Sometimes, Girls Just Want To Watch The World Burn: Part 2
Hope was not able to meet her father's eyes after her on-screen's words.
Lizzie patted her short redhead, trying not to laugh in amusement.
Klaus only cleared his throat in embarrassment at fainting in front of so many people.
Hayley bit her lip to stop herself from laughing at the embarrassed blush resting on Klaus's face.
The scene has skipped to the screen splitting into three sides.
One scene shows Louella bent over her desk, writing in the same book she hides in a secret compartment.
Davina laces her fingers with Kol's whispering into his ear, "I don't have a good feeling whenever I see her writing in that book Kol."
Kol doesn't say anything just nodding his head in agreement as he focuses on the screen as if it would show the words that Louella is writing in that book.
Another scene shows Hope talking with Rafael and her holding her hand out in an olive branch with him staring at it before a smile comes onto his face and he shakes her hand.
Hayley is the one to growl under her breath, "If he does something to her..."
"I'll help you bury the body, my love," Klaus finishes off, taking his mate's hand and kissing her knuckles.
Josie, who overheard them accidentally, squealed quietly, "Literal murder couple goals."
The third scene showed Lizzie and Josie in their respective uniforms for the day walking down the hall and the screen zoomed in on this scene.
"So, dearest sister," came Lizzie's overly sweet voice.
Josie winced at the voice causing Jade to turn over to her in confusion.
"This morning, as I was desperately trying to make this trash bag of a jersey look cute, I suddenly had the urge to purge. So I fled to the bowl, and lo and behold, I heaved up a gallon of black goo."
Freya hummed in realisation when she remembered the scene where Hope and Josie had been holding hands to perform a spell.
"So, seeing as I haven't been dabbling in any illicit black magic recently, I can only imagine it was a twin sympathy hurl. So fess up. What did you do?"
"Twin sympathy hurl?" Nora asked in confusion.
"The girls are twins and seeing as they're Gemini twins, they occasionally share the concept, 'what happens to one twin, the other twin can feel-,"
Before Bonnie could continue her explanation, she was cut off by Kol exclaiming in horror, "Did you just say Gemini twins? As in the Gemini Coven?"
Bonnie raised an eyebrow at Kol, " The way Hayley Marshall, over there, is linked to the royal werewolf bloodline is a long story is the same way my nieces being part of the Gemini coven is a long story. You'll probably get the answers to your question by continuing to watch this alternate reality. And if you don't, then I'll answer whatever questions you have. Okay?"
Kol nodded with the proposition and sat back down in his seat, but not without shooting glances at the twins near his niece.
Before Josie could reply, a voice called from behind them, "Maybe you're pregnant, Lizzie."
Davina cackled with glee, "It's She-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named!"
"Why are you happy over this Katherine look-alike?" Stefan asks the brunette witch.
"Oh, I'm just a huge Harry Potter fan and the girls were making references and I'm just so happy right now!" Davina replied, with a beaming smile on her face.
"What's Harry Potter?"
Everyone in the younger generation gaped at Nora who asked the question.
Bonnie shook her head in horror and patted her hand, "Don't worry, I'll help you catch up on the best part of your life that you missed,"
"Oh, or maybe it's just how that jersey fits." Penelope Park smirked as she leaned against the doorway.
Hayley snarled, claws digging into her seat as she glared at the screen, "That's fat-shaming. That Katherine look alike fat-shamed Lizzie,"
Lizzie blushed at the way Hope's mom had come to her defence.
Josie narrowed her eyes at her ex and went to give her a piece of her mind when a voice, with thinly-veiled rage, spoke.
"Hate crime is a noun, that means a crime, typically one involving violence, that is motivated by prejudice based on ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or similar grounds.
A smile came on Hope's face when she heard Louella's voice.
The trio that was previously talking all turned their heads to see Louella sitting on a chair opposite them.
"But she was in her room," Davina breathed.
"Maybe she had a sixth sense for when the twins or Hope are in danger," Kol suggested, even though he also was curious as to how his niece had moved quickly.
Josie had to bite down on her lip to make sure she wasn't drooling after seeing the way Louella was sitting.
A.N. Louella is sitting like Jason Todd AKA the Red Hood but she doesn't have a gun. Her hand is holding a fireball she conjured.
"Fat-shaming is known as a hate crime in human laws. Tell me, Penelope, do you have fatphobia or are you just being a bitch?" Louella continued without looking up from her book that was titled 'How to get away with Murder'.
"You tell her, Louella!" Jade cheered, excited at seeing someone stick up to Parkinson.
"I'm trying to be a less violent person nowadays but bitches like you make it so hard," Louella looks up from her book to maintain eye contact with Penelope as she drawls out the last word.
Josie fans herself with Lizzie's hand.
Louella places the book gently onto the table next to her before standing up.
Elijah smiles at the care his niece takes in looking after books, unlike, he side eyes Nikalus.
While doing her 'murder walk' towards Penelope, the Saltzman twins move out of her way in sync as if they were soldiers following their emperor's orders.
"I talked with MG about yesterday and when he finds the twins, he will be apologising,"
Lizzie winces, wondering what Louella had done or said to MG.
"I've had problems with you before, Penelope, but this will be the last time I'll play nice with you." A snarl appears on her face and Louella's eyes melt into her wolf eyes, "The next time you mess with my girls or my pack, you will understand why Roman Sienna screamed at seeing me on the first day back,"
Hope froze.
Roman was alive.
So why was Penelope's face paling at his name?
Did Louella torture him as Hope had done?
Or did she do something even worse?
Penelope shakily nodded her head before hurriedly walking down the hall to get away from Louella.
The redhead then turned to look at the Saltzman twins and told them in a stern voice, "You both are to come to me if she messes with you again. Am I understood?"
The Saltzman twins both nodded and smiled when Louella brought them into a hug.
"We're both simping hard," Josie stated as she watched her alternate self unable to take her eyes off of Louella.
Lizzie didn't even bother to deny it, especially since she saw a flicker of jealousy flash over Hope's face.
The scene shifts from Louella and the Saltzman twins hugging in the hallway to the girls being outside in their football kits.
MG is seen with a sheepish expression as he talks with Josie in the background, while Lizzie is in the bleachers with Louella, who is pacing while on the phone.
"Pick up. Pick up. Pick up." She muttered to herself as she continued to pace in worry.
Hayley nudged her daughter, "She's probably worried about you being alone with Rafael,"
Hope smiled reassuringly, "Mom, Rafael wouldn't hurt me,"
Klaus scoffed silently, "But he would disrespect you and that isn't allowed with my girls,"
"Ok," Lizzie moved from her position where she was leaning on the wall with her arms crossed to move to Louella and placed her hands on the redhead's shoulders.
"What exactly did you see?"
Kol gasped in delight, "Is my niece a psychic?"
Davina shared a matching grin with her fiance at having a psychic in the family.
"Hope is in danger. There's a fire force heading for her," and while Louella describes what she had seen, the scene shifts to show Hope holding back fire with a dagger in her hand.
Elijah narrowed his eyes at the scene, "Niklaus and Hayley had sent their child to this school so she may gain a sense of normalcy whilst bettering her talents. Why is it that our dear Hope seems to be in duress whenever we see her on the screen?"
Gia pats his arm with sympathy, "Maybe it's because she's Niklaus-," Gia breaks off snorting and waving a hand at Elijah's worry, "I'm fine. It's just, his name and the way you say it-," she manages to get out between her snickers and chuckles.
Elijah only smiles at his darling and kisses her on the cheek.
Klaus is attempting to stake Gia with his eyes.
Lizzie had a contemplative look on her face before she released her hold on Louella's shoulders and shrugged, "What if her phone got burnt because of the fire?"
Hope looked shocked at Lizzie's deduction, "It did,"
Lizzie smirked, flipping her hair over her shoulder, "I'm beauty and brain."
"You're right," Louella stated, pausing her assault on her phone.
"I usually am," Lizzie declared, smirking.
"I should go to her-,"
Lizzie refused to shy away from Klaus Mikaelson's golden gaze pinning her, "And why should my daughter not go help my littlest wolf?"
"They're twins. Don't they have the same twin telepathy me and Josie have?"
Everyone ignored Elijah muttering, "Josie and I,"
Louella looked at Lizzie with a raised eyebrow, that said 'Explain'.
Lizzie sighed and muttered, "I really hate how dumb you get when you're worried." before she turned to Louella and asked, "Use your twin telepathy to check up on her."
Louella hummed in acknowledgement of Lizzie's idea before turning away because she didn't want Lizzie to see her cheeks turning red with embarrassment.
"Aww, our niece is adorable," Keelin says as she looks at the 'tough' alpha on the screen.
"Yeah, she is," Freya agreed, smiling at the scene of her niece being embarrassed.
The redhead closed her eyes and breathed in, trying to focus on her link to Hope.
Hayley grinned, happy that her girls were close to each other.
A feeling of warmth passed through Louella when she reached out to her and Hope's bond and a sigh of relief left when Hope responded back.
"Twin bonds!" Kol squealed in excitement at seeing bonds between two twin witches occur before his eyes.
Davina giggled with excitement as well as she stared enamoured at the golden presence surrounding Louella.
Lizzie leaned against the wall and stared at Louella with a smile on her face.
Josie waggled her eyebrows at Lizzie, causing her twin to shove her away.
Once Louella opened her eyes, the golden particles around her had disappeared as if they weren't there, to begin with.
With a smirk, she turns to face Lizzie and asked with her hand out, "Shall we go play football?"
"I'll play anything you want," Josie whispered vehemently.
Lizzie grinned and took the redhead's hand, "We shall,"
The scene shifts to the girls standing outside on a football pitch.
Stefan whistled lowly and nudged Bonnie with his elbow, "Where was this when you and I went to school, Bon?"
Bonnie snorted, swatting at the vampire's face.
"This game is an opportunity." The screen zoomed into a corner of the pitch where Josie, Lizzie, MG, and Louella were huddled on the benches.
"We can show him how seriously we are taking this by making sure that our secret stays protected out there on the field." Josie was the one to say.
Josie slumped down into her seat in embarrassment at how childish she sounded on the screen.
"Today, we will lose even more epically than we normally do."
"Hold on one bloody minute," Kol announces, holding up a hand to enunciate his point, before turning his head to ask the teenagers in the room, "You're forced to lose the game on purpose?"
Jade was the one to speak since all of the other girls stayed quiet, "Yeah, we had to cuz we're meant to be hiding that we're supernatural-"
"But that doesn't bloody mean you have to lose all the games just to appease human teenagers." Klaus cut her off.
Gia nodded her head in agreement, "They deserve to get kicked off their high horse and losing on purpose sucks. Especially since you're meant to be elite since they think you're from a fancy boarding school that they can't get into,"
Everyone turned to Louella for her input.
"Aww, they look like puppies," Marcel teased, ignoring the offended noises from the Saltzman twins.
"Win by losing." She said slowly as if in disbelief before patting MG's shoulder and walking off, "That's the spirit."
"I bet on Belaga-"
Klaus began but was cut off by Elijah who asked, "Didn't they burn that Philippine pigsty to the ground?"
"Pigsty?!" Klaus returned in shock, "Belaga was my favourite artist retreat.
Freya interjected, "Which is why someone had to pay for burning it down, so Niklaus had murdered Gaspar's brute of a father.
Elijah raised an eyebrow, "And?"
Freya turned to Klaus and asked, "Was it one or two..."
Klaus answered grumpily, "Five."
Elijah snapped his fingers, "And five of his bloodthirsty brothers were murdered by our beloved Niklaus."
Rebekah called out, "Don't forget the mistress."
Klaus turned to point at her in defence, "That was an accident!
Kol, who was too busy staring at the screen and therefore only heard 'Belaga', snorted, "Belaga. Now that place was hideous."
The elder Mikaelson brothers answered him at the same time.
"Thank you, Kol,", Elijah said.
Klaus shook his head as if disappointed, "No taste. Either of you."
Bonnie snorted, recalling an old memory Stefan had told her, "And you apparently have taste, Klaus? What about that phase you had when you only painted in white and Elijah couldn't tell the difference between a dog and a portrait of you?"
Lizzie 'ooohhed' at the burn before saying, "Shots fired, Aunt Bon. Shots fired!"
The scene then showed a fast-forward version of the game happening before it ended with Louella carrying a trophy in her hand and her team surrounding her in celebration while the Mystic Fall team looked on in disbelief.
The Mikaelson siblings immediately stopped arguing in favour of standing up and applauding Louella for her win.
"That's my niece!" Kol cheered with pride.
When the crowd dispersed from Louella, MG and the Saltzman twins approached her with bewilderment in their expressions.
"What happened to losing?" Josie asked while trying to stay focused because HELLO sweaty Loeulla was right in front of her.
Louella shrugged, "I promised my Uncle Kol that I would bring him a trophy and a picture of the losing team's face which speaking of," she took out her phone from her zipped pocket and showed a comedic picture of the team of Mystic Falls disbelieving and shocked faces.
"That's my niece!" Kol repeated, now sobbing into his hands at how amazing she is and how he'll never meet her. (or will he?)
The teenagers on the screen dissolved into laughter at seeing the picture.
Hayley smiled at watching the teenagers be, well teenagers.
Louella sighed again at the sweat dripping down her face so she placed the trophy down on the ground and lifted her shirt to wipe it off and revealed her toned stomach.
Josie choked, grabbing onto the seat so she didn't collapse as she got an eyeful of Louella's abs in 4k, "Something's purring,"
Jade shook her head, also staring at the redhead's on-screen abs, "It's roaring,"
A.N. I realised halfway through that I had written Parkinson when referring to Penelope as if I was writing an HP story instead.
Hi, darlings!
I finished my GCSEs!!
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Sorry if it seemed rushed.
Next Chapter:
Also, these are the two options for what will happen to Louella after Hope is erased.
Option 1:
She's blonde.
She's ruthless.
She's Klaus Mikaelson 2.0.
She's a killer.
She pretends to be a tribrid so nobody can kill her.
She has packs all over the world and everyone both respects and fears her.
And then some people also hate her.
She kills all of her family's enemies because she cares about her cousin Nik and her adopted cousin from Kol and Davina, Sam, and she doesn't want any enemy to hurt them.
She's the second person to get back her memories of Hope and when she does, she's pissed.
This is an example of what their interaction will be like but I'm not adding in the reactions and I'm sorry if it's horrible. (It's unedited):
"Will you please stop leaving me!" Hope shouted as Louella went to exit the room.
Louella froze, Hope's words ringing in her head.
But before Hope could apologise, Louella turned around, eyes glowing gold, and a snarl on her face, "I left?" she growled out.
Hope went to speak but Louella waved her hand stopping her and asked venomously, "Remind me again which one of us erased ourselves from reality?"
Hope tried to speak, but Louella wasn't having it.
"You wanted to talk, Hope? Fine. Let's talk. Let's talk about my entire life being a lie. Let's talk about my twin sister erasing herself from reality. Let's talk about that same twin sister, who talked to her boyfriend before she tried to kill herself instead of talking to me."
Louella brought a hand to her face and brought it down, trying to calm herself, " I was your sister, Hope. I was your twin. I was your family-." Her voice cracks to show how hurt she is but her anger had not left her system.
"I was your family and you left. And that's sugar-coating what you did."
Hope flinches at remembering Louella's previous words.
'You're not a hero, Hope. You're suicidal. And there's a big difference between those two,'
"You left me. I didn't leave you, Hope. I have never once abandoned you. I have been there since day one. I have been by your side since Mom died. I-You left me, Hope."
Louella's hurt expression melts into anger once more, "You left and erased yourself from reality and then you come back and expect us to be the same as before?"
"We can be" Hope began but Louella cut her off.
"I WASN'T A MONSTER THEN!" Louella shouted, making Hope look at her because Louella had never shouted at her before.
"Did you know that I murdered Roman Sienna in this reality? I beheaded him after I made him watch as I ripped out his sister's heart. Before, I had let him go. Didn't I, Hope?"
Hope nodded, "You let him go because I-"
"Because you asked. You stopped me from killing him. In this reality, I didn't have you telling me not to kill him."
Option 2:
Time skips 3-4 years when Hope leaves the pit and returns everyone's memory.
She's a pink head.
She's flirty.
She's married to Dana.
She's domesticated.
She lives in France, in a cabin,
She adopted a boy named Henry.
She's happy.
Like really happy.
She's a full-on artist.
She's a teacher at a French school.
Louella shook her head, "No."
Hope's face fell before she repeated, "No?" in a question form.
Louella nodded her head, "I'm not going back with you, Hope."
Hope took a step forward but Louella took a step back as if she thought Hope would hurt her.
"I have a life here Hope. I - I'm happy. Like really happy. In a way, I didn't realise I could be. I'm married. To an incredible woman. I have a kid. I teach children art. I have a life here. And I do not want to leave it."
Hope's eyes watered as she took in her sister, "But-"
Louella put up a hand, "But nothing. I'm not going back to that death-filled place. I refuse to go back to Mystic Falls or even New Orleans."
"But those places are our home."
Louella shook her head, "They stopped being home the minute my friend lured my mother to her death and she died in pain, screaming."
"But our family-"
"Your family, Hope. Not mine. I gave up the Mikaelson name four years ago. I refuse to be part of a family that holds a vow of blood and blood only over everyone else. I- If I stayed, I would have become a monster."
(Ignore this. it's me rambling)
Bipolar symptoms:
Mood: mood swings, anxiety, deep sadness, euphoria, general discontent, guilt, hopelessness, or loss of interest or pleasure in activities
Behavioural: compulsive behaviour, impulsivity, irritability, restlessness, or self-harm
Cognitive: lack of concentration, racing thoughts, slowness in activity, or thoughts of suicide
Sleep: excess sleepiness or insomnia
Psychological: depression or grandiosity
Also common: rapid and frenzied speaking
Regardless of gender BP surfaces, men discover their diagnosis 5 years earlier (in their early 20s) than women (in their late 20s) & Women with BP are frequently misdiagnosed! While children as young as 5 can be diagnosed with as young as 5, there's only a guess that she was diagnosed once her age started hitting double digits!
Borderline Personality Disorder is a mental disorder characterized by unstable moods, behaviour, and relationships. Something that sounds more in line and more narrow in ages for young children when it refers to Lizzie. And considering the symptoms (listed below) overlap with BP, it's easy to reduce how she could have been misdiagnosed!
Borderline Personality Disorder Symptoms:
Behavioural: antisocial behaviour, compulsive behaviour, hostility, impulsivity, irritability, risk-taking behaviours, self-destructive behaviour, self-harm, social isolation, or lack of restraint
Mood: anger, anxiety, general discontent, guilt, loneliness, mood swings, or sadness
Psychological: depression, distorted self-image, grandiosity, or narcissism
Also common: thoughts of suicide
Notice that mania isn't on the list. Wanna know why? Because:
"Borderline personality disorder involves a longstanding pattern of abrupt, moment-to-moment swings -- in moods, relationships, self-image, and behaviour (in contrast to distinct episodes of mania or depression in people with bipolar disorder) that are usually triggered by conflicts in interactions with other people."
So if you just happened to be that witch who made the new werewolf student at your school uncomfortable - and downright said you were happy he killed his girlfriend to be able to meet you - and took it out by rampaging on your boarding school's kitchenware and stopping yourself just in time before nearly cutting down your father?
Then, your name is Lizzie Saltzman!
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