Canto VI: Joining the Crew.
Read in Landscape
Now down to port the maiden's sent
On down to place where lover went.
Possessing well this cunning ploy
To join his crew as cabin boy.
In hopes that plan might save his life
And put at ease her troubled strife.
This slightest fear did linger deep
At prospect found to leave the keep
Of France's land where family lived
And joys by nature's bounty's give
That's filled with forest deep and wide
To serve as countrymen's own pride.
But greater joy her heart now bore
At chance to serve her love onboard
The ship he takes across the sea
As king of France his Lord did heed.
Thus being close to handsome prince
She found that day in forest dense
And gain the chance to guard him well
From dangers found and waves that swell.
So quick again on horse she flies
Across the path that's same she rides.
As fast as ever 'fore she rode
Her quest along with love now goads.
And swift she reaches city walls
That stretch before the maiden tall
She ties her horse and pays her fare
That city streets the maid might dare.
Through gates of port again she goes
On down to ship of love she strode.
Without and idle moment spent
Again, with single mind she went
To find her love and join his crew
That all by man was slowly grew.
On cobble streets the maiden walks
By throngs who shout and yell to talk.
Through many merchants' stalls she marched
Ignoring ships with wooden arch.
And wove her way on down to man
Whose crew she'll join so maiden planned.
Then finally peasant came to ship
The end of maiden's longing trip.
To show herself to lover found
By oath whose surely honor bound
To sail the seas and stake a claim
Thus winning country gold and fame.
To join his crew was maiden's plan
In hope her presence aids the man.
She'll speak her mind as voice she feigns
In hopes that entrance fair she gains
While wearing guise of cabin boy
To trick the man her cunning ploy.
In front of boat he current stands
Again on crate he makes his plans,
And maiden's heart does jump in throat
To see her love beside the boat.
Herself she longs to quick reveal
But maid aboard the ship must steal
And love would surely force his way
To make the maiden backwards stay
In France's land to keep her safe
While love alone did brave the wraiths,
And dangers found on highest seas
For care ignoring maiden's pleas.
So peasant held her tongue then fast
In hopes that silence helped her task.
Though loving man with all her heart
She stilled herself to play her part.
To nobleman the maid now went
Her faith was bold by fate she's sent
To talk to noble joining ship
That maid might stow away on trip.
"I've come to join the voyage found
That quick to newer world I'm bound.
Though body's small and very weak
This greatest venture man does seek.
That boy might make his fabled mark
By filling role of sailor's part.
That glory great my name may hold
When men do sing of crewmen bold.
Though voyage's great with dreadful dangers filled,
And crew does lack yet many sailors skilled
For fear that death this journey long will wreak
Has made them timid showing hearts as meek.
Still glory great I wish to hold
By taking journey great and bold."
For long the man does stare at maiden's face
With glare that causes peasant's heart to race.
In fear that noble found the truth so fast
And plans of maid aside are quickly cast.
So maiden wilts beneath the noble's gaze
As sternest eyes on peasant girl were laid.
With judging glare they quickened pulse had brought,
And peasant fears that nobles surely caught
The maid who sought to steal away on ship
By joining crew and taking part in trip.
But noble spoke and stoked a foreign fear
Yet one that maid herself hadn't thought to hear.
"In such small of a frame does yet largest of valor now lie?
But I fear I am tasked to deny you request you've made
For a man who's so small in his frame and in figure so slight
Will yet surely possess the oceans so deep as his grave.
For the seas are a place for those hearty and stout in their stance
What you ask of me only from nature and birth can be gave.
We will neither yet shrink, or from greatest of dangers yet glance.
I require from my sailors both strength and a skill on the deck
In a battle with pirates or tempest you'd stand not a chance.
And would surely be doomed if the vessel we sail were to wreck.
You'd not tread on the waters for long with your shoulders so weak
And the weight of the chores like a yoke would yet bear on your neck.
For so many a difficult task are on voyage you seek
And no sickness that's found in that world where we go you'd endure.
For your frame is to slight and you possess a constitution that's meek
Not a wound nor an ailment you gain could be healed or yet cured.
So now turn from your path for your case I won't hear,
And by pleading and cries I won't change or by words be inured.
This is voyage too awful and thing to be highly yet feared.
For the seas are yet dire and great more than peasant does know,
And your safety and life, you should hold to yourself yet more dear
For your death with this voyage would surely and quickly be sowed."
Then hearing words the maiden's heart does seize,
And loves response does cause her blood to freeze.
For maiden never thought that man might turn her down
Refusing offer made by one who'd serve the crown.
And surely captain needs more crew to make
This voyage current proving so hard and great.
So maiden stands now still and stricken dumb
And looks for way to loose her frozen tongue,
But none do come to mind of maiden spurn
Who failed to make the mind of captain turn.
Then slowly noble readies self to leave,
And maiden acts now quick by grabbing sleeve.
To look for words to turn aside his will
That maid might journey forth on voyage still.
"To voyage forth on vaunted goal
At will of king is noble's role.
A service man's intent to fill
By using all his wit and skill.
And very few would risk their life
By going forth to face this strife,
Nor leave the comfort found in home,
And highest seas then set to roam.
But still a fickle one is noble man
Rejecting help on voyage king has planned.
A choosing beggar's prince of France's lands
Rejecting help of those who lend their hands.
But still your plight I seek to aid
That highest honors swiftly made."
At hearing words, the prince for time did pause
Though swearing firm he'll heed not peasant's cause.
To look for ways to turn the boy from task,
And striving hard he thought of boon to ask.
In hopes that favor's far too much to grant
For man so small in size with frame so scant
He sets his mind to make a contest great
That man when seeing task might sure abate.
Thus turning fool from death he hasty sought
By meeting man with saber finely wrought.
"Then a contest I ask that the peasant may make of his quest
So you'll see what a foolish and terrible favor you ask.
For then surely you'll know what I've spoken is ever for best,
And acknowledge for certain how poorly you'll fare at the task.
I now bid you to face me with saber in duel that's fair
So that danger on journey of ship you may quickly yet grasp.
Can this favor be grant though the quest is yet odd and so rare
That the strength of your arm to your captain and Lord may be shown.
Will you take on this challenge accepting the cost of this dare
So that whether you're bearing a constitution that's strong may be known?"
At hearing words of man the maid did pause
Now fearing great the plight of lover's cause.
At hands of finest teachers noble's honed
Their skills to battle foes in duels lone.
She's sure her love this training also gained
In hopes to bring his rivals greatest pains,
And maiden fair had never touched a foil
Nor long on craft of warring ever toiled.
And noble seeing thoughts in eyes of maid
How war inside the peasant's mind did play
On face and show the fear she owned for task
That danger great the peasant current grasped
Did smirk to self at cunning ploy he made
That deftly led the peasant boy away
From thoughts of sailing seas to distant land,
And all because of noble's coyest plan.
And maiden's heart was sunk at noble's boon
Now fearing goal she sought was surely doomed,
But still she calmed her heart and readied self
Her only choice to play the hand she's dealt.
Then maiden bearing heart that's strong agrees
That task the prince does give is entrance fee
Aboard the ship that sails to foreign land
That maid may surely help as first was plan.
"If challenge noble man has made
To test this serf is only way
That cabin boy may join the task
That's done as king of France has ask.
Then sure in duel great I'll meet
The noble man in fighting feat
To prove my metal's strong and hard,
And join as crew on mighty barge.
But still what wretched test the prince has made
To try and turn this cabin boy away.
When all he want's to serve his lord and king
And greatest wealth to land of France then bring.
Yet still I'll meet you great with wrack
That proves myself for sailing path."
And words the maid had spoke did great surprise
The prince who stared with questions filling eyes.
Why risk your life for task you're turned away
When knowing well that chore could lead to grave?
What patriot wrought by nations solemn creed
Would seek their death so sure in sailing deed?
So noble man did ready answer give
To let him know when task he sought was bid.
"I will give to the peasant a trio of weeks to prepare
So that servant may learn of the craft of the blade.
Then at end will we meet in this port and our fates we will dare
So that judgement by noble of France can so fairly be made.
But I ask you reconsider task that you've sought of this man
For the price of a duel with your life can be given and paid
For yet even when you fight with a man who is staying his hand.
And if peasant this test does yet pass there are dangers at sea
For which captain and sailors can never yet fully have planned
So I bid you to heed to my cry and yet listen to plea
That you set yourself to a different task than this one
For your life will yet almost be surely then forfeit as fee
When on journey for which you do currently seek and do faun.
Though the glory and promise of voyage are bountifully great
For the greatest of honor and highest of wealth that is won
Will not help you if watery grave is your final of fates."
But maid refuses fast to lose her hope,
And speaks in sounding voice that noble notes.
To take the challenge noble man had made
In hopes that place on vessel great be gave
To maid that servant helps to sure protect
The prince though man had made this wretched bet.
"I'll take the bet that captain's gave
In hopes I sure may earn my way
Aboard your ship to sail the seas
As king of France our lord does plead.
Thus winning honor great for self
Securing nations future wealth.
So ready blade I'll challenge meet
And match you fair in dueling feat.
But still I great resent that challenge's give
For man who seeks to do as king does bid.
Won't journey planed by man be all for naught
If captain's hurt by duel prince has wrought?
Yet still this choice I'll dare pursue
To prove myself both brave and true."
And quick the maiden turns to leave the port
To ready self and matters hasty sort.
But prince does speak and ask for sailor's name
An answer peasant maid had failed to deign.
So fast she thinks of name to man yet speak
That noble man does know who favor seeks,
And quick she talks with mind that's very keen
To tell her love and lord to call her Jean...
Her name now known the prince does quick depart,
And maid does ready self for role and part.
Preparing well for dueling meet that's made
In hopes that entrance fee by feat be paid.
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