*The End of the World*
A/N: was 6380 words, is now 9361! Also, look at Christopher Eccleston being an adorable dork!! Anywho, enjoy!! :*
Rose and I ran away with an alien that has a bigger on the inside, sentient Police Box and it can travel in space and time. It was mad and wonderful and completely unbelievable!
My fingers were entwined with Rose's as we stand by the console, both of us beaming and bouncing with excitement. "Right, then," the Doctor grins, setting down some sort of golden ball that he'd been tossing up and down. "Lizzie and Rose Tyler, you tell me: where do you want to go? Backwards or forwards in time? What's it going to be?" he asks.
"Rose can choose, since she's the baby on board," I grin widely, snorting when Rose whines in protest and nudges me with her hip. "Not really helping your case," I tease and she rolls her eyes.
"Alright, your choice, Rose," the Doctor motions for her to tell him, an amused smile playing on his lips.
"Forwards," Rose beams.
The Doctor presses a few buttons, turns a dial on the console and then smiles over at Rose, "how far?"
"One hundred years," Rose blurts out what was probably the first number that popped in her head.
I watch as the Doctor pulls a lever and rolls some sort of wheel thing... is it how he sets the date? I grip Rose's hand and hold onto the console with my free one when the whole place shakes. The engines stop with a lurch. "There you go," the Doctor smiles. "Step outside those doors, it's the 22nd century," he motions to the door.
Rose and I share a wide-eyed look before looking at the door. "That's just mad," I shake my head with a wide smile.
"You're kidding," Rose laughs.
"That's a bit boring, though," the Doctor smirks. "Do you want to go further?"
"Fine by us!" Rose and I cheer at the same time, giggling afterward.
The Doctor grins at us before starting the engines back up. "Ten-thousand years in the future," he stops the engines with a flourish. "Step outside, it's the year twelve-thousand and five; the New Roman Empire," he smirks.
"You think you're so impressive," Rose teases with a tongue-in-teeth grin, making me snort.
"I am so impressive!" the Doctor pouts.
"Think so, do ya?" I grin, letting go of Rose's hand to lean against the console next to the Doctor, folding my arms. "Why don't you prove it, then?" I bite my lip, watching the Doctor's eyes light up.
"Right, then, you asked for it," he taps my nose, making me wrinkle it with a small giggle and blush. "I know exactly where to go!" he exclaims as he revs up the engines and pumps a lever furiously. "Hold on!" he shouts, pulling a lever down.
Rose and I share a huge smile, both of us holding onto the console for dear life as the place shakes even more. The Doctor lands the TARDIS, dinging a little bell as he does, and then just stands there with a self-satisfied grin. "Where are we?" Rose asks with breathless excitement, looking between the doors and the Doctor, only getting a gesture to the door in reply.
"What's out there?" I ask quietly, getting a more insistent gesture at the door and wink in reply.
Rose and I smile widely and she grabs my hand, yanking me over to the door. The two of us stop at the door and each take a deep breath, mentally preparing ourselves. I squeeze Rose's hand and gently push the door open to see... a room? Really? The future and we're in an ordinary room? I look around to see it was made of a sort of wooden tile, bleacher-like seats on either side of a small set of stairs and on the far wall was a huge rectangular indention. Some sort of viewing window, maybe? I hear the whirring of the Doctor's sonic behind us and the shutters open up. My eyes widen and my breath hitches in my throat. I walk down the stairs slowly, everything else around me fading away. Outside the window was the Earth... we're in space, properly in space! I furrow my eyebrows, though, when I see the sun behind it; how far into the future are we?
"You lot," the Doctor murmurs quietly and I jump slightly, turning to see him coming up behind me. I also notice Rose beside me looking out the window in a similar state of shock. "You spend all your time thinking about dying; like you're going to get killed by eggs or beef or global warming or asteroids," he shakes his head with a small smile, his hands in his jacket pockets. "But you never take time to imagine the impossible... maybe you survive. This is the year 5.5/apple/26," he tells us and I frown slightly at the name. A bit odd, really, but whatever. "Five billion years in your future, this is the day... hold on..." he pauses to look at his watch and he grabs my chin with his other hand gently, moving my face back to the window.
I blush slightly when I realize I had been staring at him as he talked. But my eyes widen when the sun expands and a bright red-orange light shines through the window. I cover my eyes for a moment at the brightness and then walk right up to the window and place my hands on the glass, staring down at the Earth below. "This is the day the sun expands: welcome to the end of the world," the Doctor says softly.
"That's-" I shake my head, completely breathless as I move to where my nose was touching the glass. "It's just... I mean..." I whisper.
"Yeah," the Doctor says and I look up to see his reflection smiling at me and I couldn't help but smile back.
PA - Shuttles five and six now docking. Guests are reminded that Platform One forbids the use of weapons, teleportation and religion. Earth Death is scheduled for 15:39, followed by drinks in the Manchester Suite.
Walking through the corridors I notice two things: one, this place is absolutely massive; and two, there were glass cases lining the walls that have Earth artifacts in them. They had a case full of Elvis records and memorabilia, how mad is that!? "So, when it says 'guests' does that mean people?" Rose's question draws my attention to her and the Doctor, who were a bit ahead of me.
"Depends what you mean by people," the Doctor shrugs as I come up beside Rose.
"I mean people," Rose frowns. "What do you mean?"
"Rose, we're in space, in the future, with an alien," I smile widely, reaching over to grip her hand and grabbing her arm with my other hand. "Pretty sure he means aliens," I snort, making the Doctor laugh.
"Oh, shut up," Rose rolls her eyes, laughing anyway. "What are they doing on board this spaceship? What's it all for?"
"It's not really a spaceship, more like an observation deck," the Doctor shakes his head, stopping at a door that says 'Manchester Suite' above it and he starts to use his sonic on the little panel beside it. "The great and the good are gathering to watch the planet burn," he explains.
"How come?" I ask curiously. "Why would aliens want to watch a planet that isn't theirs die?
"Fun," the Doctor answers as if it should have been obvious.
"Oh, yeah," I scoff, taking my hand from Rose's so I could fold my arms. "Real great and good these aliens are," I roll my eyes, watching the doors open and I snort quietly at the whoosh. It was like Star Trek.
"Mind you, when I said the great and the good, what I mean is: the rich," the Doctor gives me an amused smile
I walk around, looking at the room we were in. It was a large observation room with three windows that were side-by-side and went across the ceiling and down the floor. There was also more glass cases and I smile widely at seeing a copy of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in one. Or if you're an American then it would be Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone; which makes absolutely no sense at all.
"But, hold on," Rose frowns from beside me. "They did this once on News-round Extra, the sun expanding, that takes hundreds of years."
"Millions," I correct, wincing slightly when I realize I'd echoed the Doctor and I stare out the window at the Earth, wrapping my arms around myself.
"But the planet's now property of the National Trust, they've been keeping it preserved," the Doctor continues, folding his arms and I see him eyeing me in the window. "See down there?" he points out the window and I squint, seeing tiny little lights orbiting the Earth.
"Satellites?" I guess, glancing at the Doctor's reflection.
"Gravity satellites," he nods. "That's holding back the sun," he explains.
"Ok, get that," I mutter, my eyebrows furrowing. "But the planet looks exactly the same... wasn't it meant to go back to Pangea by this time? I mean, the continents shift," I frown.
"They did and the trust shifted them back," the Doctor explains. "That's a classic Earth!" he grins, making Rose and I share an amused look. "But now the money's run out, nature takes over!"
"How long has it got?" Rose asks, suddenly a lot less cheerful.
The Doctor looks down at his watch, "about half an hour and the planet gets roasted," he answers with a wide grin, but I frown when I get a pang of grief.
"Is that why we're here?" Rose asks. "I mean, is that what you do? Jump in at the last minute and save the Earth?" she smiles up at the Doctor.
"Like he said: it's nature," I shake my head.
"I'm not saving it, time's up," the Doctor confirms, making Rose's smile falter.
"But what about the people?" Rose asks, frowning down at the Earth.
"I highly doubt the Doctor would bring us here just to watch billions of people get burnt up, Rose," I mutter.
"Exactly," the Doctor gestures to me. "It's empty! They're all gone! All left," he assures her.
"Just Lizzie and me, then," Rose reaches forward to grab my hand and I intertwine our fingers, squeezing her hand.
I feel a hand on my shoulder and glance up at the Doctor's reflection. I send him a small, appreciative smile and he gives my shoulder a gentle squeeze before letting go and shoving his hands in his pockets. "Who the hell are you?" the voice makes me jump about a foot in the air, making Rose snicker.
I turn to see a blue-skinned man - a Crespallian - with cat-like yellow eyes and a light blue gem in the middle of his forehead. He was wearing a tight sliver cap and silver robes and he has black sort of tattoos on his face with leopard spots on his neck. I glare at him for his tone, "oi-" my mouth gets covered and I turn my glare on the Doctor.
"Don't want to offend an alien on your first trip, do you?" he leans down to whisper in my ear with an amused smile and I roll my eyes, ignoring the shiver that runs down my spine at his breath hitting my neck. "That's nice, thanks," he grins at the alien sarcastically, taking his hand from my mouth.
"But how did you get in?" Blue eyes the three of us. "This is a maximum hospitality zone! The guests have disembarked! They're on their way any second now!" he exclaims, beginning to panic.
"That's me, I'm a guest, look! I've got an invitation!" the Doctor smiles as he pulls out a small leather wallet and shows it to Blue. "Look, there you see? It's fine, see? The Doctor, plus two; I'm the Doctor and this is Lizzie and Rose Tyler," he points to us as he says our name. "They're my pluses, that alright?"
Blue's eyes widen as he stares at the wallet, "well... obviously," he splutters and I lean forward to look at the wallet, frowning when I just see a blank card. "Apologies, et cetera... if you're on board, we'd better start; enjoy," he smiles and the Doctor nods with a grin as Blue walks off.
"The paper's slightly psychic," the Doctor waves it my face before slipping it in his pocket. "Shows them whatever I want them to see. Saves a lot of time," he explains.
"Nice, but it was blank... is it cause the message was for him?" I ask and the Doctor just stares down at me. "What?" I frown slightly when I feel a pang of grief that wasn't my own.
"He's blue," Rose cuts in faintly, staring at Blue and snapping the Doctor out of whatever he was in. What the hell's up with him?
"Yeah," the Doctor nods, smiling down at her.
"Ok..." Rose mutters, deciding to just go with it and I squeeze her hand supportively.
There was the sound of feedback and I look to see Blue standing behind a podium. "We have in attendance; the Doctor, Lizzie Tyler and Rose Tyler," he announces as he smiles, waving at us. The Doctor grins widely, waving back while I give a shy wave and Rose looks really unsure but smiles all the same. "Thank you! All staff to their positions," he claps and a lot of little blue people start scurrying about.
I lean over to Rose, "they look like Oompa-Loompas," I whisper, giggling slightly and making her giggle as well.
"Hurry now! Thank you, as quick as we can! Come along, come along!" Blue orders the little staff people. "And now, might I introduce the next honored guests; representing the forest of Cheem, we have Trees. Namely, Jabe, Lute and Coffa," he introduces and a beautiful tree-woman in a golden and red gown comes in flanked by two tree-men in all black. "There will be an exchange of gifts representing peace; if you can keep the room circulating, thank you... next, from the solicitors Jolco and Jolco, the Moxx of Balhoon," another blue alien comes in, not a Crespallian, on a hoverchair of some sorts.
I glance at Rose to see how she's taking everything and I squeeze her hand, pulling her closer when I see her absolutely shocked expression. Rose intertwines our fingers, tightening her grasp on my hand as more and more aliens are introduced.
"And next, from Financial Family Seven, we have the Adherents of the Repeated Meme," several cloaked figures enter the room and the Doctor chuckles quietly from beside Rose and me. "The inventors of hyp-slip travel systems: the brothers Hop Pyleen. Thank you!" aliens that sort of look like lizards with fur coats enter. "Cal 'Spark Plug'," two robots with cloaks and huge hoods enter. "Mr. and Mrs. Pakoo."
"And they look like skeksis from The Dark Crystal..." I whisper to Rose, quietly giggling and the Doctor snorts loudly, making me blush slightly. I didn't mean for him to hear.
"The Ambassadors from the City State of Binding Light," aliens with large heads and ears and small, black eyes enter.
My attention is drawn to Jabe approaching us with Lute and Coffa on either side of her. "The Gift of Peace," Jabe smiles, taking a shoot from one of the trays her companions were holding. "I bring you a cutting of my grandfather," she hands the little plant to the Doctor.
"That's very lovely, thank you," I smile shyly and Jabe sends me a warm smile back.
"Thank you," the Doctor grins, handing the plant to Rose. "Yes, gifts... um..." he clears his throat as he pats down his jacket and Rose and I share an amused look. "I give you in return: air from my lungs," he leans down and blows gently onto Jabe's face, who closes her eyes briefly.
I raise my eyebrow when Jabe eyes the Doctor up, "how... intimate," she murmurs breathlessly.
"There's more where that came from," the Doctor smirks and I give an inaudible scoff, looking away and ignoring the small pull in my chest.
"I bet there is..." Jabe smirks right back, eyeing the Doctor again before she walks away.
"Really?" I look up at the Doctor, ignoring Rose's slight smirk. "'Air from my lungs'?" I mock his accent teasingly, making Rose giggle from my other side. "You're a regular Casanova, aren't you?" I snicker.
"Oi," the Doctor pouts and I bite my lip to keep from laughing at his adorably offended expression. "You come up with a gift then," he narrows his eyes at me.
"Oh, no," I shake my head, grinning widely. "Yours is absolutely perfect... Lothario," I giggle and the Doctor rolls his eyes, folding his arms with his lips twitching up.
"Sponsor of the main event, please welcome the Face of Boe," Blue's voice catches my attention and I look to see a huge cylindrical tank being pushed in with an equally huge head inside that has what looks like dreads hanging from it. Ok... that's not something I've ever seen before.
"The Moxx of Balhoon," the Doctor greets with a wide grin when he approaches us on his hoverchair.
"My felicitations on this historical happenstance," Moxx nods in a surprisingly squeaky voice.
"To you as well," I give him a shy smile.
"I give you the gift of bodily saliva," he replies, hocking spit into Rose's eye and I nearly choke on a laugh, covering my mouth.
"Thank you very much," the Doctor chokes out around his own laughter before Moxx glides off.
I take one look at Rose's disgusted expression as she wipes the spit from her eye and lose it, having to hold onto the Doctor's arm to keep from falling. Rose glares at me and punches my shoulder, making me whine and rub at the sore spot, not noticing the Doctor's grimace as he squirms a bit.
"Ah! The Adherents of the Repeated Meme!" the Doctor beams when they approach next. "I bring you air from my lungs," he breathes heavily on them and I snort loudly.
The Doctor nudges my side with his hand. I jump away with a slight squeak when it tickles, making Rose and the Doctor shake with laughter. I pout, folding my arms as my cheeks burn and Rose rolls her eyes with a smile, nudging me with her hip. "A gift of peace in all good faith," the Adherent in front of the group holds out his large metal hand to give the Doctor a metal ball that he takes and tosses in the air before handing it over to Rose.
"And last but not least, our very special guest," Blue gets everyone's attention. "Ladies and Gentlemen, and Trees and Multi-forms. Consider the Earth below. In memory of this dying world, we call forth the Last Human."
I perk up a little, interested to see what humans have become over the last five billion years. My jaw drops to the floor when wheeled in is a sheet... an actual sheet of skin stretched so thin I could see the veins pulsing and it was flanked by two men dressed in head-to-toe hospital whites. How... why would someone do something like that to themselves? I look over the skin and there were eyes and a mouth and a small tank underneath the frame with a brain in it. I cover my mouth as my stomach churns, really hoping that I don't throw up.
"The Lady Cassandra O'Brien Dot Delta Seventeen," Blue introduces.
"Oh, now, don't stare," the sheet... Casandra smiles. "I know, I know it's shocking, isn't it? I've had my chin completely taken away and look at the difference! Look how thin I am!" she laughs and I reach for someone's hand... the Doctor's, I think, given the size difference and I feel a gentle squeeze in return, but I couldn't look away from Cassandra. "Thin and dainty! I don't look a day over two thousand! Moisturize me, Moisturize me," she orders and one of the men with her uses a spray canister to spray... something on Cassandra. "Truly, I am the Last Human," she smirks.
"Are you alright?" the Doctor whispering in my ear makes me jump slightly and I tighten my grip on his hand.
"F-fine..." I stutter, blushing and pulling my hand from his, shoving both of mine in my jacket pockets.
I notice that Rose wasn't beside me anymore, but walking slowly over to Cassandra with a sick expression. "My father was a Texan, my mother was from the Arctic Desert," Cassandra continues. "They were born on the Earth and were the last to be buried in the soil. I have come to honor them and..." she sniffs loudly and I raise an eyebrow; it sounded extremely fake. "Oh, no tears," one of the men wipe her eyes with a tissue. "No tears... I'm sorry, but behold! I bring gifts! From Earth itself, the last remaining ostrich egg," she announces as a little staff person comes in, showing the crowd a fossilized egg. "Legend says it had a wingspan of fifty feet and blew fire from its nostrils," she explains and I couldn't help the incredulous snort that comes out, making the Doctor send me an amused smile. "Or was that my third husband?" she jokes, making the Doctor laugh and me roll my eyes. "Who knows!? Oh, don't laugh! I'll get laughter lines!" she laughs, mumbling 'have mercy' under breath. "And here, another rarity," she smiles when a jukebox is rolled in my two more staff people. "According to the archives, this was called an iPod; it stores classical music from humanity's greatest composers," she tells the crowd and I furrow my eyebrows. Does history really get that muddled? Well... I guess it always has. "Play on!" she orders and a staff person presses play.
The record falls into place and the 'iPod' starts to play Tainted Love by Soft Cell. I glance at the Doctor to see him bopping his head to the music and I giggle, beginning to sway around a bit, making him laugh with me. "Refreshments will now be served. Earth Death in thirty minutes," Blue announces.
I search the mingling crowd for Rose, wanting to check on her and share the fact that we were in the future with her. I finally find her, looking around at all of the aliens with wide eyes. "Rose!" I call after her when she bolts for the door, looking completely overwhelmed. "Dammit," I mutter, going to follow her, but a call of 'Doctor' from behind makes me pause.
I turn to see Jabe hold up some sort of device in her hands and a light flashes at the Doctor. Was that a picture or some sort of scan? I shake my head; now's not the time to be worrying about that. I go over to the Doctor, "can you help me find Rose? She ran off and I don't really fancy getting lost in this place."
"Humans, always wandering off," the Doctor shakes his head, leading me out of the Manchester Suite and I roll my eyes at the jab to humans. "Come on, then, let's find your sister," he grins.
PA - Would the owner of the blue box in private gallery fifteen please report to the steward's office immediately. Guests are reminded that use of all teleportation devices is strictly forbidden under Peace Treaty 5.4/cup/16. Thank you!
After speaking to Blue, a group of staff was moving the TARDIS down the corridor. "Oi, now, careful with that!" the Doctor calls after them as he watches with his arms folded. "Park it properly! No scratches!"
A staff person walks up to the Doctor, squeaks up at him - which was completely adorable - hands him a card and walks off to follow the others. The Doctor looks down at the card incredulously and I lean over to read 'Have a nice day' scrawled on it, making me snort. The Doctor rolls his eyes and shoves the card in his pocket before we head off to look for Rose.
"So... Doctor," I mutter, rubbing my arm and he hums in response, pausing to face me. "Have any idea why one of the creatures my dreams exists and attacked London?" I ask, staring at the ground. Talking about my dreams was the worst, even if I did feel I could trust the Doctor... people thought I was mad enough with my rambling episodes.
The Doctor puts a finger under my chin, making me look up at him and my cheeks burn, "I don't know," he shakes his head, his eyebrows furrowing as he gets out his sonic and starts to scan me.
"Ya know... you could have asked before sonicking me," I tease, biting my lip. "Or at least bought me dinner first," I smirk.
"I'll remember that next time," the Doctor smirks back, making me snort loudly and his smirk turns to a grin. "The things you dream about are real; though, I don't know why you'd be dreaming about them," he mutters, looking at the results of his scan. "You're Human... is there anything else?"
I wrap my arm around my waist, trying to make myself smaller, "well, sometimes... I know things I shouldn't," I mutter, not looking at the Doctor as I start to walk again.
"What things?" the Doctor asks curiously, stepping up beside him.
"Stuff at school... a basic idea of how the TARDIS flies... and... when you were telling Rose and me about what TARDIS stands for, I knew," I bite my lip, glancing at the Doctor to see him looking ahead intensely with his arms folded. "I knew before you told us..."
"How did you know?"
"It was like a whisper... a whisper in my head telling me the answer..." I trail off, blushing as tears prickle my eyes. "That makes me sound completely mental," I give a watery laugh, turning my head away to discreetly wipe my eyes.
"Have you had contact with any alien life-forms or technology?" the Doctor asks, either ignoring or not noticing my tears; both were fine with me.
"Nope, only you," I shake my head, hearing him laugh quietly. "Rose!" I call into a room as we walk by. "I hope she's alright... she looked really overwhelmed when she ran out," I sigh.
"I'm sure she's ok," the Doctor reaches over to squeeze my shoulder. "She handled me being an alien with a box that's bigger on the inside just fine," he smiles.
"Yeah, but you don't look like an alien, you just look like some bloke," I roll my eyes.
"I'm not 'some bloke'," the Doctor shakes his head with an amused smile.
"So? You still look like one," I retort and he rolls his eyes this time. "Those aliens look like proper aliens," I say and he snorts loudly, making me smile.
"Rose? Are you in there?" the Doctor calls into what feels like the millionth room we've searched. "Aye aye!" he grins, grabbing my hand and making me squeak quietly as he yanks me into the viewing room.
I smile widely when I see Rose sat on one of the bleachers and rush over to sit beside her, "you had me worried!" I slap her arm, making her yelp, before I pull her into a tight hug. "You alright?" I pull away, brushing some hair behind her ear.
"Fine," she lies straight to my face, folding her arms, and I raise an eyebrow at that.
"What do you think, then?" the Doctor asks eagerly, sitting on the opposite side of Rose and me.
"Great! Yeah... fine," Rose mutters, still completely lying. "Once you get past the slightly psychic paper..." she sighs, making the Doctor laugh and me raise my eyebrow higher. "They're just... so alien," she admits and the Doctor looks at her questioningly while I sigh, leaning back on my hands. "The aliens are so alien," she elaborates and his expression doesn't change. "You look at 'em... and they're alien," she explains and I send the Doctor an 'I told you so' look, making him roll his eyes.
"Good thing I didn't take you to the Deep South," the Doctor jokes, making me laugh quietly.
"Where are you from?" Rose asks suddenly, looking up at the Doctor.
I look over at him curiously, wondering about the wave of grief and guilt that once again washes over me. I really need to figure out what the hell that was about. It only happened after I met the Doctor... after he had helped me get the Auton arm off me.
"All over the place," the Doctor's nonchalant answer snaps me from my thoughts and I frown slightly; why didn't he want us to know?
"They all speak English," Rose comments.
"Yeah... I noticed that, too," my eyebrows furrowed. "Guess I was just so caught up in everything I forgot to ask," I shake my head.
"You just hear English," the Doctor leans back on his elbow and I eye him a bit, my cheeks going beet red when he sends me a wink. "It's a gift of the TARDIS; telepathic field, gets inside your brain and translates," he explains with a slight smirk.
"Oh, that's cool! Now I don't have to worry about learning new languages," I smile, kicking my feet. "Does it do Human languages as well? Like, could we go to Spain or something and hear Spanish?" I ask curiously.
"Yeah," the Doctor chuckles.
"It's inside my brain?" Rose cuts in, her voice slightly cold, making me frown.
"Well, in a good way," the Doctor shrugs, not seeming to realize her tone.
"Your machine gets inside my head; it gets inside and it changes my mind, and you didn't even ask?" Rose asks, glaring at the Doctor slightly.
"I didn't think about it like that," he mutters, taken aback by her attitude.
"No! You were too busy thinking up cheap shots about the Deep South!"
"Rose, calm down," I put my hand on her shoulder.
Rose shrugs me off, turning to face the Doctor fully, "who are you, then, Doctor? What are you called? What sort of alien are you?" her voice raises with each question.
The Doctor sits up, looking away, and I wince at the strong wave of grief that washes over me, "I'm just the Doctor," he murmurs quietly.
"From what planet?" Rose demands, either not noticing or not caring about the dark expression on the Doctor's face.
"Well, it's not as if you'll know where it is!"
"Where are you from!?"
"What does it matter?"
"Tell me who you are!"
I feel a strong rush of anger run through me, making me gasp softly as I sit up and grab my head in my hands. "This is who I am, right here, right now, alright!? All that counts is here and now, and this is me!" the Doctor shouts, slamming his hand down.
"Yeah, and I'm here, too because you brought Lizzie and me here, so just tell me!"
"Stop it, the both of you!" I finally shout, drawing my knees up and rubbing my temples as they go quiet.
I wince when the feeling of grief gets more potent and with a small pang of guilt. What the hell is going on with me!? I hear footsteps and look up to see the Doctor heading down the steps. I watch as he stares out the window with his arms folded. Rose has her arms folded as well and was glaring at the floor.
PA - Earth Death in twenty minutes. Earth Death in twenty minutes.
I nudge Rose and give her a pointed look when she glances at me, "go make up with him, now," I mouth.
Rose rolls her eyes and I jab her side, making her yelp and glare at me while she rubs her side. I nod to the Doctor, narrowing my eyes at her and she huffs, getting up and walking down the steps. "Alright... as my mate Shareen says... don't argue with the designated driver," she mutters and gets her mobile out, making me smile. "Can't exactly call for a taxi, there's no signal... we're a bit out of range," she holds it up.
"Just a bit," I snort loudly, getting up and walking down to stand beside Rose.
"Tell you what..." the Doctor mutters, reaching over and takes Rose's phone. "With a little bit of jiggery-pokery," he takes the back off.
I smile widely, leaning over to watch the Doctor, "is that a technical term, 'jiggery-pokery'?"
"Yeah, I came first in jiggery-pokery," the Doctor smirks, glancing at me. "What about you?"
"Nah, she failed hullabaloo," Rose teases, making me snort loudly.
"Ooh," the Doctor nods, sending me a wink when I giggle. "There you go," he hands Rose her mobile back. "Now you," he turns to me with his hand out, wiggling his fingers.
"Mum?" Rose's eyes widen.
My own eyes widen and I hand the Doctor my phone, walking over to Rose. I pull her down to my height so I could listen in and my eyes widen further when I hear mum on the other end. "Oh, what is it? What's wrong? What I have now? Oh, this red top's falling to bits! You should get your money back!" mum rambles, making Rose and me laugh. "Is Lizzie there? What are you doing, sweetheart... did it happen again?" she asks softly and I bite my lip when I realize it must be a time that I'm meant to be at Uni.
"No... I just had a free period," I mutter, wrapping my arms around my waist.
"You alright, though?" Rose cuts in.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" mum asks, probably thinking we've gone mad, or that we're drunk.
"What day is it?" I ask curiously.
"Wednesday, all day, you got a hangover?" mum asks me.
"Mum!" I half-groan, half-laugh.
"Oh, Rose, I tell you what," mum ignores me, making me roll my eyes when Rose snickers. "Put a quid in that lottery syndicate, I'll pay you back later."
"Yeah, um, I was just calling cause..." Rose trails off.
"We might be late home," I put in.
"Is there something wrong?" mum asks, suddenly worried.
"No! We're fine!" I assure her quickly.
"Top of the world!" Rose adds, making the Doctor and I laugh.
Rose lowers the phone when mum hangs up and we turn to the Doctor, both with wide eyes and opened mouths. "Think that's amazing, you want to see the bill," he smirks, handing me my own phone while I roll my eyes, shoving it in my pocket.
"That was five billion years ago," Rose mutters and I turn to see her looking a bit pale. "So... she's dead now; five billion years later, our mum's dead," she bites her lip and I wrap my arms around her tightly.
"Bundle of laughs, you are," the Doctor rolls his eyes, making me snort quietly and I feel Rose shake with laughter.
The whole station shakes suddenly and I tighten my arms around Rose to keep her from falling. "That's not supposed to happen..." the Doctor tilts his head with a small smile.
I pull away from Rose and shake my head with my own small smile, "why do I get the feeling you like when things go wrong?"
"Probably because I do," the Doctor grins widely, making me giggle as he grabs my hand, dragging me from the room and I was quick to grab Rose's hand so she was dragged as well.
PA- Honored guests may be reassured that gravity pockets may cause slight turbulence, thanking you.
Back in the Manchester Suite, everyone has gathered around and were murmuring quietly among themselves. Rose and I were stood beside the Doctor, who was using his sonic to get access into a control panel next to the doors. "That wasn't a gravity pocket," the Doctor scoffs. "I know gravity pockets and they don't feel like that," he shakes his head and I notice Jabe approach us.
"Hi, I don't think we were properly introduced earlier: Lizzie Tyler," I smile, shaking her hand. "I absolutely love your dress," I gush over it.
"Jabe, pleasure, and thank you," she smiles kindly.
"What do you think, Jabe?" the Doctor cuts in, turning to her with his arms folded. "Listened to the engines? They pitched up about thirty Hertz! Is that dodgy or what?"
"It's the sound of metal, it doesn't make any sense to me," Jabe retorts.
"Where's the engine room?" the Doctor asks.
"I don't know... but the maintenance duct is just behind our guest suite," Jabe tells him and then eyes Rose and me. "I could show you and... your wives," she gestures to us and I frown when I get a wave of grief. Ok, I really need to figure this out.
"They're not my wives," the Doctor shakes his head.
Rose and I share an incredulous look. Who the hell does she think she is? I regret complimenting her dress...
"Prostitutes..." Jabe eyes us with a small smirk.
"Alright, listen, you overgrown fern-" I snarl, making Jabe's eyes widen and I hear the Doctor snort loudly from beside me.
"Whatever we are," Rose cuts in, putting her hand on my shoulder to stop me. "It must be invisible, do you mind?" she glares at Jabe. "Tell you what: you two go and pollinate," she wrinkles her nose in disgust between Jabe and the Doctor. "We're going to catch up with the family," she loops her arm through mine. "Quick word with Michael Jackson," she starts to pull me off toward Cassandra.
"Don't start a fight, girls!" the Doctor calls after us.
I huff, turning to tell him off when Rose wraps her arm around my waist and covers my mouth with her hand. I glare at the thoroughly amused Doctor, who was biting his lip to keep from laughing, Jabe looking a little bit frightened. "We want you home by midnight," Rose narrows her eyes at him playfully.
The Doctor sends us a wink and holds his arm out to Jabe, "I'm all yours," he smirks and I roll my eyes, looking away when I feel a small pull in my chest as Jabe takes his arm and they walk out together.
PA - Earth Death in fifteen minutes. Earth Death in fifteen minutes.
"How nice of the computer to keep us informed," I roll my eyes, making Rose snort quietly.
The two of us had been talking to Cassandra by the window. It was so beautiful, yet so sad that the Earth was dying and there was nothing we could do about it. "Soon, the sun will blossom into a red giant, and my home will die," Cassandra sighs. "That's where I used to live when I was little boy, down there," she tells us and Rose and I share a confused look at the 'boy' part. "Mummy and daddy had a little house built into the side of the Los Angeles Crevice; I had such fun," she sighs nostalgically.
"What happened to everyone else? The Human Race; where did it go?" Rose asks.
"They say Mankind has touched every star in the sky," Cassandra replies.
"So... you're not the Last Human," I point out, leaning against the window and folding my arms.
"I am the last pure Human," she retorts. "The others... mingled," she mutters disgustedly. "Oh, they call themselves 'New Humans' and 'Proto-humans' and 'Digi-humans', even 'Human-ish' but you know what I call them?" she asks. "Mongrels," she whispers.
"Yeah, and you did what? Stayed behind, stayed one hundred percent 'Human'," I roll my eyes.
"I kept myself pure," Cassandra narrows her eyes.
"Right, sorry, my mistake," I snort. "How many operations have you had?"
"Seven hundred and eight," she replies and I wrinkle my nose in disgust. "Next week, it's seven hundred and nine, I'm having my blood bleached," she informs us and Rose covers her mouth, looking ill. "Is that why you wanted a word? You could be flatter, Lizzie, and Rose, you've got a little bit of a chin poking out," she tells us 'helpfully'.
"I'd rather die," I scoff, glaring.
"Honestly, it doesn't hurt..." Cassandra tries to convince me.
"No, I mean it, I'd rather die," I grind out. "It's better to live and be happy with how you look then wind up like you-"
"A bitchy trampoline," Rose glares, making my lips twitch up.
"Oh, well, what do you two know," Cassandra glares between us.
"A hell of a lot more than you, apparently," I scoff..
"I was born on that planet, and so was Lizzie and my boyfriend, and so was our mum, and so was our dad," Rose folds her arms. "That makes us officially the last Human Beings in this room; cause you're not Human. You've had it all nipped and tucked and flattened till there's nothing left. Anything Human got chucked in the bin," she wrinkles her nose as she eyes Cassandra. "You're just skin, Cassandra; lipstick and skin," she shakes her head. "Nice talking," she rolls her eyes, grabbing my hand and pulling me away and out of the room.
"Nice speech," I smile, swinging our joined hands between us as we walk down the corridor. "I don't think I've ever been more proud of my baby sister," I tease.
"Thanks," Rose laughs, intertwining our fingers and nudging me with her shoulder.
"So, you alright now, with the aliens and everything?" I ask.
"Yeah, I'm fine, just got a bit overwhelmed," she smiles, squeezing my hand.
"Good, I was worried when you ran off," I mutter, tucking a hair behind my ear with my free hand.
"I was fine, had a lovely conversation with a twig," Rose informs me, making me laugh.
"And people say I'm mad," I snort.
"So, you fancy the Doctor?" she asks suddenly.
"What?" I squeak, coming to a stop and causing Rose to stop as well. "N-no! Why would you... I d-don't-" I stutter, my voice becoming high and my cheeks burning bright red.
"Calm down," Rose laughs at my face. "I'm only teasing," she pokes my red cheek. "You would be good together though," she tilts her head with a thoughtful expression.
"I'm not discussing this," I shake my head, starting to walk again.
"Oh, come on! I know you think he's fit," she winks at me with a tongue-in-teeth grin, wiggling her eyebrows.
"You're a horrible sister," I mutter, bumping her with my hip and making her yelp when she almost falls.
"I'm a brilliant sister," she tosses her hair over her shoulder, making me giggle.
"Meh," I shrug, smirking.
"Bitch!" she gasps, letting go of my hand and shoving me playfully.
I go to shove her back when the Adherents come around the corner. Rose and I stand straight, both putting our hands behind our backs as we try not to laugh. "Hi... we were just..." I mutter, biting my lip and pinching Rose's back when she snickers.
My eyes widen, though, when the one if front uses his big arm to hit Rose over the head. I stumble back when she falls to the floor unconscious and glare at the Adherents with angry tears in my eyes. "Oi, you can't do-" my sentence is cut off when I feel a sharp pain in the back of my head and everything goes black.
I blink rapidly, feeling very groggy, and I hear a faint alarm. I look around to see that I was in a viewing room and Rose was beside me, slowly sitting up and I shoot up. "Rose? Rose!" I cup her face in my hands, looking her over. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah... I think so," she frowns, reaching up and rubbing the back of her head and wincing. "Are you? Where the hell are we?" she looks around.
"I'm fine," I mutter, feeling my own head and hissing in pain. "We're in a viewing room..."
PA - Sun-filter descending. Sun-filter descending.
I look at the window and it was slowly starting to open, ridiculously bright sunlight shining through. My eyes widen and I stand, helping Rose to her feet, and we run to the door. The two of us beat on the door frantically, "let us out," we scream.
PA - Sun-filter descending.
"Let us out! Let us out!"
"Anyone in there?" I hear the Doctor on the other side of the door and I slump in slight relief.
"Let us out!" Rose and I scream.
"Oh, well, it would be you two," he says as I feel a wave of horror wash over me.
"Oi, don't be an arse! Just open the door!" I shout, kicking the door.
"Hold on! Give us two ticks!" the Doctor yells back.
I look back and the filter is still coming down, the sun rays burning the wall and causing the whole room to smoke. The room was becoming very hot, very quickly.
PA - Sun-filter descending. Sun-filter descending. Sun-filter rising. Sun-filter rising. Sun-filter rising...
I sigh, leaning against the wall when the filter begins to lift and pull a shaking Rose into my arms.
PA - Sun-filter descending.
"Brilliant," I groan and Rose whimpers, burying her face in my neck as she clutches onto me.
"This is just what we need! The computer's getting clever!" the Doctor groans from the other side of the door and I hear a bang beside it, hissing when a sharp pain runs through the side of my left hand.
"Will you stop mucking about!" Rose shouts, still shaking in my arms.
"I'm not mucking about, it's fighting back!" he retorts.
"Open the damn door!" I yell.
"Hang on!"
The sun-filter comes down even more and I pull Rose down the stairs. The two of us get down and I cover her with my body, closing my eyes and burying my face against her shoulder. "The locks melted!" I shout to the Doctor.
PA - Sun-filter descending. Sun-filter descending... Sun-filter rising. Sun-filter rising.
I laugh, relieved, as I sit back on my heels. Rose sits up and I pull her into a tight hug, taking deep breaths as I stroke her hair. "The whole thing's jammed!" the Doctor calls to us. "I can't open the doors! Stay there! Don't move!"
"Well, that's really great, isn't it!?" I shout, rolling my eyes.
"Where're we gonna go!? Ipswich!?" Rose squeaks and I snort loudly, squeezing her against me. "Lizzie... can't breathe," she chokes out.
"Don't care this time," I mutter, burying my face against her neck and she sighs, tightening her hold on me.
Rose and I were sitting on the stairs, leaning against each other. "I hope the Doctor can get us out soon..." Rose mutters, wrapping her hand around my arm.
"He will," I mutter back, completely confident in the Doctor.
"How do you trust him so much already?" Rose looks at me. "We barely know him..."
"I don't know," I shrug, snorting when Rose's head bobs up and down with the movement. "But he has been pretty useful so far," I smile.
PA - Earth Death in five minutes.
"Yeah, I guess he has," Rose smiles, poking me in the side playfully and I squeak when it tickles.
PA - Heat rising. Heat rising. Heat critical. Heat critical.
I was sweating like mad and the glass of the window was beginning to crack. Rose and I were pressed against the wall by the door; her in my arms and shaking, me with my eyes wide.
PA - Shields malfunctioning. Shields malfunctioning.
Rays of sun blast through the cracks, making Rose scream and flinch in my arms as it burns holes in parts of the walls they hit. I scream, tightening my hold on Rose when one hits close to where we're standing.
PA - Earth Death in nine... eight... seven... six...
"I love you," I mutter, closing my eyes as I bury my face against Rose's hair, kissing her head.
PA - Four... three...
"I love you, too," Rose replies, tightening her arms around me.
PA - One... Exoglass repair. Exoglass repair.
I open my eyes to see the glass being automatically repaired and I slump down to the floor, bringing Rose down with me. Tears well up in my eyes and I hold Rose even closer as she lets out a relieved sob, clutching onto me. "Shh... we're alive, it's alright," I murmur, stroking her hair.
Rose and I enter the Manchester Suite, our hands entwined. My heart aches as I look around, so many of the guests were injured or either dead; Moxx's hoverchair with a pile of ashes on it. I go over to the corner and rub circles into the back of Rose's hand with my thumb, trying to calm her. Movement catches my eye and I look to see the Doctor coming in the room. He glances at Rose and I and I see his shoulders slump a bit, but he doesn't stop. I frown, feeling a wave of grief and guilt, and watch him walk over to Lute and Coffa. The Doctor places his hands on their shoulders and murmurs a few words to them. I put my free hand over my mouth when they burst into tears and the Doctor pushes them gently to each other... Jabe... she didn't make it. The Doctor comes back over to Rose and me, his face dark and closed off.
"You alright?" I ask worriedly, letting go of Rose's hand to place it on the Doctor's arm.
"Yeah, I'm fine," he shrugs me off and I wince at a strong wave of anger that rushes over me. No, more than anger... rage. "I'm full of ideas, I'm bristling with them," he grinds out. "Idea number one, teleportation through five thousand degrees needs some kind of feed; idea number two, this feed must be hidden nearby," he strides over to the ostrich egg, breaks it open and the teleportation feed falls out; he picks it up. "Idea number three, if you're as clever as me, then a teleportation feed can be reversed," he twists the feed.
Cassandra shimmers into existence before us, apparently in the middle of gloating, "ah, you should have seen their little alien faces-" she stops and her smile falters when she sees where she's at. "Oh..." and I pull Rose behind me, realizing that whatever happened with the shields, it was Cassandra's fault.
"The Last Human," the Doctor glares and I get an even stronger wave of rage, making me bite my lip to stop from crying out in pain at the feeling in my head.
Was that...? Am I feeling emotions from the Doctor? How the hell is that even possible? Is it what I've been feeling this whole time? And what about the random pains that aren't mine? Can he feel it as well?
"So... you passed my little test... bravo! This makes you eligible to join the um... the Human Club," Cassandra tries.
"People have died, Cassandra," the Doctor grinds out.
"You murdered them," I glare, completely disgusted with 'the Last Human'.
"That depends on your definition of 'people'," Cassandra retorts, glaring between the Doctor and I. "And that's enough of a technicality to keep your lawyers dizzy for centuries. Take me to court then, Doctor! And watch me smile, and cry, and flutter-"
"And creak?" the Doctor interrupts.
"And what?" Cassandra asks, confused.
"Creak! You're creaking," I inform her.
Cassandra's skin starts to become tighter and tighter, her eyes becoming bloodshot while her skin gets whiter. "What?" Cassandra shrieks, looking around frantically. "Ah! Ah! I'm drying out! Oh, sweet heavens! Moisturize me! Moisturize me! Where are my surgeons? My lovely boys! It's too hot!" she panics.
"You raised the temperature," the Doctor reminds her coldly, still with a closed off expression.
"Have pity! Moisturize me! Oh, Doctor!" Cassandra screams.
"Help her," Rose whispers shakily, reaching out and placing her hand on the Doctor's arm.
I glance at him before looking back a the paling Cassandra. What she did was wrong... but did it mean she deserved to die? Did the Doctor even have the right to make that call? "Everything has its time and everything dies," the Doctor replies in an eerily calm voice that sends an unpleasant shudder through me and I scoot a little closer to Rose.
"I'm... too... young!" Cassandra screams as she explodes and I flinch back at the blood and... other things.
The Doctor stares at her empty frame emotionlessly before walking out of the room without a word. I rub my temples at the strong mixture of emotions that was rushing through me and tears well up in my eyes. What happened to the Doctor to make him so cold and without mercy?
PA - Shuttles four and six departing. This unit now closing down for maintenance.
Rose and I were standing in front of the window in the Manchester Suite; everyone was gone apart from us. I have an arm around Rose's shoulders and she has her arms around my waist, her head on my shoulder as we stare out the window. The Earth was gone, nothing but rocks slowly floating in empty space. My chest was tight as I try not to let my tears fall. I hear footsteps from behind us and see the Doctor step up beside me, but I don't look at him, a pang of hurt and guilt hitting me.
"The end of the Earth," Rose whispers thickly, tightening her hold on me and I reach up to stroke her hair. "It's gone and we were too busy saving ourselves, no one saw it go," she sniffles. "All those years... all that history and no one as even looking... it's just-" her voice cracks and I look down, a few tears streaming down my cheeks.
"Come with me," the Doctor says softly, holding a hand out to each of us.
Rose lets go of me and takes his hand, but I look at the other hesitantly. I glance up at the Doctor to see him looking down at me with a sincere and encouraging smile. His eyes are unreadable, though; those damned eyes that hold so much pain and so many secrets. I sigh and take his hand, letting him pull Rose and me to the TARDIS. The three of us enter and I walk up the ramp, "hi, girl," I stroke the console, smiling slightly when I get a soft hum in response.
The Doctor lands us and leads Rose and me outside. I look around, my eyes widening at the fact that we were in modern-day London. "You think it'll last forever," the Doctor says from beside me. "People and cars and concrete... but it won't... one day, it's all gone... even the sky," he looks up and the pain of grief and guilt grow stronger, making me wince. "My planet's gone," he tells us, his voice barely a whisper and I gasp softly, reaching over and taking his hand in mine, feeling him clutch onto it. "It's dead... it burned like the Earth... it's just rocks and dust; before it's time..."
"What happened?" Rose asks hesitantly, reaching over and grasping his other hand.
"There was a war and we lost," the Doctor answers, intertwining his fingers with mine and tightening his hold on my hand.
"A war with who?" Rose asks, but the Doctor stays silent this time as a wave of white-hot rage washes over me, making me wince. "What about your people?" she asks softly.
"I'm a Time Lord... I'm the last of the Time Lords," he whispers.
I wince when a sharp pain shoots through my head. Time Lord... why does that sound familiar? My hand absently reaches up to my necklace chain and I roll the cold metal between my fingers. I shake my head when my mind goes a bit fuzzy and I forget what I was thinking about.
"They're all gone," the Doctor continues and I squeeze his hand comfortingly. "I'm the only survivor; I'm left traveling on my own because there's no one else..."
"There's me," Rose smiles at him, wrapping her free hand around his arm.
"And me," I smile, nudging him with my hip.
"You've seen how dangerous it is," the Doctor looks between us seriously. "Do you want to go home?"
"Nope," I pop the 'p' and he smiles down at me.
Rose, however, looks at him for a few seconds, "I don't know... I want- oh!" she beams suddenly, making the Doctor and I frown in confusion as she sniffs the air. "Can you smell chips?"
I sniff the air, my stomach growling when I smell them, "yeah!" I laugh.
The Doctor sniffs the air as well, laughing, "yeah... yeah!"
"I want chips," Rose smiles.
"Me too," the Doctor snorts. "Lizzie?" he grins at me.
"I could go for some chips, yeah," I smile widely.
"Right, then," Rose nods, having come to a decision apparently. "Before you get me back in that box, chips it is, and you can pay," she pats the Doctor's chest.
"No money," the Doctor shrugs.
"What sort of date are you? I take back what I said about you being a Casanova if you can't even treat Rose and me to chips," I narrow my eyes at him playfully, ignoring Rose's sly smirk.
"Come on, then, tightwad," Rose gives the Doctor a tongue-in-teeth grin as she starts to drag us down the road.
The Doctor grins between us as the three of us laugh. "I'm paying," I tell them. "And hurry it up! We've only got five billion years before the shops close!"
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