When Past, Present & Future Collide:
Kol collected his bearings once he realised he wasn't in the jewellers shop anymore.
Who the bloody hell would try and attack him? he wondered as he looked around.
Kol turned around and saw Davina also looking confused as to where she was.
"Davina!" he exclaimed before running to her.
The pair embraced in a hug as they held each other, glad their partner was safe.
Once they let go, Davina asked, "Where are we Kol? Last thing I remember I was in at the café waiting for you,"
"I don't know darling. I just woke up here,"
The man in question turned to see Elijah holding a baby vamp protectively as he stared at him.
"Elijah? What are you doing here?"
Elijah shifted the woman behind him to almost shield her from Kol but she was having none of that.
She walked past him and toward Kol and stuck her hand out.
"Hi, I'm Gia and you must be Elijah's younger brother."
Kol looks surprised before he grins at the woman and shakes her hand.
"Elijah talks about me? I hope all bad things,"
Gia grins this time and replies, "The worst."
Then she turned to Davina, who was looking at Gia as if she's seen a ghost, and it was Gia who was confused this time, "Davina?"
She hugged the petite brunette, who was still in shock, but snapped out of it when Gia gave her a hug and hugged her back.
Gia was the one to let go but still held onto Davina's arms.
"You ok?" she asked before leaning in to whisper conspiratorially, "Has Marcel locked you away because I can bail you out,"
This causes Davina to smile at Gia and shake her head answering, "No. I was just shocked at seeing you here. How are you here?"
The question was laced with seriousness because last time Davina checked, Gia had been dead for 7 years.
Gia shrugged, "I was with Elijah, saw a bright light, saw you two and then well you were there for the next part,"
Elijah came over, when Gia had beckoned him to come, but was still wary of Kol.
Kol, on the other hand, was glad to see him and smiled at his older brother before pulling him into a hug that stunned Elijah but he still returned the hug.
When he let go, Elijah questioned, "Are you well, Kol?"
Elijah was confused to say the least at Kol's behaviour but Kol only dismissed his brothers worry.
"Oh brother, as long as Davina is by my side," he makes a point of wrapping his arm around Davina's waist and bringing her to his side, "nothing could be wrong,"
"Davina?" an scared voice called.
The two pairs turned to see Freya Mikaelson and a brunette werewolf looking at them with pales faces.
Well mostly Freya looking at Davina.
Once Freya was awake, she had observed where she and Keelin were.
The room was dark so Keelin had to guide her but then they heard voices and went towards that direction.
When Freya saw her brothers, she was relieved.
But that relief turned to fear as she saw their dead partners with them.
Gia and Davina were standing there.
How the hell are they alive? Freya thought as she watched as the two pairs came over to her.
"Sister," the brothers greeted in unison with a nod.
"Hello Freya," Davina greeted tensely.
"Wait Freya?" Gia questioned Davina before turning to Elijah and asking, "As in your older sister Freya?"
Elijah nodded, unsure of where Gia was going with this,
Gia turned to Freya and assessed her with narrowed eyes before stating with a raised eyebrow, "I thought your hair was longer,"
This caused Elijah to turn to his sister and realise Gia was right.
"When did you have the time to get a haircut, sister?"
This caused Kol to look at Elijah in confusion and ask, "Were you asleep in our last family reunion brother?"
Elijah looked at Kol incredulously as he asked, "What family reunion? Last I checked you were working with mother and Finn,"
Freya inhaled sharply at her dead brothers name.
But Elijah and Kol were too busy glaring at each other to notice.
Davina placed her hands on Kol's cheeks, forcing him to look at her as she told him, "Fighting with him will not get you anywhere. Ok?"
Kol calmed down as Davina talked to him and as much as he hated it, she was right.
Gia pulled down Elijah's tie so they were eye to eye when she said, "Stop it. We have to work together, in order to get out of wherever the hell we are, and fighting with each other is not the solution. Understand?"
Elijah nodded, as he listened to Gia's logic and felt a bit of shame as she was the one to force sense into him for his emotional distress.
The brothers turned to each other and stared at each other before nodding to some kind of agreement.
"Kol, Elijah. What the bloody hell is going on?"
The brothers in question turned to see their sister walking towards them.
"Rebekah, Marcel." Freya greeted.
"Davina," Marcel breathed out, looking at the witch in awe.
Marcel hugged Davina in a fierce hug, making the witch giggle as she spoke, "I called and texted you this morning, Marcel. Relax. Kol is taking care of me. And yes, we were in San Francisco before you think we ran off."
Marcel only shook his head and hugged her tighter.
He didn't care how they got here or what Davina was talking about.
He was just glad that she was here in his arms again.
And smiling.
Even if that smile was because of Kol Mikaelson.
The moment was interrupted when a voice hissed from behind them, "Kol Mikaelson,"
Kol instantly recognising the voice, turned around to greet his old ally.
"Hello Bonnie Bennett,"
When Bonnie woke up, she was confused at how she was taken.
Then she saw that she wasn't alone and found Nora by her side.
"Nora," she breathed out relieved once she saw that the brunette heretic was unharmed.
"Bonnie," Nora greeted in the same tone as she hugged the Bennett Witch, breathing in her scent.
Once Nora heard voices, she broke her hug with Bonnie (regrettably) and stated, "I can hear voices from on the other side of this place." she pointed to the direction before asking, "Shall we go investigate, Bonnie?"
Bonnie nodded and grabbed Nora's hand to tug her in the direction of the voices.
Nora, on the other hand, was just staring at hers and Bonnie's conjoined hands and couldn't stop her face from flushing into a rosy hue.
She was snapped out of it when Bonnie had stopped and called out a name.
Bonnie saw a pair that was meant to be in Hawaii last time she checked.
"What the hell is going on?"
Stefan explained, "Me and Valerie were talking about the situation back at Mystic Falls when a bright light over took us and we were here."
Simultaneously, Valerie, Nora, Stefan's heads perked up.
It was times like this that Bonnie envied supernatural hearing.
Valerie is the one to tell her what they heard, "There are other people here. I don't recognize their voices."
Bonnie nodded before taking Nora's hand again and heading toward that direction with Valerie and Stefan following her and Damon and Elena reluctantly following behind.
Her magic was telling her it was one werewolf (an alpha female), two witches and three vampires (two male and really old and one young and female).
Bonnie walked closer until she was standing in front of Kol and demanded, "Where the hell are we?"
Kol looked perplexed and countered, "How would I know, Bonnie darling?"
"Don't you Bonnie darling me," she hissed before asking, "How can you not recognise where we are?"
At Kol's still perplexed face, Bonnie got worried, "Kol, when the Other Side collapsed, what over took us?"
Kol's eyes lit up with recognition before his face melted into horror.
"But you destroyed the other side."
"Why do you think I'm panicking then Kol?"
Kol placed his hands on Bonnie's shoulders, "Panicking will do none of us any good Bonnie darling. So why don't you take a deep breath and get your head back into the game. We'll all panic when it's over."
Bonnie closed her eyes and followed Kol's instructions.
How long have you guys been here?" she asked once she felt calm.
"A few minutes. We just found each other." Davina was the one to reply.
Bonnie nodded before stating, "The best way to get out of whatever this place is, is together."
"So I guess we should know each others names and what our supernatural status is." Stefan stated. ,"I'll go first. I'm Stefan Salvatore and I'm a ripper but I've got it under control."
"I'm Valerie Tulle and I'm a heretic."
"Wait, what's a heretic?" Gia asked unaware of that supernatural creature seeing as she was still a baby vampire and new to the supernatural world.
"It means that you are both a vampire and a witch," Nora provided before adding, "I am also one and my name is Nora Hildegard."
"I'm Freya Mikaelson and I'm a witch."
Bonnie whispered to Kol and Davina, "Long lost sister?"
Kol and Davina nodded their heads, "Long lost sister." Davina whispered back and Kol added, "Also a long story."
"Keelin Malraux and I'm a werewolf."
"I'm Kol Mikaelson and I'm an Original Vampire."
"I'm Davina Claire and I'm a witch."
"I'm Rebekah Mikaelson and I'm an Original Vampire."
"I'm Marcel Gerard and I'm an enhanced vampire."
At no questions, he turned to the Bennett Witch who shrugged, "Esther already did it to Alaric."
Marcel could sense there was a story but Elijah interjected before the two groups could go into their history.
"I am Elijah Mikaelson and I'm an Original Vampire."
"Just call me Gia and I'm a vampire."
"I'm Bonnie Bennett and I'm a," she paused before concluding, "A witch. Let's just go with that for now."
Freya made a mental note to ask about that later.
"Aunt Bonnie?" A voice called.
Everyone's heads snapped towards two teenage girls who were holding hands.
The brunette cowered under the attention but smiled as she looked at Bonnie.
"Aunt Bonnie!" this time the brunette strangled Bonnie into a hug.
Bonnie held onto the girl so they both didn't land on the floor but the teenager took this to hug Bonnie closer to her as if she was scared that Bonnie would disappear.
Everyone was staring at the pair except for Valerie who was staring at the teenager's partner in shock.
"What's your name?" Valerie breathe out as she drank in every detail of the teenager.
Jade was confused at the woman's reaction but still answered, "I'm Jade and the one hugging her Aunt Bonnie is Josie Saltzman."
Everyone's eyes widened in shock at the last name.
But Bonnie let go of the hug and looked at the girl - Josie.
The girl nodded her head, confused at her Aunt Bonnie's behaviour.
Bonnie smiled at the girl with teary eyes.
"You can't be my Josie. You're so big."
Josie laughed at that and replied, "I'm 16, Aunt Bon."
Bonnie shook her head and pulled the girl back into a hug before Josie could see her tears.
Everyone was watching the display with warm eyes.
The moment was ruined when a voice called out, "Josie?!"
Bonnie let go off the hug to quickly dry her eyes and turned to where everyone was looking.
There was a tall blonde standing next to a short red head.
"Lizzie. Come over here. Aunt Bonnie's giving hugs out."
That seemed to snap the girl out of her stupor and then Bonnie had two teenagers hugging her.
Bonnie let go of them so she could look at them properly.
Lizzie looked exactly like Caroline, from her tall height to her blonde hair and blue eyes whereas Josie had inherited her mother's hair and grandfather's (Joshua Parker's) brown eyes.
To be honest, the last time she saw Josie and Lizzie, they were still inside of Caroline's stomach so sue Bonnie if she was feeling a bit emotional.
"You girls have got to stop growing or you're going to give me a heart attack."
The girls laughed at their Aunt's statement.
Bonnie became serious instantly when she remembered that they were still inside of Caroline's stomach and not teenagers but she didn't have the heart to tell them that she wasn't their aunt right now so she asked instead, "How did you girls get here?"
"A bright light came for us," they said in unison which freaked out the majority of the people.
Bonnie just took it into stride and asked, "Did you girls arrive with anyone?"
Josie pointed to where Jade was being hugged by Stefan and Valerie as they were all in a teary reunion of sorts.
"Jade?" Valerie repeated before saying, "That's a nice name."
Jade just nodded her head and replied, "Thanks."
Stefan came into the conversation and asked, " What's your supernatural status?"
"I'm a vampire." she said but Stefan had to know to be sure.
"What kind if you don't mind me asking? I'm a ripper."
Jade crossed her arms and admitted, "Me too," causing Stefan to inhale sharply before looking at Valerie and they both nodded in understanding.
"Do you have any parents?" Valerie inquired.
Jade narrowed her eyes, instantly getting suspicious.
"What's it to you?" she snapped back.
Valerie stepped forward and looks at the girl with a soft smile.
"She has your eyes," Stefan commented which baffled Jade even more.
Valerie explained to Jade.
She met Stefan in 1863, they were quite taken with each other though, but seeing as she was traveling with Lily, she should not have had any interaction with him.
However they fell in love with each other and slept together in the short amount of time they knew each other.
And she became impregnated with Stefan's child which she miscarried when Julian beat her up in order to stay with the group.
"I'm sorry but I don't know what this has to do with me."
Valerie placed her hands on top of Jade's cheeks.
"I tried so many spells to preserve my child's safety. To pass them on to another womb if something was to happen to me. I believe the spell was triggered when my child was in danger."
Jade's eyes became misty but Valerie asked, "What year were were you born?"
"1864" she whispers.
That's all the confirmation Valerie needs as she engulfs Jade into a hug and begins to cry.
But Jade needs to know for certain so she asks, "Does that make you guys my parents?"
Stefan joins the hug and Valerie only sobs harder as they hold their daughter.
After a while, Jade sees Josie point to them and she nudges the crying couple to let go.
"Hey Jo. So apparently I'm their long lost daughter."
Josie's mouth dropped.
"You're Stefan Salvatore's daughter?" she asked.
"If you mean the guy I was just hugging, then yeah."
Bonnie looked at Jade then to the couple and told them, "I can see the family resemblance."
"She's a ripper like me Bon," Stefan tells her making her raise her eyebrow.
"So being a ripper is hereditary, then? First Stefan's mother, Lily, then Stefan and now his daughter."
Rebekah interjects and asks, "Hold up, Stefan. I thought your mother was dead from what my brother told us."
Bonnie and Stefan talk at the same time.
"Klaus talks about me?"
"It's a long story, Rebekah."
Lizzie takes back the attention, confused why Hope wasn't saying anything.
"And Aunt Bonnie I came with Hope. Hope Mikaelson." Lizzie stresses out the last name to her Aunt Bonnie.
Elijah, Kol, Davina, Keelin, Rebekah, Marcel and Freya snapped their heads to the short red-head but before they could question her, a voice called out, "Hope?"
Everyone turned to see Hayley and Klaus Mikaelson staring at the red-head.
"Little wolf?"
"Klaus, where the hell are we?"
Klaus looks around at their surroundings and realised they weren't in the woods.
"I'm not sure, Hayley."
Klaus was looking as worried as Hayley felt so she reached her hand out and laced her fingers into his calloused ones.
He glanced down at their conjoined hands and smiled.
The pair were interrupted when they heard a mixture of voices before they heard some words clearly.
'We should know each others names and what our supernatural status is'
'Aunt Bonnie's giving hugs out'
'A bright light came for us
'Stefan Salvatore's daughter'
The words were called out nearby but it was enough for the hybrid pair to know they were alone.
They began walking, hands joined, to the source of the voices.
But the pair were frozen when the blonde pointed to a short red-head calling her 'Hope Mikaelson'.
"Hope?" Hayley called out, confused how her daughter was here.
The red-head turned towards them and Hayley had to stop herself from gasping out loud.
The girl - 'Hope' she had Klaus's eyes.
Hayley tightened her hold on Klaus as if that would make him see but Klaus was just staring at the teenager in front of them.
"Mom? Dad?" she whispered out.
Hayley didn't know how but one minute she was standing in shock holding Klaus's hands as she stared at the person who was meant to be her daughter and then the next she let go of Klaus's hands and started to walk to the girl.
Hope began to cry, running to meet her mother halfway.
She felt her mother's arms around her and began to ramble.
"I missed you so much, mom. So, so much. And I know you're at peace with dad and you're happy but I want to be selfish. I want to be selfish so bad and I want to have you by my side because I hate the loneliness. It's just not the same without you. And I know you'd hate me for distancing myself from our family, but they just don't understand mom. They weren't to blame. I am. And I know that you told me that I shouldn't feel guilty for it but I just can't help it."
Hope let go of the hug to look at her mom.
"You are dead because of me. And no matter who I blame or what way I look at it, you died because of me. Because of my actions. Because of my existence."
"Hope," Hayley cut into her daughters ramblings.
She doesn't know what happened to her daughter or how she died but she knew that this was her daughter.
Her child.
And if she died, then she died for her cub.
Hayley placed her hands on Hope's cheeks to wipe away the tears and kiss her forehead.
"I know that you're hurting right now and you feel guilty. But I can tell you know Hope, if I was going to die, I would always die for you. Me and your dad made a promise to you that we would do anything for you and if that included dying so you would live, then so be it. Ok? I'm not dead because of you Hope. You said it yourself. I'm at peace because of you."
Hope just felt herself sob harder at the words her mom had used when she saw her for the last time.
Hayley only hugged her daughter tight to her.
She kissed the top of her head, holding her and never wanting to let go.
In the corner of her eye, she could see Klaus watching them both, not wanting to ruin the long awaited moment, but was desperate to see his daughter as well.
"There someone else who wants to see you again."
Hope looked at her mom, her tears blurring her vision.
Slowly, she found her father standing there patiently.
She ran to him, hugging him tightly.
Klaus held her, trying to not cry.
This was his child.
In whatever future she had, he and Hayley had died for her.
He tried not to think of it and only held onto his cub tighter before letting go and wiping her tears away while saying, "Your mother is right, Hope. I know that our family may not understand your grief, but try not to push them away. The last thing I need is for you to isolate yourself and be lonely."
Hope nodded agreeing to her fathers words before attacking him into a hug again.
Klaus looked up and saw Hayley watching.
He extended an arm out, to invite her into the hug and she wasted not time.
Klaus could be happy in moments like this.
Holding his mate and cub.
In his arms, where they would always be safe.
The moment, of course, had to be interrupted, though.
"No hugs for me brother? I can hear my heart breaking right now."
Klaus couldn't bring himself to glare at his brother, only walking towards him, and leaving Hope and Hayley in their hug, and grabbing his little brother into a hug.
Kol was only teasing his brother but nonetheless accepted the hug fiercely.
Elijah joined into the hug as well, when Kol beckoned him in.
Guess what happened?
The moment was interrupted.
"I just love family reunions. It just tugs at the heartstrings. Don't you love family reunions Ayanna?"
Everyone's heads turned to Bonnie Bennett who put her hands up in defence.
"I didn't say anything."
Klaus was enraged at the interruption and went to shout at her, when a voice piped up from behind him.
"She's right. She didn't say anything. I did."
Everyone's heads turned to Bonnie Bennett?!!
Lizzie and Josie looked at them and were way confused.
The Mikaelson Family were staring at Ayanna with shock.
"Ayanna." Klaus spoke out loud as he stared at the woman he thought to be a mother to him.
The woman looks at the Mikaelson family with a soft smile and nods her head in greeting.
Bonnie (the one standing next to Ayanna) looks at Ayanna incredulously, "Seriously?! You're not even going to hug them. It's been a thousand years since you last saw them Ayanna and you're telling me, you aren't going to go them and hug the daylights out of them?"
Bonnie (the one who arrived with Nora) was confused at the other Bonnies relationship with her ancestor.
"Ok! Time out." Lizzie calls out, "I cannot be the only person here who is not curious at how there are two Aunt Bonnie's here. Also I need something to call you because it's kind of hard just calling you Bonnie next to Ayanna and Bonnie next to Nora."
"Just call me Miss Bennett and her Aunt Bon," the one who arrived with Ayanna said.
Lizzie nodded in agreement.
Josie asked, "Why are there two of you?"
Miss Bennett snapped her fingers and pointed to Josie, "Excellent question. But first I need to tell everyone something."
She turned to everyone and cleared her throat before telling them, "You are all from different timelines and I created time travel." She ended it with jazz hands.
When no one said anything for a few minutes, she scoffed and told them sarcastically, "Oh no please. Don't applaud me. It's not like I just told you that I created time travel and I brought you all here from different timelines."
This snapped them out of their shocked state and Elijah is the one to ask, "Miss Bennett, what is your goal that you brought us all here?"
She replied, "Easy," before pointing at Hope, "Her."
Klaus and Hayley stood in front of Hope protectively.
"What do you mean her?" Klaus demanded.
"Elijah asked why I brought you here. It was for Hope."
At their confounded expressions, Ayanna told Miss Bennett, "Darling you've lost them,"
Ayanna turned to the people in the room and informed them, "There are alternate realities for our lives. Klaus marries a female version of Stefan. Elijah gets with Caroline. Klaus had a son instead of Hope. And so on. In mine and Miss Bennett's timeline, Hope isn't an only child."
This causes the girl to come from behind her father and ask the Bennett ancestor, "What do you mean?"
"Your mother and father had twins and you had an older sister. That is the reality me and Miss Bennett had come from."
Hope was excited at the idea of no longer being an only child but then she recalled what Ayanna had said and her mood dampened.
"Why did you say had?"
Miss Bennett is the one to answer, "Because in our timeline, your sister died."
Hope instantly went to her parents side at those words as she felt sadness and grief for a sister she never had and a version of herself who may be destroyed by her sisters death.
Aunt Bon is the one to ask, "But what has this got to do with all of us?"
Miss Bennett responds with, "I brought you all here to change your future so that you may have a good life. My," she choked up a bit before continuing, "Hope's sister died and it destroyed you, well my version of you." she told Hope, "I looked into the future and it was a clear image. You were the tribrid and a humanity-less one at that. You turned it off, Hope. And I don't blame you. After everything you were forced to go through, I do not blame you for not wanting to feel anything. And that's why I'm here. To stop that from ever happening."
She voices to everyone, "You're going to watch the life of the older twin of Hope Andrea Mikaelson and daughter to Klaus and Hayley Mikaelson. And before you complain about not wanting to be here, everything's frozen in your time. So while you're here, no time moves there."
She shrugs before continuing, "And even if, I'm sending you back to a different time in your life. You can choose if I'm feeling generous."
Miss Bennett waved her hands and then everyone was sitting down on cinema seats.
"Wait," Freya called out, "Where are you going?"
Miss Bennett smirked, "I said that time had frozen in your reality. I never said anything about mine. And even if my wife will kill me if I'm late to my own birthday party."
"How do you know you're even having a party?" Ayanna asks.
"Because my wife is an awful secret keeper," Miss Bennett winks at Nora before she and Ayanna walked out of a door, that disappeared once they went through it and then the screen lit up.
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