And so it begins:
Third Person's POV:
"You do realise once you do this, there is no going back," the voice said looking at the witch who stood over the cauldron.
Said witch merely replied with her eyes closed as she felt the magic from the cauldron softly caressing her, "I know. But I could never live with myself if I didn't try,"
The witch opened her eyes and grabbed a vial from her table.
Carefully, she filled up the vial and cooled the fiery liquid.
She looked up to see her ancestor look at her with a cool façade but she knew better, she was trembling with worry of what would happen.
"I'll be fine," the witch reassured her ancestor before downing the potion with one go.
Coldness seeped into her bones while voices, new and old, screamed inside her head but the witch did not give in.
Instead she closed her eyes and began to chant.
"Eos qui perierunt," the ground had begun to shake.
"Adducere eos qui pereunt et nondum invenerunt," the wind howled outside, banging on the windows demanding entry.
"Eos qui patiuntur," when the witch opened her eyes, her green eyes had bled into white.
"Adduc ad legata Klaus et Hayley Mikaelson."
There was silence before the witch turned to her ancestors questioning gaze and nodded her head in confirmation, "It's done."
Without warning, a bright light had taken them from the room.
Klaus & Hayley:
Hayley continues to rant to Klaus.
"You're so paranoid that you can't see that this wedding can help her. She can come home. The wolves will be on our side."
Klaus shakes his head at his mate and her stubborn nature.
"The wolves cannot be trusted." he insists trying to make Hayley see reason and turn her against the wolves.
He had seen how they treat her.
How they make her work for their love.
How they reject her as their alpha despite her being their queen.
How they would only accept her if she's bound to a man she does not love and isn't her mate only so the pack can get her abilities.
How they force her to be someone she is not.
She is Hayley Marshall.
Yes, she was born as Andrea Labanair, the alpha queen to the crescent wolves but she had grown as Hayley Marshall, the lone wolf who fought to survive against the hardships that life had thrown her.
The she-wolf interrupts his thought track as she demands, "In your paranoid mind, nobody can be trusted. Where does it end?"
Klaus shouted back, "There is no end!"
Hayley only stared at the hybrid in front of her silently before she walked closer to him and questioned him, "And in that mind is it telling you that I'm going to run for the hills with our daughter? That I'm a threat to your status as king in New Orleans? That I can't be trusted?"
Hayley knows that they should be talking about her wedding to Jackson but she has to know if Klaus trusts her or not.
Klaus could only stare at the woman in front of her in barely concealed shock.
Does she truly have no idea how much she means to him?
Klaus steps forward in front of her and gently slides his hand on her neck into her hair.
"I do trust you little wolf,"
At the nickname Hayley looked up at him and smiled.
Klaus only stood closer, his hand diving deeper into her brown tresses, making her swallow her moan as she tried hard not to remember the last time Klaus had placed his hands into her hair.
Klaus unaware of Hayley's inner turmoil, carried on, "More than you know."
The two hybrids stood interlocked in the position for moments, neither willing to dare break the intimacy they hold with each other.
Neither of them were aware when the bright light overtook them.
Hope & Lizzie:
Hope struggles to keep up with Lizzie as the blonde siphoner walks forward with determination plastered on her face.
"Lizzie, where are we going?" Hope asks.
Lizzie instantly responds, "You're a ticking time bomb."
She slowed her walk so Hope could catch up before continuing, "I'm going to show you how to take care of it before you hurt someone. Or worse. Cost us the pageant."
Hope only insists, "I'm fine. Ok? I just needed some air-"
Turning around to face Hope, Lizzie interrupted, " You are far from fine. You are one small moment away from a meltdown."
Hope turns her head away not wanting to hear this but Lizzie continued, "Trust me. I know the signs."
When Lizzie realised Hope wasn't going to listen, she tried another tactic.
"You know that feeling inside like a balloon, constantly filling up,"
Hope turned her gaze to look at Lizzie as to where she was going with this.
"Always on the verge of popping."
Hope defensively responds, "Maybe."
"Well let it pop."
At Hope's startled and confused face, Lizzie simplifies what she's trying to say.
As Lizzie moves behind Hope, she resumes, "As loud as you can."
Hope turns her head to face Lizzie with a seriously? expression on her face.
To which Lizzie replies with a go on expression on her face.
Hope turns back to face the forest thinks about everything that's happened.
From Alaric continuously reminding her that whenever she does something bad that she's her father's daughter, to having relationship problems with Landon.
Let it pop.
She thinks back to what Lizzie had said earlier, before taking a deep breath.
Hope unknowingly gathers magic in her hands and lets the forest feel her emotions as she pours everything into the scream.
Hope opens her eyes once she stops and breathes.
She feels more lighter than she did before.
Lizzie smirking at her with I was right written on her face was the last thing she saw before a bright light had taken them
Ryan Clarke:
Ryan began to panic seeing the scorned look on Josette Saltzman's face.
"Wait, this wasn't the plan. She hates me."
Josie only glares at him. "And with good reason," she hissed before blowing out the matchstick she was holding.
Hope turns to him and places a hand on his shoulder, making him turn to her.
"Nobody is going to hurt you Ryan, I give you my word."
Ryan drowned in Hope's blue eyes, despite everything that had happened before them, he really hoped that they were past their enemy phase.
He hoped he could trust her.
And right now, when she looked at his eyes with nothing but care in her eyes, Ryan knew he could.
Her blue eyes was the last thing he saw before a bright light had come over him.
Freya & Keelin:
"Hey," Keelin said nudging her shoulder against Freya, snapping the blonde witch out of her blank gaze.
"Hi," Freya replies.
"We are going to be ok, Freya." Keelin states.
Freya doesn't say anything at that so Keelin takes Freya's hand intertwines them with her own and kisses Freya's hand.
Freya smiled softly at the display.
"Juliet and Juliet all the way, remember."
Freya only beams at Keelin, looking at her as though she has given her light after so many years of darkness.
Freyas beaming face was the last thing Keelin saw before they were taken by a bright light.
Gia & Elijah:
A.N The words in italics are what they want to say but they daren't voice out loud.
Sighing tiredly, Elijah placed his hand on the wall to steady himself while he tried to think of a way to stop everything from being more fragmented then it has already become.
His mother had become too much to even comprehend.
From not defending her children against their brute of a father to selling her own daughter and the first born of their bloodline and to make matters worse, she kills her own children to back out of the deal she made with her sister and now they had to deal with it.
Elijah closed his eyes, wanting nothing more than the safety of those that he loved.
The door opened.
Elijah snapped out of his tired state and immediately turned to the vampire that had entered the room.
"You shouldn't be here," he said trying to get her to leave so she wouldn't become dragged into the darkness of his family.
Gia only walked to him, "Marcel told me about Josephine. I want to know who we need to kill."
I'm on your side, always.
Elijah paused for a second and only he stared with nothing but awe at his partner standing in front of him, ready to face war for the deceased regent.
Then his mind started working again and he shook his head.
She couldn't stay.
She would be harmed and he couldn't allow that.
No, he wouldn't allow her to be harmed by his and his family's darkness.
"We don't need to kill anyone. Leave here now, please."
Run before you get hurt because of my family's demons.
Elijah moved to escort her outside but she moved out of his grasp, sidestepping him and almost making him fall.
Gia only fumed, "You know what? I am done taking orders from you."
I'm not leaving you alone, Elijah.
She turned to look at him and demanded, "Who do you think you are?"
Talk to me Elijah.
Elijah could read all of the words in her eyes and knew that she wanted to help but the only way she could help him was to leave so he would be reassured by the knowledge that she's safe.
"Now is not the time for this."
Gia you have to leave me.
"It never is." she retorted.
Don't shut me out.
"Nor is it the place. Now believe me when I tell you that you cannot be here."
I want nothing but to keep you safe.
Elijah grasped her hand but she snatched it out of his grasp.
She asked, "Is this... is this your way of looking out for me?"
Don't you dare take on the martyr role Elijah.
He looked at her with guilt-ridden eyes.
Forgive me, my darling.
Gia scoffed.
You'll get hurt, you idiot.
You'll destroy yourself if you keep going down this route.
"Too bad I don't play guessing games."
Why won't you, for once, let somebody take care of you Elijah?
Gia made to walk past him so he couldn't see her unshed tears but Elijah had grabbed her arm bringing her back to face him.
Because whoever cares for me pays the price and I cannot lose you, my darling.
He reached out, fingers brushing over her jaw and pulling her closer.
Her hand curled into his suit jacket and her breath hitched softly when his hand pushed into her hair.
He pressed his lips to hers, kissing her softly, not demanding, just testing.
A quiet moan left her and she pushed into the kiss, wrapping a hand around the back of his neck as her lips parted and she deepened it.
There was nothing else in that moment but the two of them.
Elijah breaks the kiss and presses his forehead against hers to take peace in this moment with her.
He feels her hand stroke his cheek lightly.
He opens his eyes to see her already looking at him.
Elijah takes her hand and gently presses a kiss to her wrist.
"You don't have to." he answers to her previous statement.
I care about you, more than you know.
Gia nods before engulfing Elijah into a tight hug.
Just know that I care about you as well.
When the bright light came, neither noticed as they held onto each other, wishing for the moment between them to never end.
Kol & Davina:
Kol stuck his hand out under a lamp.
A diamond was resting in the palm of his hand.
"I want this made into a necklace," he pauses to put the diamond down on the table in front of the jeweller before carrying on, "earrings," a wide smile overtakes his face at the thought of his next words, "and one massive engagement ring."
As the jeweller inspects the diamonds properties, Kol thanks him before turning around to take out his buzzing phone.
His lock screen is a picture of Davina smiling and the message is from the Davina asking 'Are you almost here?'
Kol smiles before sending a reply, 'Be there soon bearing gifts.'
He puts his phone back into his pocket before turning around to talk to the jeweller before a bright light overtook him.
Somewhere in a café in San Francisco, Davina Claire was smiling at the message her boyfriend Kol had sent her before a bright light had taken her as well.
Marcel & Rebekah:
Rebekah watched as Klaus got stabbed with Papa Tundes blade by Marcels hand.
Then a bright light had come for her.
The last thing she heard was Klaus' pained scream as the cursed blade entered his heart.
Stefan & Valerie:
"I'm coming with you," Valerie insisted.
"No you're not," Stefan rejected the idea as he didn't look up from his duffel bag.
From the dangerous way she was saying his name, Stefan looked up to see his partner already glaring at him.
But under that glare, he could see how worried she was for him.
How did he get so lucky to have a woman like her?
"She already has two people that I care about," he sighed, placing his hand on her neck, his thumb stroking below her jaw.
"I'm not going to let her have a third, okay?"
Valerie smiles, despite being angry for Stefan risking his life again, as she marvels at how loyal Stefan is to his friends.
"If anything happens to you, I will rain hell down on anyone responsible," she swears.
Stefan smiles at the fiery woman in front of him and teases her, "Don't be so dramatic."
This time he places both hands on her neck so his thumbs graze her cheeks as she smiles at him.
They lean in and kiss each other gently.
Valerie is the one to break it as she asks Stefan, "Come back to me?"
Stefan smiles at her and replies, "I will always find my way back to you."
The bright light over took the smiling pair.
Nora & Bonnie:
Bonnie half-jogs up the creaky stairs to her floor and flicks her wrist to unlock the door to the room, except it's already unlocked.
Maybe Caroline didn't find some random weekend baby project to keep herself occupied like she assumed, maybe she's—
But opening the door reveals Nora, sitting on the bed crying just as she had been last night, although this time she had not yet changed out of her perfect outfit.
She'd courteously removed her mud-and-snow-covered boots just inside the door and Bonnie thinks her pale pink socks are the cutest things ever.
The witch snaps out of it.
Something happened with Mary Louise.
Something bad.
"I guess it didn't go well," Bonnie says.
Almost certainly an understatement.
"She called me a charity case," Nora laments with a sniffle. "And the only reason she was there was to hear me apologize to her. I mean, the nerve. I—"
"Why don't I get you a tissue?"
"Oh, it's all right. I've used one of your hideous tops."
"...Which is now your hideous top."
She didn't wear it much anyway, to be honest; it wasn't quite hideous, just bland.
Nora is clearly not a fan of "bland," however.
"Can I ask you what... might sound like a mean question?"
She plops down next to Nora on the end of her bed.
"Please, fire away," Nora says, sniffing again, "it's not like I'm in a fragile state or anything."
Bonnie's done joking though. "What do you see in her?" she questions firmly, and is immediately met with a look of surprise.
Okay, that was a bit harsh.
Maybe one joke. "Aside from the fact that she looks like a blonde Angelina Jolie."
Nora shows no sign of recognition; she probably has no idea who Angelina Jolie is.
But she answers the question: "She's loving, protective, kind."
Bonnie's heard that one before. "But just to you," she says, trying and failing to keep the exasperation out of her voice.
Nora makes a touché sound and looks away for a second. "That's fair," she concedes. "She does always think of me first."
It's clear she's trying to stop crying, but the tears keep sneaking down her cheeks.
"Maybe I'm spoiled. Or old-fashioned, but... it's nice having that one person who doesn't need anything from you. Who just loves you, and thinks you're the most amazing, beautiful girl in the whole world, you know?"
She looks to Bonnie for some sign of agreement upon the "you know," but receives none.
"Maybe. Maybe you don't."
"I don't need someone to tell me I'm pretty," Bonnie responds, jokingly but defiantly.
Nora laughs. "Nobody needs it. That doesn't mean it doesn't feel good to hear it."
They just sit there looking at each other for what could be three seconds or three hours before Nora suddenly gets up from the bed
. "Thank you, for today, and yesterday, and... well, you know," she says, nervously moving her hands around, not knowing where to put them. "You're a... very kind person, and..."—she hesitates a bit, before saying the next word a bit more slowly and carefully, as if she liked the way it felt to pronounce it—"...beautiful.
The Bennett witch and heretic smile at each other, once again getting lost in each others gaze, not noticing when the bright light had overtaken them.
Jade & Josie:
Josie waved her hand creating a purple barrier inside the tree house trying to do the spell and leave before she could embarrass herself in front of Jade.
She closed the spell book and turned to leave when Jade called out 'Hey,' making her turn back.
Jade continued to talk, "So Lizzie should stay off her feet for a day or two and uh she shouldn't lift anything,"
Why was Josie Saltzman making her so nervous?
Jade was here wringing her hands in a nervous habit she thought she got rid of long ago and now she's acting like a school girl with a crush!
Which is partially true.
Josie didn't say anything to Jade's medical advice for Lizzie so she just smiled and nodded before going to leave again.
Jade panicked seeing that Josie was going to leave so she stopped her by grabbing her wrist.
"I, um, "
Jade sighed before looking up to meet Josie's eyes and saying, "I'm glad to have the real you back," before finishing her sentence with a shy smile directed to Josie.
Josie stuttered over her words as she tried not to get drowned in Jade's ocean eyes and her soft smile.
"Same," she settled on.
She mentally hit her forehead at sounding like a moron.
Neither girls realised that they were taken by the bright light as they were too busy smiling at each other.
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