*The Runaway Bride*
A/N: was 13387 words, is now 14736! Enjoy! :D
"I lo-" Rose chokes out, putting a hand to her mouth before breathing out shakily. "I love you," she cries.
"Quite right too... my Rose," Kas smiles at her softly.
"I love you," I choke out. "All of you," I look between the three of them. "I'm sor-" I start to say right as they disappear.
I stare at the place they were standing with grief washing over me, amplifying my own. I turn into Kas, looking up at him to see tears running down his cheeks. "Oh, Kas..." I whisper, leaning up on my tip-toes to cup his face in my hands and wipe his tears away with my thumbs.
Kas leans into my touch, wrapping his arms around me and letting out a shaky breath as he kisses my forehead. I watch him carefully as he pulls away but I frown when I see his eyes widen in shock. Turning in his arms, my own eyes widen when I see a woman with ginger hair standing in the console room, wearing a wedding dress. "What?" Kas squeaks, both of us gaping at the woman and she turns, yelping in surprise when she sees us. "What!?"
"Who are you?" the bride looks between us.
"But..." Kas looks around the console room as if he'd find an answer.
"Where am I?" she raises her voice.
"What the hell is this place?" the bride shouts as she looks around in fear.
"... what!?"
I stare at the bride while Kas looks around the console wildly in shock. "You can't do that! We weren't- we're in flight! That is- that is physically impossible! How did-!?" he splutters.
"Tell me where I am!" the bride glares between us. "I demand you tell me, right now! Where am I?"
"Inside the TARDIS..." Kas stares at her.
"The what?" she frowns.
"The TARDIS..."
"The what?"
"The what!?"
"She's called the TARDIS," Kas shakes his head.
"That's not even a proper word! You're just saying things!"
"How did you even get in here?"
"Well, obviously when you and your girlfriend kidnapped me!"
I raise an eyebrow at that, "I'm not his girlfriend, I'm his wife."
"I don't care if you're the bleedin' Queen!" she snaps. "Who was it? Who's paying you? Is it Nerys?" she demands and before Kas or I can get a word in she gasps angrily. "Oh, my God, she's finally got me back! This has got Nerys written all over it!"
I blink a few times in confusion, "who the hell is Nerys?"
"Your best friend!"
"Hold on, wait a minute..." Kas cuts in. "What're you dressed like that for?" he frowns, looking over her dress and I smack my forehead, shaking my head.
"You're a complete idiot," I roll my eyes.
"I'm going ten-pin bowling," the bride scoffs. "Why do you think, dumbo? I was halfway up the aisle!"
The Doctor runs around the console trying to figure out what the hell is going on while I stare at the bride as she continues to have a go at us. "I've been waiting all my life for this! I was seconds away and then you... I don't know, you two drugged me or something!"
"We haven't done anything! Why would we even want to?" I ask incredulously.
"We're having the police on you! Me and my husband - as soon as he is my husband - we're gonna sue the living backside off ya!"
I rub my temples when I feel a headache starting to form. This is the absolute last thing I want to deal with after I've just lost- no, Star. I blink back tears as my heart tightens painfully and I look up, my eyes widening when I see the bride running over to the doors. "No, you can't!" I call, rushing after her.
"No, wait a minute!" the Doctor comes up behind me. "Wait a minute! Don't-!"
The bride opens the doors, revealing the supernova outside and her mouth drops open. The Doctor and I stand on either side of her, me leaning against the doorframe and folding my arms. "You're... in space... outer space," I tell her gently.
"This is our... spaceship," Kas adds softly. "She's called the TARDIS," he pats the doorframe and she hums sadly.
"How am I breathing?" the bride asks quietly.
"The TARDIS extended the oxygen field, she's protecting us," I explain, looking at the supernova.
"Who are you?" she looks between us.
"I'm the Doctor," he introduces.
"Star... Tyler," my voice cracks on my last name and I clear my throat. "And- and you?"
"Donna," she mutters.
"Human?" Kas looks her over.
"Yeah," Donna scoffs with an eye-roll before pausing. "Is that optional?"
"Well, it is for us," the Doctor shrugs.
Donna looks between us warily, "you're aliens..." she breathes and I nod with a quiet 'yeah'. ".... it's freezing with these doors open," she rubs her bare arms.
The Doctor slams the doors shut and runs to the console, "but I don't understand and I understand everything!" he exclaims and I roll my eyes, walking up the ramp with Donna. "This... this can't happen! There is no way a Human Being can lock itself onto the TARDIS and transport itself inside! It must be..." he shakes his head, grabbing an ophthalmoscope and looking into Donna's eyes as she looks at him as if he's gone barmy. Wouldn't be too far off, actually. "Impossible! Some sort of subatomic connection? Something in the temporal field? Maybe something pulling you into alignment with the Chronon shell? Maybe something macro-mining your DNA within the interior matrix? Maybe a genetic-" he's cut off by Donna slapping him across the face.
Letting out a yelp, I grab hold of my cheek while the Doctor groans in pain, "what was that for!?" he shouts indignantly, moving over to replace my hand with his own.
"Get me to the church!" Donna glares between us.
My blood boils - this chick is seriously wearing on my nerves. "Right," I glare right back, waving Kas off and moving to the console. "Brilliant, cause we don't want you here anyway! The sooner you are gone, then the happier we will be! Where is this wedding?" I ask, my tone harsh as my light flows around my hands.
Donna moves toward me, raising her voice with each word, "Saint Mary's, Hayden Road, Chiswick, London, England, Earth, the Solar System! I knew it! Acting all innocent!" she shouts, making me frown and look over to see her running to the railing. "I'm not the first, am I? How many women have you two abducted!?" she waves a startling familiar blouse in my face.
My face contorts as my hand slips from a lever, "that's my- my baby sister's..." I whisper, voice thick as tears well up.
"Where is she, then? Popped out for a space-walk?" Donna scoffs.
"She's gone," Kas murmurs, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me close as grief washes over me.
"Gone where!?"
The Doctor glances down at me, "we lost her..."
"Well, you can hurry up and lose me!" Donna glares at us before pausing when a tear slides down my cheek and the Doctor sets me on the jump-seat, cupping my face in his hand. "... how do you mean 'lost'?" she asks, her tone more gentle this time.
Kas' features darken and he turns to Donna as I get a rush of anger and grief. Donna backs away with a slightly fearful expression, but Kas just snatches the blouse off her and throws it off into one of the corridors. "Right! Chiswick!" he glares before moving about the console, flying us off.
After landing, the Doctor comes over and grabs my hands to pull me to my feet. He brushes the backs of his fingers along the side of my face before tilting my head up with his forefinger and thumb, silently asking if I'm alright. I give a small nod, not really having the strength to smile at the moment and he gives a sad smile, pulling me into a soft kiss. Kas pulls away and we head out of the TARDIS with Donna right behind us. I blink a few times at the obviously wrong location before turning to the TARDIS with a frown. She was making a sort of groaning sound in the back of my mind.
"I said Saint Mary's!" Donna complains, looking around. "What sort of Martians are you? Where's this?"
"Something's wrong with her..." the Doctor murmurs, rubbing the TARDIS' side. "It's like... she's recalibrating!" his eyes widen and he runs into the TARDIS, up to the console.
"She's digesting," I frown, following after him and we rush around the console to try and figure out what's going on. "What have you eaten, girl? What is wrong?" I ask worriedly and she just groans again. "Poor thing..." I stroke the console with my thumb.
"Donna? You've really got to think!" Kas shouts out the still-open door as he takes his stethoscope out to listen to the console. "Is there anything that might've caused this? Anything you might've done? Any sort of alien contact?"
"We can't let you go wandering off in case you're dangerous!" I call, rushing past the Doctor. "I mean, have you... have you seen lights in the sky?"
"Or... did you touch something? Something... something different? Something strange? Something made out of a sort of metal or- who're you getting married to? Are you sure he's Human?"
"... he isn't a bit overweight with a zip round his forehead, is he?" I frown, glancing at the door to see Donna running out with her hands over her mouth. "Donna!" I shout, hearing Kas echo me as I chase after her. "Donna," I keep my tone gentle when I catch up to her, the Doctor coming up on the other side of her.
"Leave me alone! I just want to get married," she shakes her head.
"Come back to the TARDIS, please?"
"No way! That box is too... weird," she shudders, glancing back at her and I frown in offense.
"It's... bigger on the inside, that's all," Kas tries.
"Oh, that's all!" Donna scoffs, checking her watch. "Ten past three... I'm gonna miss it," she realizes, her voice becoming thick.
"You can phone them, tell them where you are," Kas suggests.
"How do I do that?"
I pat my pockets down and frown, realizing I must have left my phone in my room or on the console or something... God, I'm really not in a state to deal with this right now, am I? The Doctor asking a question catches my attention, "haven't you got a mobile?"
Donna and I both turn to him with equally incredulous expressions. "Where is she supposed to keep it?" I raise an eyebrow.
"I'm in my wedding dress! It doesn't have pockets!" Donna scoffs. "Who has pockets? Have you ever seen a bride with pockets? When I went to my fitting at Chez Alison, the one thing I forgot to say is give me pockets!"
"... this man you're marrying, what's his name?" Kas asks.
Donna's entire face changes to a dreamy smile, "Lance," she sighs happily.
"Good luck, Lance," Kas looks up at the sky, making me bite my lip as I shake my head. Dork.
"Oi!" Donna glares at him, making me jump slightly at the sudden volume. Ginger's got a set of lungs on her. "No stupid Martians are gonna stop me from getting married! To hell with you!" she grabs her dress and walks off quickly while I stare after her in indignant shock.
"... we're not... we're not... we're not from Mars," Kas splutters faintly before shaking his head. "Come on, can't let her get away," he grabs my hand, pulling me after her.
"Taxi!" Donna was calling when we reach her on the pavement. "Why's his light on!?" she demands when the taxi drives past with no one in it but the driver.
"There's another one!" Kas points, running to try and catch it.
"Taxi!" Donna shouts as she and I follow him. "Oi!" she glares when that taxi drives off the same.
"There's one!" the Doctor runs after another one, only for it to ignore him as well.
"Do you have this effect on everyone?" I huff, wrapping my arms around myself and trying not to glow on such a crowded street. What's the date? It's freezing!
"Why aren't they stopping?" the Doctor frowns.
"They think I'm fancy dress," Donna mutters.
Another taxi drives by, the driver pressing down on the horn, "stay off the scotch, darling!"
"They think I'm drunk!"
Two guys in their car yell out the window as they pass, " you're fooling no one, mate!"
"They think I'm in drag!" Donna shouts in indignant horror.
Kas looks Donna up and down with a raised eyebrow and I slap his arm, making him pout. "Hold on, hold on," I hold my hand up, ignoring my husband being a petulant child. "Might want to cover your ears," I warn Donna before putting my fingers between my lips and whistling loudly.
A taxi comes to a halt right in front of us and the three of us get in quickly - me in between the Doctor and Donna. "Saint Mary's in Chiswick, just off Hayden Road!" Donna tells the driver. "It's an emergency, I'm getting married! Just... hurry up!"
"You know it'll cost you, sweetheart? Double rates today," the driver calls back as he starts to drive off.
"Oh, my God! Have you got any money?" Donna looks at Kas and me.
"Um... no," he blinks while I shake my head. "... and you?"
I roll my eyes and Donna gestures down at her dress violently, "pockets!"
The taxi screeches to a halt and the three of us are thrown out. The Doctor grabs me around the waist and pulls me out as I shout at the driver, my light flowing around me. "You stupid piece of-" my insult's cut off by Kas putting his hand over my mouth and slamming the door shut with his foot.
Donna gets out from the other side, "and that goes double for your mother!" she shouts, kicking at the taxi's rear bumper as she steps onto the pavement. "I'll have him! I've got his number! I'll have him!" she rants as the taxi drives off. "Talk about the Christmas spirit!"
I look around, huffing at Kas' hold on me. "Is it Christmas?" he asks curiously.
"Well, du-uh," Donna rolls her eyes as we walk behind her. "Maybe not on Mars, but here it's Christmas Eve," she slaps the Doctor's arm suddenly, making me jump slightly. "Phone box!" she rushes off, the Doctor pulling me after her. "We can reverse the charges!"
I move the Doctor's hand from my mouth, shooting him a look that he rolls his eyes at. "How comes you're getting married on Christmas Eve?" I ask Donna.
"Can't bear it, I hate Christmas," she shrugs, making me frown. How could anyone hate Christmas? "Honeymoon in Morocco - sunshine, lovely," she beams.
"I'm fine," I glare at Kas, moving his arm from around me while Donna steps into the phone box.
"Sure you are," he rolls his eyes, wrapping his arm back around me despite my protests. "That's why you're still glowing and giving me a headache," he gives me a pointed look. "You're freezing, sweetheart," he frowns, pulling away from me and putting his coat around me.
I shiver and pull it around me tighter, realizing how cold it really is. Why did we have to land in winter? Why did we land on Christmas Eve in the first place? It wasn't Christmas Eve when we said goodbye to- I cut off my thoughts as my heart aches. Kas wraps his arm back around me once more, rubbing my arm as I snuggle into him.
"What's the operator? I've not done this in years," Donna's comment catches my attention. "What do you dial? One hundred?"
Sighing, I take my sonic out and point it to the phone, "just call direct," I tell her.
"What did you do?"
"Something... Martian," I wrinkle my nose.
"Now, phone," Kas orders, starting to lead me away. "We'll get money!" he calls over his shoulder. I snuggle closer to him and wrap my arms around myself tightly. Kas and I reach a cashpoint. "You can go back to the TARDIS if this is too much for you," he tells me gently as we wait for the man in front of us to get done. He was going so bloody slow!
"No, I'm fine," I shake my head.
I cut him off, tears welling up, "I don't want to go and just sit there... alone... I'm fine," I whisper and Kas sighs, rubbing my arm soothingly as grief washes over me.
The man in front of us is finally done and the two of us dart forward. Kas uses his sonic on the cashpoint while I try my best to block what he's doing from view. I frown, though, when I see a Brass Band of Santas. "Kas..." I trail off, narrowing my eyes as they move toward us.
The Doctor turns, his eyes widening slightly when he sees them and he pulls me behind him. Donna's shout makes me turn to see her hailing a taxi, "taxi!" she shouts and one pulls up right beside her. "Thanks for nothing, spaceman! I'll see you and your light-up girlfriend in court!" she glares at us before getting into the taxi.
The taxi drives off and my stomach sinks when I see that the driver is another Santa. "Donna!" I shout.
Looking back at the Brass Band, the one in the middle lowers its trumpet with the other two following. I sonic the cashpoint and money shoots out of it and into the air. All the people around us scramble to grab some, giving Kas and I a distraction to get away.
Getting back to the TARDIS, the Doctor and I run up to the console and hurry to get a lock on Donna. I wince when the TARDIS groans in protest, not wanting to actually fly as we chase after Donna and the robo-Santa. Sparks fly up from the console and I yelp, holding on when the TARDIS tilts to the side sharply. The Doctor grabs his hammer and hits the console, "behave!" he scolds before moving to the doors.
I continue to pilot the TARDIS while also watching anxiously. The TARDIS was right by the taxi... I really, really hope this works and we can get Donna away from the Santa.
"Open the door!" Kas shouts to Donna.
"Do what?"
"Open the door!"
"I can't! It's locked!" she screams and the Doctor aims his sonic at the door, unlocking it. "Santa's a robot!" she shouts, winding down the window.
"Yes, we know! Open the door!" I shout from the console.
"What for!?"
"You've got to jump!" Kas shouts.
"I'm not bleedin' flip jumping! I'm supposed to be getting married!"
The taxi speeds off and I huff, throwing down a lever. The console explodes, making me scream as sparks fly everywhere.
"What the hell did you do!?" Kas calls back as he tries to regain his balance.
"I didn't do anything! It's not my fault she doesn't like to properly fly!" I shout back indignantly, screaming when there's another explosion. "Oi, stop it!" I glare up at the rotor and she hums angrily.
When we catch up to the taxi, the Doctor hurriedly aims his sonic at the robot, disabling it. "Listen to me: you've got to jump!"
"I'm not jumping on a motorway!"
"Whatever that thing is, it needs you and whatever it needs you for, it's not good! Now, come on!"
"I'm in my wedding dress!"
"Yes, you look lovely!" the Doctor shouts and I couldn't help but snort at that. "Come on!"
Donna opens the door, getting ready to jump before stopping, "I can't do it!"
The Doctor holds his hands out to her, "trust me," he encourages gently.
"... is that what you said to her? Your friend, Star's little sister? The one you lost?" Donna asks, making me falter as my heart aches. "Did she trust you?"
"Yes she did and she is not dead," Kas looks back at me. "She is so alive!" he smiles sadly before turning back to Donna. "Now, jump!"
Donna looks at me through the doors and I nod, a tear sliding down my cheek. Taking a deep breath, Donna jumps into the TARDIS with a scream. She lands on top of the Doctor and they both go crashing to the ground. Kas groans in pain, shutting the door with his foot.
I land the TARDIS and squeak when there's another explosion from the console. The Doctor grabs the fire extinguisher, "out, out, out, out, out, out!" he shouts.
I push Donna out of the TARDIS while Kas puts the fire out. I wrap my arms around my waist and let my light flow around my body as I go to sit on the edge of the roof we were on. Donna sits next to me and I glance at her, "you alright?"
"... not really," she admits.
"Sorry," I murmur, frowning at her rubbing her bare arms. "Cold?"
"A bit," she shrugs.
I scoot closer to her, grabbing her hand, "here," my lips twitch up at her incredulous expression. I push my light out so that it engulfs her as well and she shudders slightly at the temperature change.
"You're like a personal furnace," she smiles, making me breathe out a laugh.
I look over my shoulder at the TARDIS, seeing Kas coming out, coughing and still using the fire extinguisher. "The funny thing is - for a spaceship - she doesn't really do that much flying... we'd better give her a couple hours," he mutters, setting the fire extinguisher beside the TARDIS and coming over where Donna and I are, shoving his hands in his pockets. "You alright?" he asks Donna.
"Doesn't matter," she shrugs.
"... did we miss it?"
"Yeah," Donna sighs and I give her hand a gentle squeeze.
"Well, you can book another date..."
"Course we can," Donna nods.
"Still got the honeymoon..."
"It's just a holiday now," she shakes her head.
"Yeah... yeah... sorry," Kas mutters, rubbing the back of his neck with a slight wince.
"It's not your fault," Donna sighs, making my lips twitch up.
"Oh! That's a change," Kas smiles.
"Wish we had a time machine... then we could go back and get it right," Donna jokes.
I glance back at the Doctor, eyebrow raised as he splutters a little awkwardly. "Yeah, yeah," he nods, rubbing at his earlobe. "But... even if we did, we couldn't go back on someone's personal timeline..."
"Apparently," I roll my eyes, shaking my head.
The Doctor takes off his blazer and puts it around Donna's shoulders. I sigh, letting my light fade and pulling his coat that I was still wearing tight around me. My 'natural setting' didn't take any energy, but since I'd used so much of my light trying- I cut myself off from those thoughts as tears well up. Kas sits beside me, wrapping his arm around me while I pull my knees up, leaning into his side.
"God, you're skinny! This wouldn't fit a rat," Donna scoffs, making me snort loudly when Kas whines in protest.
"Twig," I tease, poking his stomach and he pouts.
"I definitely like Star's way of warming me up better," Donna sends me a wink.
The Doctor smiles at that, rubbing my arm when I shiver from the strong wind. "Oh!" he straightens, making me look up at him with furrowed eyebrows. "You'd better put this on," he reaches into his pocket with his free hand and pulls out a gold ring.
"Oh, do you have to rub it in?" Donna groans in annoyance. "That better not be yours," she gives Kas a pointed look.
"Don't need rings," I shrug, showing her my mark while Kas shows her his. "These signify our marriage," I explain.
"Those creatures can trace you and this is a bio-damper, should keep you hidden," Kas explains, slipping the ring onto her ring finger when she holds it over with a sigh. "With this ring, I thee bio-damp," he teases.
"For better or for worse," Donna smiles slightly. "So, come on, then," she nudges me in the arm. "Robot Santas, what are they for?"
"They are basic scavengers, the Santa get-up is just a disguise," I explain.
"They're trying to blend in," Kas nods. "We met them last Christmas."
"Why? What happened then?" Donna frowns.
I blink a couple times in confusion, "... great big ugly spaceship hovering over London?" I ask, frowning when she just looks at me blankly.
"You didn't notice?" Kas frowns.
"I had a bit of a hangover," Donna waves off.
I raise an eyebrow, sharing a look with Kas. How the hell did having a hangover make her miss that? I sigh and take in the view, but my heart aches when I see the Powell Estate. "We spent Christmas Day at my flat... over there at the Powell Estate," I nod to it, tears welling up. "With my- my baby sister and our family..." I trial off, voice cracking as I wipe at my eyes.
"Still... gone now," Kas sighs, his arm tightening around me as grief washes over me.
"Your sister... who was she?" Donna asks quietly.
I ignore Donna's question, "real question is: what do camouflaged robot mercenaries want with you?" I look her over. "... and how did you get inside the TARDIS? I don't know," I shake my head.
"What's your job?" Kas asks, reaching past me to get his sonic out of his blazer, which was still around Donna.
"I'm a secretary," she shrugs.
The Doctor runs his sonic over her, scanning her, "it's weird," he frowns. "I mean, you're not special, you're not powerful, you're not connected, you're not clever, you're not import-" he's cut off by me elbowing him in the side, making him grunt and I wince.
"Sorry about him," I apologize to Donna, giving the Doctor a pointed look as he rubs his side.
Donna smiles at me in thanks before glaring at the Doctor, "this friend of yours - just before she left, did she punch you in the face?" she slaps the sonic aside. "Stop bleeping me!"
"What kind of secretary?" I ask, trying not to smile at Kas' indignant pout.
"I'm at HC Clements, it's where I met Lance, I was temping," Donna smiles. "I mean, it was all a bit posh, really. I'd spent the last two years at a double glazing firm. Well... I thought 'I'm never gonna fit in here' and then he made me a coffee. I mean, that just doesn't happen," she scoffs lightly with a dreamy smile. "Nobody gets the secretaries coffee and Lance, he's head of HR! He don't need to bother with me! But he was nice, he was funny, and it turns out, he thought everyone was really snotty too. So that's how it started - me and him - one cup of coffee... that was it."
"When was this?" I ask, lips twitching up at the complete love in her voice.
"Six months ago," she shrugs, making me blink a few times.
"Bit quick to get married..." Kas raises an eyebrow.
"Well... he insisted, and he nagged... and he nagged... and he just wore me down and finally, I just gave in," she tells us and I nod slowly. That doesn't seem... entirely right somehow.
"What does HC Clements do?"
"Oh, security systems, you know; entry codes, ID cards, that sort of thing. If you ask me, it's just a posh name for 'locksmiths'," she scoffs.
"Keys..." I trail off thoughtfully, sharing a look with Kas.
"Anyway, enough of my CV," Donna hands the Doctor his blazer back, standing up and patting her dress down. "Come on, it's time to face the consequences- oh, this is gonna be so shaming," she sighs. "You can do the explaining, Martian-boy and Martian-glowgirl," she smiles down at us.
"Yeah, we're not from Mars," Kas shakes his head, standing and giving me a hand up.
"Although, I do kind of like the 'glowgirl' part," my lips twitch up, making Kas smile slightly as he wraps his arm back around me and Donna snorts loudly.
"Oh, I had this great big reception all planned," Donna sighs. "Everyone's gonna be so heartbroken..."
The guests were the furthest from 'heartbroken' they could possibly get. Walking into the reception, I look around at everyone dancing, drinking, and having a great time with music blaring. I bite my lip, scowling at them as I glance at Donna. She looks beyond pissed, hurt, and completely shocked. As everyone begins to notice Donna standing there with her arms folded, the room falls silent. "You had the reception without me?" Donna glares at them.
"Donna... what happened to ya!?" a bald man asks, staring at Donna in shock.
The Doctor leans forward, "must be Lance," he whispers in my ear and I nod, blushing at the shiver that runs down my spine from his breath hitting my neck.
"You had the reception without me!?" Donna's voice raises and there's an extremely awkward pause as everyone just stares at her.
"Hello! I'm the Doctor and this is my wife, Star," he puts in cheerfully.
I wrap his coat around me tighter when everyone's attention shifts to us, "hi," I wave shyly, shifting on my feet.
"They had the reception without me!" Donna tells us indignantly.
"Yes, we gathered," Kas gives a tight smile, shoving his hands in his pockets awkwardly.
"Well, it was paid for! Why not?" a bitchy-looking blonde cuts in.
"Thank you, Nerys," Donna snaps.
"Oh, so you're Nerys," I wrinkle my nose as I eye her, making the Doctor 'cough' from behind me and bitchy-blonde glares at me. "I will tell you why the hell not," I glare right back, folding my arms. "Donna disappears and the lot of you - what? Decide to throw a big party anyway? She has been through hell and you are just off having some great time! You are supposed to be her family, her friends, her loved ones! Is this how you treat someone you care about? Because I would hate to see how you treat someone you do not!" I glare at all of the guests, satisfied when they all shift guiltily.
Donna stares at me in shock and Lance rushes over, pulling her into a tight hug. The tension is gone when the guests all 'coo' and 'aw' at them. I roll my eyes, but my lips twitch up when Donna sends me a wink over Lance's shoulder. "Thank you," she mouths and I nod.
The reception was back in full swing, only now Donna was dancing with Lance happily in the middle of the crowd. The Doctor and I were leaning against the bar next to each other, his coat now back on him A man with his mobile out catches my attention and I smirk to myself - it was the perfect distraction. I walk over to him, "excuse me?" I tap his arm, making him turn to me in surprise. "Hi, sorry, but could I borrow your mobile? Just for a tick?" I smile, biting my lip and I watch his eyes catch the movement before he eyes me up. Placing my hand over his, I let my light flow through his body a bit without letting it show and his eyes glaze over just slightly. "I promise I'll bring it back." My light could be used to sort of... influence people in a way - it made them suggestible.
"S-s-sure..." he splutters, handing it over as he eyes me up more.
"Thank you," I send him a wink, grabbing the phone and walking back over to the Doctor.
Kas wraps his arms around my shoulders and pulls me back against him, "couldn't you have gotten it without using your light and the touching and the flirty look?" he whines, tightening his hold on me.
"Why? Did it upset you?" I look up at him with a smirk, making him grumble. "Don't worry, my love, my light and I are yours and yours alone," I assure him and he leans down, pressing his lips to mine.
I hum against his lips before pulling away and opening the internet on the mobile. Kas buries his face against my neck, pressing soft kisses to my skin as I search HC Clements. Fishing out my sonic from my holster, I use it to speed up the process and I freeze at the result. 'Sole Prop. TORCHWOOD'. I growl under my breath, my light flowing around my hands. I feel the Doctor's hands go over mine and he rubs circles into them with his thumbs. Taking a few deep breaths, my light fades and my heart clenches painfully, tears welling up. "We just lost-" I cut myself off, my voice breaking and Kas presses a kiss to the back of my head. "They t-took her from us... and now, we have got to deal with them again... I d-don't know if I can..."
"I'm so sorry, El... we'll fix this," Kas whispers, squeezing my hands as grief and anger wash over me.
I wipe at my eyes before pulling away so I could give the man his phone back. Moving back over to Kas I wrap my arms around his waist and he pulls me tight against him, running his fingers through my hair as he coos to me gently. I lean my head against his chest, listening to his dual heartbeats and watch the guests dance. A blonde woman catches my eye and I note that her partner was a tall, handsome man with black hair. My chest tightens when he dips her - they look just like Jack and... her when they danced in the console room after we'd left the Blitz. I bury my face against the Doctor's chest and his arms tighten around me. "I miss her, Kas," I whisper, my throat tight.
"Me too..." he sighs as a strong wave of grief hits me. Kas nudges me and points across the room where there was a man filming the reception. "Let's see if he caught anything," he pulls away and takes my hand, pulling me over.
"Hi, there," I get the man's attention when we reach him. "Did you by chance record when Donna disappeared?"
"I taped the whole thing," he nods, getting the tape from his bag and putting it in. "They've all had a look. They said 'sell it to You've Been Framed'. I said 'more like the News'," he laughs. "Here we go..." he presses play.
I watch as the camera zooms in on Donna's beaming face before she seems to disintegrate into golden particles, screaming as she disappears. My eyes widen and I share a look with the Doctor. "Can't be," he denies, staring at the camera in disbelief. "Play it again?"
"Clever, mind! Good trick, I'll give her that! I was clapping," he laughs as he rewinds the tape.
I watch the video more closely, frowning at the particles engulfing Donna. "Doctor... doesn't that look like..." I trail off warily.
"Huon Particles," he nods.
"What's that?" the cameraman frowns.
"That's impossible, that's... ancient!"
"It's not impossible, we're looking right at them," I point to the camera.
"Huon energy doesn't exist anymore! Not for billions of years! So old that..." Kas trails off, horror washing over me and my eyes widen in realization as I look over to Donna, seeing the bio-damper glinting in the lights.
"It can't be hidden by a bio-damper!"
Kas yanks me away, making me yelp as I stumble after him to one of the many windows. I stare at the robo-Santas that were walking slowly to the building. Pulling the Doctor back through the crowd, I shout, "Donna!" getting her attention and she stops dancing with Lance. "Donna, I am so sorry, but they've found you," I tell her quickly.
"But you said I was safe," Donna frowns.
"The bio-damper doesn't work," the Doctor winces. "We've got to get everyone out," he looks around at the guests that were still dancing and having a good time.
"Oh, my God, it's all my family!"
"Out the back door!" Kas pulls me away with Donna right behind us.
The three of us get to a window, only to see two more robo-Santas coming toward the building. "Brilliant, we're bloody surrounded," I groan, running my free hand through my hair.
"We're trapped," Donna shakes her head.
One of the Santas holds up what looks like a remote control. Kas and I share a look before looking at the huge Christmas tree that was at the far end of the room. "Christmas trees..." he trails off in horror.
"What about them?" Donna frowns.
"They kill," I whisper, making her eyes widen. Kas and I run over to the Christmas tree. "Get away from the trees!" I shout to the crowd.
"Don't touch the trees!" Donna calls, coming to stand beside me.
"Get away from the Christmas tree! Everyone get away from it" the Doctor shouts.
Donna ushers a group of little girls away from the tree quickly. I grab hold of a few guests and pull them away, much to their annoyance but really, it was for their own good. "Out!" Donna shouts. "Lance, tell them!"
"Stay away from the tree! Stay away from the tree!"
"Get away from the tree, all of you!"
"Oh, for God's sake!" Donna's mum comes forward, glaring at the Doctor and I. "They're idiots! Why? What's a Christmas tree gonna do-" she cuts herself off, looking up behind us. "Oh!"
I turn, watching warily as the red baubles from the tree float in the air. The Doctor pulls me behind him as they float over everyone's head. The guests watch in awe, probably thinking it was some kind of show or something. That is until they start to zoom about the room, causing little explosions. Everyone starts to scream and rush about, trying to find cover. I look around at the chaos, seeing Donna pulling Lance under a table. Moving through the crowd, I try to get as many out of the line of fire as I can, pushing them under tables.
"Oi, Santa!" I hear Kas and turn to see him at the DJ booth. "Word of advice: if you're attacking a man with a sonic screwdriver-" he holds the mic up to his mouth. "-don't let him near they sound system," he smirks.
I wince, covering my ears as he uses the sound system to amplify the sound of the sonic to a high-pitched screeching. The Santas twitch violently before they fall to the floor in pieces. I rush over to them - Kas coming up beside me - and kneel down to examine one of the heads. "Look at that, remote control for the decorations," Kas murmurs, handing the controller over to Donna when she comes to stand beside us.
I frown as I run my sonic over the head, "yeah, but there's a second remote control for Santa," I mutter, handing the head to Kas.
"They're not scavengers anymore," he looks it over, lips pulling into a frown. "I think someone's taken possession..."
"Never mind all that," Donna waves off impatiently. "You're a doctor, people have been hurt," she gestures around the room.
"Nah, they wanted you alive," Kas shakes his head. "Look," he tosses her a bauble.
"They're not active now," I explain when she looks down at it with furrowed eyebrows.
"All I'm saying is: you could help," she snaps.
"Got to think of the bigger picture, Donna... sorry," I scratch the back of my head.
The Doctor lifts the robo-head up to his ear and he smiles, "there's still a signal!" he shouts, grabbing my hand and yanking me to my feet, pulling me outside.
I run my sonic along the head while the Doctor holds it in his hands, trying to get a location on the signal. "There's someone behind this," I mutter when I see Donna come up to us. "Whoever it is, is directing the robots and having them come after you."
"But why is it me? What have I done?" she asks helplessly.
"If we find the controller, we'll find that out," Kas replies.
"Ooo," I raise my sonic up to the sky when I get results. "It's up there," I nod up.
"Something in the sky," Kas mutters.
"Yup! Damn, I've lost the signal," I frown, smacking my sonic against my palm with no luck. "Useless," I glare at it, shoving it back in my holster.
"Donna, we've got to get to your office, HC Clements. We think that's where it all started," the Doctor turns to her before her fiancè catches his attention. "Lance! Is it Lance?" he asks, making me snort quietly. "Can you give me and my wife a lift?"
"Thanks!" I let out a squeak as I'm pulled off by the Doctor before Lance has a chance to give an answer.
The Doctor, Donna, Lance, and I hurry into HC Clements and take the lift up to the offices where Donna works. Rushing over to her cubicle, Kas sits down and I sit in his lap, both of us working on hacking into the system. "This might just be a locksmiths, but HC Clements was brought up twenty-three years ago by the Torchwood Insitute," Kas explains.
"Who are they?" Donna asks curiously, looking over the Doctor's shoulder.
"They were behind the battle of Canary Wharf," I tell her quietly, looking back when I get nothing but silence and I frown at her blank expression.
"Cybermen invasion..." Kas trails off when Donna looks between us questioningly.
"... skies over London full of Daleks?"
"Oh, I was in Spain," Donna smiles.
I frown, what the hell? "They... they had Cybermen in Spain..."
"Scuba diving," she shrugs.
"That big picture, Donna, you keep on missing it," I shake my head, sliding off the Doctor's lap and heading over to another computer while he continues to work at that one. "Torchwood was destroyed, but HC Clements stayed in business," I tell her before lowering my voice. "Not for long, though, if I can help it..."
"We think someone else came in and took over-" Kas smacks the side of the monitor, making me roll my eyes. "-the operation."
"But what do they want with me?" Donna frowns.
Kas gives her his full attention while I manage to finally hack in and get the schematics of the building. I frown, looking over them before looking up at the Doctor when he starts to talk. "Somehow you've been dosed with Huon energy and that's a problem because Huon energy hasn't existed since the Dark Times..." he sighs, leaning back against the desk. "The only place you'd find a Huon Particle now is a remnant in the heart of the TARDIS," he explains, scratching the back of his head.
"See, that's what happened," I move over, grabbing a mug. "Say this is the TARDIS," I hold it up. "And... this is you," I nod to the pencil that Kas grabs. "The particles inside you activated-"
"-the two sets of particles magnetized and whap!" he tosses the pencil into the mug.
"You were pulled inside the TARDIS," I explain.
"... I'm a pencil inside a mug?" Donna deadpans as she stares at it, making me snort quietly.
"Yes, you are! 4H sums you up," the Doctor coos, grinning at Donna's thoroughly unimpressed look. "Lance?" he turns to him, making him jump slightly at being addressed. "What has HC Clements been working on?"
"Something top-secret? Special operations? Do not enter? Authorized personnel only? Doors with big red letters? Anything?" I list off, bouncing on the balls of my feet with my hands behind me.
"I don't know! I'm in charge of personnel," Lance stares at me, becoming defensive and I raise an eyebrow. I really don't trust him. "I wasn't project manager- why am I explaining myself to you!? What the hell are we talking about?"
"They make keys, that's the point," Kas rolls his eyes.
I move over to the computer I'd hacked into, "and look at this," I gesture to the schematics. "We're on the third floor and underneath reception, there's a basement, yeah?" I ask, leading them to the lift and pressing the button. "Then can you tell me why when you look at the lift controls-" I step in with Kas right behind me when it pings and the doors open. "-there's a button marked 'lower basement'?" I point to it. "There's a whole floor which does not exist on the official plans... seems a bit secretive to me," I raise an eyebrow and narrow my eyes slightly when Lance shifts just a bit.
"So, what's down there, then?" the Doctor asks curiously before wrapping his arms around my shoulders from behind. "You're making it very hard not to kiss you, being all clever," he squeezes me.
"You can snog me all you like later," I smirk up at him, my cheeks heating up.
"Are you telling me this building's got a secret floor?" Lance cuts in and I roll my eyes. What's he not getting?
"No, she's showing you this building's got a secret floor," Kas retorts.
"It need a key," Donna points out.
"Hm, that is a shame, isn't it?" I smirk, making the Doctor snort quietly as he lets go of me with one hand to sonic the lock.
"Right, then! Thanks, you two, Star and me can handle this," he smiles at the two Humans. "See you later!" he waves.
"No chance, Martians," Donna scoffs, stepping into the lift. "You two are the ones who keep saving my life! I ain't letting you out of my sight!"
"Going down," my lips twitch up.
"Lance," Donna folds her arms, giving him a pointed look.
"Maybe I should go to the police..." he mutters uncomfortably, taking a step back.
"Inside!" Donna glares and Lance joins us meekly.
"To honor and obey?" Kas smirks.
"Tell me about it, mate," Lance sighs.
"Oi!" Donna glares as the lift doors close.
"I change my mind about later," I look up at the Doctor with narrowed eyes.
He kisses my forehead before leaning down to my ear, "I enjoy obeying you, love," he whispers so only I hear, blowing on my ear teasingly and I hold back a shudder.
"I hate you," I glare with bright red cheeks as he straightens with an extremely smug smirk.
"No, you don't," his smirk widens when I huff, folding my arms.
The lift doors open when we reach the 'lower basement' and the four of us step out into a long, dimly lit corridor. "Where are we?" Donna looks around. "Well, what goes on down here?"
"Let's find out..." Kas mutters as we head off down the corridor.
"Do you think Mr. Clements knows about this place?"
"The mysterious HC Clements? I think he's part of it," Kas nods.
My lips twitch up when I see three segways, "honey, look what I've found," I pull him over.
"Transport!" he grins.
"Oh, you are kidding me," Donna stares at them incredulously.
"Come on, it'll be fun," I nudge her with my elbow.
The Doctor gets on one and I get on behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist and Lance and Donna get on their own. The four of us head down the corridor on our segways and I glance over at Donna. The situation was entirely ridiculous - I mean, there was a bride on a segway in the secret basement of her place of work. I snort loudly, leaning my forehead against Kas' back and he and Donna burst out laughing. 'Poor' Lance just looks at the three of us in confusion.
"Stop!" I giggle when we pass a door.
All of us stop and hop off the segways. I head over to the door which reads 'TORCHWOOD - Authorized Personnel Only'. "Top-secret door in a top-secret basement," I raise an eyebrow, turning the wheel to get in.
Inside was just a ladder that leads up and Kas grabs hold of the rungs, "wait here, just need to get my bearings... don't-" he points between the three of us. "-do anything," he tells us sternly, heading up the ladder.
"Why would I want to go anywhere?" I call up, folding my arms and he looks down with a raised eyebrow. "I've got such a lovely view," I bite my lip as I make a show of eyeing him up.
"Cheeky," he rolls his eyes before continuing up the ladder.
"Old man," my lips twitch up.
"You'd better come back!" Donna calls.
"I couldn't get rid of you if I tried," Kas teases, throwing her a wink.
I lean against the wall and play with my light in my hand, making it into a little ball and moving it around. Lance stares at me for a second before turning to Donna incredulously, "Donna, have you thought about this? Properly? I mean, this is serious! What the hell are we gonna do!?" he asks her, his voice rising and I roll my eyes.
"Oh! I thought July," she smiles, not looking at him as she watches my light flow around my fingers and I snort quietly.
Kas jumps from the ladder, making me jump slightly. "Thames Flood Barrier, right above us," he informs us, tugging on my hair teasingly as he passes me. "Torchwood snuck in and built this place underneath..."
"What? There's like a secret base hidden underneath a major London landmark?" Donna gapes at him as we follow him further down the corridor.
"I know! Unheard of," I roll my eyes, but they brighten when we reach a laboratory. I share an excited look with Kas before moving forward and looking at all the giant test tubes that were filled with bubbling water. "Beautiful," I breathe.
"Oh, look at this! Stunning! Particle extrusion!" Kas beams around at everything.
"What does it do?" Donna asks curiously.
"This is so brilliant," I smile, moving to look at everything I could. "They're manufacturing Huon Particles!"
"My people got rid of Huon Particles, they unraveled the atomic structure," Kas tells her as he comes up by my shoulder.
"Your people?" Lance turns to us. "Who are they? What company do you represent?"
"Oh, we're just... freelancers," the Doctor waves off. "But this lot are rebuilding them! They've been using the river!"
"Extruding them through a flat hydrogen base so they've got the end result-" I pick up a small test tube. "-Huon Particles in liquid form," I breathe out a laugh as I turn it in my hand. "Oh, that's lovely!"
"... and that's what's inside me?" Donna asks, making my smile fade
Kas turns the knob on top of the tube in my hand, making it glow along with Donna. "Oh, my God!" she gasps, looking down at herself.
"Because the particles are inert, they need something living to catalyze inside and that's you," Kas nods to Donna, starting to pace. "Saturate the body and then... ha!" he laughs, making my lips twitch up fondly and Donna jumps. "The wedding! Yes, you're getting married, that's it!" he turns to her excitedly. "Best day of your life! Walking down the aisle... oh, your body's a battleground! There's a chemical war inside! Adrenaline, acetylcholine - wham go the endorphins! Oh, you're cooking! Yeah, you're like a walking oven! A pressure cooker! A microwave, all churning away! The particles reach boiling point - SHAZAM-" he's cut off from his mad rambling when Donna slaps him across the face again, making him groan as he grabs his cheek.
"Stop doing that!" I whine, grabbing my own sore cheek. "I feel it when he is hurt," I glare and her eyes widen slightly as she looks between us.
"What did I do this time!?" Kas demands indignantly, rubbing at his reddening skin.
"Are you enjoying this?" Donna glares at him and I bite my lip, glancing at Kas, who relaxes a bit in shame. "Right..." she shakes her head. "Just tell me: these particles, are they dangerous? Am I safe?"
"Yes," Kas answers immediately, and completely unconvincingly as his voice goes high.
"Doctor... if your lot got rid of Huon Particles, why did they do that?" Donna asks hesitantly.
"Because they were deadly," he answers gently.
"Oh, my God..." she looks between us, her eyes welling up with tears as she puts her hands over her mouth.
I slip the test tube into my back pocket and move to put my hands on her shoulders, "the Doctor and I, we will sort this out, Donna," I smile up at her gently. "Whatever has been done to you? We will reverse it," I promise. "I am not about to lose someone else," I sigh, glancing at Kas when he places a hand on my hip from behind.
There's a few crashing sounds that come from around us, making Donna and I both jump. "Oh, she is long since lost!" a rough female voice calls as one of the walls slide up to reveal a secret chamber with an enormous hole in the floor. "I have waited so long! Hibernating at the edge of the universe-" I roll my eyes when Lance runs away, folding my arms. "-until the secret heart was uncovered and called out to waken!"
I look around at all the robots lining the chamber, armed and wearing black cloaks with their hoods up. Well, they got a bit of a wardrobe upgrade, didn't they? I place my hand on my holster while the Doctor walks up to the hole and looks down it. "Someone's been digging... oh, very Torchwood," he scowls, anger and disgust washing over me. "Drilled by laser, how far down does it go?"
"Down and down! All the way to the center of the Earth!"
"Really? Seriously?" I blink in surprise. That... was not the answer I was expecting. "What for?"
"Dinosaurs," Donna cuts in, shuffling forward.
"What?" Kas turns to her, frowning in confusion.
"Dinosaurs?" she repeats helpfully, making me snort quietly.
"What are you on about? Dinosaurs?"
"That film Under the Earth with dinosaurs..." she tries to explain, huffing when Kas' blank expression turns incredulous. "Trying to help!"
"That's not helping," Kas deadpans.
"I liked it," I put in, holding up my hand and Donna smiles while the Doctor rolls his eyes.
"Such sweet friend!" the voice taunts.
"Only a madman talks to thin air, and trust me, you don't want to make me mad," the Doctor threatens, his voice dark.
"Yeah, nor me! I'm a hothead!" I smirk, making the Doctor chuckle under his breath. "Where are you?"
"High in the sky! Floating so high on Christmas night!"
"We didn't come all this way to talk on the intercom!" Kas shouts. "Come on, let's have look at you!"
"Who are you with such command?"
"I'm the Doctor!"
"Then prepare your best medicines, doctor-man! For you will be sick at heart," the voice replies and with a flash of blue light, a giant red spider-woman appears on a platform on the far end of the room.
"The Racnoss... but that's impossible," I stare at her in shock.
"You're one of the Racnoss..." Kas gapes at her.
"Empress of the Racnoss," she corrects, glaring at us.
"If you're the Empress, where's the rest of the Racnoss?" I ask curiously.
"Or... are you the only one?" the Doctor raises an eyebrow.
"Such a sharp mind!" the Empress hisses.
"That's it: the last of your kind," Kas hums before turning to Donna. "The Racnoss come from the Dark Times, billions of years ago... billions," he explains.
"They devoured whole planets," I add.
"Racnoss are born starving, is that our fault!?"
"They eat people?" Donna gasps, her face paling.
I wince slightly as the anger and disgust I was getting from Kas gets stronger. I look up at him and follow his line of sight to the ceiling of the room. There was a giant web across the ceiling and I wrinkle my nose with my stomach churning at shoes that were poking out of it.
"HC Clements, did he wear those... those, um, black and white shoes?" Kas asks Donna carefully.
"He did, we used to laugh! We used to call him the 'fat cat in spats'!" she smiles.
"Donna..." I mutter gently, pointing up.
She looks up and gasps loudly, "oh, my God!" her hands go to her mouth.
"Mm, my Christmas dinner!" the Empress cackles.
I growl under my breath, "you shouldn't even exist!" I glare at her.
"Way back in history, the Fledgling Empires went to war against the Racnoss," Kas explains to Donna quickly. "They were wiped out," he narrows his eyes at the Empress.
"Except for me!" she sneers.
"But that's what I've got inside me, that Huon energy thing," Donna cuts in. "Oi, look at me, lady! I'm talking!" she snaps at the Empress and I see Lance sneaking up on her with an axe. I narrow my eyes suspiciously, though, still not trusting him. I mean, head of HR and he made coffee for Donna every day over six months? That cannot be a coincidence at all. "Where do I fit in? How comes I get all stacked up with these Huon Particles? Look at me, you! Look me in the eye and tell me!"
"The bride is so feisty!" the Empress hisses.
"Yes, I am, and I don't know what you are, you big... thing!" Donna glares at her, making Kas and I share an approving look. Honestly, that's an insult I'd use if I didn't know or couldn't remember the name of something, so good on her! "But a spider's just a spider, and an axe is just an axe! Now, do it!"
Lance goes to swing the axe and the Empress turns, hisses in fear, and then bursts out laughing as he drops it. My stomach sinks when Lance laughs with her. I glance at Donna's confused and angry expression as she stares at them, making my heart ache. Lance continues to laugh hysterically, pointing at the Empress, "that was a good one! Your face!"
"Lance is funny!"
"What!?" Donna gapes between them.
"I'm sorry..." Kas tells her gently, a wave of anger and disgust and sadness and pity washing over me.
"Sorry for what?" Donna frowns, it not quite sinking in yet. "Lance, don't be stupid! Get her!"
"God, she's thick," Lance scoffs and I clench my fists with a growl, my light beginning to surround them and I feel Kas' hand on the small of my back as he tries to calm me. "Months I had to put up with her! Months! A woman who can't even point to Germany on a map!"
"... I don't understand..."
"How did you meet him?" I ask, trying to keep my voice soft for her while I glare at Lance.
"... in the office..."
"He made you coffee," Kas sighs, moving from me to put a comforting hand on Donna's shoulder.
"What?" she snaps, looking between us.
"Every day, I made you coffee!" Lance rolls his eyes.
"Donna, I am so sorry... you had to be dosed with liquid particles over six months," I explain softly.
Her face pales when she realizes what we're getting at, "... he was poisoning me," she whispers in disbelief.
"It was all there in the job title! The Head of Human Resources!" Kas glares up at the smug arse.
"This time, it's personnel," Lance makes a godawful pun, making the Empress cackle with him.
"But... we were getting married," Donna whispers, staring at Lance with tears in her eyes and I grab her hand, squeezing when she clutches onto me.
"Well, I couldn't risk you running off! I had to say yes," Lance glares and my light starts to crawl up my forearms as constant waves of anger and disgust wash over me. "Then I get stuck with a woman who thinks the height of excitement is a new flavor Pringle! Oh, I had to sit there and listen to all that yap, yap, yap! 'Oh, Brad and Angelina! Is Posh pregnant? X-Factor! Atkins Diet! Feng Shui! Split ends! Text me, text me, text me!' Dear God, the neverending fountain of fat, stupid trivia! I deserve a medal!"
"Oh, you deserve a hell of a lot, but it most certainly is not a medal," I snarl, wrapping an arm around Donna instead as she shakes slightly. "Tell me, though: is that what the Empress has offered to you, then?" I raise an eyebrow, rubbing Donna's arm when she sniffles and letting my light calm her a bit. "What are you, even? Her consort?" I look between them in disgust.
"It's better than a night with her," Lance scoffs.
"... but I love you," Donna whispers, her voice thick and small and my heart tightens at the pain in her tone.
"That's what made it easy," Lance coos mockingly. "It's like you said, Star," he looks at me and my glare hardens. "The big picture, what's the point of it all if the Human Race is nothing?" he asks and I want so badly to just burn him to the ground. How dare he use something I said as justification for what he has done! "That's what the Empress can give me - a chance to... to go out there, to see it! The size of it all! I think you understand that, don't you, Star? Doctor?"
"Who is this little physician and his celestial lady-friend?" the Empress asks, eyeing us both.
"She said 'Martians'," Lance shrugs, pointing to Donna.
"Oh, we're sort of... homeless," Kas waves off, a pang of grief and guilt hitting me. "But the point is: what's down there?" he nods to the hole, shoving his hands in his pockets. "The Racnoss are extinct, what's gonna help you four thousand miles down? That's just the molten core of the Earth, isn't it?"
"I think he wants us to talk!" Lance snorts loudly.
"I think so too," the Empress agrees with a cackle.
"Well, tough! All we need is Donna," Lance glares.
"Over my dead body!" I snarl, tightening my hold on Donna.
"That will be arranged," the Empress hisses. "Kill this chattering little doctor-man and his glowing woman!" she orders her robo-servants.
Donna steps away from me and in front of Kas and I, "don't you hurt them!" she glares.
"No, no, it's alright," Kas assures her and I glance at him, making him send me a discreet wink.
"No, I won't let them!"
I feel the Doctor reach into my back pocket and get the test tube, making my lips twitch up. The Empress screams to the robots, "at arms!" and they aim their guns at us.
"Ah, now, except-"
"Take aim!" the Empress shouts over Kas.
"Well, I just want to point out the obvious-"
"They won't hit the bride, they're such very good shots," the Empress assures us.
"Just... just... just... hold on! Just a tick, just a tiny... just a little... tick," Kas raises a finger with his free hand. "If you think about it, the particles activated in Donna and drew her inside our spaceship... so, reverse it... the spaceship comes to her," he smiles, twisting the knob on the test tube.
"See ya!" I give the Empress a two-finger salute as Donna starts to glow and the TARDIS begins to materialize around us.
"Off we go!" I cheer as Kas and I rush over to the console and begin to pilot us away.
"Oh, you know what I said before about time machines?" Kas asks Donna while I set the date. "Well... I lied, and now we're gonna use it!" he smiles.
I stop moving when I see Donna leaning against the console, her shoulders shaking as silent tears run down her face. I let Kas take over piloting so I can move over and lead Donna to the jump-seat. Sitting beside her with my legs underneath me, I wrap an arm around her shoulders and let her lean into me as I rub her arm.
"We need to find out what the Empress is digging up!" Kas rambles, not noticing Donna's distraught state in his excitement to see something we have never seen before. "If something's buried at the planet core, it must've been there since the beginning! That's just brilliant! Molto bene! I've always wanted to see this! Donna, we're going further back than Star or I've ever been before!"
"Shh, it's alright," I whisper to her and Kas stops what he's doing, softening when he sees Donna as pity and anger are sent to me. "I'm sorry..." I run my fingers through her hair and am momentarily distracted by how incredibly soft it is. Shaking my head slightly, I let my light flow around my fingers to soothe her and she sniffles, leaning into me more.
Landing, the Doctor moves so Donna could see him, "we've arrived... want to see?" he asks softly.
"I suppose," Donna shrugs, not really caring as she lets me continue to comfort her.
The Doctor swings the monitor around, frowning slightly, "oh, that scanner's a bit small, maybe your way's best," he smiles at Donna. "Come on," he waves her over as he heads to the doors, waiting patiently.
I stand up, moving to stand in front of Donna when she doesn't move. "Don't let some stupid, selfish boy get in the way of you seeing something magical, sweetheart," I smile softly, wiping her tears away.
That gets a small chuckle out of her, "I'm older than you, glowgirl," she swats my hands away playfully.
"I'm six hundred and seventy-five," I retort before blinking a few times, ignoring Donna's incredulous squeak. "No, wait, six hundred and ninety-eight... I spent twenty-three years as Human..." I murmur thoughtfully. "Anyway," I shake my head, grabbing Donna's hands and pulling her up. "Come on," I pull her over to the doors.
"You're not half-mad," Donna snorts loudly.
"Not the first person to tell me that," I smirk at her over my shoulder.
Kas smiles between us, "no Human's ever seen this, you'll be the first," he tells Donna excitedly.
"All I want to see is my bed," she sighs miserably and I squeeze her hand.
"Donna Noble, welcome to the creation of the Earth," Kas smiles as he opens the doors.
My breath hitches in my throat as I stare out at the multi-colored gas clouds around us and the rocks floating around. "That is beautiful..." I breathe out in complete awe.
I feel an arm go around my waist and Kas pulls me close, "we've gone back 4.6 billion years, there's no solar system - not yet - only dust and rocks and gas," he explains quietly.
"That's the Sun over there," I point to it. "Brand new... just a baby star," I smile, making the Doctor snort as he rubs my side. "It's just beginning to burn," I tell Donna, my voice soft as I watch the chunks of rock float past.
"Where's the Earth?" she asks in awe, staring outside.
"All around us... in the dust," I lean into Kas more.
"Puts the wedding in perspective," Donna mutters. "Lance was right, we're just... tiny," she shakes her head.
I put my hand over Kas' mouth before he can say anything about me being tiny and he sends me a glare, licking my hand. Rolling my eyes, I pull my hand away and wipe it on his arm. Kas rolls his eyes right back before wrapping his arms around my shoulders, leaning his chin on my head. "No, but that's what you do, the Human Race," he grins at Donna, who was looking between us in amusement. "Making sense out of chaos! Marking it out with weddings and Christmas and calenders! This whole process is beautiful, but only if it's being observed," he tells her, his voice full of wonder and he sways us from side to side lightly.
"So... I came out of all this?"
"Isn't that brilliant?" I smile softly, watching a huge rock float past.
"I think that's the Isle of Wight," Donna jokes, pointing at it and the three of us laugh quietly.
"Eventually, gravity takes hold," I explain when we sober up. "... a big rock more massive and dense than all the others starts to pull other rocks toward it."
"All the dust and gas and elements get pulled in - everything - piling until you get the-"
"Earth," Donna finishes for the Doctor.
"But the question is... what was that first rock?"
"Look!" Donna points to a star-shaped ship moving out of a gas cloud.
"The Racnoss..." I murmur.
"Hold on, the Racnoss are hiding from the war!" Kas stares at it before running to the console, getting us ready to leave. "What's it doing?"
"Exactly what you and Star said," Donna murmurs as the Racnoss ship draws all of the dust and rocks to it.
"They didn't just bury something at the center of the Earth... they became the center of the Earth," I watch in shock.
"The first rock," Kas mutters as he moves back over, standing at my shoulder.
I squeak - Donna grabbing a hold of my arm and I grab hold of the doorframe - as the TARDIS shudders violently. "What was that!?" Donna gasps.
"Trouble," the Doctor groans.
I slam the doors shut and the Doctor and I run to the console. The TARDIS continues to shudder and shake about as she gives a few very angry trills. "I know, girl, I know," I try to soothe her, stroking the console with my light.
"What the hell's it doing?" Donna shouts over the noise, holding onto the console so she stays upright.
"Remember that little trick the Doctor pulled? Particles pulling particles?" I ask Donna before turning to Kas. "Really, it was brilliant!"
Kas sends me a wink while we try and pilot, "it works in reverse, they're pulling us back," he explains to Donna.
"Well, can't you stop it? Hasn't it go a handbrake?"
"He leaves it on," I shrug, lips twitching up when the Doctor groans in annoyance.
"Well, can't you reverse or warp or beam or something!?"
"Backseat driver," Kas rolls his eyes.
Spotting the extrapolator under the console, I smile, "ooo, this could work!" I pull it up, setting it on the console.
"The extraplator!" Kas cheers when he sees it. "Tiny genius," he kisses my cheek as he walks past me.
"Can't stop them from forcing us to land, but it should give us a good bump!" I beam, hooking it into the console as quickly as I can.
The TARDIS starts to land and Kas shouts, "now!" and I whack the extrapolator with Kas' hammer, bumping us off course a bit.
"Hm, this thing is useful after all," I shrug, tossing it to the Doctor, who rolls his eyes as he places it back on its little hook.
Kas grabs my hand and we hurry out of the TARDIS with Donna right behind us. I look around at the corridor of the basement we'd arrived in and we hurry to the Thames Flood Barrier entrance. I get my sonic out, scanning the door while Kas listens to it with his stethoscope. Donna stands behind us, catching her breath, "but what do we do?"
"I don't know," Kas shrugs. "We make it up as we go along," he throws her a beaming grin over his shoulder.
"But trust me, him and me? We've got a history," I assure her.
"But I still don't understand... I'm full of the particles, but what for?"
"There's a Racnoss web at the center of the Earth, but the Doctor's people unraveled their power source," I explain quickly while he and I work. "The Huon Particles ceased to exist, but the Racnoss are stuck! They've just been in hibernation for billions of years!"
"Frozen, dead, kaput!" Kas nods, making me snort quietly and he tugs on my hair teasingly. "So, you're the new key! Brand new particles - living particles! They need you to open it- and you have never been so quiet..." he turns around and horror and anger washes over me.
Switching off my sonic, I close my eyes and breathe out slowly, "she's gone, isn't she?"
"... yeah," Kas mutters and I bite my lip guiltily as tears well up. "It's not your fault, El," he grabs my shoulders, turning me to him.
I look up at him, a tear sliding down my cheek, "but it is! I can't keep anyone safe! Not some bride we just met, not my mum or Mouse... not- not Ro-" I cut myself off, looking away and choking out a sob while I wipe at my eyes.
"Hey, look at me," Kas cups my face in his hands and forces me to look up at him, wiping my tears with his thumbs. "You and I will get Donna back, ok? It is not your fault, Rinell," he tells me firmly, pulling me into a tight hug.
I wrap my arms around his waist and lean my ear against his chest to hear his hearts. Taking a few deep breaths, I nod against him before pulling away. Kas taps under my chin with a soft smile, his brown eyes sad and understanding. I turn to the door and open it, groaning under my breath at the robot on the other side. I pull my blaster out and shoot the robot, making it slump to the ground. Kneeling down next to it, I search its cloak and smile when I find the remote controller. "Let's get our bride back," I tell Kas in determination.
He kneels next to me, pulling me into a side-hug, "that's my girl," he squeezes me.
After getting the robot mask and cloak off the one I'd stunned and getting the ones off another, the Doctor and I head to the chamber with the hole to the center of the Earth. We head up a few sets of stairs off to the side, staying out of sight. The Empress had Lance and Donna trapped inside the web on the ceiling. "Activate the particles! Purge every last one!" she shouts and Donna and Lance begin to glow with Huon energy. "And release!" The particles form a golden sort of cloud as they come out of Donna and Lance, floating down into the hole. "The secret heart unlocks and they will waken from their sleep of Ages!"
"Who will? What's down there?" Donna asks and my heart aches at the fear in her voice.
"How thick are you!?" Lance glares at her.
Kas grabs my hand, running his thumb over my knuckles when I growl under my breath. I squeeze his hand to assure him that I was calm enough not to start killing things... for now.
"My children, the long last Racnoss!" the Empress answers Donna's question. "Now they will be born to feast on flesh! The web-star shall come to me! My babies will be hungry, they need sustenance!" she hisses and I wrinkle my nose at the sounds of tiny spiders coming up from the hole. This has to be stopped. "Perish the web!"
"Use her! Not me, use her!" Lance screams, trying to wriggle free.
My light starts to creep up my arms as I glare at the selfish, cowardly, pathetic excuse of a man that was Donna's fiancè. Seriously, what attracted her to him in the first place?
"Oh, my funny little Lance! But you are quite impolite to your lady-friend! The Empress does not approve!" she smiles up at him nastily and the web that was holding Lance loosens, causing him to fall down the hole, screaming all the way.
"Lance!" Donna screams, not being able to do anything but watch in horror.
"Harvest the Humans! Reduce them to meat!" the Empress orders and Kas starts to pull me up the stairs so we could be above the Empress. "My children are climbing toward me and none shall stop them! So you might as well unmask, my clever little doctor-man and his pretty little woman!" she sneers as she turns to face us.
The Doctor and I remove our masks and cloaks. "You think I'm pretty, really?" I ask lightly, pretending to blush.
"I know I do," the Doctor sends me a wink, getting me to blush for real and he smirks proudly. "Anyway, nice try," he shrugs, tossing his mask aside. "We've got you Donna!" he calls up to her.
I lift my sonic up to where Donna is and buzz it at the web, causing it to loosen. "I'm gonna fall!" she screams.
"You're gonna swing!" I correct.
Donna screams and grabs hold of the string of web tightly as she swings right over the hole. The Doctor holds his arms out, ready to catch her, "I've got ya!" he assures her, but Donna swings right under us and I wince when I hear a loud thud. Kas and I look over the railing to see Donna sprawled out on the floor right under us. "Oh... sorry," the Doctor winces, guilt hitting me.
"Thanks for nothing," Donna glares up at us.
"You alright, though?" I ask worriedly.
"Fine, thanks," she rolls her eyes but I see her lips twitch up.
"The doctor-man and his glowing woman amuse me!" the Empress laughs.
I glare down at her, my voice hard, "Empress of the Racnoss, we give you one last chance! We can find you a planet!"
"We can find you a place in the universe to coexist! For you and your children!" Kas calls down, his voice equally as hard. "Take that offer and end this now!"
"These two are so funny!" she hisses.
"What's your answer?"
"Oh, I'm afraid I have to decline!"
My light flows around my arms as I stare down the Empress, "what happens next is your own doing," I warn darkly, hearing Kas hiss behind me but I can barely register anything else but the rage that overtakes me.
"I'll show you what happens next! At arms!" the Empress screams and the robots around the room raise their guns. "Take aim! And-"
"Relax," I order calmly.
"What did you do?" Donna asks as the robots go limp.
"Guess what I've got, Donna?" Kas calls down. "Pockets!"
"How did that fit in there!?"
"They're bigger on the inside!"
"Robo-forms are not necessary! My children will feed on Martian flesh!" the Empress glares at us.
Kas sucks his teeth, shoving his hands in his pockets, "oh, but we're not from Mars," he shakes his head.
"... then where?"
"I am surprised you could not tell, with my glowing and all," I roll my eyes, leaning forward on the railing with my tone still calm as my light gets brighter. "I am from Iralia, a Star," I tell her.
"Iralians are a peaceful people-" I wince at the present tense she puts on it and my light gets even brighter. "-I have nothing to fear from some small forest child!" she scoffs.
"Oh, yes, very peaceful indeed," I nod, tapping my glowing fingers on the railing. "But, as I have said so many times before... my husband? He is just such a bad influence on me and, well.... his people..."
"... who are they?"
"My home planet is far away and long-since gone, but its name lives on," Kas glares down at her, a strong and constant mix of emotions rushing over me. "Gallifrey!"
The Empress rears back in fear in anger, "they murdered the Racnoss!"
"We warned you! You did this!" I glare at her, my calm tone turning cold and harsh as Kas and I take Christmas baubles from our pockets.
"No! No, don't! No!" the Empress screams in panic.
I throw the baubles in the air while Kas controls them to go around the room and through the corridors. They destroy the walls and the Thames comes pouring into the chamber, flooding down the hole. "My children! No! My children! My children!" the Empress screams in agony.
My hands start to shake as I stare down at the Empress, my mind going blank as I watch the flooding water and fires around the chamber. The railing under my fingers starts to melt and silent tears stream down my face. A strong wave of horror and worry washes over me, making me nearly whimper in pain but I couldn't think. Memories of the war and of... of my baby sister were flashing in my mind. The pain, the rage, the all-encompassing grief from all that I've lost.
A sharp pain shoots across my cheek and I snap out it with a yelp, grabbing hold of my face. I look down at the Empress when her screams grow louder and louder and my eyes widen in horror. "Oh, my God..." I whisper, stumbling back into the Doctor's chest. "Oh, my God," I whimper, my hand flying to my mouth as what I've done hits me full force.
"Come on," Kas grabs my hand and starts to pull me up the stairs. "Time I got you girls out," he sighs and I notice that Donna was with us.
"Transport me!" the Empress screams.
I let the tears fall silently as the Doctor, Donna, and I head up to the entrance to the Thames Flood Barrier at the top of the stairs with a little ladder leading out of it. Kas pushes me up and I climb, feeling numb but feeling everything at once at the same time. I chew on my bottom lip in guilt when I hear Kas hiss a few times. Getting to the top, I wrap my arms around myself at the cold and let my light flow around my whole body as I stare at the now empty Thames. I feel Kas' arms go around my shoulders from behind and I lean into him.
"Just... there's one problem," Donna points out.
"What's that?" Kas asks.
"We've drained the Thames," she points out before bursting out laughing.
Kas snorts loudly, hugging me to him tightly and he sighs when I don't join in. I turn to him and wrap my arms around his waist tightly, leaning my ear against his chest and taking comfort in his dual hearts. The Doctor squeezes me, pressing a kiss to the top of my head.
After getting back to the TARDIS, the Doctor and I took Donna to her house. My light had calmed down to where it was just dancing around my fingers and Kas smiles sadly. Putting his coat around me, he leads me outside with Donna right behind us. "There we go," the Doctor smiles as she looks around in awe and he wraps an arm around my shoulders. "Told you she'd be alright! She can survive anything," he pats the TARDIS door with his free hand fondly.
"More than I've done," Donna sighs, folding her arms.
I get out my sonic, doing a quick scan of her and my lips twitch up, "nah, all the Huon Particles have gone," I assure her.
"No damage, you're fine," Kas smiles.
"Yeah, but apart from that? I missed my wedding, lost my job, and became a widow on the same day," Donna shakes her head. "Sort of," she shrugs.
"We couldn't save him," the Doctor mutters quietly.
"He deserved it," Donna scowls, making the Doctor raise an eyebrow. I was staying quiet on that subject... though, he didn't really deserve to die even if I thought he was a prat. "No, he didn't," she sighs, her features softening. "I'd better get inside, they'll be worried," she looks back at her house and I smile slightly when I see her parents hugging through the window.
"Best Christmas present they could have," Kas grins at them before looking back at Donna. "Oh, no, I forgot! You hate Christmas," he teases.
"Yes, I do," she nods.
"... even if it snows?" the Doctor smirks, flipping a switch just inside the TARDIS door.
I look up at the ball of light that shoots up into the sky from the light on top of the TARDIS. It explodes into what looks like fireworks and snowflakes start to fall to the ground softly. I smile, gripping Kas' hand and wrapping an arm around his waist as I watch.
Donna laughs in delight, spinning on the spot, "I can't believe you just did that!"
"Oh, basic atmospheric excitation," Kas explains lightly with a wide grin.
"So... you basically just made the sky cu-" I'm cut off with the Doctor yelping out a shocked 'El!' and covering my mouth with his free hand.
"Merry Christmas," Donna laughs, smiling between us.
Kas beams, taking his hand from my mouth, "and you," he nods.
"Merry Christmas, Donna," I smile, messing with Kas' fingers. "So... what will you do with yourself now?" I ask 'casually', glancing up at Kas and he smiles, nudging my hip with his.
"Not getting married, for starters," she snorts, making me smile. "... and I'm not gonna temp anymore. I don't know... travel? See a bit more of planet Earth... walk in the dust, just... go out there and do something!"
"Well, you could always..." the Doctor trails off.
"... come with us?" I ask hesitantly.
"No," Donna turns us down immediately.
"... right," I mutter, biting my lip.
"I can't-"
"No, that's fine," the Doctor assures her as if he wasn't sending me hurt, rubbing up and down my arm.
"No, but really... everything we did today? Do you live your life like that?"
"... not all the time..."
"I think you do, and I couldn't," Donna shakes her head.
"But you've seen it there, it's beautiful," I try to convince her.
"... and it's terrible," she retorts and I slump sadly against Kas. "That place was flooding and burning and they were dying and you two were stood there... I don't know... strangers," she looks between us and I look away guiltily, Kas tightening his arm around me as guilt hits me. "... and then you made it snow! I mean, you scare me to death!"
"... well, then," Kas mutters.
"Tell you what I will do, though: Christmas dinner," she offers and we immediately tense. "Oh, come on," she rolls her eyes.
"... we don't do that sort of thing," Kas denies.
"You did it last year! You said so," Donna argues. "And you might as well because mum always cooks enough food for twenty," she smiles.
I glance at Kas, my heart aching at our shared grief. "Oh... alright, then," I shrug.
"But you go first, better warn them," Kas nods to the house. "And... don't say we're Martians," he adds firmly.
"We've just... got to park her properly," I nod to the TARDIS. "She might drift off to the Middle Ages..."
"We'll see you in a minute," the Doctor gives her a tight smile before leading me into the TARDIS.
I lean against the door, breathing out slowly as tears well up and I watch Kas start to pilot us off. Donna starts shouting and I sigh, the Doctor landing us. The two of us poke our heads out the door. "Blimey, you can shout," the Doctor stares at her.
"... am I ever gonna see you again?" Donna looks between us sadly, realizing we aren't coming back.
"If we're lucky," I smile softly.
"Just... promise me one thing: find someone-"
"We don't need anyone else," I cut her off, my tone darkening.
"Yes, you do," she retorts and Kas places a hand on my hip, stroking it with his thumb. "Because sometimes... I think you need someone to stop you... both of you."
"Yeah..." I whisper, placing my hand over the Doctor's and wincing at our dual guilt.
"Thanks, then, Donna," he nods to her. "Good luck, and just... be magnificent," he grins.
"I think I will, yeah," she laughs and Kas and I grin before heading back inside. "Doctor? Star?"
I open the door back up, "oh, what is it now?" I huff teasingly.
"Your baby sister... what was her name?
The Doctor and I both freeze and I wrap my arms around myself tightly as tears well up. "... Rose..." I whisper, my voice breaking as a tear slides down my cheek.
"Her name was Rose," the Doctor breathes out, his voice cracking.
Hurrying back into the TARDIS with the Doctor right behind me, I slump into the jump-seat. Kas puts us in orbit around the Earth before coming to sit by me. "El..." he murmurs cautiously.
I throw my arms around him, nuzzling my face against his neck, "I was going to let it kill me, Kas... I wasn't going to stop," my voice cracks horribly.
"I wouldn't have let it happen, never," he says firmly, wrapping an arm around my waist and burying his other hand in my hair.
"I... think Donna was- was right," I tighten my hold on him. "We need someone to stop us... to s-stop me," I choke out.
"We will find someone... someone good," he promises, kissing my temple as he rubs my back. "I can't lose you like I did after... after the twins," he mutters against my skin.
A/N: another chapter down! Goodbye Donna... until I get to season 4 XD Excited to rewrite Martha into the story and... Star is not doing so great at the moment. Anywho! Thanks for reading and let me know what you think by dropping a comment or a vote! :*
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