*The Unquiet Dead*
A/N: was 8093 words, is now 9865! I should have the edited chapters Aliens of London and World War III up sometime tomorrow, enjoy! :)
Do you want to know what's a horrible idea? Letting Rose try to help fly the TARDIS. The Doctor had come into my room with a slam of the door and a beaming Rose behind him, telling me that it was time to get up and going. Honestly, does that man have an unending supply of energy? Maybe it's a Time Lord thing... do they need as much sleep as humans do?
So, we were now in the console room, the whole place shaking with an alarm going off. "Hold that one down!" the Doctor shouts to Rose over the noise.
"I'm holding this one down!" she retorts, stretched as far as she could to hold what she was.
"Well, hold them both down!" he counters, flipping and pressing levers and switches and buttons as he rushes around the console.
I hop off the jump-seat and hold the button down that the Doctor had pointed to, rolling my eyes as the TARDIS stabilizes a bit, "ya know, I'm here too," I 'pout'.
"I know," the Doctor sends me a cheeky wink, making me snort with slightly pink cheeks, but Rose just frowns between us.
The Doctor and I had decided not to tell Rose anything about our connection until it was necessary or we figure out what it is - whichever comes first.
"It's not going to work," Rose cuts in.
"Oi!" the Doctor points to her, offended by her disbelief. "I promised you girls a time machine and that's what you're getting," he flicks her nose as he walks by, making her yelp and slap his chest with me snickering at them. "Now," he grins widely. "You've seen the future, let's have a look at the past; 1860, how does 1860 sound?" he looks between Rose and me.
"What happened in 1860?" Rose and I ask together, giggling afterward.
"I don't know," the Doctor admits, making Rose and I laugh harder. "Let's find out! Hold on, here we go!" he yells, throwing down a lever.
Rose and I smile widely, holding onto the console to stay upright. The TARDIS jolts to a stop as the Doctor lands and the three of us go flying to the ground, laughing hysterically. "Blimey," Rose hops up.
"You're telling me!" the Doctor laughs, standing as well and giving me a hand up. "You two alright?" he looks between us.
"Yup, brilliant," I beam, leaning against the console.
"Yeah, I think so!" Rose smiles, looking herself over. "Nothing broken... did we make it? Where are we?" she asks, grabbing my hand and dragging me over to the monitor.
I tilt my head, looking at the circular symbols that were on the monitor. I wonder what they were. Maybe Gallifreyan since the TARDIS isn't translating it? Is that even what the language would be called? Gallifreyan? Well, it'd make sense if she didn't translate, considering it'd be the language of the Time Lords. Why would they need it translated?
"I did it! Give the man a medal!" the Doctor exclaims happily, knocking me from my thoughts. "Earth, Naples, December 24th, 1860!"
"I don't think you know what you're doing," I tease, making him roll his eyes.
"That's so weird... it's Christmas!" Rose smiles.
The Doctor gestures to the door, "all yours," he smirks between us.
"But, it's like... think about it, though," Rose leans against the TARDIS, folding her arms. "Christmas, 1860; happens once, just once and it's gone... it's finished. It'll never happen again... except for you," she studies the Doctor intently and he raises an eyebrow, smiling slightly. "You can go back and see days that are dead and gone a hundred thousand sunsets ago... no wonder you never stay still," she smiles
"Not a bad life," the Doctor shrugs, grinning.
"Better with three, though," I smile widely, looping my arms through theirs and pulling them close.
"Definitely better," Rose laughs, the Doctor and me laughing with her. "Come on, then!" she moves her arm to grab my hand and starts to drag me to the door.
"Oi, oi, oi!" the Doctor calls, stopping us in our tracks and we turn to him. "Where do you girls think you're going!?" he raises his eyebrows, folding his arms.
"1860!" Rose beams, holding onto my arm as she bounces excitedly.
"Christmas," I add, pouting that he wasn't letting us go out and see.
"Go out there dressed like that, you'll start a riot, Barbarellas!" the Doctor scoffs and Rose and I share an amused look, both shaking with silent laughter. "There's a wardrobe through there; first left, second right, third on the left, go straight ahead, under the stairs, past the bins, it's the fifth door on your left," he lists off very quickly, making Rose and I stare at him blankly; I'd never been that great with directions and Rose isn't much better. "Hurry up!" he shoos us off.
"Right," I blink a few times, grabbing Rose's hand and starting to drag her from the console room. "This just means you've got to wait for two women to get ready, Doctor," I smile over my shoulder, seeing him mutter under his breath with a mocking expression. "Ooo, just for that, I think I'll take a bit longer," I smirk.
"Oh, more than a bit; a lot longer," Rose smirks, both of us snickering as we run from the room.
In the corridor, I stroke the wall, "can you show us where the wardrobe is, please?" I ask and she hums, lights starting to show the way on the floor.
"She likes you way more than me," Rose grumbles, starting to pull me off down the corridor.
"I'm just nicer," I stick my tongue out and she slaps me in the arm. "I'm being attacked!" I shriek dramatically, letting go and running off with the TARDIS making short, choppy trills as if she were laughing. "You just proved my point, by the way!" I call over my shoulder.
I skid to a stop when I reach the wardrobe, Rose crashing into my back and making me jolt forward. The two of us stare in wide-eyed amazement at the massive, gorgeous room that is the TARDIS wardrobe. "I think I might love you, girl," I rub the doorway and she hums happily.
"This is the most clothes I've ever seen..." Rose mutters breathlessly. "I think I might love you, too," she pats the wall beside the door, smiling when she hums.
"This is going to be so much fun!" I squeal, dragging Rose in the direction of some Victorian Era dresses.
I twirl a little, looking at myself in the mirror and patting down my dress. Rose had left a few minutes ago in a black lace top that had off-the-shoulder sleeves, a burgundy skirt, and a black cape; she looked absolutely gorgeous. Me on the other hand? I look ridiculous. I shake my head; there was Christmas in 1860 waiting for me outside, why am I worried about how I look? Cause you'll be with the Doctor, my subconscious helpfully reminds me and my cheeks burn even as I roll my eyes. I don't feel anything for him, I just... feel close to him cause of the connection we share, I tell myself firmly before taking a deep breath and heading to the console room.
Rose was lounging on the jump-seat, talking to the Doctor while he works under the console with his sonic. My heeled boots must be louder than I thought they would because when I get to the jump-seat, the Doctor looks up. "Blimey..." he breathes, looking me over with slightly wide eyes.
"Don't laugh," I warn him and Rose, who was smirking with her arms folded.
"You look beautiful!" the Doctor smiles, his eyes snapping to mine and I look down, biting my lip.
"Th-th-thank you..." I blush madly, smiling shyly as I twirl a bit.
"Ignore the stutter," Rose smirks, standing up and looping her arm through mine. "She gets shy, my big sister," she nudges me with her hip, making me roll my eyes.
"I've noticed," the Doctor smirks, chuckling. "Come on, then," he hops up from the grating.
"Aren't you going to change?" I frown, eyeing his leather jacket and jumper.
"I've changed my jumper," he retorts, pulling on it to prove his point; I guess it was a different color. "Come on!" he says more insistently, ushering us to the door.
"Ah, ah, ah, Doctor," I grab his arm, stopping him. "You've done this before," I smile.
"This is ours!" Rose agrees.
The Doctor smirks and waves his arm in a posh manner, making Rose and me giggle. The two of us rush to the door and throw it open, my eyes widening in awe. Outside was an old cobblestone street and there was snow on the ground, as well as on the Victorian buildings around us. Rose and I put out a foot each and step carefully on the snow, lifting our feet and seeing our footprints. I share an excited look with Rose and we both squeal loudly, stepping out. "This is amazing," I breathe, twirling as I look up at the sky.
"Ready for this?" the Doctor steps out, shutting the door behind him and then holding out an arm for Rose and I each.
Rose takes his arm, bouncing up and down as she looks around, making me snort as I take his other arm. "Here we go! History!" the Doctor beams, squeezing both of our arms before he drags us off.
The Doctor, Rose and I were walking down a busy street; horse-drawn carriages going past, people walking about, a group singing Christmas carols. It was so wonderful and it just feels like Christmas. It was a bit nippy, though. Should've gotten a cape as Rose had.
"I got the flight a bit wrong," the Doctor mutters from beside me and I frown slightly at the newspaper in his hands. How and when did he get that?
"So, you really don't know what you're doing, then?" I smile, Rose snorting loudly beside me.
"Oi, there's no need for your cheek," the Doctor narrows his eyes at me.
"There's always a need for cheek," I retort, putting my hands on my hips and he scoffs lightly. "Anyway, we don't care you got it wrong," I smile up at him.
"It's not 1860, it's 1869," he persists.
"We don't care!" Rose smiles, looking around at everything.
"And it's not Naples," he continues.
"We don't ca-are," I smile in a sing-song voice.
"It's Cardiff," he finishes and Rose stops walking, wrinkling her nose.
"Right..." she mutters slowly.
"Well, I still don't care!" I beam, bouncing up and down. "Christmas in the past, pretty dresses, snow!" I laugh at the absolute absurdity of the fact that we were really in the past at Christmastime.
The Doctor and Rose join in, but we stop when there's screaming in the distance. "That's more like it!" the Doctor grins, tossing the newspaper over his shoulder and running off.
Rose and I smile widely before gripping each other's hands and following after the Doctor.
Stepping into the theatre, there were people screaming and trying to get through to the doors. Rose and I push through the frightened crowd and my eyes widen when we reach the Doctor. There was some sort of ethereal blue... stuff flying about and it was coming from an old woman's mouth in the middle of the seats. "Fantastic!" the Doctor beams, watching it.
The last of the stuff flows out of the old woman and she slumps into her chair. The Doctor runs over to the man on stage and I follow quickly. "Did you see where it came from?" the Doctor asks the man.
"Ah, the wag and his accomplice reveal themselves, do they?" the man narrows his eyes at us. "I trust you're both satisfied!" he shouts and the Doctor and I share a look of disbelief as my eyes widen.
"Oi! Leave her alone!" Rose shouts and I look over to see an old man and young servant girl carrying the old woman off. "Lizzie! Doctor! I'll get 'em!" she calls, hurrying after them.
"Be careful!" the Doctor and I call, me biting my lip nervously. Hope she'll be alright.
The Doctor hops up onto the stage and holds his hands out to me. I smile, taking his hands and letting him help me up onto the stage as well. "Thank you," I curtsy with a posh tone, making him snort.
"You're welcome," he grins, tapping my nose and making me wrinkle it with a small giggle and blush. "Did it say anything? Could it speak?" he turns to the man. "I'm the Doctor, by the way, and this is Lizzie," he introduces.
"Doctor? You look more like a navy," the man scoffs, looking over the Doctor's apparel.
"Shoulda changed, huh?" I smirk, snickering when he rolls his eyes.
"What's wrong with this jumper?" the Doctor whines, pulling on it.
"Nothing, it looks nice," I shrug, my cheeks heating up when he smirks smugly.
My attention is drawn back to the blue stuff, though, when there's a sort of whispered shriek and I see it fly into one of the gaslamps. "Gas! It's made of gas!" the Doctor exclaims with a wide grin and grabs my hand, dragging me outside.
My heart nearly stops and I tighten my hold on the Doctor's hand when I see Rose being shoved into the back of a hearse. "Rose!" I shout, pulling the Doctor after them, but it was too late as the old man rides off.
"You're not escaping me!" the man from the theatre stomps after us. "What do you do know about that hobgoblin, hm? Projection on glass, I suppose! Who put you up to it!?"
"Yeah, mate, not now, thanks," the Doctor waves him off. "Lizzie, we'll get her back," he squeezes my hand and I just nod, chewing on my bottom lip worriedly. "Oi, you!" he pulls me over to a carriage. "Follow that hearse!" he opens the door and helps me in before climbing in himself.
"I can't do that, sir," the driver calls down.
"Why the hell not!?" I demand.
"I'll tell you why not!" theatre man marches over angrily. "I'll give you a very good reason why not! Because this is my coach!"
The Doctor pulls me into his lap with one hand, making me squeak in shock. "Well, get in, then!" he uses his other hand to pull the man in. "Move!" he orders the driver when the door to the carriage is shut.
The driver cracks his whip and the carriage jolts forward, making me nearly fall. I blush beet red when the Doctor moves his hand to my waist to keep me on his lap and not on the carriage floor. Why couldn't this thing have been bigger? "Come on, you're losing them!" he shouts as I try and calm my heart a bit.
"Everything in order, Mr. Dickens?" the driver calls down and my eyes widen as I stare at theatre man... can't be.
"No! It is not!" he shouts irritably.
"What did he say?" the Doctor asks, staring at him as well.
"Dickens..." I mutter faintly.
"Dickens?" he looks down at me and I nod, not looking away from the man beside us.
"Yes," Charles Dickens glares.
"Charles Dickens?" the Doctor asks, a smile pulling at his lips.
"Yes," Charles answers.
"The Charles Dickens?"
"Should I remove the gentleman and lady, sir?" the driver asks.
"Charles Dickens? You're brilliant, you are!" the Doctor beams excitedly. "Completely one hundred percent brilliant! I've read them all; Great Expectations, Oliver Twist... and what was that other one? The one with the ghost?" he frowns slightly.
"A Christmas Carol?" I ask.
"No, no, no, the one with the trains," he shakes his head.
"The Signal Man?"
"That's it!" the Doctor cheers, pointing to me and I giggle slightly. "Terrifying! The best short story ever written!"
"You want me to get rid of 'em, sir?" the driver asks again.
"Please, don't kick us out?" I ask quickly. "We've got to catch up to that hearse," I tell him, glancing out the window to see that it was quite a ways ahead of us.
"Come on, faster!" the Doctor calls to the driver.
"Who exactly is in that hearse?" Charles asks.
"My baby sister; she's alone and in danger and it's all my fault," I shake my head, tears welling up. "I'm supposed to protect her and I let her get almost burnt up and now she's been kidnapped... she's only nineteen."
"No, it's my fault; you're both in my care," the Doctor argues as guilt washes over me and I grab his hand, squeezing it.
Charles look between us before his eyes harden in determination, "driver, be swift! The chase is on!" he calls out.
"Thank you," I smile at the same time the Doctor grins, "atta boy, Charlie!"
"Nobody calls me 'Charlie'," he denies shortly.
"The ladies do," the Doctor smirks, making me snort quietly at Charles' flustered expression.
"How do you know that?" he demands, his cheeks turning a light pink.
"I'm your number one fan," the Doctor replies with a huge, dorky grin.
"A what?" Charles frowns in confusion. "How exactly are you a fan? In what way do you resemble a means of keeping oneself cool?"
"No, it means fanatic: devoted to," I smile, giggling slightly. "He's gonna have to fight me for the title of number one fan, though!" I nudge the Doctor with my elbow. "You're a proper genius," I breathe, in awe of the man. "Really, I mean it! I grew up reading your stories! The Long Voyage, The Wreck of the Golden Mary, David Copperfield... oh, and I absolutely love A Tale of Two Cities!"
"We can share number one fan," the Doctor suggests and I tilt my head, 'thinking' before I concede. "Mind you," he looks at Charles. "I've got to say: that American bit in Martin Chuzzelwit, what's that about? Was that just padding or what? I mean, it's rubbish, that bit."
"I thought you said you were my fan," Charles huffs, put out.
"Ah, well, if you can't take criticism," the Doctor shrugs, making me snort loudly.
The carriage had come to an abrupt stop at a funeral parlor and I almost went flying again. The Doctor, however, tightens his hold on my waist, reminding me of it in the first place. I stammer my thanks with a bright red face, making him smirk as I hurriedly get out after Charles. The three of us head over to the building and Charles knocks on the huge, wooden door. A young woman, the servant girl from the theatre, opens the door. "I want my sister back, right now," I glare at her, folding my arms. "Safe and in one piece!"
"I don't know what you're talkin' about, miss," she replies apologetically, not meeting my eyes.
"Nonsense!" Charles exclaims. "I demand to see your master!"
"He's not in, sir," she shakes her head, trying to shut the door.
Charles pushes it back open, "don't lie to me child!" he shouts, making the girl jump. "Summon him at once!"
"I'm awfully sorry, Mr. Dickens, but the master's indisposed," she tries to shut the door once more.
"Having trouble with your gas?" the Doctor asks lightly and I look to see one of the gaslamps inside flaring up.
"What the Shakespeare is going on?" Charles gasps with wide eyes.
I barge past the woman, pulling the Doctor with me. "You're not allowed inside, sir, miss," she follows us.
"Just try and throw me out," I glare at her and she backs down.
The Doctor pulls me over to the wall, squeezing my hand. I pull my hand away and place them both on the wall, leaning my ear against it and hearing a faint whisper from inside. "There's something inside the walls..." I mutter, frowning slightly.
"The gas pipes," the Doctor nods. "Something's living inside the gas."
"Let me out! Open the door!"
"That's her!" I shout, rushing off with the Doctor in the direction of Rose's scream.
"Please, please, let me out!"
"How dare you!" the old man stops us in the corridor. "This is my house!" he shouts.
"Shut up!" Charles glares, pushing past him.
The old man grabs my arm, yanking me back. "How dare you!" I rip my arm from his hold and slap him across the face. "Get your bloody hands off me! You're lucky all I did was slap you!" I glare at him before rushing off.
"Let me out! Somebody open the door! Open the door!"
I get to the door and try the handle, but it was locked, "Rose! It's alright, we're here!" I call through the door.
"Step back," the Doctor orders as he comes up beside me and I quickly move before he kicks the door in.
My eyes widen when I see the old woman from the theatre and a young man with Rose in his arms. Oh, my God... zombies? The Doctor brought us to the past and there's zombies!? "I think this is my dance," the Doctor glares, moving forward and grabbing Rose.
"It's a prank," Charles stares at the two corpses. "It must be; we're under some mesmeric influence," he shakes his head.
"No, we're not, the dead are walking," the Doctor retorts before looking down at a shaken Rose. "Hi," he smiles.
"Hi..." she mutters, clutching onto him. "Who's your friend?" she nods to Charles.
"Charles Dickens," I beam.
"Ok..." she goes with it and I pull her from the Doctor, squeezing her tightly.
"You alright?" I pull back slightly to look her over.
"Yup... fine," she nods, wrapping her arms around me as she shudders slightly.
"My name's the Doctor," he cuts in, addressing the corpses. "Who are you, then? What do you want?"
My eyes widen when the man answers in multiple voices that sound like children, "failing! Open the rift, we're dying! Trapped in this form! Cannot sustain!" the thing inside pleads before screaming.
The old woman and the man's heads tilt back and the blue gas leaves their bodies, returning to the lamps and the corpses collapse to the floor.
I was leaning against the wall in the parlor beside the Doctor while Rose was having a go at Mr. Sneed, the old man. "First of all you drug me, then you kidnap me, and don't think I didn't feel your hands having a quick wander, you dirty old man!" she glares at him, waving a cane she'd found at him and the Doctor grins widely, snickering as he watches in amusement.
"I won't be spoken to like this!" Mr. Sneed shouts indignantly.
I push myself off the wall, "you'll sit there and listen to every damn word," I glare at him, my voice low as I put my hands on my hips. "You stuck my baby sister in a room full of zombies! And if that ain't enough, you swan off and leave her to die! Then you try and stop me from getting to her! So, come one, talk! Or do I need to slap you again!?"
"It's not my fault!" he protests, shrinking down in his chair. "It's this house! It always had a reputation: haunted. But I never had much bother until a few months back, and then the stiffs..." he trails off when Charles gives him a look of contempt. "The, um... dear departed," he clears his throat. "Started getting restless."
"Tommy-rot!" Charles scoffs.
"You witnessed it!" Mr. Sneed retorts. "Can't keep the beggars down, sir... they walk and it's the queerest thing, but they hang onto scraps," he explains.
I was momentarily distracted by Gwyneth, the servant girl, placing a cup of tea on the mantlepiece for the Doctor and me each. "Two sugars for you, sir, just how you like. And honey for you, miss," she smiles between us before walking off.
"Did you tell her how you like your tea?" I whisper, looking up at the Doctor and he shakes his head, watching Gwyneth with a curious expression. "Well... that's odd," I mutter, taking a sip of my tea and smiling slightly at the taste.
"One old fellow who used to be a sexton almost walked into his own memorial service," Mr. Sneed was telling Charles when I tune back into the conversation. "Just like the old lady going to your performance, sir, just as she planned!"
"Morbid fancy," Charles waves off.
"Charlie, you were there," I sigh, setting my cup down and folding my arms.
"I saw nothing but an illusion," he insists.
"If you're going to deny it, don't waste my time, just shut up," the Doctor snaps, making Charles turn to him in shock and offense.
"Rude," I mutter, shaking my head.
"Good," the Doctor retorts, grinning cheekily and I smile despite myself. "What about the gas?" he asks Mr. Sneed.
"That's new, sir, never seen anything like that," Mr. Sneed answers.
"That means it's getting stronger," I mutter, biting my lip when the Doctor looks at me with raised eyebrows. "The rift... right?" I ask, wrapping my arms around my waist.
"The rift's getting wider and something's sneaking through," he nods, watching me curiously.
"What's the rift?" Rose asks.
"A weak point in time and space," I answer at the same time as the Doctor, cringing slightly.
The Doctor scoots a bit closer to me and gives my shoulder a brief squeeze even as he frowns, probably becoming confused by my reactions when I blurt out the answer to something or ramble on about something... clever. Rose sends me a sympathetic smile and I send a small one back. "A connection between this place and another; that's the cause of ghost stories, most of the time," the Doctor continues to explain.
"That's how I got the house so cheap; stories going back generations," Mr. Sneed explains and the parlor door slams shut as Charles leaves, probably overwhelmed. "Echoes in the dark, queer songs in the air and this feeling like a shadow passing over your soul," he pauses, shivering before his expression turns thoughtful. "Mind you, truth be told, it's been good for business; just what people expect from a gloomy old trade like mine," he muses, making me snort quietly.
Rose and I were in the kitchen, washing up the dishes when Gwyneth rushes over with wide eyes, "please, misses, you shouldn't be helping; it's not right," she protests.
"Don't be daft," Rose smiles, continuing to wash the teacups.
"Yeah, Mr. Sneed works you to death," I agree, rinsing them and setting them on the drying rack. "So, Gwyneth, how much do you get paid?" I ask curiously.
"Eight pound a year, miss," she answers, watching Rose and me work nervously.
"How much?" Rose asks, her eyes wide.
"I know," Gwyneth smiles widely. "I would've been happy with six," she laughs lightly.
I lean over to Rose's ear, "that's actually decent wages for this time period," I whisper and she nods in understanding.
"So, did you go to school or what?" Rose asks, turning to lean against the sink when she's done, folding her arms.
"Of course, I did," Gwyneth smiles. "What do you think I am, an urchin? I went every Sunday; nice and proper," she brushes off her apron.
"What, once a week?" Rose gapes and I snicker quietly at her expression as I finish rinsing the last teacup.
"We did sums and everything," Gwyneth nods and leans in closer. "To be honest... I hated every second," she whispers.
"Us, too," I whisper back with a smirk, Rose nodding in agreement.
"Don't tell anyone," she leans in closer, lowering her voice even more. "But one week... I didn't go and ran on the heath all on my own," she smiles, laughing quietly.
"I did plenty of that," I murmur, wrapping my arms around myself and leaning against Rose.
Whenever I had an episode at school, I'd leave and go home or down the shops. Mouse usually came with me and made sure I was alright and cheer me up. Then he'd usually figure out if someone had caused my episode to poke fun; he'd find them and have a go at them. Rose started coming when she got a little older and we would make a day of it, goofing off and doing nothing. Sometimes Rose's friend Shareen would come with; she wasn't bad and didn't really pay much mind to me. Rose's arm around me snaps me from my thoughts and she squeezes me, sending me a smile. "Lizzie and me would go down the shops with my mate Shareen; we used to go and look at boys," she smirks and I snort quietly, nudging her in thanks.
Gwyneth's eyes widen, "well, I don't much about that, miss," she shakes her head, looking scandalized as her cheeks burn.
"Ooh, really?" I smile. "Gwyneth, you can tell us; I bet you've got your eye on someone," I wiggle my eyebrows teasingly when she glances at me.
"I suppose... there is this one lad," she admits shyly. "The butchers' boy... he comes by every Tuesday, such a lovely smile on him," she smiles dreamily.
"I like a nice smile, love a man's eyes though," I smile. "You can tell a lot about a person by their eyes... most of the time," I murmur the last bit, thinking about the Doctor's eyes.
"Good smile... nice bum," Rose smirks, making me snort loudly.
"Well, I have never heard the like!" Gwyneth shakes her head, laughing with Rose and me.
"Ask him out," I encourage her. "Give him a cup of tea or something; that's a start," I grin widely.
"I swear it is the strangest thing, misses; you've got all the clothes and the breeding but you both talk like some sort of wild things," Gwyneth smiles between us.
"Maybe we are," I shrug. "Maybe that's a good thing," I smile, nudging Rose with my hip.
"You need a bit more in your life than Mr. Sneed," Rose puts in.
"Oh, now that's not fair; he's not so bad, old Sneed," Gwyneth scolds her softly. "He was very kind to me to take me in because I lost my mum and dad to the flu when I was twelve," she explains.
"I'm so sorry," I mutter quietly, reaching over to squeeze her hand.
"I'm sorry," Rose whispers, tightening her arm around me.
"Thank you, misses," Gwyneth smiles softly. "But I'll be with them again... one day sitting with them in paradise; I shall be so blessed," she sighs. "They're waiting for me... maybe your dad's up there waiting for you two as well," she looks between us and my eyebrows furrow; how did she know our dad is dead?
"Maybe," Rose nods before frowning. "Um... who told you he was dead?"
"I don't know," Gwyneth's eyes widen and I knew that look all too well; she'd said something without thinking, something she knew she shouldn't know but does. "Must have been the Doctor," she backs away a step.
"Gwyneth, our father died years back... and the Doctor doesn't even know about it," I tell her softly, reaching over and placing a hand on her shoulder.
"But you've been thinking about him," she looks at Rose, her eyes glazing over slightly. "More than ever..."
"I suppose so," Rose mutters and I glance at her; why hasn't she said anything to me about it? "How do you know all this?" she asks, not meeting my eyes.
"Mr. Sneed says I think too much," Gwyneth waves off, chuckling softly and I smile sadly. "I'm all alone down here... I bet you've got dozens of servants, haven't you, misses?"
"No, no servants where we're from," I shake my head; mum would love having servants to do the housework.
"And you've come such a long way," she looks between us.
"What makes you think so?" Rose asks curiously.
Gwyneth turns to face us fully, her eyes glazing over again, "you're from London, the both of you; I've seen London in drawings, but never like that. All those people rushing about half-naked, for shame," she frowns. "And the noise, and the metal boxes racing past, and the birds in the sky... no, they're metal as well," she gasps. "Metal birds with people in them. People are flying. And you, you've both flown so far... further than anyone. The darkness you've seen... the big bad wolf," she stumbles back, her eyes clearing and she looks terrified. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry, misses," she shakes her head.
"It's alright," Rose assures her, sharing a fearful glance with me.
"No, don't apologize, sweetheart," I move over to her, rubbing her arms. "Are you ok?" I ask her, knowing exactly how it feels to ramble on like that.
"I can't help it... ever since I was a little girl, my mum said I had the sight; she told me to hide it," she explains shakily and I move to wrap my arm around her shoulders.
"But it's getting stronger," the Doctor's voice makes the three of us jump and I look to see him standing in the doorway. "More powerful is that right?"
How long has he been standing there? How much did he hear? My eyes widen slightly... oh, my God! He didn't hear us talking about boys, did he? I blush slightly just by the thought, but shake it off quickly; now is not the time.
"All the time, sir," Gwyneth nods. "Every night, voices in my head," she taps her forehead frustratingly.
"Oh, Gwyneth," I sigh sadly, rubbing her arm.
"You grew up on top of the rift; you're part of it," the Doctor folds his arms, eyeing Gwyneth and I both. "You're the key."
"I've tried to make sense of it, sir," Gwyneth tells him. "Consulted with spiritualists, table rappers, all sorts..."
"Well, that should help; you can show us what to do," the Doctor grins.
"What to do where, sir?" Gwyneth frowns.
"We're going to have a séance," he rubs his hands together.
"Yay," I cheer unenthusiastically, rolling my eyes when the Doctor and Rose laugh.
In the parlor, we'd set up a round table for the séance. I wrinkle my nose as I sit down. I really didn't want to do this. Gwyneth was at the head of the table, then me on her right, the Doctor, Rose, Charles and last was Mr. Sneed; he'd tried to sit between Rose and the Doctor, but a glare from me and narrowed eyes from Rose made him think better of it.
"This is how Madam Mortlock summons those from the Land of Mists, down in big town," Gwyneth explains. "Come, we must all join hands," she orders and we all follow.
"I can't take part in this," Charles shakes his head, standing and I roll my eyes; he's just making it more difficult!
"Humbug?" the Doctor raises his eyebrows, making me snort quietly when Charles sighs. "Come on, open mind," he smiles.
"This is precisely the sort of cheep mummery I strive to unmask!" Charles retorts. "Séances? Nothing but luminous tambourines and a squeeze-box concealed between the knees! This girl knows nothing," he scoffs.
My hand tightens around Gwyneth's comfortingly when she looks down, "oi, don't insult her," I narrow my eyes at Charles.
"Now, don't antagonize her," the Doctor scolds him, squeezing my hand. "I love a happy medium," he grins and Rose and I make contact, bursting into quiet giggles.
"I can't believe you just said that," I shake my head.
"Come on, we might need you," the Doctor looks up at Charles.
"Yeah, come on, Charlie," I smile and he sighs, sitting back down between Rose and Mr. Sneed.
"Good man," the Doctor smiles. "Now, Gwyneth, reach out," he orders softly.
"Speak to us," Gwyneth closes her eyes. "Are you there? Spirits come; speak to us that we may relieve your burden," she calls out and faint whispering starts up around us.
"Can you hear that?" Rose asks quietly.
"Nothing can happen; this is sheer folly," Charles scoffs lightly.
"Look at her," I retort, nodding to Gwyneth, who was rocking back and forth slightly with her eyes still closed.
"I see them... I feel them," she breathes out, her hand tightening around mine.
I watch in slight awe as blue gas tendrils swirl out from the gaslamps, floating around us as the whisper get louder. It would have been beautiful if it didn't make my stomach knot up uncomfortably. "What's it saying?" Rose asks.
"They can't get through the rift," the Doctor translates. "Gwyneth, it's not controlling you, you're controlling it; now look deep, allow them through," he orders softly.
"I can't!" she protests, her face contorting in pain as her hand tightens even further around mine.
I move our hands slightly so our fingers were entwined, "you can do this, Gwyneth, I believe in you; relax and make the link," I encourage her, squeezing her hand.
Gwyneth takes a deep breath and lowers her head, opening her eyes, "yes," she breathes and three blue gaseous, humanoid forms appear behind her; the one in the middle looks like a young girl.
"Great God! Spirits from the other side," Mr. Sneed exclaims.
"The other side of the universe," the Doctor corrects.
The gas creatures begin to speak through Gwyneth, "pity us! Pity the Gelth! There is so little time! Help us!"
"What do you want us to do?" the Doctor asks and I blush slightly when I feel his thumb grazing over my knuckles softly; sure, it's probably because he can feel my nerves and is trying to calm me, but that doesn't stop the little tingles from popping up.
'The rift! Take the girl to the rift, make the bridge!" the Gelth plead.
"How come?" I ask.
"We are so very few, the last of our kind; we face extinction," they reply.
"Why, what happened?" the Doctor asks with a wave of grief being sent over me and I squeeze his hand.
"Once we had a physical form, like you, but then the war came," the Gelth answer and the Doctor tenses, his hand tightening around mine.
"War? What war?" Charles asks, frowning slightly.
"The Time War!" they tell us.
I wince slightly as the grief gets stronger with a save of guilt. Rose moves a bit closer to the Doctor, squeezing the hand that was in hers. "The whole universe convulsed! The Time War raged; invisible to smaller species but devastating to higher forms. Our bodies wasted away; we're trapped in this gaseous state," they explain.
"So, that's why you need the corpses," I realize, my stomach knotting up more.
"We want to stand tall, to feel the sunlight; to live again," the Gelth reply. "We need a physical form, and your dead are abandoned! They're going to waste! Give them to us!" they beg.
"But we can't," Rose denies apologetically.
"Why not?" the Doctor raises an eyebrow.
"It's not- I mean, it's not-" Rose fumbles over her words trying to explain.
"Not decent? Not polite?" the Doctor asks, his voice going cold as he narrows his eyes.
"It could save their lives," I add softly; the Gelth might make my stomach knot up unpleasantly, but that didn't mean I wanted them to become extinct.
"Open the rift," the Gelth cut in. "Let the Gelth through! We're dying! Help us! Pity the Gelth!" they beg before they go back into the gaslamps.
Gwyneth falls forward across the table, her hand falling from mine. Rose and I were up in less than a second to check on her. "Gwyneth?" Rose asks her worriedly while I check her pulse.
"All true," Charles whispers, his face paling.
"Gwyneth, honey, are you alright?" I ask, trying to rouse her.
"It's all true..."
The Doctor had moved Gwyneth to a settee lounge and he and Rose had been arguing over whether or not we would help the Gelth. I was sort of the middle; I wanted to help the Gelth, but I could see where Rose was coming from as well.
"Shh, it's alright, sweetheart," I soothe Gwyneth when she starts to stir. "You just rest," I stroke her hair.
"But my angels, miss," she protests groggily, trying to sit up. "They came, didn't they? They need me?"
"They do need you, Gwyneth; you're their only chance of survival," the Doctor puts in.
"I've told you, leave her alone," Rose glares at him from beside me and the Doctor sighs, leaning his head back against the wall. "She's exhausted and she's not fighting your battles," she snaps before turning to Gwyneth. "Drink this," she helps her sip some water.
"Well, what did you say, Doctor?" Mr. Sneed asks. "Explain it again: what are they?"
"Aliens," he answers tiredly, folding his arms.
"Like foreigners, you mean?"
"Pretty foreign, yeah; from up there," the Doctor points up.
"Brecon?" Mr. Sneed frowns, thinking he just meant north and I breathe out a small laugh.
"Close," the Doctor shrugs, just going with it. "And they've been trying to get through from Brecon to Cardiff but the roads blocked. Only a few can get through and even then they're weak; they can only test drive the bodies for so long, then they have to revert to gas and hide in the pipes," he explains.
"Which is why they need the girl," Charles realizes, his words slurred by how much wine he's been drinking.
"They're not having her!" Rose narrows her eyes.
"But... she can help and she wants to," I put in softly and Rose looks at me sharply, feeling betrayed.
"Living on the rift, she's become part of it," the Doctor tells her. "She can open it up, make a bridge to let them through," he explains.
"Incredible," Charles sways a little. "Ghosts that are not ghosts, but beings from another world who can only exist in our world by inhabiting cadavers!"
"Good system, it might work," the Doctor shrugs.
Rose stands with a huff, marching up to the Doctor, "you can't let them run round inside of dead people!"
"Why not? It's like recycling," the Doctor retorts and I send him a look at that, which he just shrugs at.
"Seriously, though, you can't," Rose glares up at him.
"Seriously, though, I can!" he scoffs.
"It's just wrong," Rose retorts. "Those bodies were living people; we should respect them even in death!"
I stand up at that and fold my arms, "so, it's better to let a whole race die, vanish from existence because you're a little uncomfortable with how they've got to survive?" I raise an eyebrow and Rose falters, turning to me with her mouth open. "I don't like it either," I shake my head. "But we can make it temporary. The Doctor can take them somewhere else where they can make bodies for themselves and we can bring back the corpses and bury 'em properly. They're dying and this could save them."
The Doctor glances at me with an expression I can't read and I get a wave of grief before he turns to Rose, "do you carry a donor card?"
"That's different- that's-" Rose stammers.
"It is different, yeah; it's a different morality," the Doctor retorts. "Get used to it or go home," he narrows his eyes and Rose looks away, hurt and angry. "You heard what they said, time's short," he sighs, continuing in a softer tone. "I can't worry about a few corpses when the last of the Gelth could be dying."
"I don't care," Rose glares up at him. "They're not using her!"
"Don't I get a say, miss?" Gwyneth cuts in softly and I turn to see her sitting up.
"Look, you don't understand what's going on," Rose tries.
That snaps something in me and I glare at Rose, "I think she understands perfectly! She's been seeing things, hearing things her whole life! Knowing things that she couldn't possibly know and not understanding how or why! She-!" I'm cut off by the Doctor grabbing my shoulders and pulling me away from a wide-eyed Rose.
I glare at Rose, breathing heavily, only calming down slightly as the Doctor rubs up and down my arms soothingly. "Thank you, Miss Lizzie," Gwyneth smiles at me softly before turning to Rose. "You would say that Miss Rose, because that's very clear inside your head that you think I'm stupid," she tells her, not sounding angry or hurt, just accepting of the fact.
"That's not fair," Rose protests, but doesn't deny it.
"It's true, though," Gwyneth insists. "Things might be very different from where you and your sister are from, but here and now, I know my own my and the angels need me," she tells her firmly. "Doctor, what do I have to do?"
The Doctor glances at me, letting go of my arms but keeping a hand on my shoulder, and then glances at Rose, "you don't have to do anything," he sighs.
"They've been singing to me since I was a child, sent by my mum on a holy mission; so tell me," Gwyneth demands softly.
The Doctor smiles down at her, "we need to find the rift; this house is on a weak spot, so there must be a spot that's weaker than any other," he muses. "Mr. Sneed, what's the weakest part of this house? The place where most of the ghosts have been seen?"
"That would be the morgue," he answers.
"No chance you were going to say gazebo, is there?" Rose jokes, making me roll my eyes.
The basement/morgue was creepy with the covered bodies on beds and the chill; not to mention the smell of formaldehyde. I shiver slightly, wrapping my arms around myself and rubbing up and down them to try and warm me up. "Ugh," the Doctor wrinkles his nose. "Talk about Bleak House," he jokes, making me snort loudly.
"The thing is Doctor," Rose cuts in, rubbing her own arms. "The Gelth don't succeed, cause I know they don't; I know for a fact there weren't corpses walking round in 1869."
"We're changing it," I snap, sounding harsher than I had meant to.
The Doctor sends me a looking before turning to Rose, "time's in flux, changing every second. Your cozy little world can be rewritten like that," he clicks his fingers. "Nothing is safe, remember that: nothing," he explains in a softer tone and I wrinkle my nose; he was getting on me about being rude?
"Doctor, I think the room is getting colder," Charles notes.
"Here they come," Rose mutters.
The lead Gelth, the one that looks like a girl, comes out of a gaslamp and floats underneath a stone archway, "you've come to help! Praise the Doctor! Praise him!"
"Promise you won't hurt her!" Rose demands.
"Hurry! Please, so little time! Pity the Gelth!" they beg and I frown at the fact that they'd ignored Rose.
"I'll take you somewhere else after the transfer, somewhere you can build proper bodies," the Doctor offers and I smile slightly; he'd taken my suggestion to heart... or, well, hearts. "This isn't a permanent solution, alright?"
"My angels, I can help them live," Gwyneth smiles, watching the Gelth.
"Ok, where's the weak point?" the Doctor asks.
"Here, beneath the arch," the Gelth replies.
Rose grabs Gwyneth's arm, stopping her, "you don't have to do this."
"My angels, miss," Gwyneth says simply, cupping Rose's face before she steps beneath the arch.
"Establish the bridge! Reach out to the void! Let us through!"
"Yes, I can see you! I can see you! Come!" Gwyneth holds her arms out.
"Bridgehead establishing!"
"Come to me! Come to this world, poor lost souls!"
"It is begun! The bridge is made!"
Gwyneth opens her mouth and Gelth come swirling out and around the room. "Rather a lot of them, eh?" Charles mutters, looking around at them all.
"The bridge is open! We descend!" the sweet blue Gelth turns flame red and demonic, it's voice hardening, and the knot in my stomach gets worse as I reach for Rose's hand, feeling her clutch onto it. "The Gelth will come through in force!"
"You said that you were few in number!" Charles gapes.
"A few billion! And all of us in need of corpses!" the lead Gelth sneers and the ones floating around in the room fly into the corpses on the beds.
I pull Rose behind me when they begin to sit up and get off the metal beds. "Gwyneth, stop this!" Mr. Sneed shouts. "Listen to your master! This has gone far enough! Stop dabbling, child, and leave these things alone! I beg of you!"
"Mr. Sneed, get back!" Rose screams.
The Doctor grabs a hold of my arm and yanks Rose and me back. I watch in horror as a corpse grabs Mr. Sneed and snaps his neck. I swallow hard at the sicking crack, my stomach churning. "Oh, God..." I whimper, seeing a Gelth zoom into Mr. Sneed's mouth.
"I think it's gone a little bit wrong..." the Doctor mutters, fear and worry rushing over me.
"Oh, really? Ya think!?" I squeak, backing up while keeping Rose behind me.
"I have joined the legions of the Gelth," 'Mr. Sneed' announces, standing with blueish skin and white eyes.
"Oh, good lord..." Charles whispers.
"We need bodies! All of you: dead! The human race: dead!"
"Gwyneth, stop them!" the Doctor shouts as we're pushed back by the corpses.
"Send them back now!" I call, Rose clutching onto my hand.
"Four more bodies, convert them! Make them vessels for the Gelth!"
"Doctor... I-I can't! I'm sorry... this new world of yours is too much for me! I-I'm sorry!" Charles runs out.
The Doctor opens up a metal gate to a sort of cell in the back of the room, ushering Rose and me in. "Give yourself to glory," the Gleth zombies demand, pushing their hands through the bars to try and get at us. "Sacrifice your lives for the Gelth!"
"Lizzie and I trusted you!" the Doctor glares at them, sending a wave of anger over me. "We pitied you!"
"We don't want your pity! We want this world and all it's flesh!"
"Fat chance!" I scoff, glaring at them and wrapping an arm around Rose.
"Not while I'm alive," the Doctor promises darkly.
"Then live no more," the Gelth retort.
"But Lizzie and I can't die..." Rose whimpers and I tighten my arm around her. "Tell me we can't... we haven't even been born yet; it's impossible for us to die," she looks up at the Doctor, who stays silent as fear and guilt wash over me. "Isn't it?" she asks quietly.
"I'm sorry," the Doctor murmurs, the guilt getting stronger.
"But it's 1869," Rose points out. "How can we die now?"
"Time isn't a straight line," I remind her, my voice shaking from fear.
"It can twist into any shape," the Doctor agrees. "You can be born in the twentieth century and die in the nineteenth and it's all my fault, I brought you girls here," he shakes his head, even more guilt washing over me.
"No, it's not your fault," I argue, taking his hand in my free one. "We wanted to come," I tell him firmly, Rose nodding in agreement.
"What about me?" the Doctor retorts. "I saw the fall of Troy, World War Five, I pushed boxes at the Bosten Tea Party," he lists off and I make a mental note to ask him about all that if we make it out of this. "Now I'm going to die in a dungeon... in Cardiff!" he complains.
"It's not just dying, we'll become one of them," Rose points out. "We'll go down fighting, yeah?"
"Yeah," the Doctor nods.
"Course," I nod as well.
"Yeah," the Doctor nods again.
"Sure, why not?"
"I'm so glad I met you girls," the Doctor smiles down between us.
"Me too," Rose smiles up at him, reaching past me to squeeze his free hand.
"Me three," I smile, blushing slightly.
Charles chooses that moment to run in, screaming, "Doctor! Doctor! Turn off the flame, turn up the gas! Now, fill the room, all of it, now!"
"What're you doing?" I frown.
"Turn it all on! Flood the place!" Charles shouts and my eyes widen in realization.
"Brilliant! Gas!" the Doctor smiles.
"Charlie, you bloody genius!" I cheer.
"What, so we choke to death instead?" Rose asks incredulously.
"Am I correct, Doctor? Lizzie? These creatures are gaseous," Charles looks over at us, working on the gaslamps with a handkerchief over his mouth and nose.
"Fill the room with gas, it'll draw them out of the host!" I explain excitedly.
"Suck them into the air like poison from a wound!" the Doctor laughs.
The corpses turn their attention to Charles, shuffling over toward him. "I hope... oh, lord, I hope this theory will be validated soon, if not immediately," he mutters, backing away from them.
"Plenty more!" the Doctor cheers, riping a gas line from the wall and sending more gas into the air.
The Gelth scream and leave the corpses, causing the bodies to slump to the floor. "It's working," Charles sighs in relief.
"Gwyneth, send them back!" the Doctor calls as he, Rose, and I step out of the little cell.
"They lied, they're not angels," I walk up to her as I cough slightly, Rose and the Doctor right beside me.
'Liars?" Gwyneth whispers, slumping slightly as she puts her arms down.
"Look at me," the Doctor moves in front of her. "If your mother and father could look down and see this, they'd tell you the same, they'd give you the strength; now send them back!"
"I can't breathe," Rose coughs into her elbow.
"Charles, get them out!" the Doctor orders.
"I'm not leaving her!" Rose and I argue at the same time.
"They're too strong," Gwyneth protests weakly.
"But you're stronger," I retort, tears welling up in my eyes. "Remember that world you saw? Mine and Rose's world? All those people? None of it will exist unless you send them back through the rift."
"I can't send them back... but I can hold them," Gwyneth whispers. "Hold them in this place, hold them here... get out," she pulls a matchbox from her apron pocket.
"No!" I jolt forward, the Doctor's hands on my shoulders stopping me. "Gwyneth, no," I whisper, a tear sliding down my cheek.
"You can't!" Rose protests.
"Leave this place!" Gwyneth orders.
"Lizzie, get out! Rose, go now!" the Doctor pushes me to the door. "I won't leave her while she's still in danger! Now go!"
Charles drags a protesting Rose from the room, but I turn to the Doctor with my heart racing, "promise me you'll get out?"
"Promise me, Doctor!" I cut him off sharply.
"I promise," he cups my chin in his hand briefly before pushing me to the door again. "Now go!"
Once outside, I run over to Rose, wrapping her up in my arms and burying my face in her neck as she does the same with me. My arms tighten around her when the funeral parlor blows up! I turn quickly to see the Doctor laying on the ground. "Doctor!" I rush over, tackling him in a hug. "Are you alright? Are you hurt?" I ask, looking him over frantically as I help him stand.
"I'm fine, Lizzie," he pulls my hands back gently. "You'd know if I wasn't," he reminds me quietly and my cheeks turn pink.
"Right..." I clear my throat awkwardly.
"She didn't make it," Rose whispers and I frown, my heart aching as I realize that Gwyneth wasn't with the Doctor.
"I'm sorry," the Doctor wraps his arms around my shoulders, pulling me into him as tears prickle my eyes and I wrap my arms around his waist tightly, leaning my ear against his chest. "She closed the rift..."
"At such a cost... the poor child," Charles whispers.
"I did try, girls... but Gwyneth was already dead," the Doctor tells us softly and I tighten my arms around him, sniffling quietly. "She had been for at least five minutes," he reaches up, stroking my hair.
"What do you mean?" Rose asks, her voice cracking and I take one arm from around the Doctor, grabbing her hand and pulling her into our embrace.
"I think she was dead from the minute she stood in that arch," the Doctor wraps an around Rose as she curls into my side.
"But she can't have... she spoke to us, she helped us, she saved us," Rose denies, her head on my shoulder. "How could she have done that?"
"'There are more things in Heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy'," Charles quotes Hamlet. "Even for you, Doctor," he watches the three of us sadly.
"She saved the world, a servant girl... and no one will ever know," Rose whispers thickly.
Back at the TARDIS, I walk up to her with silent tears rolling down my cheeks and stroke the door with my thumb. Gwyneth was so young, so brave, and I saw myself in her with her knowledge and visions. "Right, then, Charlie boy," the Doctor smiles, coming over to unlock the door. "I've just got to go into my, um... shed," he falters slightly, making Rose and I snort. "Won't be long," he rolls his eyes at us.
"What are you going to do now?" Rose asks Charles, folding her arms.
"I shall take the mail coach back to London, quite literally post-haste," he smiles. "This is no time for me to be on my own! I shall spend Christmas with my family and make amends to them; after all I've learned tonight, there can be nothing more vital!"
"That's brilliant, Charlie," I smile softly, happy he's going to be seeing his family.
"You've cheered up," the Doctor notes.
"Exceedingly!" Charles laughs. "This morning, I thought I knew everything in the world. Now I know I've just started. All these huge and wonderful notions, Doctor, I'm inspired; I must write about them!"
"Do you think that's wise?" Rose raises her eyebrows.
"I shall be subtle at first," Charles assures her. "The Mystery of Edwin Drood still lacks an ending. Perhaps the killer was not the boy's uncle; perhaps he was not of this earth," he grins. "The Mystery of Edwin Drood and the Blue Elementals. I can spread the word, tell the truth," he goes on excitedly and I just smile sadly.
"Good luck with it," the Doctor smiles, glancing at me. "Nice to meet you, fantastic!" he beams, shaking Charles' hand.
"Bye, then, and thanks," Rose smiles, pulling Charles into a hug.
"Bye, Charlie, thanks," I pull him into a hug as well and share a look with Rose, both of us smirking. "It was brilliant meeting you," I beam, Rose and me kissing him on the cheeks.
"Oh... my dears, how modern," Charles blushes, touching his cheeks briefly and making Rose and I giggle quietly. "Thank you... but I don't understand," he frowns between the three of us. "In what way is this goodbye? Where are you going?"
"You'll see, in the shed," the Doctor starts to head in.
"Upon my soul, Doctor," Charles' voice makes him pause. "It's one riddle after another with you," he shakes his head.
"Tell me about it," I snort and the Doctor sends me an amused grin, Rose snorting.
"But after all these revelations, there's one mystery you still haven't explained," Charles eyes the Doctor carefully. "Answer me this: who are you?"
The Doctor pauses for a moment, "just a friend, passing through," he smiles.
"But you have such knowledge on future times," Charles protests. "I don't wish to impose on you, but I must ask: my books, Doctor, do they last?"
"Oh, yes," the Doctor answers with a wide grin.
"For how long?"
"Forever," I smile softly, watching as he tries to appear humbly pleased.
"Right, shed," the Doctor claps. "Come on, girls," he opens the door for us to step through.
"In the box? All three of you?" Charles asks in bewilderment.
"Down boy," the Doctor scolds lightly, making Rose and me giggle. "See you," he grins.
I rush up the ramp and to the console, stroking it gently, "hi, girl," I whisper, smiling when she hums sympathetically and missing the Doctor's fond smile.
"Doesn't that change history if he writes about blue ghosts?" Rose asks curiously, standing beside the Doctor at the monitor.
"In a week it'll be 1870... the year he dies," I tell her sadly, coming up beside her and wrapping my hands around her arm, leaning my head on her shoulder.
"Sorry, he'll never get to tell his story," the Doctor says softly.
"Oh, no... he was so nice," Rose mutters sadly, leaning her head on top of mine.
"But in your time, he was already dead," the Doctor points out and I watch Charles outside the TARDIS on the monitor. "We've brought him back to life, and he's more alive now than he's ever been, old Charlie boy," he grins, making Rose and I laugh. "Let's give him one last surprise," he pulls a lever, starting the TARDIS up.
The three of us smile as we watch Charles' face light up in shock and awe as the TARDIS dematerializes in front of him.
"Merry Christmas!" I smile widely at my baby sister and the Doctor.
"Merry Christmas!" they laugh.
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