Hiya, before we get into the chapter I want to get something straight. This book is freeform no copyright or anything so use any of MY ideas that you may want and second the different text types. Jorlain, Nich's father is a made up character however Delphine does exist in Riverwood so i suggest you go find her.
Also looking for someone to edit pre-post, my mistakes are few but large.
Also, best song ever.....
Bold+Italic = Word Bank Word
Italic = Thoughts
Bold = Author's message.
Chapter 1 - Escape Helgen
A rather large bump woke Nicholas the feel of wood beneath him and something prickly bound to his hands proved him awake slowly.
"Hey! You! Your finally awake.." A voice said. "You were trying to cross the border right? Walked right into that imperial ambush. Same as us, and that thief over there"
Nicholas could see the voice, or rather man speaking to him - his dirty blonde locks laying on his shoulders just within range of Nich's tired and glassy vision. Nicholas turned to the man indicated as a thief, who was wearing shaggy brown robes that are tied together with thin ropes. His hands were also tied.
"Damn you Stormcloaks, Skyrim was fine till you came along! Empire was nice and lazy" The thief said slightly aggressively, starring at the first man. "If they hadn't been looking for you I would have stolen that horse and been halfway to Hammerfell by now."
"You there, you and me; we shouldn't be here. Its the Stormcloaks the Empire wants" The thief continued.
"Were all brothers and sisters in binds now, thief." The first man countered.
"Shut up back there!" The guard to Nicholas' left shouted, not taking his eyes off of where the horses were walking.
"What's up with him?" The thief asked looking at the prisoner to Nicholas' right.
"Harrumph" came the grumble of a man next to Nicholas, his mouth bound by a gag of cloth.
"Watch your tongue, your talking to Ulfric Stormcloak - The TRUE High King"
Nicholas studied the man seated behind him: his garbs longer and thicker than the stormcloak prisoner across from him, his hands bloodied and tied tightly behind his back and his mouth gagged with a nasty looking cloth - that looked suspiciously like it had been dragged through the mud.
He didn't look like much, but whatever it meant to the thief it brought along more.
"Ulfric" the thief repeated to himself, "the Jarl of Windhelm? You're the leader of the rebellion. If they captured you...... Oh Gods where are they taking us?!"
"I don't know where we go, but Sovengard awaits." The Stormcloak man says in a shallow tone.
"No, this can't be happening! No!" The Thief says proceeding to freak out.
"Hey....." The Stormcloak man said softly. "What village are you from Horse thief?"
"Why do you care..?" the Thief asked, speaking aggressively.
"A Nords last thoughts should be of home" The Stormcloak says, speaking honestly and using a non-threatening tone.
"Rorikstead, I-I'm from Rorikstead." The Thief spoke, quietly, as the front gates of a village drew near enough to touch if hands were not bound. The carriage pulled through the cobbled streets, bumping on every loose stone.
Nicholas leaned of the side and watched as two sets of parents pushed their children inside the crumbling wooden shacks. How many of these people will have to witness a death before the age of 10? Nicholas thought sadly.
The carriage pulled to a corner to the east of the town square, where an execution block was set in front of a large tower. The tower wasn't all that special, but the many banners that hung from its crumbling frail cobble walls, boasting the Empire's insignia, were quite a nice thing on the eyes.
The cart stopped and a man called for attention before unloading the prisoners and calling names.
"The empire always loved their damn lists" The Stormcloak man from earlier exclaimed.
"Ralof of Riverwood!" The man called, this time the Stormcloak from Nich's carriage left towards the chopping block. Soon all the prisoners had been called but Nich and the thief, the list person looked down and read "Lokir of Rorikstead"
Nokir stepped up "No you can't take me! Im not a rebel! Im not a rebel!!" And he proceeded to sprint towards the north exit. With his hands bound he couldn't do much against the guard.
"Guards!!" A woman in silver armour with red accents and a Captain's helmet shouted, alerting an archer near Lokir to draw their bow and fire. The arrow soared through the air as if in slow motion and embedded itself in the back of Nokir's head. Lokir's lifeless body slumped, limply.
"Next!" The Captain ordered with no remorse for what just happened.
The man looked down at his list and then back up "Who are you?"
"I am Nicholas of Riverwood, son of Jorlain and Delphine. Master of melee and ranged weapons, and Favoured of the Jarl of Whiterun at your service." Nicholas bowed, showing niceties to the obviously high ranking soldiers.
"Captain he's not on the list!" The list person said in disbelief.
"Send him to the block anyway, I said next prisoner!!" The Captain yelled, without a pause for consideration.
Nicholas walked to the growing crowd of Stormcloak supporters and famous criminals, the crowd watched on in awe as the executioners axe was raised.....then lowered cutting the man on the blocks head clean off.
Suddenly a noise was heard in the distance, alerting the guards. The sound echoed of every mountainous wall and every snowy peak with the same reverberating noise.
'What was that?!' And 'where'd that come from?!' Were some of the many things guards yelled.
"Next!" The Captain yelled, anger by the sudden lack of guard attention. "Next Prisoner! You there, in the black robes!"
Nich looked down to see tattered black robes adorning his pale and skinny body, he was prodded in the back by a spear. Nicholas of Riverwood, Favoured of Whiterun; marched towards the small wooden block. There were blood stains, deep, deep in the wood; the previous prisoner's head still in the basket.
The Captain waddled over in her armour and placed her foot on Nicholas' back slowly applying pressure till he was laying in blood, dried and not. He looked towards the Executioner, a mighty glare on his face, tears welling in his eyes being the only sign of emotion.
"May the divines protect me or may I not go to Sovengard." He spoke clearly, as the executioner lined up his axe on his throat. The axe was raised,
The sound was heard again making the executioner falter, "KILL HIM" shouted the Captain.
The Axe came down as if in slow-motion when from the corner of his vision Nich could see a flying creature, a dragon? No, dragons had gone extinct long ago; then what was it? The shape landed on the tower behind the executioner opening its maw and releasing a blast of force, sending the executioner flying over Nicholas' head; pushing Nich back as well.
Nich stands up, his mind groggy and his world spinning.
"Come with me prisoner!" A man yells out, distinctly sounding like Ralof. Nich slowly opens his eyes, they burn likened other and are heavier than stone. Getting to his feet Nicholas stumbles again as the ground shakes.
"Come on the gods won't give us another chance!" Ralof says, yelling out to Nich and waving his arms franticly motioning Nich over.
The slow run to the stone tower Ralof now stood in took all of 3 seconds but it felt like an eternity to Nich whose legs were practically lead. He entered the tower and a Stormcloak soldier shut it behind him. Inside the tower stone stairs stretched off to Nicholas' right and a small table with injured Stormcloaks seated off to his left. Nich's scanning was interrupted by Ralof once again.
"Jarl Ulfric, could the legends be true?" Ralof yelled to the now identified Jarl Ulfric.
"Legends don't burn down villages." Ulfric replied simply. Ralof - now terrified - leads you up the steps to your right, taking two at a time. There is another Stormcloak at the top.
"We just need to move these rocks to clear the way!" The soldier said noticing Ralof and Nich coming up to him. Suddenly the wall to the right bursts and the stones scatter, one catching the soldier in the head the the rest burying him from sight. The dragon's head had blasted a hole in the wall by headhunting it, creating a very effective hole.
"YOOOL-" (Yo-l) The dragon charges up its shout.
"LOOK OUT!" Ralof yells pulling Nich down a few steps as the dragon finishes the shout (Toor- Shul but Shul is really high pitched and held til the fire stops)
Once the fire has dissipated you and Ralof approach the hole to see the dragon flying towards another tower and doing the same thing.
"Quickly out the tower, jump to that building across the way!" Ralof shouts to Nich pushing towards the hole. Nich jumps with a light yell and crashes through the upper floor of the shoddily made burning building. Nich slowly stands up his ankle twisted and limps out of the building to see two men trying to coax a boy to them.
"Haming you need to get over here, now!" The list guy, list now forgotten a sword replacing it. What does he think to do with a sword against a mighty beast such as a dragon? Nich though awkwardly. The boy turns and runs over to the list guy as a shadow once again descends from the sky. Running to list guy Haming, Hadvar and his brother in arms take cover from their impending doom.
"YOOL - TOOR - SHUUUUUUL" The dragon says completing.a shout and hot flames spill from his mouth towards Nich and the others.
"Tolrof!" List guy yelled, "Gods, EVERYBODY GET BACK!"
"Gunnar, take care of the boy. I have to find General Tullius and join the defence." List guy turns to Nich. "Still alive prisoner? Keep close to me if you want to stay that way."
"Gods guide you, Hadvar." Gunnar says taking his leave. List guy now Hadvar leads Nich towards where the dragon had come from, then down what seemed to be a back alley. Suddenly a shadow looms above again.
"Prisoner! Look out!" Hadvar yells as Nich continues. Then with a ground shaking, earth shattering thump a pair of leathery wings wrap around the ledge above Nich, so close he could touch them - not that he wanted to. The dragon once again fires a column of fire and burns an unlucky Empire's Soldier who was looking the other way till the dragon landed. The dragon burns the poor man to a crisp and takes off once again leaving only a crumbling wall. Nich stares dumbfounded, can anyone kill one of those? EVER?!- Nich Is AGAIN broken out of his thoughts by Hadvar rushing past him.
"Follow me, keep moving!" Hadvar yells.
Nich and hadvar continue through the rubble of a now burning building. On the other side there are wounded civilians and soldiers lying about and archers firing every arrow imaginable. Hadvar and Nich run under a bridge and towards two doors when Ralof appears in Nich's vision with sword hand. He appears from through a wall.WHAT! Nich thinks incredulously, I wanna do that!.
"Ralof! You damned traitor, get out of our way!" Hadvar yelled at Ralof.
"Were escaping Hadvar. You're not stopping us this time." Ralof responded calmly, well as calmly as you can while being attacked by a dragon.
"FINE, I HOPE THAT DRAGON TAKES YOU ALL TO SOVNGARDE" Hadvar yelled angrily, his voice raising louder each word.
"Follow me prisoner!" Hadvar and Ralof yelled "Into the keep!"
I hope you enjoyed reading this book, it isn't over yet and honestly i'm running on empty right now. It says online that the average word count of a hard cover book chapter is between 2000 and 3000 words so here's 2000 words for you.
See the entire Dragon Language at thumb.org and learn how to pronounce ALL shouts better at
Word Bank:
Yor - Toor - Shul - Dragon Shout
Fire - Inferno - Sun
Sovngarde - The nordic heaven or hell, it's really undecided.
'sɑ vɪn gɑrd, ˈso vɪn gɑrd
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