Author's Note + Pronunciation List
This story has evolved for years, which locations and characters, and names all changing, but the premises stay the same. Likely, you will see multiple iterations of chapters, with constant edits and updates as I move forward with this. Nothing is ever fully perfect on the first try. That is the glory of the online writing platform, to be able to make changes and edits as I go. One day, I hope to publish this story, so feedback is very appreciated. Please keep in mind that while my writing has improved tenfold since I first created stories, I still am disabled, specifically dysgraphia and ADHD. I've always loved writing but sometimes writing doesn't love me. So there will be errors, that's just the reality dysgraphia brings. If you spot one, be kind. It's a good reminder that you don't know everything about the authors who write the stories you read. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this journey with me as I embark on trying to put down a story that has been floating in my head for years. Fair warning, this is set in a fantasy world. I will do my best to update the pronunciation guide as I go since I will be creating more characters as the story progresses.
I hope you enjoy this story, and I hope I get to finish it.
People, alphabetized:
Amithelia Kiatonan: A-me-th-eelia Ki-a-tone-en
Bolna (president): Bowl-na
Esta Kiatonan (Queen): Eh-sta Ki-a-tone-en
Gigori Kiatonan: Gi-gore-e Ki-a-tone-en
Hageo (king): Hah-gee-oh
Hayrat: Hay-rot
Illia: Ill-ee-uh
Inan Batellia: In-an Ba-tell-e-uh
Keku Batellia: Kay-ku Ba-tell-e-uh
Kharis (religion): Car-is
Klaia Batellia: Ka-lie-a Ba-tell-e-uh
Lelis Kiatonan: Lay-lis Ki-a-tone-en
Moil (prime minister): Moh-l
Patrov: Pa-trov
Rin (empress): Rin
Sinhat Kiatonan (King): Sign-hat Ki-a-tone-en
Sodes (religion): So-des
Suvol: Sue-vol
Sygarian (religion): Sigh-gar-ei-en
Tirkus Batellia (King): Tir-kus Ba-tell-e-uh
Varja Batellia (Queen): Var-ja Ba-tell-e-uh
Vec'zidh (president): Vec-zid
Viviana: Viv-e-ana
Yoltan: yol-tan
Places, alphabetized:
Aenku: Ey-ken-u
Alna Wilds: Al-na Wilds
Armeer Swamp: Arr-meer Swamp
Avala: Ah-val-uh
Avonpar Plains: Avon-par Plains
Balfait Mountains: Bay-fate Mountains
Barrane Plains: Bar-rain Plains
Boxson Bog: Box-son Bog
Cartdunn Mountains: Cart-dune Mountains
Crecana: Cree-con-uh
Cudnola Thicket: Cud-nol-ah Thicket
Darunnia Cathederal: Dar-rune-ee-a Cathederal
Dawnton Castle: Dawn-ton Castle
Denixen: Den-x-en
Elburn Grove: El-burn Grove
Elm Let Marsh: Em Let Marsh
Enmark Sea: En-mark Sea
Eprey Island: Eh-prey Island
Etrar: Eh-tar
Falpod Forest: Fahl-pod Forest
Fembgill Swamp: Fem-be-gill Swamp
Firi: Fear-ee
Gatider Sea: Gay-tie-der Sea
Gibmer Tundra: Gib-mear Tundra
Grolet Woods: Grow-let Woods
Hubron Wetlands: Hue-bron Wetlands
Hulon: Hue-lon
Ickal: Ee-cal
Iris River: Iris River
Irofell Forest: Ear-oh-fell Forest
Juanuk: Whan-uk
Kerrory Expanse: Kerr-or-ey Expanse
Ladiu: Lay-due
Lake Disdane: Lake Dis-dane
Lake Wasl: Lake Wall-sill
Leedosa Lake: Lee-doh-sa Lake
Lisill: Lil-sill
Lopot: Loh-poh
Mantosis Mountains: Man-toe-sis Mountains
Mallan Lake: Mal-en Lake
Minola Woods: Min-ol-ah Woods
Mokza: Mok-za
Nali: Nahl-ee
Nerman Flatlands: Ner-man Flatlands
Omhe: Oh-meh
Onowall Savanna: Ohn-wall Savanna
Onzuku: On-zu-ku
Pacsay Plains: Pack-say Plains
Pisu: Pea-su
Ragden Tundra: Rag-den Tundra
Riggeno Range: Rig-ee-en-o Range
Sagsea Woods: Sag-sea Woods
Sanley Mountains: San-ley Mountains
Selsmire Palace: Sells-meer Palace
Simwe River: Sim-whey River
Swadi: Swah-dee
Sygar (book): Sigh-gar
Tamsun Range: Tam-sun Range
The Dunes: The Dunes
The Picstable: The Pic-stay-bell
Volhneh: Volh-nehm
Wallbew Range: Wall-bew Range
Yarport Desert: Yar-port Desert
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