also rule over the school and have the students eating out of your hand?"
Lizzie interrupted before Hope could deny her aunt's statement, "People will drop everything to help Hope with anything. And I mean anything."
Rebekah smiled at her niece proud but Klaus interrupted asking, "The students of your school bow to my daughter's every command?"
Hope chuckled at the question before turning to Lizzie, "Well everyone but one person."
Raising an eyebrow, Lizzie told Hope, "I'm the only one with a brain. All the rest are struck by your beauty and would roll over if you said please."
Hope asked with a teasing smile, "You think I'm beautiful?"
Lizzie stated, "I have eyes." but didn't deny Hope's question.
Klaus was about to stop the staring contest the girls were having because girl or boy, nobody could flirt with his littlest wolf but was stopped by Hayley's hand on his elbow dragging him back to sit down.
He was about to tell her his reasons of interrupting the staring contest but Hayley only shook her head, making Klaus back down but didn't stop himself from looking at Lizzie suspicious of her intentions with his daughter.
Louella asked with a concealed worried tone, "Have you seen Hope? She wasn't here when I woke up."
Hayley looks at Hope with a raised brow and an expression that screams 'I told you so',
Lizzie rolls her eyes at hearing Hope's name while Josie winces making Louella narrow her eyes at the twins.
Rebekah turns to Lizzie and demands, "And what exactly is your problem with my niece?"
Hope went to defend Lizzie but Lizzie replied calmly, "I hated her. And now we're friends of a sort. And I don't see why you're doing this whole 'my niece' thing when I've never seen you come visit Hope before. So it says more about you then me in this situation."
Rebekah turned to Hope to ask why she never visited but Marcel placed a hand on her arm, shaking his head softly.
"What happened to Hope?" Louella asked as she turned to look at Lizzie.
"Why would she ask Lizzie?" Josie asked in confusion, "I'm more likely to crack if she asked me."
"I believe that my daughter and Elizabeth have acquired a sort of bond or understanding regarding Hope." Klaus answered.
Josie stared in shock at Klaus before squeaking remembering who she was looking at and turned away to whisper in shock to Jade, "Klaus Mikaelson just spoke to me."
"And Klaus Mikaelson can still hear you." Jade replied in a teasing tone, making Josie squeak again and bury her head in Jade's arms.
Lizzie sighed, "She went out with daddy to find newbie here and his hobbit of a brother."
Lizzie sighed in relief, "I am so glad that every version of me has sense."
Bonnie asked confused, "What do you mean?"
"Oh, I'm talking about Hope's bo-MMPHHH."
Lizzie was cut off from talking when Hope smacked her hand on her mouth.
The blonde siphoner glared at the tiny red head but Hope shook her head pleadingly making pointed gestures to her family with her eyes.
When Lizzie reluctantly nodded her head, Hope moved her hand and replied to Bonnie, "You'll see what Lizzie means."
Louella's tone turned dangerous as she said, "Really?"
Stefan and Hope winced as they heard the tone and looked to each other in shock.
The ripper asked the un triggered tribrid, "What does that tone mean to you?"
"That's mom when she wants to know if I'm lying to her about my grades and that's her last warning before she storms the school to find out herself."
Hero hair replied, "That's your dad when he's giving me one last chance to tell him the truth."
Elijah shook his head, "That is Niklaus when he's giving up on being nice."
Freya turned to her brother in shock, "Has old age made you deaf, brother? That is obviously Hayley when she is done with being nice."
Kol snorted, "Sister as you have not spent enough time with us, you cannot see how clearly that tone is Niklaus."
Whilst the Mikaelson siblings argued between each other who the tone was more like, Josie tilted her head to look at Hope and whisper, "No offence. But both of your parents are terrifying if everyone's arguing over that very dangerous tone your sister has."
Hope whispered back, "I know."
The Saltzman twins went to say something after hearing Louella's tone but another boy had come in.
"MG," Josie breathed out in relief at the boy, "What's wrong?" she asked after seeing the worried expression on his face.
"Milton Greasley, vampire." Hope whispered to her dad when he looked at the boy with suspicion.
Marcel whistled hearing the name, "I do not blame the kid for shortening his name."
"His parents must have hated him," Keelin said, agreeing with Marcel.
The kids from the future who knew MG's past winced at hearing Keelin saying that.
MG shook his head and asked, "Did you know if your brother has ingested vervain lately?"
Freya narrowed her eyes in suspicion, "Now why would a vampire need to know that?"
Rafael looked confused at the question and instead asked, "What's vervain?"
Lizzie snorted softly, "Oh. He's such a noob."
Hope nodded her head in agreement, "I kinda miss when he was like that."
Louella interrupted the conversation and turned to the twins with an assertive tone, "Girls continue Rafael's tour and remember the time to bring him back to the gym."
Josie whined at Hope, "Why didn't you become the alpha? You could've been so badass."
Hope only shook her head, focussing on her sister and how badass she is.
Once the twins left with Rafael, Louella tilted her head at MG, staring him dead in the eye, "And why exactly do you need to know whether Rafael's' brother has ingested vervain lately?"
"Because he's human and he can't be compelled and him and Rafael are adopted brothers. I mean they're brothers that were adopted into the same family." MG replied, anxious while Louella stared at him.
Josie confessed, "I would've folded so fast if she looked at me like that."
Lizzie nodded her head in agreement.
Klaus was confused, "What do you mean by folding yourself, Josette?"
The siphoner in question turned red at the question and avoided looking at everyone.
Hope also avoided explaining.
Louella hummed still staring at MG sweating under her gaze before asking, "And do you know where my sister is, MG?"
A pained expression cam on his face as he replied, "She went to take him-"
"Where?" Louella growled as she stood in front of MG now.
MG swallowed his squeak and shakily pointed at the door, "In the cellars." he managed to get out and when Louella went, he took a breath of relief.
Klaus grinned proudly at the sight of boys being in fear by his daughter before he turned to ask Hope if she took could install fear into the hearts of teenage boys.
Hope only interrupted him, misinterpreting what he wanted to ask and said, "Mom already had that talk with me."
The scene shifts to Hope holding hands with a boy, who was stuck in a cell, under a starry ceiling.
"Is this the hobbit you spoke of Elizabeth?" Elijah asked as he stared at the scene before him.
Gia hit him on his arm hissing, "Leave the poor boy alone."
Lizzie replied, "Yes but seriously stop with the Elizabeth nonsense. It's Lizzie. No-one calls me Elizabeth. It's a grandmas name."
Klaus chuckled making the blonde turn to him and remark, "I'm glad that amuses you."
The hybrid shook his head, "No. You remind me of what an old friend had told me."
"She said to call her Cami because Camille was a grandmother's name." Hayley included, smiling at the thought of her blonde friend.
"What an adorable sight I've come upon." Louella sarcastically drawled making the pair's heads to snap up.
"Louella," Hope smiled at her sister, hoping she could get away without having to talk about what was happening,
"Hope," Louella replied as she stared down at her younger twin.
"Landon," the curly haired boy inserted with a raised hand making the twins turn to him.
"No one asked," Klaus remarked, wanting the boy to leave so he could see more of his daughters interacting.
Hayley nudged him in his ribs but all he did was take it, not leaving his opinion.
"Agreed brother," Kol said as he stared at the twins more closely.
Louella took over her mother in appearance and stance but her father in words while Hope took over her mother's personality and actions and her father's appearance.
All in all, they could both be pure as angels like when their parents smile but could be evil as devils like when their parents came back from killing people and were covered in blood.
Louella looked at Landon with narrowed eyes before realisation appeared on her face, "You're the boy who danced with my sister two years ago."
"He did what?" Klaus asked to Hope.
Hope placed a hand on her dad's arm, "Dad, please understand that I'm currently 18 and I've kissed people."
Klaus looked at Hope as if she just destroyed his favourite art piece.
Landon looked shocked, "You know about that?"
Louella tilted her head, scrutinizing the boy, "I was watching you dance with my sister."
Kol let out a breath of relief and turned to his brother, "You must be proud that you have a mini-you watching over Hope."
Klaus didn't disagree with that statement but instead said, "I'm grateful that the sisters are close and looking out for each other."
Landon looked unnerved by the statement and chuckled nervously, "That's kind of creepy."
"It is not creepy for Louella to look after Hope," Elijah declared while he still stared at the hobbit with narrowed eyes at him still holding hands with his niece.
This caused Louella to raise her eyebrow and reply, "I apologise if me looking after my sister after an attack occurred on our family is considered creepy."
"What attack?" Hayley asked worriedly to Hope.
Seeing as the girl wasn't going to answer especially with the way she was holding onto the armrest of the chair, Lizzie shook her head at Hayley Marshall, "We're probably going to find out anyway if we watch. And if we don't then Hope will tell you if she wants."
Hayley nodded at the blonde before exchanging worried looks with Klaus while Hope tilted her head to smile gratefully at Lizzie who only shrugged as if to say it was no problem.
Landon's eyes widened and he spluttered out apologies, making Louella roll her eyes at the boy before telling him, "Please, stop. Your apologies are giving me hives." she shuddered at the end.
"How wonderful, she's got the Mikaelson dramatic side." Davina remarked making all of the Mikaelsons to look at her in shock.
"Davina! Me? Dramatic?! Darling, I would never! That hurts my feelings!" Kol exclaimed while dropping onto his girlfriend's lap.
Davina raised an eyebrow pointedly at her boyfriend as if to say to the rest of the Mikaelson siblings 'this Mikaelson dramatic side.'
When Landon stopped apologising, Louella turned to Hope and asked, "Would you care to leave with me?"
Josie loudly whispered, "She's not asking."
Hope whispered back in the same volume, "How do you know?"
Josie only pointed at her blonde twin who only scoffed at them.
Hope nodded her head before waving to Landon, "Bye Landon."
The boy looked at Hope and waved back enthusiastically at the brunette?redhead?, "Bye Hope."
Louella inserted herself between their waving competition and dragged Hope away, "Bye Landon." she called out as she walked out the door with her sister.
Valerie raised an eyebrow, "She's protective,"
Klaus nodded his head in agreement, "And I'm glad for it. If I'm not in the school to watch over my littlest wolf, then her sister is watching over her."
The scene shifts to Hope and Louella swinging daggers at each other in a different gym.
Lizzie stared at the twins, "You guys look absolutely terrifying. Just saying."
Josie nodded her head, "I agree especially with both of their werewolf eyes out."
Jade tilted her head, "They look like they're in battle with each other."
Hope inclined her head in agreement with all three statements.
"So, Landon." Louella teased her sister as she dodged the dagger Hope swung at her face.
"Yes, Landon." Rebekah agreed as she turned to her niece, "Who is he to you in your future?"
Hope tried to stop her face from turning red with the attention of her entire family on her so she just ended up saying, "He's a close friend." causing Lizzie to snort and mumble, "A very close friend." resulting in Klaus's head to be filled with more questions as to who this boy was to his daughter.
Hope shook her head and stepped back to avoid the dagger Louella swung towards her arm, "I'm not having this conversation with you."
Louella scoffed dropping her daggers to the side, prompting Hope to do the same, "And who will you have this conversation with? Aunt Freya? Who's happily married to a woman? AKA our Aunt Keelin."
Freya placed her hand over her mouth in shock as the words her alternate niece ran through her head.
Her and Keelin.
Klaus chuckled at seeing the joy on his sisters face, "Congratulations sister" before nodding his head to the werewolf his sister would marry, "And sister in law."
Freya only beamed at her brother as she turned to Keelin who was already smiling at her, "I guess Juliet and Juliet live in our story."
The blonde witch let out a wet laugh as she clung onto her future wife.
Everyone was smiling at the scene especially Nora who wormed her hand into Bonnies.
Hope swung her leg under Louella causing her twin to backflip away, "Aunt Freya will not be hearing about my boy troubles. Even if, she had Nik to worry about."
"Nik?" Klaus asked in confusion.
Hope only smiled at her aunt, "My cousin, yours and Keelins son."
Elijah bends down to lift his sister into his arms after she slumped down from the shock of Hope's statement.
Freya shook her head in Elijah's chest as tears streamed down her cheeks while he still held her, "I wouldn't risk it. Not after what happened last time."
Klaus came up to his sister, "After the way I've seen you with Hope, I can see why you would risk it."
He gently took her out of Elijah's arms and held her, kissing her forehead, "I am so happy for you sister." causing Freya to sob and cling to her younger brother as if she just realised that she named her son 'Nik' in remembrance of her brother because he's dead in her future.
The rest of the Mikaelson siblings joined in the hug after realising the same thing, clinging to Klaus as if he was their lifeline.
Louella raised her eyebrow, "You mean our one year old cousin who could pass off as Uncle Elijah with his perfect behaviour."
Kol pouted, "Why is it our nephew takes Niklaus's name and Elijah's personality but nothing of mine."
Keelin turned to the young Mikaelson and replied, "You never know. He's a mixture of me and Freya so he could be a mixture of a werewolf and a witch. And if he does have magic.."
"Then I will be teaching him magic!" Kol declared with triumph, as he thought of all the mischief him and his nephew would get up to.
Hope roundhouse her leg at Louella's side, "Have you forgotten what happened this summer when we stayed over at Aunt Freyas? He pretended as if he didn't start a hurricane in the living room."
Louella grabbed Hope's leg and spun it making Hope slump to the floor, "I became temporarily blind to such events."
Davina groaned with despair, "Kol, you've corrupted her."
Kol cackled with triumph, "Davina, I've corrupted her!"
Hope went to retort when Josie came into the gym with a resigned expression on her face, "Astrid, it's code L."
Gia frowned in confusion, "What does code L mean?"
Keelin answered, "I think we're going to find out soon."
Louella nodded her head with understanding towards Josie, but before leaving she told Hope, "This conversation isn't over."
Hope nodded her head with onscreen her, "Don't I know it."
The scene shifts to the kitchen were plates are flying everywhere and the person behind it, is a very distressed Elizabeth Saltzman.
Hayley went to ask what was wrong when Hope put an arm on her mom's arm and shook her head, indicating it wasn't the time.
Klaus and Kol only looked at the girl with barely veiled suspicion as to why Hope was with this girl.
Elijah was only shocked at the similarities that this blonde teenager resembled with a redheaded figure of the past.
Bonnie only said, "Oh honey." before walking to Lizzie and holding the girl into a very needed hug since the girl clung to her and glared at the Mikaelsons as to dare them to say anything to her niece.
Louella walked into the kitchen at the same time Lizzie had flipped over the knife holders and one headed for Louella's direction but was stopped by Lizzie at the last second.
Klaus was very concerned with the company his daughter kept but if he overreacted over the friends that his daughter had made on her own accord, she'd be angry at him and that is not what he wants.
So he'll wait for Elizabeth's explanation as to what had happened to her to lead her to such distress in this scene.
Calmly, Louella took the knife away from her face and placed it on the kitchen counter to be greeted by a downhearted Lizzie, "Hi Astrid."
Louella smiles at the blonde siphoner as if she didn't almost get killed, "Hi Jen."
A.N. And that is the end of Part 1!!!!
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